人教PEP版六年级上册Recycle 1-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-省级优课-(编号:91c3a).zip

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PEP 7 Recycle1 Help the crying boy traffic ways Sharp eyesSharp eyes traffic ways Look and say How do you come to school? on footby busby bike by car by subway Lets guess How do I come to school? 9 km Look and say 9 km Look and say What must we do? Stop and wait Slow down and stop Go traffic lights Lets play Look and say traffic signs What do these signs mean? go straightturn leftturn right Lets play Remember To keep safe, we must pay attention to traffic lights and traffic signs. Look and say Saturday We are going to visit our grandparents! Look and guess Why does the boy crying? Look and guess What are they saying? Stop! Dont go at .! Lets go to. Go.Turn. What are they saying? Stop! Dont go at .! Lets go to. Go.Turn. pair work pair work Look and guess Listen and tick or cross 1. ( ) The boy cant find his dog. 2. ( ) They are going to the police station. 3. ( ) They should turn right at the crossing. Listen and tick or cross 1. ( ) The boy cant find his dog. On! Let me help you. I cant find my mum. Listen and talk You must be more careful! Hey! Stop! Dont cross at the red light. There is a restaurant overthere. Lets go and buy some food. Im hungry. 2. ( ) They are going to the police station. How does the boy feel now? Thank you for the food. I feel better now. Where are they going? Police Station Lets go to the police station. They can help you. When someone is lost, its better to go the police station. Police Station How can they get to the police station? 3. ( ) They should turn right at the crossing. Robins GPS Listen and choose We and then at the crossing. After that,well again. A A A A A A B B B B B B Walk the wayWalk the way We go straight and turn right at the crossing. After that,well go straight again. Look and sayLook and say Where is the police station? Police Station Its next to the supermarket. Retell the storyRetell the story At the police stationAt the police station name home address(住址 ) phone number . Group work:Lets act Group work:Lets act Stop! Dont go at.! Sorry! You must be more careful! hungry restaurant buy some food name address phone number Lets go to. Where. Go.Turn. Make a new dialogue and act it out. 创编对话并表演。 Levels of the dialogueLevels of the dialogue Choose 2 pictures Choose 3 pictures Choose 4 pictures Group work:Lets act Group work:Lets act Stop! Dont go at.! Sorry! You must be more careful! hungry restaurant buy some food name address phone number Lets go to. Where. Go.Turn. Make a new dialogue and act it out. 创编对话并表演。 Think and sayThink and say What do you think of Wu Yifan and Robin?What do you think of Wu Yifan and Robin? helpfulhelpful kindkind warm-heartedwarm-hearted To be helpful! To be happy! HomeworkHomework Review the meaning of traffic signs on the book. Search and understand the meaning of other traffic signs on the Internet. Choose the pictures of this story and act it out. winnerwinner Recycle 1 period 2 教学设计教学设计 1、教材分析教材分析 本课为人教版 PEP(三起)六年级上册复习单元第二课时(33 页) ,主要情景是第 32 页故事的延续,内容是吴一凡和 Robin 制止 了正要闯红灯过马路的小男孩,结果发现小男孩迷了路。吴一凡带 小男孩去吃东西,并打算带他去附近的警察局寻求帮助。本部分主 要训练学生看图猜测对话,听录音验证自己的预测等方面的学习技 能,涵盖了前面两个单元的知识,同时巩固了学生对交通法规知识 的掌握与表达。 2、学情分析学情分析 学生通过前三个单元的学习,已能运用句型问路并描述到某地 的路线,能询问并回答乘坐某种交通工具去某地,也能够辨认一些 常见的交通标志,了解并遵守交通规则。此单元该课时的内容即是 通过听力练习的方式对前面学习内容的复习与巩固。 3、教学目标教学目标 I.Knowledge Aims: 1. Students will be able to review and use the words and phrases : turn left、 turn right、go straight、police station. 2. Students will be able to review and use the traffic rules in the context. 3. Students will be able to find the way to the place. 4. Students will be able to use the sentence pattern: “.must.” and “Dont.” to give suggestions to others. II. Ability Aims: 1. Students will be able to look at the picture and predict the dialogue. 2. Students will be able to listen and verify their predicting through listening. 3. Students listening comprehensive abilities will be enhanced through listening and finishing the task. III. Emotional Aim: Students will set up the idea of helping others. 四教学重难点:四教学重难点: Key points: 1. Students will be able to review and use the key words、phrases and traffic rules in the context. 2. Students will be able to finish the listening tasks. Difficult points: 1 .How to predict the dialogue between the main characters through looking at the pictures. 2. How to retell and act this story out. 五教学过程:五教学过程: I. Warm-up: 1. Greeting to students and talk about how do they come to school today? 2. Play the game: Sharp eyes Show the pictures of traffic ways and guide students to say it as quickly as they can. (设计意图:与学生打招呼、玩火眼精金游戏并谈论今天来学校的 交通方式,在谈话、游戏中对第二单元学习的交通方式词汇进行复 习与回顾) 3. Show the GPS map and guide students to guese “how do the teacher come to shcool?” 4. Show the traffic lights and ask students to say the traffic rules. 5. Show the traffic signs and ask studetns to say what does these traffic signs mean. 6. Play the game to consolidate their expressions of traffic rules and traffic signs. (设计意图:呈现卫星地图引导学生猜测老师用何种交通方式来学 校,为下面交通规则以及交通标志的复习做铺垫;呈现红绿灯以及 交通标志复习、通过游戏来巩固学生对交通规则及标志的表达) 7. Presensentence to output the safety concept. (设计意图:呈现教育语句输出交通安全观念,为下面的听力教学 埋下伏笔) II.Pre-listening: 1. Present the pictures of Wu Yifan and Robin. Guide students to guess “ Where are they going today?” 2. Show the picture of crying boy and broadcast the crying sound. Guide students to guess “Why does the boy crying?” (设计意图:呈现主人公并引导学生猜测故事发生情景,引入主题) 3. Show picture one in the book and guide students to answer these quesitons: (1) What colour is the traffic light? (2) What is the boy going to do? (3) What is Wu Yifan saying? (设计意图:呈现文本第一幅图,由教师带着学生一起猜测,激活 学生已有知识储备,培养预测能力,并为下面的 pair work 做师范) 4. Guide students to do the pair work: Look at the picture 2、picture 3 and guess what are they saying. Show some sentences for students to be a support. (设计意图:引导学生看图并从中捕捉一些可从中获得的信息,同 时预测大概涉及什么内容,并根据支架语句预测对话内容,培养学 生听前看图预测的表达与思维能力) III. While-listening: 1.Broadcast the listening contents and guide students to do the tick or cross task. (设计意图:第一次整体听,让学生带着判断问题去听听力材料,培 养学生在听力过程中捕捉关键信息的能力) 5. (1) Check the first sentence and ask students: “What is Wu Yifan saying?” (2) Broadcast Wu Yifans word and guide students to vertify their guessing and role-read the dialogue between Wu Yifan and the boy. (设计意图:带学生判断第一句的正误,并播放听力材料引导学生验 证前面的猜测,通过角色朗读输入语句并体验人物情感) 6. (1) Cover part of the picture and guide students to talk about the conditon of the boy. (3) Guide students to check the second sentence and role-read Wu Yifans word. (设计意图:遮盖图画部分内容引导学生猜测并感受小男孩的状态, 引出地点:restaurant;与学生一起核对第二句的正误并组织学生朗读 语句,输入语句并体验人物情感) 7. (1)Show the picture of the main characters and ask students the question: “How does the boy feel now?”. Broadcast the voice to check his feeling. (2) Ask students the question:“Where are they going?” to lead in the police station. (设计意图:出示主要人物的图片并提出人物状态相关的问题,二 听听力片段验证问题答案并通过问题引出地点:police station。为下 面听力问题的开展做铺垫) 8. (1) Broadcast the listening contents to check the third sentence. (2)Broadcast the listening contents to choose the right way to the police station. (3) Guide students to walk the way to the police station. (设计意图:二听听力片段核对第三句的正误。设计了选择路线的练 习使得听力训练变得有梯度,最后通过动作输出路线词句) Iv. Post-listening 1. Retell the story. (设计意图:在板书的配合下复述故事,输出语句与主要词汇,同时 回顾主体内容,培养复述能力) 2. Guide students to guess “what does the police ask the boy in the police station?” (设计意图:引导学生预测警察的问题,培养学生的思维品质) 3. Group work: Make a new dialogue and act it out. (设计意图:在小组内根据语言支架创编对话并表演出来,培养学生 思维品质的同时在真实语境中输出语句,是学生综合能力的体现。 学生根据挑战难度给于星级评价,考虑到了不同层次学生的水平, 实现了分层教学理念) 4. Output the emtion concept: Talk about what do you think of Wu Yifan and Robin and output the emotion concept : To be helpful, to be happy. (设计意图:通过评论主人公输出本课的情感理念:帮助别人,快 乐自己) V. Summary and homework: 1. Sum up together 2. Homework: Review the meaning of traffic signs on the book. Search and understand the meaning of other traffic signs on the Internet. Choose the pictures of this story and act it out. (设计意图:通过分层作业的设计,能够满足不同层次学生的学习需 求,既有较为简单的听读作业,也有开阔视野的上网查信息作业和 激发思维的续写故事,表演,真正做到以人为本,面向全体学生。) VI. Blackboard Design: Recycle 2 cross the road Stop! Dont go at the red light. hungry the restaurant find mum Lets go to the police station police station go straight turn right go straight
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