外研版(三起)三上Module 7-Unit 2 What's that -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:702e5).doc

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外研版(三起)三上Module 7-Unit 2 What's that -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:702e5).doc_第1页
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1、1 / 5 外研社(三年级起点)外研社(三年级起点)三三年级年级上上册册 ModuleModule7 7 UnitUnit2 2WhatWhats s that?that? 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: (一)知识目标 1.能听、说、认读单词:say 、 again、 book 、book、 schoolbag。 2.能利用“Whats that? Its a ”询问别人物品名称并能作出回答。 (二)技能目标 1.能根据图片听、说出相应的单词。 2.能运用所学句型询问并识别物品的名称。 3.情感目标通过体验、 参与实践等活动, 让学生学会合作学习, 体验成功的喜悦, 增强学生

2、学习的积极性和学生的自信心。 二、教学重点:二、教学重点: 能听懂、会说、会运用句型 “Whats that? Its a ”询问并识别物品的名称。 三、教学难点三、教学难点: This 和 that 的区别,以及在真实情景中的运用。 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: Step 1. Warming up. 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning,Ms Zhao. T: How are you? Ss: Im fine, thanks.And you?T: Im fine too, thank you! 2.

3、Revision-Guessing game. Show a box. Theres a bird in it. 2 / 5 T:Whats this?Ss can guess: Its a bird. Show some parts of the pictures and try to guess with the question “Whats this?”. (学生通过游戏来复习之前学过的单词 chair,panda,pen,pencil 和句子 Whats this,既调动了学生的积极性,又复习了单词和句型,另外,也由 pen and pencil 导入了活动一的学习。) Step 2

4、. Lead-in. 1.Magic time-Say loudly! (通过借助小游戏来对 pen 和 pencil 练习,调动学生 兴趣,引出“Say it again! ” ,并学习新单词 say;然后进入活动一的学习。 ) Pen and pencil, pencil and pen; pen and pencil, say it again. 3. Lets chant! (活动一)(由上面的“Say it again! ”引出 chant 动画,学生跟唱。 ) Step 3. Presentation. 1. Look at the two pictures of Tom. At

5、first, Tom is happy, but then he is scared. So what happened? Lets have a look!(通过对比小汤姆的两幅表情图,推断可能发 生了什么,调动起孩子们的好奇心。) 3 / 5 2. Watch the video and try to answer what is the black shadow. Amonster?Aghost?No, its a cat! 3. Tom is too young, so he has got many questions-Whats this? Whats that?. And his

6、 sisterAmy helps him. Lets watch again and try to help Tom. (出示课文中出现的 Tom 提出的物品图片, 然后让学生来说回答。 以此学习 新单词 schoolbag、ball、book。并出示实物和卡片进行学习,帮助学生加深 印象。 ) 4. Match the pictures and the words. (学生上台粘贴新单词和图片, 在动手中复习 巩固单词。 ) 5. This and that? Show a picture of pandas and try to understand the two words. Show

7、 a cat and a dog. (借助实物和图片对 this 和 that 进行对比,让学生学会 区分两个单词的用法。 ) T: This is a cat. That is a dog. 6. Watch and repeat. 学生跟读,注意语音语调。 7. Practice and show. 学生小组练习,并展示。 Step 4 . Practice. 1. Listen and draw.活动三的练习,听录音给物品涂颜色。 4 / 5 2. Lets talk!Today we have got a new friendA robot. The robot has got man

8、y questions,“Whats this/that?”and we should tell him.(学生戴面具,创设问题 情境,进行对话练习)通过设置一个场景,让机器人和我们对话,机器人询 问我们这是什么,那是什么,来增加练习的乐趣,同时借助实物进行练习, 让学生能课堂练习实际。 3. Listen and guess. Listen some sounds and try to say whats this/that. (通过听声音来辨别物品或动物,既巩固了句型,又增加了课堂乐趣。 ) 4. Emotions. Maybe you have a little sister or a

9、brother. When he /she have questions,please tell him/her. Try to help him/her. Because he/ she is your family. (结合本节课内容,挖掘德育点:二胎时代,你或许也当了姐姐或哥哥,当你 5 / 5 的弟弟或妹妹问你问题或需要你帮助时,请告诉他,帮助她。因为,你们是一 家人。 ) 5. Listen and say, then chant. 1) 放活动四部分的录音, 让学生体会旋律的节奏。 再跟录音一起唱, 增强记忆。 2) 再放录音让学生跟唱,并注意节奏。 Step 5. Homework. 1. Listen and try to repeat the text. 2. Draw and guess with your partner. 3. Try to sing the song for your parents. 板书:板书: Module7 Unit1 Whats that? Whats that?Its a. schoolbag ball pencil book


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