人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there -A-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:a00b8).zip

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A Lets learn & Lets talk Lets chant! Where is my book? Where is my book? Its on the desk. Its on the desk. Where is my book? Where is my book? Its in my hand. Its in my hand. Where is my book? Where is my book? Its under the post card. Its under the post card. Where is my book? Where is my book? Its in front of the cup. Its in front of the cup. Where is my book? Where is my book? Its next to my umbrella. Its next to my umbrella. science museum post office bookstore cinema hospital A puzzle 1.We can send a letter in the ( post office ) . 2.We can watch the films at the ( cinema ). 3.If we are sick, we should go to the ( hospital ). 4.We can see a dinosaur show in the ( science museum ). 5.We can buy some books in the ( bookstore). bus stop Excuse me, where is the post office? Its near the bus stop. Excuse me, where is the post office? bookstore Wu Yifan: Where is the cinema? Robin: Its next to the bookstore. science museum hospital cinema post office bookstore Wu Yifan: Where is the bookstore? Robin: Its across from the science museum. science museum hospital cinema post office bookstore Wu Yifan: Where is the hospital? Robin: Its in front of the post office. science museum hospital cinema post office bookstore Wu Yifan: Where is the post office? Robin: Its behind the hospital. Science museum hospital cinema post office Where is .? Its near/next to/in front of /behind the. pet hospital park Lets talk Wu: Robin,where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard. Robin: Its near the door. Wu: Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today. Robin: I dont know. ILL ask. Excuse me,sir. Man: Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum! Robin: Where is the post office? Man: Its next to the museum. Robin: Thanks. Read and choose. Anext B Im new here B. Thank you. C. Excuse me. D. Go straight. Amy: Excuse me. Where is the post office? Mike: Im sorry. . You can ask the policeman. Amy: Thank you all the same. Amy: .Can you tell me the way to the post office? Policeman: . You can see the KFC. Amy: And then ? Policeman: Its to it . Amy: Oh, I see.Thank you! Policeman: Youre welcome. Homework 1.Listen to the tape.Try to recite the dialogue. 2.Draw a map of your imagine city,and talk about it with your partner. PEP 六上第一单元六上第一单元 How can I get there ?第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计 一、教学内容:PEP 六上第一单元 How can I get there ?Part A Lets learn & Lets talk。 二、教学目标: 1. 能正确运用一些方位介词 next to、near、behind 等。 2能够听、说、读、写单词:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital. 3.能用句子“Where is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore. ”来询问地址并回答。 三、教学重难点:四会单词及短语的掌握和 A Lets learn 部分中 运用方位词正确表述地理位置。 四、教学准备: 1教师准备本课时用的实物:杯子、雨伞、明信片。 2单词卡片。 五、教学过程: 1. Warm-up Lets chant. 通过 chant 复习方位介词,把 next to 短语引出 来,降低难度。 2. Presentation and practice (1)教师出示 Robin, 并说:Robin is a robot. Where can we find Robin? 引导学生说出单词 science museum. (2)教师出示地图,并说:Robin wants to sent a post card, its near the museum. Where is it? 引出单词 post office. (3)教师根据地图继续引导学生:Robin wants to buy some books, the place is next to the post office. Can you find where Robin wants to go? (4)以同样的方法教单词 cinema 和 hospital (5)教师领读单词,学生小组内读单词,相互纠正发音。 (6)教师利用地图,请学生描述每个地方的位置,反复练习句型 Wheres the_? Its 方位介词 the _. (7)学生进行操练,先同桌互练,再在全班表演。 (8)Listen to the tape. 让学生看书上的第四页内容,听录音。由 于前面的单词及句型的学习,学生们对对话的内容不难理解。 (9)让学生分角色读课文。 3. Consolidation and extension Read and choose. 检验学生对本课内容的掌握情况。 4. Sum-up(总结) 5.情感教育。 6.Homework (1)Listen to the tape.Try to recite the dialogue. (2)Draw a map of your imagine city,and talk about it with your partner. 六、板书设计 Unit 1 How can I get there ? Where is the cinema? 图画 . 图画 . Its next to 图画 . near 图画 . behind 图画 .
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