人教PEP版三年级上册Unit 5 Let's eat !-C-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:20a37).docx

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1、Unit5Unit5 LetLets s eat!eat! C C stoystoy timetime 教学设计教学设计 学生情况分析:学生情况分析: 三年级学生的年龄在十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特 别感兴趣。本部分是在学生学完了本单元 A 和 B 两部分基础上的选学内容。本单元的学习主题 是食物。这与学生的生活息息相关,属于学生感兴趣的话题。学生在本单元 A 和 B 两部分已基 本上学会了 Id like some Can I have some , please ? Here you are . 等句型以及 bread,juice,egg, milk,wa

2、ter, cake,fish,rice 等单词。本部分通过 Zoom 在餐厅进 餐发生的故事,激活学生已有的知识和生活经历,帮助学生掌握本单元的主要内容。 教学内容:教学内容: C. stoy time 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 知识目标 (1)进一步巩固句型:Id like some .Can I have some , please? Here you are.Sure (2)进一步听、说、认读单词:bread、juice、egg、milk、water、cake、fish、rice,并学习 新单词 Coke, ice cream. 2. 能力目标 (1)进一步在图片、实物或情境的帮助下运

3、用句型 Id like some .Can I have some , please? 表达想吃的食物以及 Here you are. Have some 为别人提供食物或请别人吃东西 的句型。 (2)进一步在情境中运用 Thanks. / Thank you.表达感谢及用 Youre welcome.作答。 3. 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略 (1)进一步通过在图片、食物和教师的帮助下,在 Story time 语境中运用 Id like some / Can I have some , please ? 等来交流有关食物的信息。 (2)进一步让学生用正确的语音语调朗读对话,帮助学生掌握本单

4、元的主要内容。 (3)培养学生热爱动物以及保护动物的良好品质。 (4)培养学生与别人交流时的良好习惯以及礼貌用语。 教学重难点教学重难点 1. 教学重点是听、说、认读单词:bread,juice,egg,milk,water,cake,fish, rice,并学习新单词 Coke, ice cream.以及在语境中运用句型:Id like some , Can I have some,please? Here you are.等。 2.教学难点是听、说、认读单词新单词 Coke , ice cream 以及灵活运用句型:Id like som e, Can I have some, pleas

5、e ? Here you are 等。 教学步骤教学步骤 一、一、 WarmWarm upup ( (热身环节热身环节) ) 1.Greetings(打招呼). T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Bobo. T: Today we will learn Unit 5 Lets eat! Part C Story time. (设计意图:通过师生相互打招呼问好,提出本节课的课题,激发学生的学 习积极性和竞争意识。) 2.Let s sing “ Let s have a picnic today ” together ( 师生齐唱今 天让我们去野炊). 3

6、. 复习食物单词。 T:Well done! Lets have a picnic today.想去野餐吗 S:OK. T;Bobo 为你 们准备了许多食物和饮料。想知道是什么吗?Lets go and see. (1)引出 AB 部分尝过的食物单词。 (2)Lets say together.看图说单词,并有节奏的拍打节拍。 (设计意图:有节奏的拍打,复习本单词学过的8个单词,并引出两个新单词 Coke 和 ice cream,为下面的故事教学打下基础。) 二、二、Presentation(Presentation(呈现新课呈现新课) ) 1.Teach the new word “Coke

7、 and ice cream” T: Look! Whats this ?S: Its Coke. T: Can I have some Coke, please? 2. 故事引入新课。 (1) T:Oh,Its raining.Whos she?Shes a black cat. What s the matter with her? (放多媒体), Oh , Mimi is lost. shes cold and hungry. 她一边走一边想吃. (出 示食物图) (2) T: Oh, shes cold and hungry, shes very sad, now. Lets say

8、a chant, make her happy, OK? 并唱起的歌谣(引出 Chant,复习 AB 部分的 Lets do.) C: Great! Your voice is so high. But Im still hungry. Id like some food and drinks. T:Mimi walks and walks.Suddenly, it sees a food shop. C: Wow, a food shop. Mimi go into the food shop. (2) T: In the food shop,你会点些什么食物呢?Now ,Im a wait

9、er.老师扮演服务 员(出示 VCR 的图片和句子) (3) 比较:Can I have some ? 和 Id like some . (4) T: What does the cat like best?How can the cat get some fish?(让学生想能有 什么方式可以让小猫吃到鱼。) C: Haha, zoom is coming. I can get some fish from him.(引入课文) (5) T: Before you listen to the story,try to find the answer to the question: Ques

10、tion 1: Guess, Will the cat be successful? Question 2: Is Zoom happy? Why? Question3: What does Zoom order? (6)T: Now, listen to the story carefully.(出示课文视频) T: Can you answer it now ? Will the cat be successful?S:Yes. T: What does Zoom order?S:Fish, rice, Coke and ice cream. (板书) T: Is Zoom happy?

11、Why?S:No, The cat eat the fish. 3.Practice(操练) (1)Open your book, turn to page 55 ,listen and repeat.(老师带读) (2) Group work 1: Read the story by bus-travelling . (设计意图:通过开火车的方式朗读故事,达到检查每个学生是否熟练掌 握课文。) (3) Group work 2: Read it in roles and act it out in groups of 3 . (设计意图:通过 3 个学生板演,让学生进一步把故事听懂并熟练。)

12、 3. 小结: T: What do you learn from the story?你从这篇故事学到了什么? T: We should protect animals.Dont order too much .Dont eat too much . Its bad for our health . (设计意图:通过小组 6 人讨论,我们应该先给动物/宠物喂食,我们应该保 护它们。不要点太多食物,不要吃得太多等道理。达到传授学科知识的同时, 渗透情感教育的目的。) 三、三、Consolidation and extension (巩固和拓展巩固和拓展) 1. Choose any one o

13、f the 3 pictures according to the difficulty and make up a new story in group of 3. (设计意图:从 3 幅图画中根据难易程度任选一幅图,编成一个新的故事,充 分发挥的学生的思维空间,同时锻炼了学生的综合语言运用能力。) 4. Choose the right answer. 5. Discharge the correct number. 四、四、Summary and assessment. (总结和评价总结和评价) T: Lets see which side is the winner. 五、五、Homework. (家庭作业家庭作业) 1. Recite the story. (背诵本篇故事) 2. Make a new story and act it out.(改编一个新故事并表演出来) 六、六、Board designing. (板书设计板书设计) Unit 5 Lets eat!C story time Cokeice cream Can I have some ., please? fishriceCokeice cream


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