外研版(三起)六上Module 9-Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building -教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:401b6).doc

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外研版(三起)六上Module 9-Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building -教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:401b6).doc_第1页
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外研版(三起)六上Module 9-Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building -教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:401b6).doc_第2页
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外研版(三起)六上Module 9-Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building -教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:401b6).doc_第3页
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外研版(三起)六上Module 9-Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building -教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:401b6).doc_第4页
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外研版(三起)六上Module 9-Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building -教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:401b6).doc_第5页
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1、英语备课卡英语备课卡 教师时间 课题 M9U1 Do you want to visit the UN building? 课型New 二、教学背景分析 第九模块的主要内容是谈论意愿和描述景点。本单元围绕 Simons Dad, Simon,Daming 参观联合国大厦展开话题,让学生能够运用 want to 谈论自己及 他人的意愿。本单元是对 M7&M8 一般现在时等内容的进一步拓展,同时为 M9U2 谈论旅行计划做铺垫,因此本单元在整个教材中占有非常重要的地位。 三、教学目标 1. 知识技能目标: (1)全体同学能根据拼读规律,读出单词及短语:around, all around, mem

2、ber state,并能听说、认读这些单词。全体学生能听懂、会说 Do you want to visit the UN building? I want to show Daming one of the presents from China. I want to take a photo.等语句。 (2)全体学生能用 want to 语句询问别人老师要去哪个地方以及谈论自己想去 哪里参观的意愿,并能对想去的景点进行简单的介绍。 (3)全体学生能通过本课的学习增加对联合国的认识,深入理解文本。 2. 过程方法目标:通过 free talk 复习 want to 语句,和学生联络感情的同时,

3、 初步感知 all around the world,分散学习难点。引出自己想要去美国旅行的意 愿,I want to go toAmerica with Simon and Daming.在真实自然的交际中过渡 到文本的学习。通过整体感知文本,细读文本等方式挖掘文本信息。通过补 充扩展联合国相关信息,丰富文本内容,加深理解。通过角色扮演,猜谜游 戏,小组合作谈论自己想去的地方等方式操练目标语言。 3. 情感态度价值观目标:通过本课的学习,学生能够欣赏祖国的大好河山,增 强祖国意识,对联合国增进认识,乐于接受外国文化。 四、教学重难点 重点: 1、初步了解联合国的概况。 2、运用“Do you

4、 want to visit.”“ I want to.”这类语句谈论他人和表达自己 想去哪里参观的意愿。 难点:1. 193 数字的读法member state,all around 的发音 2. 在实际生活中运用 want to 来询问别人或谈论自己想去哪参观的意 愿,并且能简单介绍想要参观的地方。 措施:学生根据音节学习 inside,member state 和 all around 的发音。猜谜游戏 和小组合作谈论表达意愿。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 步骤与时间教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step1 Warm-up 1 1 Step2 Leading in 1 1 Step3 Pres

5、en- Tation 1515 Greetings and Free talk Hello, boys and girls. Today Im your new English teacher. Do you want to know something about me? What do you want to know? My name is Maggie. Travelling is my hobby. I want to travel all around the world. Today I want to visitAmerica with Simon and Daming. Th

6、ey want to visit a very important place in the world. Where do they want to visit? Watch and find. 1.Watch and answer. T: Great! (出示联合国大厦图片) This is the UN building. The UN shorts for the United Nations. Today we are going to learn M9U1 Do you want to visit the UN building?(贴课 题) Where is the UN bui

7、lding? Simons dad asks, (播放录音) Follow.Attention.(意群停顿) Ask and answer in pairs. Look at the UN building. How is it? 2.Listen and answer. (出示课本第二幅图片) Do you want to know more Yes! S1: Whats your name? S2: Whats your hobby? . 观看动画选出正确答案。 Watch and answer. S1: They want to visit the UN building. Its in

8、 New York. 通过齐读,分组读,pair work 的形式进行语言的输入和操 练。 Its very big. Its very tall. 引导学生说出 What a . building! 用 want to 语句 与学生进行真实 自然的交际,拉 近与学生之间的 距离,复习 want to 句型,为本课 的学习做铺垫. 在图片的辅助下 初步感知 all around the world, 分解学 习的难度。话题 导入,快速进入 文本学习。 观看动画,吸引 学生注意力,整 体感知教材内 容, 追问 Where, 检测学生的倾听 是否认真。整个 文本按照where, How, What

9、 的思 路学习介绍自己 想去某地的意 愿。 一改平日直接听 音回答问题的形 式,观察文本中 图片入手,就图 片进行交谈,在 情境中学习语 about the UN building? What can you see? Look and say. Simon says, “There are flags from all around the world.” 单 词卡学习 all around.听音跟读 句子。 Daming asks, “How many member states are there in the UN?” Listen and tell him. Listen and r

10、epeat. Read in roles.(Boys Daming, girls Simon.) 3.Read and answer. Lets open the door and go inside the UN building. Read Part3 silently and quickly. Find out what Simon and Daming want to do. What does Simon want to do? T: Whats the present? (出示图片) T: Lets know more about the present.(出示小贴士,老师 进行解

11、说)It was made of 8 ivories. We can see the trees on the mountains and even the people on the train. What a fantastic present! What does Daming want to do?(学生回 答,贴板书) Its one of the presents from China. Lets show other presents to Daming.(Role play) T:What fantastic presents! Do you want to visit the

12、 UN building and see the presents? 4.Read the text. T: This time, lets listen and repeat the whole text. 5.Try to retell. I can see some flags. Heres the flag of China. . 齐读单词,男女读, 齐读句子,one by one 朗读句 子。 There are 193. 根据英文,齐读数字。 Read quickly and silently . Simon wants to show Daming one of the pres

13、ents from China. Daming wants to take a photo. 分角色对话, 把中国送给联合 国的其他礼物进行介绍。 Listen and imitate the whole text. 言,降低学习难 度。询问联合国 有多少面国旗, 培养学生深度思 维能力。 分角色把中国送 给联合国的其他 礼物进行介绍, 把文化意识的渗 透与语言操练相 结合, 一举两得。 简单扩展介绍中 国送给联合国的 礼物,帮助学生 更好地理解 one of the presents 的含义并练习重 点句型。 听音跟读模仿, 培养学生的语音 语调。 Step4. Practise 10 Wh

14、ich group wants to show? 4.Do you want to know more about the UN building? 出示联合国国旗,徽记和卷头枪, 对学生进行情感教育的渗透。 The world need peace. The countries in the UN want to bring peace to the world and they want to make the world a better place.Now the world is much more peaceful and beautiful. We can go anywhere

15、 we want to. I want to travel have a travel this winter holiday. 1. Listen and guess. T:Where do I want to visit? Listen and guess. 2. Pair work: Talk about the place you want to visit. Just now you know the places I want to visit, now I want to know you. First, lets see how to introduce where we wa

16、nt to visit. First, introduce the place we want to go. Then how is the place. We can use these sentences. There is /are . It has got .At last,tell Retell the text in groups and show.(小组接龙, 每人复述一句) 了解联合国的宗旨 Listen and guess. Talk in groups.Then show. 根据表格复述课 文,理清文章脉 络,初步感知怎 样介绍想去的地 方。 联合国国旗,徽 记和卷头枪,对

17、 学生进行文化意 识的渗透,学生 猜测含义,向学 生展示战争后的 视频,让学生体 会和平的意义以 及联合国维护和 平的重要性。 听音猜测老师去 哪里旅行,培养 学生在图片的提 示下听懂整段录 音的能力和快速 阅读,在图片的 提示下读懂简单 的小短文的能 力,以及在情境 中学生运用所学 内容进行真实交 际的能力。 小组中谈论自己 想去的地方,按 照整篇文章自始 至终的主线, where ,how ,w hat进行小组讨 论。学生对于如 何谈论自己想参 观地方的思路更 加清晰。 Step 5 Summary 2 Step 6 Homework 1 others what you want to d

18、o there. Clear? Now, talk about where you want to visit in groups. Who wants to show? Have a summary. Today we learned M9U1, we know something about the UN building. And we learned how to tell others we want to visit a place . The world is colourful and beautiful. Open your eyes to see the world. Ta

19、velling is learning. Tell your friends where you want to go and ask them where they want to go.If you want to go to the same place, you can go to these places with your friends and your parents together. 感受祖国和世界 的美好,情感升 华。 作业是课外延 申,就日常话题 进行真实交际, 如果想去相同的 地方,可以结伴 让父母陪同一起 去。 六、板书设计 Moudle 9 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building? Yes, we do! I want to show Daming one of the presents from China. I want to take a photo.


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