外研版(三起)五上Module 4-Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:50de4).zip

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dress coat trousers T-shirt shorts clothes Watch and fill in the blank. Mum bought _ for Sam. new clothes Watch and fill in the blank. Mum bought a new _ for Sam. ? Part 3 Part 1 Part 2 Q1: Whats the matter? Read and answer. They argued. Q2: Why did they argue ? Amy: Sam_my T-shirt. He wants to_it. Mum_a new T-shirt for me. Sam: Mum _it for me. Because they wanted the red T-shirt. bought bought took wea r ( ) 1. Ms Smart washed Linglings T-shirt. Read and choose “T” or “F”. ( ) 2. Linglings T-shirt is clean. T F Read and answer. Q1: Whose T-shirt is it ? Q2: Where are Amy and Sams T-shirts ? _ _ Its Linglings T-shirt. They are on the line. Q1: What are they going to do then ? Read and answer. They are going to fly a kite. _ Q2: Are they happy now ? _ Yes, they are. Dont argue. Be happy. Our life is good. Read together. Look and write. Yesterday Yesterday, they went to the park. Sam and Daming_. Amy_. Lingling_. Grandpa _. They were very happy. Write a story about what you did last weekend. (five sentences) THANK YOU 课题M4U1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. 教材外研版新标准三起五年级上册 课型读写课 教材分析 话题:Apology 致歉。 功能:陈述和询问过去的行为;对他人表示关心。 语言结构:Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. 本节课的教学内容是陈述和询问过去的行为,以及对他人表示关心。围绕 Amy,Sam,Lingling 的 T 恤展开话题,由争吵到化解再到和好。题材非常生活化, 故事情节能引起学生的阅读兴趣。 学情分析 1. 五年级的学生,年龄在 11 岁左右,虽然处于高年级学段,但仍然活泼好动,喜欢 直观形象思维和抽象思维相结合,也喜欢游戏和竞赛。大部分学生对英语有着较浓 厚的学习兴趣。 2. 学生已经接触过一般过去时态,基本掌握动词过去式的知识点。 3. 本课更注重掌握学生的阅读能力和思维品质的提升。 语言知识目标 1. 理解新词 pair, shorts, argue, took, wear 的含义。 2. 理解和运用句型 bought.for.。 3. 能够阅读和理解课文大意。 语言技能目标 1. 能认读新词 pair, shorts, argue, took, wear。 2. 能听懂 bought.for.的句子。 3. 通过阅读技巧,理解文本,抓住关键信息 学习策略目标 1. 主动学习,初步感知和运用阅读方法。 2. 积极思考,并与他人合作,完成学习任务。 3. 对所学内容能主动复习和归纳。 情感态度目标Dont argue,be happy. Life is good. 教学目标 文化意识目标 对一般请求、道歉等作出适当的反应,并学会用恰当的方 式表达对他人的关心。 教学重点 1. 掌握阅读方法,理解课文大意。 2. 渗透阅读技巧,提取关键信息。 教学难点 1. 掌握阅读技巧,提升思维品质。 2. 提升思维品质。 3. 学生能运用阅读技巧帮助写作。 教法任务型教学,整体式教学 学法自主学习,合作探究 教学准备电脑、课件、教学光盘、单词卡片 教学内容教学内容 教学活动教学活动设计意图设计意图 Step 1: Warming up 1. Greeting 2. Play a game. 3. Review words about clothes. 激发学生 的阅读动 机,激活 背景知识。 Step 2: Pre-reading 1. watch the video.(A1) Mum bought _for Sam. 2. lead in. Module 4 Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. 导入新知, 了解本课 单词。 Step 3: While-reading 1. Watch the video.(A2) 2. Read carefully. Part 1 (1) Read and answer. Q:-What s the matter?(怎么了?) -They argued. Q:- Why did they argue? -Because they want the T-shirt. (2) 跟读 Part 1. Part 2 (1) Read and choose. ( T or F ) ( ) Ms Smart washed Linglings T-shirt. ( ) Linglings T-shirt is clean. (2) Read and answer. Q1:-Whose T-shirt is it? - Its Linglings T-shirt. Q2: -Where are Amy and Sam s T-shirt? -They are on the line. (3)跟读 part 2. Part 3. (1) Read and answer. Q: -What are they going to do? - They are going to fly a kite. Q: - Are you happy now? - Yes they are. (2) 跟读 Part 3. 学生顺利 阅读,理 解文本, 获取信息。 Step 4: Post-reading. 1. 跟读全文,升华感情。 2. 看图写话。 小结阅读 思维,开 展写作。 Step 5: Homework Write about what you did last weekend.(5 sentences) 板书设计 M4U1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. 用思维导 图的形式 小结阅读 的方法, 指导学生 写作。 评 价 栏 T-shirt a pair of shortsarguetookwear
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