人教PEP版六年级上册Recycle 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:e04ab).zip

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新新PEP六年级上册六年级上册 Recycle 1 go straight turn left turn left and walk 100 meters Wu Yifan: Robin, how to get to my grandparents new house from here? Can you use your GPS? Robin: Sure. First, go straight. Then turn left. At the traffic lights, we will turn left and walk 100 meters. Then Finally,we can see the house. Wu Yifan: Good! What time are we leaving? Robin: 9:00 . Wu Yifan: Hi, stop! Dont cross the red light! Boy: Sorry ! Wu Yifan: You must be more careful! Boy: OK ! I cant find my mum. Wu Yifan: Oh! Let me help you. Wu Yifan: Are you hungry? Boy: Yes ,I am. Wu Yifan: There is a restaurent over there. Lets go and buy some food. Boy: Good idea! Wu Yifan: Lets go to the police station. They can help you. Robin: We go straight and then turn right at the crossing. After that, well go straight again. The police station is next to the supermarket. Boy: Thank you for the food. I feel bad now. Boy: Where is it? turn left go straight get there hospital next to Students think about what we have learned at the Unit1, Unit2 and Unit3. Unit1: Howdoyougotos.p.? Igotos.p.by+交通工具. Unit2: Whereisthes.p.? Itis+方位短语/方位介词+s.p. Unit3: Whereareyougoingtodo? Imgoingto. 1.一般将来时一般将来时 概念概念: 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态 标志语:标志语: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this afternoon, this evening, next week (month, year ), in the year 2022 + +动词原形动词原形 结构结构: will be going to (一)谓语形式:(一)谓语形式: 1.begoingto+V. 2.will+V. 一般将来时一般将来时 (三)否定式:(三)否定式: be或will后加not willnot=wont (二)疑问形式:(二)疑问形式: be或will放主语前 bikebusplane on foot ship train subway Remember the traffic rules. Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Go at a green light. (three traffic lights) 同步练习 1._? Igotoschoolbybike. A.Whatareyougoing B.Howdoyoudo C.Howdoyougotoschool 答案:C 同步练习 2.Igothere_bike. A.on B.to C.by D.take 答案:C Amy is going the library on foot. How is Amy going to the library? Amy is going to read books next weekend. What is Amy going to do next weekend? Amy is going to the library to read books. Where is Amy going to read books? Amy is going to read books at 10 oclock. When is Amy going to read books? 1.Wearegoingtograndparentstomorrow. 2.Shegoingtogosoon. 3.Heisgoingtobooksthisevening. 4.MyparentsisgoingtoBeijingnextweek. 5.Johnisgotothepark. visit is read is改为are 改为going 火眼金星。看看下面的句子病在哪里呢? begoingto+动词原原形will+动词原原形 写出同义句: 1.Iamgoingtoeat.I. 2.Heisgoingtoeat.He. 3.Sheisgoingtoplaypiano. Shepiano. 4.Thecatisgoingtojump.Thecat_. 5.Wearegoingtoflykitestomorrow. Wetomorrow. willeat will eat willplay will jump willflykites 请认真观察答句,根据答句写出问句。请认真观察答句,根据答句写出问句。 1 _ We are going to take a trip tomorrow. 2 _ Sarah is going to buy a comic book . 3 _ They are going to the cinema this evening. 4 _ Mike is going to the park next week. 5 _ Im going to the zoo by bike. 6 _ Yes, I am going to read books tonight. 7 _ No, she is going to play basketball after school. 8 _ No, I go there on foot. Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow? WhatisSarahgoingtobuy? Wherearetheygoingthisevening? WhenisMikegoingtothepark? Howareyougoingtothezoo? Areyougoingtoreadbookstonight? Isshegoingtoplayfootballafterschool? Doyougotherebybus? NameWhereWhatHow MakeMake a a survey(survey(调查)调查) _ _ _ _ _ Hello,Iam,Iamgoingto. Aismygoodfriend,sheheisgoingto. 7.Writing.7.Writing. 今天是星期五,看看今天是星期五,看看John 的一家,爷爷正在干什么?的一家,爷爷正在干什么? 爸爸正在干什么?妈妈正在干什么?爸爸正在干什么?妈妈正在干什么?John正在干什么?明正在干什么?明 天他们将要干么?天他们将要干么? _ _ _ _ _ Recycle 1 教学设计 教学目标 1.知识与技能知识与技能 (1) 能够在交际活动中熟练运用前三单元的重点语言知识,如 turn right ,turn left,go straight 等表达问路指路的短语; They are going on foot/by bus.等表 示出行方式的语句。 (2)能运用前三单元的重点句型(如:-How do you go to school? -On foot/By. -What/Where/When are you going (to)-I am going (to)) 进行简单的问答。 (3)能够听懂、理解本课的两篇对话,完成相关听说读写练习。 (4)能够通过看图、识图、推测等方式发展理性思维解决问题的能力; 2.过程与方法过程与方法 在活动中教学,让学生在做中学,学中玩。 3.情感态度和价值观情感态度和价值观 能够在迷路时主动寻求帮助,使学生养成用英语交流的习惯,激发学生学习英语 的兴趣。 教学重、难点 【教学重点教学重点】 复习掌握 Unit 1-3 的重点短语及句型。 【教学难点教学难点】 能在特定的情境下用英语和同伴交流解决问题。 教学方法 情景教学法、任务型教学法、交际法。 课前准备 多媒体 PPT, 词汇卡片。 教学过程 . Warm up 1. Greetings. (师生间简单地打招呼。) 2. Lets read. 教师出示手中的词汇卡片,复习 Unit1-3 的重点词汇和短语。 3. Look and say. (1)教师出示第 2.3 页幻灯片,复习交通规则方面的知识。 (2)教师出示手中的交通灯,请学生来用英语表达交通灯的含义。 【设计意图】:通过词汇卡片巩固 U1-3 的词汇和短语,并利用 PPT 和实物复习交通规则知识, 巩固 Unit 1 重点内容,为下面的学习作准备。 . Presentation 1. Lets try. (1) Lets try: Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks。 (2)学生核对答案。 (3)教师播放听力学生做 Listen again and answer. (4)出示听力材料,播放录音学生看听力原文再听一遍 【设计意图:教师通过 PPT 让学生在听、写训练中巩固 U1 的学习重点,并通过 出示听力材料加深学生对所听内容的理解。】 2. Listen and do (1)教师出示幻灯片第 7 页,Yifan and Robin see a little boy crying on the street. Look at the pictures and guess what they are saying.1 世纪(2)学生观 察课文图片,小组讨论他们有可能在说什么。 (3)以小组为单位,上台来表演。 (4)听录音,完成听力练习。 (5)再次播放录音,播放录音学生看听力原文再听一遍,着重红体字。 【设计意图】:让学生通过观察、讨论、表演的形式更好地理解图意,完成练习。 3. Lets sing. (1)出示幻灯片第 10 页阅读材料,听歌曲。 (2)学生跟录音唱这首歌。 (3)完成第 11.12 页的课后练习。 4. Lets remember. 通过第 13.14 页幻灯片,复习一般将来时态及重点句型。 一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态. be going to + V. 时间状语: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this afternoon, this evening, next week (month, year ) Look at the pictures and ask and answer -What/ Where/ When are you going (to)(next )? -Im going (to) 【设计意图】:帮助学生总结一般将来时的知识点,并通过问答的形式进行巩固 和拓展。 5. Lets fill. 出示第 15.16.17 页幻灯片,完成填空练习和问答。复习掌握问路指路用语和交通 方式的短语。 . Practice 1. Ask and answer。 (1)教师出示第 18 页幻灯片,复习交通方式的相关语句和短语-How do you go to? -I go toon foot/ by。 (2) 出示幻灯片 19.20 页,同桌或小组为一组进行对话练习复习巩固前三单元的重 点语句和短语。 【设计意图】:在问答当中训练学生运用语言的能力。并设计两个不同的交通路 线图让学生进行陈述,巩固所学语言。 2. Pair work 两人一组表演对话,一人问路,一人指路。用上 Unit1-3 的相关重点句型和短语。 3. 完成幻灯片中相应的课堂练习。完成幻灯片中相应的课堂练习。 【设计意图】:通过设计不同题型的练习,巩固重点知识点。 .Summary 根据板书复述今天学习的内容。 . Homework 1. Sing the song on Page 34. 2. Read the important parts of Unit 1-3. 板书设计 Recycle 1 1. -How can I get (to)? -Turn left /right. Go straight. 2. -How do you go (to)? -I go to by+ 交通工具 (on foot). 3. -What/ Where/ When are you going (to) (next )? -Im going (to).
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