外研版(三起)六上Module 1-Unit 1 It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0332).doc

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外研版(三起)六上Module 1-Unit 1 It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0332).doc_第1页
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外研版(三起)六上Module 1-Unit 1 It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0332).doc_第2页
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外研版(三起)六上Module 1-Unit 1 It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0332).doc_第3页
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外研版(三起)六上Module 1-Unit 1 It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0332).doc_第4页
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外研版(三起)六上Module 1-Unit 1 It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0332).doc_第5页
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1、课题课题 Module 1 Unit 1 Its more than twentythousandkilometers long. 课课 型型新授新授 上课时间:上课时间: 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标: 全体学生能理解:more than,thousand, kilometre,something, million 大部分学生能运用:more than, thousand, kilometre,something, million 语言技能目标目标: 能听说、认读句型:Tell me more How long is it? Its more than How big is it? It

2、s got 全体学生能朗读课文,进行对话。 能运用已学语言以及句型描述一个景点或城市的特征。 情感、态度目标: 培养学生在各种任务中积极与他人合作的良好学习习惯,通过对家乡和 祖国的介绍,培养学生热爱家乡和祖国的情感。 重点重点 单词:more than, thousand, million,kilometre. 句型:Tell me more How long is it? Its more than How big is it? Its got 难点难点 用本课所学的基本句型 How long/big is?等描述某个地方或某事物的特 征。 教法教法任务教学法 教具教具课件 卡片 教教 学

3、学 过过 程程 Step1: Lead-in 1.Greeting. 2.Free talk: Describe their summer holiday. Ask a question : What did you do in the summer holiday?”老师找学生回答,进行点评并说:I also went to a famous city. Can you guess? 学生猜出 Beijing,教师顺势引出 The Great Wall, 并引出课题 Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long. 1.Chant: 在 Chant

4、 之前给学生提一个问题: Whats the features of the Great Wall? 在 Chant 之前让学生回答一下长城的特点, 畅所欲言。 接下来让学 生 listen to the chant and answer the question,最后再 listen and chant。 (设计意图:通过问题导入,谈论学生暑假去的地方活跃课堂气氛,让学 生进入到英语环境中去。通过 Free talk: Whats the features of the Great Wall? 让学生发散思维,畅所欲言。学生从小到大从书本、电视或者实 际接触长城的机会比较多,出现了 beau

5、tiful、strong、long 等答案,为下 文学生介绍城市做铺垫。 Step2:Presentation and Practice. 1.Task 出示长城上遇到外国友人 Peter 的图片,引出本课的教学任务: introduce the scenic spots to foreigners.紧接着,出现 part two 的 图片,让学生说一说 who are they? What are they talking about?引 出重点句型:Tell me more about How long is it ? Its more than T: Look at the pictur

6、e. Who are they? S: Daming and Simon. T: What is Simon holding? S: Postcards. T: Yes. I have many postcards here. If you do well, you will get one. The more, the better. (设计意图:教师呈现本节课的任务,孩子在任务的引领之下进行学习, 目标明确。随后教师介绍奖励机制,展示黑板上一板名胜古迹 postcards 的照片墙, 回答得好就可以得到 postcard。奖励机制与最后的拓展活动息 息相关。) 2.Learning the

7、 text。 通过老师设置的几个问题以及活动学习课文。 (1)Question1: What are Simon and Daming talking about? 学生通过听原文材料找到答案。 (2)Question2:Tell me more about the Great Wall? How long is it ? 教师提出问题,请学生回答再 check the answer。在回答的过程中教学 kilometer、thousand 以及 more than 等新单词和词组。教授完以后请学生 Role Play the conversation. (3) Practice more:

8、PPT 呈现长江,黄河,海沧大桥,厦门环岛路的图片, 让学生操练句型 A:Tell me more about How long is it ? B:Its more than (4)教师提出两个问题:How big is New York? How big is Beijing? 让学 生在小组内阅读并回答问题。同时学习句型 How big is? It has got aboutmore than.并根据学生的回答教学 million。并区别 more than twenty million 以及 about eight million。 (5) Practice more: PPT 呈现

9、上海、深圳、角美等城市,让学生操练句型: A:How big is?B:It has got aboutmore than. (设计意图:教师通过提出问题引导学生对课文进行学习,让学生通过 听听力原文以及小组讨论来解决问题。并呈现长江,黄河以及福建厦门 的海沧大桥和环岛路,通过对身边的城市角美的介绍,让学生运用所学 知识对身边的事物进行介绍,激发学生的兴趣。 ) 3. Role play and act out. 让学生根据黑板上的图片以及重点句型把课文表演出来,进行两人一组 的对话。 (设计意图:教师让学生根据板书白哦眼课文重点句型和内容,培养学 生听说能力。 ) 4.Retell. (1)

10、教师先师范如何介绍长城。 This is the Great Wall. Its very beautiful. Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long. (2)教师引导学生通过介绍的方法介绍 New York and Beijing. (3) 让学生根据黑板上的图片以及重点句型进行 retell, 为下面的拓展练 习做铺垫。 (设计意图:retell 的格式根据 chant 中对长城的介绍的句式进行,让学 生了解如何运用所学句型描述一个景点或城市的特征,为下一步的拓展 做铺垫,同时加强学生对课文的理解。 ) Step3:Extension

11、and Consolidation. 1. 教师让学生欣赏中国十大名胜古迹的小视频。 2. 让学生当小小导游,为 Peter 介绍中国景点。 3.教师先师范介绍南靖土楼: 4.学生从自己组刚刚奖励的景点明信片中挑出两个进行介绍,并把介绍 词写到明信片上,最后再上台进行介绍展示并把明信片贴到照片墙上。 (设计意图:本环节教师请学生当“小小导游” ,运用所学句型为 Peter 进行景点的介绍, 提高学生的学生兴趣, 激发学生开口说英语的积极性。 ) Step4:Summary. 总结复习本节课重点知识。 T:Today we learnt some words and some sentences

12、. Lets read together. thousand, million. How long is it? Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. How big is Beijing? It has got more than eight million people. (设计意图:对所知识进行巩固、复习,易于学生灵活掌握。) Step5:Homework. 1. Listen to the tape and read correctly and fluently. 2.Choose two more scenic spots and introduce them to your parents or friends. 3.Search more information about more cities and share with your classmates. (设计意图:培养学生敢于开口说英语以及上网收集信息的能力。 )


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