人教PEP版三年级上册Unit 2 Colours!-A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:a0026).zip

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第 1 页 共 4 页 UnitUnit 2 2 ColorsColors PartPart A A 教学反思教学反思 2015 年 12 月 18 日,我参加了本校的教学研究课,这次研究课的过程 中我收获了很多,下面我想就 Unit 2 Colors Part A 一课的教学活动作出以 下反思: 一、设计理念:一、设计理念: PEP 教材是以三年级为起点的,而我们的学生在一、二年级就已经 系统的学习过清华英语的相关内容,本单元内容对于我的学生来说相对 简单,有关颜色的知识他们之前就接触和学习过,因此我将本节课设计 成一节复习课,以一节复习课的形式让学生在学会与掌握基本颜色的基 础上可以运用不同的句型表达生活中的颜色。本节课我以游览迪斯尼乐 园为主线贯穿始终,让学生在情境中能够思路清晰的学习,并且能够从 游览迪斯尼过程中学习到的颜色延伸至生活中不同方面的颜色。本节课 还结合了校本教材的学习,对书本知识进行了拓展。 二、二、 教学效果教学效果 本节课圆满的完成了教学目标,在 40 分钟的时间内完成了每一个 设计环节的教学。三年级的学生相比于二年级来说,认知水平,学习 积极性,学习方法与课堂活动参与度等方面都大有提高,因此本节课 整体感觉条理清晰且饱满。一开始利用几张迪斯尼的图片将学生带入 到本节课主要的情境中,随后根据主要游览路线图,带着孩子们一步 一步的在游览的过程中学习、复习并练习不同的颜色以及与颜色相关 句型的表达。整节课下来,孩子们将学习与活动相结合,真正实现了 第 2 页 共 4 页 乐学。 三、教学收获三、教学收获 本次研究课选课的主题为颜色,教学重点是掌握不同颜色的说法, 教学难点是表达不同物体的颜色。通过设计这节课,我研究了三年级 学生的学习兴趣,以他们喜欢并且易于接受的方式进行每一个步骤的 安排,努力让他们真正成为课堂的主人。整节课下来我又一下三点教 学收获: 1.情景教学帮助教师理清思路,使得学生对学习内容充满好奇心和 积极性。从上学期起我每一节课都尝试创设某一种情境,或寻求某一 条隐形的主线贯穿于整个教学过程。在这样的摸索中我发现了情景教 学的 重要性以及必要性,他不但能够帮助我将每一个教学环节合理排序, 还能够让学生更加明确的在老师的引导下进行学习。 2.合理使用多媒体以及合适的道具辅助教学。根据英语学科特点, 我们成功完成每一节课的教学都有不可或缺的元素,那就是道具。根 据三年接学生的特性,结合本单元内容的要求,我在教学中适当的加 入了歌曲的演唱,让学生自己动手涂色进行实际操作体验,以及小礼 物的赠送,极大的调动了学生的积极性和课堂参与度。 3.小组合作学习习惯培养任务艰巨,应持之以恒。本节课安排了小 组合作补充对话并进行汇报,三年级学生合作学习意识逐渐加强,慢 慢懂得如何在组长的带领下对于所给话题进行发散讨论。小组合作学 第 3 页 共 4 页 习的重要性以及对于教学的辅助作用不言而喻,对于我和他们来说, 合作学习才刚刚开始,我们需要一步步通过自己的努力不断摸索,不 断尝试, 不断总结,不断进步。 四、不足及原因四、不足及原因 每一次赛教都是一次成长,本节课我在收获的同时也总结出了以 下三点不足: 1教学步骤繁乱不够精简。由于想让课堂更加的丰富饱满,我设 计了三个游戏以及多个学生需要参与的教学环节,虽然每一个环节都进行 了, 但是感觉匆匆而过,没有主次之分,也没有成功的制造出本节课的亮点。 2.提高常规课的质量才是本质。我赛教课中所设计的某些教学环节 往往需要多次与学生沟通与演练才能达到预期的效果,这正是因为我在日 常的教学中没能够将这些环节普及并运用,没有采取多样且丰富的教学方 法来提高常规课的质量。 四、再教设计四、再教设计 根据以上的教学收获以及教学不足,如果有机会让我对本节课进行再 次设计,我会注意以下五点因素: 1. 提炼教学环节,精简教学步骤,做到简明、高效; 2. 教学面向全体学生,鼓励每一个学生张嘴、动手; 3. 教师多示范、多引导;学生多参与、多实践; 第 4 页 共 4 页 4. 情感教学贯穿课堂,使课堂丰富且贴近生活; 不断的总结、反思才能取得长久的进步。学生是祖国的花朵,我们是 施肥的园丁,只有教师勤恳了,学生才能绽放。希望各位师傅和同事能够 多提宝贵意见,帮助我在教学的道路上终究狭路变通途! PEP Unit 2 Colors Part A Disneyland Mickey Minnie Theme Park Check your memory! yellowgreen redblue Touring Map 1 2 3 4 5 Listen and color your Disney! Listen and color your Disney! How are you ? Minnie.Very well, thanks. Your red dress is beautiful! Thank you. Your blue trousers are nice, too. I have two yellow balloons. Here you are. Thank you. Oh, I see a pink flower and an orange flower. They are beautiful. Look! The castle is green. Lets go and play! Great! The gift for my friend! Choose a gift for your friend! I like red. My pencil is red. Make a sentence about colors. I have a red bag.I like my red coat. The gift for my friend! Make a sentence about colors. Colors in our life! Color in our life! Colors make our life beautiful! Life is colorful! Homework 1 .Draw a picture, discuss the colors of it with your friends. 2. Describe the colors in your home with your parents. 3. Well have a report next class. 第 1 页 共 5 页 PEPPEP 3A3A UnitUnit 2 2 ColorsColors PartPart A A 一设计理念:一设计理念: PEP 教材是以三年级为起点的,对于我的学生来说相对 简单,因此我将本节课设计成一节复习课,以一节复习 课的形式让学生在学会与掌握基本颜色的基础上可以运 用不同的句型表达生活中的颜色。本节课我以游览迪斯 尼乐园为主线贯穿始终,让学生在情境中能够思路清晰 的学习,并且能够从游览迪斯尼过程中学习到的颜色延 伸至生活中不同方面的颜色。本节课还结合了校本教材 的学习,对书本知识进行了拓展。 二教材分析:二教材分析:本次教学内容为 PEP 3A 第 2 单元,主题为 Colors。学习 内容贴近生活实际且有情景对话,容易让学生进行一定程 度的拓展与发散。主要单词有 red, yellow, blue, green,主要句型有 What color is the? What do you see? 本单元的学习难点为熟练的表达生活中的颜色。 三学情分析:三学情分析:我的学生在 1,2 年级的时候已经系统的学习过清华英语的 相关内容,因此 PEP 教材对于他们来说比较容易掌握,针 对这一特点,我将课本与校本教材进行了有效的结合。 四英语简案:四英语简案: TextText book:book: PEP English Period:Period: Unit 2 Part A TeachingTeaching pointspoints: 第 2 页 共 5 页 Vocabulary: red, yellow, blue, green Sentence Structures: What color is the? What do you see? UnitUnit TargetTarget KnowledgeKnowledge andand AbilityAbility 1. The students can understand the dialogue. 2. The students can speak and use the words of colors. 3. The students can describe the color of different things. 4. The students can use the words and dialogue to communicate. EmotionalEmotional AttitudeAttitude andand ValuesValues 1. Understand and express different colors. 2. Colors make our life more beautiful! 3. Be aware of the cultural customs of English speaking countries. Focus:Focus: The students can speak and use the words of feelings and the sentence structures. DifficultiesDifficulties Try to express different colors according to different things. 第 3 页 共 5 页 PreparingPreparing TeachingTeaching AidsAids Pictures, cards, PPT, video TeachingTeaching StepsSteps I.I. Warmer/RevisionWarmer/Revision 1. Greet to each other. 2. Lets sing a song: Rainbow colors. AimAim: Use the song to arouse students interest, as well as leading to our first part. II.II. TheThe presentationpresentation ofof thethe newnew materialmaterial 1. Show some photos of the teacher, and ask: Where is the teacher? AimAim: Lead students directly to the theme of this class - Go to Disneyland. 2. Show the weather of Disneyland. AimAim: Use the picture to lead to learn the main colors of the rainbow. 3. Introduce the main characters of the Disneyland, then show a touring map to tell students what we are going to do this class. T: Please follow Miss Liu to tour the Disneyland. Now 第 4 页 共 5 页 lets go to the first station. Ss: Ok! AimAim: Give students a main clue of this class. 4. Follow Mickey and Minnie to go to the square of Disneyland. AimAim: This is a revision of the four key colors. III.III. DrillDrill 1. Follow Mickey and Minnie to go to the garden, and ask: What color is the flower? Follow Mickey and Minnie to go to the shop, and ask: What color is the bag? AimAim: Lead students to learn the first main sentence of this class. 2. Show a picture of the roller coaster, then ask students to take it, then ask: What do you see? AimAim: This is the second main sentence of this class. IV.IV. PracticePractice 1. Game 1: Look at the balloons and ask: What color do you see? AimAim: Its a practice of the main colors. 2. Game 2: The teacher bought a gift, ask students to guess the color of the gift. 第 5 页 共 5 页 AimAim: We use the game to practice and consolidate the main sentences of how to express the colors. 3. Game 3: find the colors. Ask two students to stand in front, they are going to ask other students: What do you see? Others will answer them: I see according to the teachers order, then they are going to choose the relevant pictures and stick it to the bb. AimAim: We use this game to have students make sentences with different colors. V.V. ConsolidationConsolidation Divide students into groups, they are going to work in pairs to color their own castles, then they are going to practice the dialogue of Quxiao English with their partners. AimAim: It is a part to ask students to do pair work and show what they have learned this class. VI.VI. Homework:Homework: choosechoose anyany twotwo fromfrom them.them. 1. Listen to the tape of unit 2. 2.Find the colors in your life. 3. Write the key words of this unit. VII.VII. BlackboardBlackboard DesignDesign Unit 2 Colors Part A 第 6 页 共 5 页 What color is the ?purple gray The is. golden silvery What do you see? I see .
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