人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 5What does he do -B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:70be1).zip

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Questions before the lesson 课初生问课初生问 I can drive. I am a bus driver. I drive a bus every day. I work in a bus station. Whats her job? Shes a bus driver. What does she do? I can cook. I am a cook/chef. I cook meals for people every day. I work in a restaurant. Hes a cook/chef. What does he do? I can sing. I am a _. I _ for people. I _ on a stage. singer sing sing Shes a singer. What does she do? I can cut. I am a _. I _ for people. I work in a _. I am a barber/hairdresser. I cut hair for people. I work in a barber shop/salon. Hes a _. hairdresser What does he do? barber barber bus drivercook/chef singerhairdresser Do you know any other jobs? 你还知道其他职业吗? What does he do? Hes a pilot. What does he do? Hes a coach. What does she do? Shes a police officer. What does he do? Hes a scientist. pilot scientist police officer coach 1 1 331 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 job singer coach barber coachscientist driver chef fishermanwriter police officer pilot police officer scientist cook cleaner dancer taxi driver pilot bus driver Mine sweeping(扫雷游戏,单词下埋着6颗雷,学生选择单词读出, 如果单词下没雷则可得分,如果所读单词下有雷,不能得分。) What will you be when you grow up? 长大后你想从事什么工作? Interactive questions 课中互问课中互问 A: What will you be when you grow up? B: When I grow up, I will be A: Why? B: Because A: Where will you work? B: I will work A: How will you go to work? B: I will go to work by A: B: What is good job? 什么是好工作? What is bad job? 什么是坏工作? Exploratory questions 课尾探问课尾探问 Homework: 1.Write down these words and sentences on your copy book and recite: pilot, coach, police officer, scientist. What does he do? Hes a pilot. What does she do? Shes a police officer. (have to do) 2. Ask your friends or classmates what jobs they will be when they grow up. (choose to do) UnitUnit 5 5 WhatWhat doesdoes hehe do?do? 教学内容教学内容:人教版六年级上册 Unit 5 What does he do? 教学目标:教学目标: 一、认知目标: 1、 能正确听、说、读、写职业类单词:coach, pilot, scientist, police officer 2、 能正确使用句型:What does he/she do? Hes/ Shes a coach/ pilot/ scientist/ police officer. 二、能力目标: 1.通过阅读掌握故事的关键信息,并能掌握更多关于职业的知识。 2.学生会主动提问,大胆提问,积极思考。 三、情感目标: 1. 引导学生去体会:职业没有高低贵贱之分,每种职业都值得我们尊敬。 2. 通过小组协作活动,培养学生合作学习的意识、竞争参与意识和研究探索的精 神,从而调动学生的积极性,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。 教学重点:教学重点: 正确掌握句型 What does he/she do? Hes/ Shes a coach/ pilot/ scientist/ police officer. 教学难点:教学难点: 运用句型“What does he/she do? Hes/ Shes a ”去询问同伴长大后将从 事的职业。 教学方法:教学方法:活动、游戏、交际教学法 教具准备:教具准备:PPT,小组讨论资料 教学过程教学过程: : StepStep 1 1: warming up (热身活动) Sing the songjob people in my town to warm up.师生齐唱job people in my town 。 (设计意图:通过唱歌曲来活跃课堂气氛,并引出今天的主题:职业,歌曲 中也谈到很多职业,进而扩充本课的职业名称。 ) StepStep 2 2: lead- in(导入) 老师和学生一起阅读故事“our jobs”来了解几种常见的职业。 (设计意图:通过学生 喜爱的故事来引出今天要学的内容,牢牢吸引学生的注意力)T: Do you like stories? Today we will enjoy a story: Our jobs, by Maria Cara. StepStep 3 3: presentation (新课呈现) 1. I can drive. I am a bus driver. I drive a bus every day. T: The woman says: “I can drive.” Do you know her job? Whats her job? What does she do? Ss: She is a driver. T: Is she a taxi driver? Is she a car driver? Ss: No, she isnt. she is a bus driver. 2. I can cook. I am a cook/chef. I cook meals for people every day. T: The man says: “ I can cook.” What does he do? Ss: He is a cook. T: Yes, he is a cook. We can also say he is a chef. 3. I can sing. I am a _. I _ for people. singer sing sing T: The woman says: “I can sing.” Can you guess her job? Ss: She is a singer. T: Can you fill in the blanks? Ss: I am a singer. I sing for people. I sing on a stage. 4. I can cut. I am a barber/hairdresser. I cut hair for people. T: The man says: “ I can cook.” What does he do? Ss: He is a T: He is a barber or hairdresser. 5.巩固刚才学习的职业词汇.Practice the words we learnt just now. StepStep 4 4: New Lesson (新课教授) T: 你们还知道哪些其他职业吗?Do you know any other jobs? 1. What does he do? He is a pilot. 操练方式:pilot 自然拼读法操练,句子小组互 相问答。第 1、2、3 组问,第 4、5、6 组回答,然后交换。 2. What does he do? He is a coach. 操练方式:coach 自然拼读法操练,句子小组 互相问答。第 1、3、5 组问,第 2、4、6 组回答,然后交换。 3. What does she do? She is a police officer. 操练方式:police officer 自然拼 读法操练,句子小组互相问答。第 1、2、6 组问,第 3、4、5 组回答,然后交换。 4. What does he do? He is a scientist. 操练方式:scientist 自然拼读法操练,句 子男生女生互相问答。男生问,女生回答,然后交换。 StepStep 5:5: Activities & consolidation (巩固活动) 1. 玩一个游戏“快速反应”来巩固今天学到的单词和句型。Play a game: quick response to practice the words and sentences. 2. 玩游戏 “扫雷”来巩固今天学到的职业的单词及以前学过的职业类单词。 Play another game: mine sweeping to practice the words we learnt today and other words about job we learnt before 3. 回归课本:打开课本第 49 和第 50 页,齐读今天所学的职业类词汇。Students open their books and read the words we learnt today together. StepStep 6 6: Extension and practice (拓展练习) 1. 播放视频故事“What will you be when you grow up?”给学生一个示范:如何询 问别人将来从事的职业以及回答,为下一个环节做铺垫。Show a video “What will you be when you grow up?”to students, prepare for next part. 2. 向学生介绍更多的职业类词汇,为下一个环节做铺垫。Show more jobs to students, prepare for next part. firefighter waiter waitress taxi driver fisherman doctornurse farmer zookeeper What will you be when you grow up? When I grow up, I will be reporter engineer mechanic psychologist photographer lawyer barber bus drivercook/chefsinger art teacher hairdresser dentist police officer pilot scientist coach p ostman 3. 让学生同伴之间互相询问将来从事的职业并回答。Let students ask and answer partners job in the future. A: What will you be when you grow up? B: When I grow up I will be A: Where will you work? B: I will work A: How will you go to work? B: I will go to work A: B: StepStep 7 7: Emotional education (情感教育) 老师向学生展示几种职业的图片,让学生讨论:什么是好工作?什么是不好的工作? 从而让学生体会到职业没有高低贵贱之分,每种职业都值得我们尊敬。 。Teacher shows some pictures of jobs, and ask students to discuss in group: What is good job? What is bad job? So students can understand each kind of job is good, we should respect all the people who work. StepStep 8 8: Summary (总结) 学生齐读黑板上的单词和句子来总结本节课所学的单词和句型。 Unit 5 What does he do? What does he do? He is a pilot. pilot, coach, police officer, scientist StepStep 9 9 :Homework: 1.抄写今天所学的单词和句子 4 遍,并背诵这些单词和句子。 (必做)Write down these words and sentences on your copy book 4 times and recite: pilot, coach, police officer, scientist. What does he do? Hes a pilot. What does she do? Shes a police officer. (have to do) 2. 询问你的朋友或同学长大后将从事什么职业。 (选做)Ask your friends or classmates what jobs they will be when they grow up. (choose to do) (设计意图:作业分层布置,能照顾到不同层次学生的需求。 ) 板书设计板书设计: : Unit 5 What does he do? What does he do? He is a pilot. pilot police officer coach scientist 教学反思: 本节课是第五单元的第二课时,教学内容是有关职业的单词和句型。在本节课中,我 注重激发学生的学习兴趣,运用故事来教词汇,让学生在句子和篇章中学单词,最后 能用本节课所学的知识作对话练习,即询问他人长大后将从事什么职业并会做出正确 回答。 这一节课下来我自己感觉教学过程很顺利,师生间配合也还默契。下面是我对这节课 的反思。 首先,我用故事来教词汇,让学生既学会了职业类词汇,也让学生知道他/她在哪里工 作,他/她的具体职责是什么。同时增加了学习的趣味性。 其次,我上课的流程快,不拖拉,时间安排得当,操练的方式丰富,游戏设计新颖, 学生们都积极踊跃乐于加入其中。 最后,我用一个故事的视频“长大后你将从事什么职业”给学生一个示范知道如何询 问和表达长大后自己想从事何种职业。同时,让学生对英语故事产生兴趣,激发学生 课后自己去阅读英语故事。 当然这节课也反映出了我存在的问题。 第一、时间的把握不够好,出现了前松后紧的现象。 第二、职业类词汇较多,尤其是后来扩充的职业类词汇较难,学生一节课掌握不够好。 第三、提问学生的面不够广,整节课只点了一半的学生回答问题,应该让更多的学生 有机会回答问题或上台展示。 通过这次课,我深深地感受到,英语故事在英语教学中真的很重要,效果也很明显。 长期坚持下来,学生的阅读能力一定会提高,词汇量也自然增加。通过这次课之后, 我对英语教学又有了进一步的了解,作为教师要不断的学习不断的完善自己,才能取 得更大的进步。
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