人教PEP版三年级上册Unit 4 We love animals-C-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:c004a).zip

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  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级上册_小学英语_Unit 4 We love animals_C_ppt课件_(含教案)_省级优课_(编号:c004a)
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第一课时第一课时 What are they doing ? What are they doing ? ? Whats this? ? ? ? ? Whats this? A:Hello! B:Hi! A:Lets play. B:OK. A:Whats this? B:Its a Tips: A:Hello! B:Hi! A:Lets play. B:OK. A:Whats this? B:Its a Tips: birddogcrabsnailfoxcat A:Hello! B:Hi! A:Lets play. B:OK. A:Whats this? B:Its a Tips: A:Hello! B:Hi! A:Lets play. B:OK. A:Whats this? B:Its a Tips: A:Hello! B:Hi! A:Lets play. B:OK. A:Whats this? B:Its a Tips: A:Hello! B:Hi! A:Lets play. B:OK. A:Whats this? B:Its a Tips: A:Hello! B:Hi! A:Lets play. B:OK. A:Whats this? B:Its a Tips: 1.Listen1.Listen andand repeatrepeat thethe storystory inin . 利用一起作业网听音模仿故事。利用一起作业网听音模仿故事。 2.Act2.Act thethe storystory outout withwith youryour friends.friends. 和同学表演故事。和同学表演故事。 3.Do3.Do thethe handhand shadowshadow withwith youryour familyfamily members.members. 和家人一起做手影。和家人一起做手影。 4.4. ReadRead thethe bookbookFarmFarm AnimalsAnimals. . 阅读绘本阅读绘本FarmFarm AnimalsAnimals。(选做)。(选做) 1 UnitUnit 4 4 WeWe lovelove animalsanimals PartPart A A 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本节课的内容是 PEP 英语三年级上册第四单元 Part A 部分。主要 讲述了 WuYifan 和 Mike 在黑暗的房间里做手影的对话。本课内容 贴近学生生活实际,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,操作性与 趣味性强。设计时可充分激发学生生活经验,启发学生思维,让学 生参与到对话活动中。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本课授课对象是三年级学生,他们初学英语,基础比较薄弱,但 本课内容贴近学生生活实际,而且在学习字母时已经接触过部分动 物单词名称如 cat,dog,elephant,等。根据学生实际情况以及三 年级学生活泼好动、爱表现自己、渴望获取新知识的特点,我在课 堂上为学生创造了大量的说、演、做的机会,让学生在参与、体验 中感受语言,运用语言,形成语言技能。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 1、学生能够在做手影的情境中,听懂理解句子: Whats this? Its a duck. Whats this? Its a dog. Whats this? Oh,no! Its a bear! Oh, its Zoom! 2、学生能够听音模仿对话,感受录音中的语音、语调和情感。 2 3、学生能够给动画视频配音和表演课文对话。 4、学生能够在拓展做手影情境中运用功能句型 Whats this? Its a 问答动物手影名称,从而运用语言知识,提升语言技能。 5、学生能够在对话学习中,挖掘 WuYifan 有创意,Mike 聪明的性 格特点,感受同伴之间互相协作共同创作的快乐。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.词汇重点:duck,dog, bear 2.功能句型:Whats this? Its a 教学难点:教学难点: 1.Whats this? 语音语调及节奏的模仿。 2.Its a. 的连读。 四、教学步骤四、教学步骤 Step 1: Warm-up 1.Greetings. Im your new teacher today. My names Judy. Hello! How are you? 2.Sing a song: Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Boys and girls, lets sing a song together.OK? Stand up please. What did you hear in the song? Your memory is so good. We hear some animals in the song. Today we will learn a dialogue about animals.We love animals. Step 2 Presentation (1).Talk about the pictures: 3 Can you see animals in the pictures? What animals can you see? Can you see our friends? Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? (2).Watch and check: Lets watch the video and check your guessing. What are they doing? Yes, they are making the hand shadow. Do you have the experience of making the hand shadow? How do you make it? What about WuYifan and Mike? Who makes the hand shadow? Yes, its WuYifan. (3).Learn the details: P1:When Wu Yifan is making the hand shadow what will he say? Can you guess? Now, lets listen what Wu Yifan says. (听音得出 Whats this?) 理解句子含义。板书句型,夯实单词 this 读音。 Whats this? Can you guess? Lets listen “Whats this? “听音得出 Its a duck. What does it mean? Look! Its a duck.通过图片理解单词和句子 含义。板书句型,夯实单词读音。 WuYifan is making a duck. Do you want to try? Show me your hands, lets do together. Whats this? Its a. (找同学上黑板前做鸭子手影。 ) P2: What animals is he making then? Can you guess? Lets listen “Whats this?” 听音得出 Its a dog. What does dog mean? Look! Its a dog.通过图片理解单词和句子含义。板书句型,夯实单词读音。 WuYifan is making a dog. Lets try. Show me your hands. Lets do 4 together. Whats this? Its a. (找同学上黑板前做小狗手影。 ) P3:Whats going on? Oh!,Look! Whats this? Can you guess? Is this a bear? Lets listen. What does Mike say? 听音得出 Oh,no! Its a bear! What does it mean?出示熊图片理解单词含义,板书句型,夯实读音。 P4:Is WuYifan making the bear? What happened? Look! Oh! Its Zoom! Step 3 Practice (1).Listen and repeat: Thats the whole story! Its very funny, right? Now, lets listen and speak. WuYifan and Mike are making the hand shadow. WuYifan is making a duck. What does he ask Mike? (Whats this?) Mike guesses (Its a duck.) When WuYifan is making a dog, what does he ask? (Whats this?) Mike guesses (Its a dog.) Suddenly they see a shadow of a bear, they are very surprised, WuYifan asks (Whats this?) 5 Mike says (Oh,no!Its a bear!) They see Zoom at last .Look! WuYifan is doing like this. Mike takes a breath.They say (Oh,its Zoom!) (2).Lets dub. You can read the dialogue, lets dub it now.教师举例子,学生配音。 (3).Lets act. You like dubbing very well but do you want to act it out? Please practice with your deskmate first. One is WuYifan, the other one is Mike. Im Zoom.When you are acting please pay attention to these rules. Lets begin.学生表演,生生评价。 Today WuYifan makes the animals around us well. What do you think of him? WuYifan and Mike use the electric torch to play an interesting game together. What do you think of them? Step 4 Production WuYifan and Mike make the hand shadow well. Do you want to try?Do you know their English names or do you want to know their English names? 1.Ask and learn the names of the animals what students like. 2.Make the hand shadow. 6 You did a good job. You are observant, ingenious and cooperative today. Im proud of you. Step 5 Homework. 1.Listen and repeat the story.听音模仿故事。 2.Act the story out with your friends.和同学表演故事。 3.Make the hand shadow with your family members.和家人一起做手影。影。 4.Read the bookFarm Animals.阅读绘本Farm Animals 。 (选做)
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