外研版(三起)四上Module 8-Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:804c7).zip

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    • Mission one.mp4
    • Mission three.mp4
    • Mission two.mp4
    • Sam is going to ride a horse..ppt--点击预览
    • 小组合作示范.mp4
    • 引入视频.wmv
    • 教案804c7.doc--点击预览
    • 文本内容视频.wmv


Hello,everybody! Look at me! My name is Hedy. I say Hedy, you say Good! Hedy, Good! Hedy, Good! Module 8 Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse. From :Zhao Huan Qinghua Elementary school Hedy is going to play in the park.Hedy is going to play in the park.play in the park.play in the park. Whats Hedy going to do?Whats Hedy going to do? 海蒂将要做什么?海蒂将要做什么? HedyHedy is is goinggoing to tois going tois going to 6 5 4 3 2 1 Mission 1 Listen and Answer We are going to play _. A. in the zoo.A. in the zoo. B. in the park.B. in the park. in the park, tomorrowin the park, tomorrow play chess take some picturesread a book fish Tick what are they going to do ride a horse fly a kite eat apples do taijiquan sing run fast row a boat ride a bike Mission 2 Read and remeber A. Amy is going to swim.A. Amy is going to swim. B . Amy is going to play basketball.B . Amy is going to play basketball. C . Amy is going to fly a kite.C . Amy is going to fly a kite. A. Daming is going to take some pictures.A. Daming is going to take some pictures. B . Daming is going to ride a bike.B . Daming is going to ride a bike. C . Daming is going to row a boat.C . Daming is going to row a boat. A. Sam is going to fly a kite.A. Sam is going to fly a kite. B . Sam is going to ride a horse.B . Sam is going to ride a horse. C . Sam is going to listen to musicC . Sam is going to listen to music . . A. Lingling is going to fish.A. Lingling is going to fish. B . Lingling is going to ride a bike.B . Lingling is going to ride a bike. C. Lingling is going to row a boat.C. Lingling is going to row a boat. 1:Whats Amy going to do? ( ) 2:Whats Daming going to do?( ) 3:Whats Sam going to do? ( ) 4:Whats Lingling going to do? ( ) 12 3 45 Memory test(Memory test(记忆记忆 大比拼)大比拼) . . 21 4 3 5 Task 2: Memory test(Task 2: Memory test(记忆记忆 大比拼)大比拼) . . is going to Lets make a mind mapLets make a mind map . . Mission 3 Make sentences! take some pictures fish row a boat play in the park fly a kite ride a horse do taijiquan read a book is going tois going to Where are you going to playWhere are you going to play? Ci Qi Ci Qi KouKou (磁器口)(磁器口) Yuan Yuan B Bo o YuanYuan(园博园)(园博园) Hong Hong Y Ya Donga Dong (洪崖洞)(洪崖洞) Yang Ren JieYang Ren Jie (洋人街)(洋人街) Chongqing Chongqing ZooZoo (重(重庆动庆动 物园)物园) Eling ParkEling Park (鹅鹅岭公园)岭公园) Where are you going to playWhere are you going to play? Ci Qi KouCi Qi Kou (磁器口)(磁器口) Yuan Yuan B Bo o YuanYuan(园博园(园博园 ) Elinga ParkElinga Park (鹅鹅岭公园)岭公园) Yang Ren JieYang Ren Jie (洋人街)(洋人街) Chongqing Chongqing ZooZoo (重(重庆动庆动 物园)物园) Zha ZiZha Zi DongDong (渣滓洞)(渣滓洞) 制作海报报, 展示海报报. 要求:根据地点,小组组制定旅游计计划。. We are going to play We are going to play atat CiCi Q Qi Koui Kou. . fly a kite, sing, ride a horse, fly a kite, sing, ride a horse, play football, play basketball,play football, play basketball, row a boat, listen to music, row a boat, listen to music, swim, dance, take some swim, dance, take some pictures,pictures, read a book, run, eat read a book, run, eat mahuamahua Words bWords boxox: : The Disney Park (The Disney Park (迪士尼迪士尼乐乐园园) ) Make a good plan for tomorrow. 为明天制定好计划 1.Make a travel plan for tomorrow. 教学案例教学案例 教学主题Module 8 Unit2 Sam is going to ride a horse. 教材 外研社 (三年级起点) 册次四年级上册 单元课次 M8 U2 第 1 课时课型新授 一、整体设计思路、体现的理念一、整体设计思路、体现的理念 本课是四年级上册第八模块第 2 单元的第 1 课时 part 2 Listen and say 主要 通过课文复习动词短语 fly a kite, fish, take some pictures 等动词短语以 及 be going to 的用法。笔者认为教材提供的几个孤立短语不利于孩子提高英 语学习的兴趣,练习环节题目也不够激趣,因此,以教材大纲为指导,创设了 计划去公园玩的故事。 新课标指出:“英语课程应根据教和学的需求,创造性地开发和利用现实 生活中鲜活的英语学习资源。”鉴于此,本课以故事为载体,创设生动、真实 的语言环境,并运用闯关模式激起孩子们学习英语的兴趣,让他们在轻松的氛 围中学习并掌握生词 fly a kite, fish, take some pictures 的正确发音。于 此同时,教师还不忘处处提升学生的人文素养,让孩子们在助人为乐中体验快 乐,感受愉悦。 在本堂课中,老师大胆使用平板电脑和学乐平台让学生积极参与,最大 程度的实现了信息技术和英语学科整合的有效性,并且孩子们也能在活动中突 破难点,在活动中发展能力。 二、教学背景二、教学背景 1. 教学内容分析: Listen and say 部分要求学生在学习过程中能够听懂、指出、会用目标语。 在教学中,我通过文本再构的方式,并通过看单词能读、听单词能辨等语音意 识训练活动,引导学生进行发现式的学习,观察、感知、体验加以运用。 2. 学生情况分析: 针对四年级学生我主要结合动作、表情以激发学生学习兴趣为主展开教学。 根据四年级学生的发展规律和认知特点,教师先复习短语再巧妙地设计了三个 任务来达成语言知识目标,让孩子们接触字母拼读,同时也让学生的语音能力 得到了阶梯性的发展。许多孩子语音基础较差,应多关注。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1. 语言知识与技能目标: 1.通过听例句发音,学习新词 hooray; 2.通过情景对话,复习 take some pictures,ride a bike,fly a kite,row a boat.以及对 ride a horse 的初步感知; 3.能在现实生活中学会用 be going to 表示将来的情景。 2. 学习策略目标: 1.通过创设情景复习短语并引入新词,营造以学生为主的探究模式,在活 动的设计中采用由易到难的方式,层层递进,并以游戏为载体,激发孩子们的 学习热情。 2.利用小组活动,开展交流与合作,让学生做到用英语做事。 3.利用有效的 listen and say 和 listen and answer 等活动,培养学生 自主学习能力。 3. 情感态度与文化意识目标: 1.通过赛马的评价方式,培养学生勇于表现自我、超越自我的能力。 2.通过答题以及小组合作的学习方式培养学生与人合作,共同进步的良好 氛围。 3.通过制定计划,培养学生养成学会计划的好习惯。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 教学重点: 学会并运用:第三人称+is going to.;以及句型 We are going to 介 绍。 2. 教学难点: 从剖析文本内容开始,引导学生如何在实际生活中运用英语进行问好。 五、五、 教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图)教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图) Step 1:Warming-up 1.Greeting and introduction. T:Hello everybody, Look at me!My name is Hedy. 2.Super PK. Teach Ss how to sing the song “we will rock you” to arose Ss interest, and help them focus on the class ASAP. 设计意图:通过超级 PK 用学生熟悉的歌曲活跃课堂氛围,消除学生上课 时的紧张情绪。 StepStep 2 2 Lead-inLead-in 1. Enjoy the short video. T: Boys and girls, Im going to show you a short video, please enjoy it. T: Its about the Disney park. Do you like it? If you doing well, Ill take you to the park tomorrow. 2. Teach the word “park” and “horse”. T: Hedy is going to play in the park tomorrow. Whats Hedy going to do?please choose “one”, “two” , “three” ,“four” “five” S1: picture one:take some pictures S2:fish S3: row a boat S4: ride a bike S5:fly a kite T: Actually Hedy is going to ride a horse, 3. Chant together. Ss chant these phrases and do the action to enhance their pronunciation of these phrases. 设计意图:通过教“ride a horse”展示本节课的评价方式是以小组合作为 基础获胜小组可以,可以有机会去公园玩来激发学生的求知欲。 Step 3:Reading Mission one:Listen and answer. T: Boys and girls, please l Listen and answer the question: 1.We are going to play _. A. play in the zoo. B. play in the park. 2.Tick what you hear 设计意图:我设计任务一:通过回答问题,把学生带入课堂,感知课文内 容的目标语句,并结合平板电脑让学生选择自己听到的动词短语,让学生在自 主学习过程中带着任务去学习语篇,把语篇内容变为听力活动,让学生在学中 乐,在乐中学, Mission two:Listen and remember. 1Use the pad to finish the exercise. S1:Lingling is going to row a boat. S2:Amy is going fly a kite. S3:Sam is going to ride a horse. S4:Daming is going to take some pictures. 2. Make a mind map and retell the story. T:Stick the pictures of the them on the blackboard. Then ask Ss to find the right phrases. 设计意图:我设计任务二:“快速记忆”游戏,把教材上枯燥的文本内容 通过多种形式操练,并结合平板与学乐平台及时对学生的练习做出反馈。学生 看图并结合“思维导图”回忆课文内容,在深入文本内容的同时,有效帮助学 生进行课文的阅读,真正做到理解文本去学习语篇感知重点所在。 Mission three:Make sentences. 1. Make sentences 设计意图:我设计任务三:“幸运大转盘”的游戏,让学生做到“词不 离句、句不离景”,对本课内容进行了拓展,让学生能熟练运用 be going to, 从而达到教学目标。 Step 4 Group work 1)Each group choose a place to play tomorrow. 2) Make a poster in your group. 3)Show the poster and act out. 设计意图:学生能够在小组合作的基础上,根据所抽地点计划自己将要怎 么玩来表演。教师利用微课示范学生再演,降低了难度的同时还满足了不同层 次学生的学习需求,同时也提高了学生学习英语的兴趣。 T: Excellent! We pass all the tasks, we can read, can find and act out now! 设计意图:这一环节是前两个环节的提升。采用回归课本的形式,使用课 本活动来达成“听音能写”这一目标。 T: Thank you, boys and girls! You are so smart. T: Yes, now we can use English to express what you are going to do. Step 5 Homework Here is your homework. 1. Read P47 after the tape 3 times. 2.Make a plan of this weekend. Assessment: T: Lets see , Group.can go to the park with me.Congratulations! Smart boys and smart girls! 结束语: T:Boys and girls, We have to say goodbye now. Thank you very much! 六、教学评价六、教学评价 1. 评价内容: 1. 闯关部分:结合主题设计赛马而赢得公园去公园的机会,让孩子们完成 每个任务则对应前进。 2.表演部分:让孩子们评判,根据表演好坏程度则对应前进多少步。 2. 评价方法: 根据课文中的角色,将学生分为四个组,每个组负责赛马答题,组员通过 答题、表演等方式合作让自己组的前进。 七、板书设计七、板书设计 M 8 U 2 Sam is going to ride a horse.
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