人教PEP版四年级上册Unit 3 My friends-B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:d6351).zip

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四年级上册 Unit 3 B Read and write 课堂练习 姓名_ 1.Read and match:读一读,连线。 2.Read and fill with has/is: (用 has、is 填空) 3.Choose and write.(选择正确的单词填空。) 4.Lets write.(说一说,并写下来。) Name_ Word Bank 外形特征:tall short, thin, strong, 外貌特征:long hair, short hair,big eyes,a big nose, a small nose,a small mouth 拥有的物品:shoes, schoolbag, glasses, B Read and write Lets chant He is tall,tall, tall ,tall. He is strong,strong,strong,strong. He has small eyes,small,small eyes. She is short, short,short,short. She is thin,thin,thin,thin. She has long hair,long,long hair. Make a new chant Bi Helan Chen Yujian He is _,_, _,_ . He is _,_,_,_. He has _,_,_, _. She is _,_, _,_ . She is _,_,_,_. She has _,_,_, _. Zhou Xuchong Huang Ximin huang xi min Kate JamesBenAnn Lets say He is. He has. BenThis is _. He is_ He has_ Look and say This is _. He/She is_ He/She has_ Kate JamesAnn Read and match (读一读,连一连读一读,连一连,并划出关键词。并划出关键词。) 1.He has short hair. He has a big green bag. What is his name? 2.She has long hair. She has orange shoes.What is her name? 3.She is tall.She is friendly.She has a blue hat.Who is she? 4.He is short and thin.He has glasses.He is near the window.Who is he? Kate James Ben Ann His name is James. Her name is Ann. She is Kate. He is Ben. He has short hair. He has a big green bag . What is his name? She has long hair. She has orange shoes. What is her name? She is tall.She is friendly.She has a blue hat. Who is she? He is short and thin.He has glasses.He is near the window.Who is he? Try to read(全班试读)(全班试读) Lets read (读一读)(读一读) orange shoes short hair a big green bag his name long hair her name a blue hat short and thin near the window He has short hair. He has a big green bag . What is his name? She has long hair. She has orange shoes. What is her name? She is tall. She is friendly. She has a blue hat. Who is she? He is short and thin. He has glasses. He is near the window. Who is he? chunks(词块词块) Listen and imitate (听录音,模仿读听录音,模仿读) falling tone(降调降调) linking Read in group of four (四人小组读) He has short hair. He has a big green bag . What is his name? She has long hair. She has orange shoes. What is her name? She is tall. She is friendly. She has a blue hat. Who is she? He is short and thin. He has glasses. He is near the window. Who is he? 表达清晰、读音标准表达清晰、读音标准 表达清晰表达清晰 、读音标准、读音标准 、能模仿录音、能模仿录音 表达清晰、读音标准、能模仿录音、表情丰富表达清晰、读音标准、能模仿录音、表情丰富 Lets show James Lets read together (读一读)(读一读) He has short hair. He has a big green bag . What is his name? She has long hair. She has orange shoes. What is her name? She is tall.She is friendly.She has a blue hat. Who is she? He is short and thin.He has glasses.He is near the window.Who is he? I have 4 friends. James _ short hair. He _ a big green bag . Ann _long hair. She _orange shoes. Kate _ tall. She _ friendly. She _a blue hat. Ben_ short and thin. He _ glasses. He _ near the window. We are good friends. has has hasis ishas is has is Read and fill with has/is (用用has或或is 填空填空) has hasis is+整体外貌描述 eg: He is tall. has+所拥有东西 eg:He has short hair. We are friends,so we should help each other. (朋友之间应该互相帮助) Look,choose and write.(看一看,选一选并写下来 。) tallthin bag longhair I have a friend.She is tall .She has glasses.Who is she? Read and choose (选出正确的图片,并说明原因选出正确的图片,并说明原因) Miss Lu Mr Chen Miss Huang Read and guess (选出正确的图片,并说明原因选出正确的图片,并说明原因) I have a friend.She is short and thin. She has long hair. Whos she? Miss MaMiss Huang Miss Tan Mr FangMr QinMr Huang I have a friend.He is tall and strong.He has red shoes. Whos he? Read and guess (选出正确的图片,并说明原因选出正确的图片,并说明原因) Lets guess. I have a friend. He/She is_. He/She has_ _ tall and strong short hair. She has glasses. Name: Miss Lu Lets say 描述你的朋友,并在四人小组中分享。描述你的朋友,并在四人小组中分享。 Name_ I have a friend. He/She is_. He/She has_ _ _ 外形特征:外形特征: tall short, thin, strong, 外貌特征:外貌特征: long hair, short hair, big eyes, a big nose, a small nose, a small mouth glasses a red bag orange shoes ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lets write:写一写你的好朋友写一写你的好朋友要注意要注意书写规范书写规范哦哦。 Name: I have a friend. _ is. _ has. . (1)Big letter (首字母大写) (2)Full stop (标点符号) Good English Good hand-writing(书写棒) I can write beautifully.(漂亮的书写。) Homework: Describe your best friend to your parents. (描述你的好朋友给爸爸或者妈妈。) 选做题: Write 2-3 sentences about your parents or your teachers.(用2-3句 描写你的父母或者老师。) 1 新版人教版英语四年级上册新版人教版英语四年级上册 UnitUnit 3 3 MyMy friendfriend B B ReadRead andand writewrite 教学设计教学设计 授课教师:教授课教师:教 材:材:新版 PEP 小学英语四年级上册 P29 课课 型:型:读写课 年年 级:级:四年级 上课时长:上课时长:4 40 分钟 一、教学内容:一、教学内容: 二、教学目标二、教学目标: : 2 【语言知识和语言技能目标语言知识和语言技能目标】 1.能读懂四组句子并与图中的人物正确匹配; 2.能够按意群和正确的语音语调朗读四组句子; 3.能在有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整;能综合运用 本单元的核心词句进行简单的写作。 【学习策略目标学习策略目标】 1. 学生能根据已有的知识理解学习新知识; 2. 学生能积极与他人合作、交流,共同完成学习任务。 3.培养学生的观察,归纳和自主探究能力,激发多元思维。 【情感态度目标情感态度目标】 1. 培养学生在小组活动中的合作和互助能力; 2. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发学生敢于开口说; 3. 培养学生之间、朋友之间互相帮助的好习惯。 【教学重难点教学重难点】 1 1、教学重点:、教学重点:理解并运用课文中有关描述人物整体特征、局部特征及拥有 物品的语言去描述身边的同学朋友,掌握简单的描写人物的方法。 2 2、教学难点:、教学难点:is、has 用法上的区别及运用,培养学生的观察,归纳和自主 探究能力,从而更好地理解文本。 三、学情分析:三、学情分析: 学生在本单元 AB 部分已经掌握了部分描述人物性格特征及拥有物品的单词, 如 tall,short,long hair,short hair 等,而且会用 He/She is. He/She has.对人物外貌及所拥有物品进行简单的描述。四年级的学生活泼好动,思维 活跃,喜欢模仿,能积极参与教师开展的教学活动和游戏,因此,这节课以学生 喜爱的 chant、guessing、talking 等作为教学手段,通过形式多样的活动培养 学生的听、说能力和思维能力。我校四年级的学生在三年级下学期已经进行单词 书写,因此,在经过四年级前两个单元的句型书写训练后,从这个单元开始初步 培养学生的英语写作能力,读写结合,引领学生向高效课堂迈进。 四、教学内容四、教学内容分析分析 本节课是选自新版人教版四年级上册 Unit 3 My friend B Read and write,四年级上册第三单元第六课时的读写课。本课教材以读写为主,第一部 分要求学生阅读四组句子,与图中的人物匹配;第二部分为有意义的单词抄写活 动,分为三个步骤:第一步为看图,选词抄写,完成句子。四线格中的句子均为 对话及阅读部分强化学习过的核心举行。第二步为个性化的书写活动,要求学生 填充句子后,根据所给例句,结合前面部分的语言支架,描述自己朋友的整体外 貌和局部特征及拥有物品等。 3 Look and describeLearn the new names 五、教学资源五、教学资源 多媒体课件、多媒体、教学光碟、name-cards 六、六、教学评价教学评价 在本节课中,根据四年级小学生的年龄、心理及个性特点,采取了多样的评 价手段和方法。 1.1.评价内容:评价内容: (1)表扬评价。教师与学生对学生回答问题进行评价:Great./Excellent.等, 及时的表扬与肯定,激发学生学习的成功感与参与的兴趣。 (2)结合教学内容以 chant and guess,Read and guess, listen and guess,share and guess,等方式检测学生对目标知识的掌握。 (3)通过多层次的听说读写教学活动引导学生多说多练,检测学生对目标语言 的运用。 2.2.评价方法:评价方法: 教师课堂用语评价,任务活动,课堂练习等。 七、教学流程图七、教学流程图 采用歌谣热身,营造愉悦课堂气氛,激活旧知。 导入本课的主要人物,预测文本内容,通过描素人物整体外貌特征、局部特征 及拥有物品等描素,激活学生原有的学习热情,同时也为本节课的语言学习建 构支架。 Warm up Make a new chant Lets chant Pre-reading 4 While-reading Read and matchLets read Lets showReading practiceFinish the passage Post-reading WritingDescribe your best friendsRead and choose Homework 8 8、教学过程教学过程 StepStep 1 1 Warm-upWarm-up 1.Greeting 2.Oral practice: Whats my name? I want to make friends with you.Look, Im tall and strong. I have glasses.Im Miss Zhou?Whats your name? Look,he/She is. He/She has. 3.Lets chant. (见图 1) 4.Make a new chant.(见图 2) 通过设计层层递进的活动,帮助学生理解课文内容并理顺 ishas 用法的区别,任 务驱动,有序渗透阅读策略,帮助思维发展。 通过图文匹配的简单阅读,培养学生阅读能力,开阔视野,协助学生产出写作的 概念;建构语言支架,深化学生对人物描写的方法,为学生的写作做铺垫。做到 以读促写,以写促读,读写双赢。 从课堂中的描述朋友,过渡到描述家庭成员及老师,让语言学习回归生活,拓宽运用面。 5 (图 1) (图 2) 【设计意图】从学生熟悉的歌谣入手,建构语言支架,通过make a new chant 进行口头表达复习,激活学生旧知,为新知学习作铺垫。 Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Learn the names. T:Look!Huang Ximin has glasses,and one of my friend has glasses too. Look,they are my friends,what are their names? 教师利用书本插图,让学生认识书中四个主角人物 Ben,Ann,James,Kate,并 通过 name-cards 结合 phonic 学习这四个名字。 【设计意图】导入本课的人物图,继续延伸 my friend 话题,引导学生通过 phonic 拼词法快速读出单词,培养学生见词能读的能力。 2.Look and describe . 认识人名后,教师通过 Whats Ben like?引导学生用句型 He is. He has.对 Ben 外貌进行表述,并板书本课的主要句型。给出语言框架,描素书中 其他人物的外貌特点、局部特征及拥有物品等。 【设计意图】创建语言支架,让学生通过观察、讨论,描素本课中的人物,逐步 加深学生对课文人物的了解,为接下来进一步学习奠定基础。 StepStep 3 3 While-readingWhile-reading 1.Read and match.(见图 3) T:You can say something about my friend ,here are some information about my friend, can you read and match? 6 教师出示人物图片及文段,让学生通过阅读找出关键词并连线。 (图 3) 【设计意图】通过细读课文,加深学生对文本细节的理解,从而培养学生获取信 息,处理信息的能力。 2.Lets read. T: You can match it quickly,can you read the passage?First ,lets read the chunks. (1)Read the chunks. 出示词块进行朗读。 (2)Listen and imitate 听音,模仿,带读文段中的连读,让学生注意连读、降调及词块。 (3)Read in group of four. 四人小组练习模仿,相互学习。 (4)Lets show. 四人小组进行课文朗读展示。 【设计意图】出示词块,让学生对 chunks 有所了解,梯度式朗读降低难度的 同时,学生也比较容易上口。通过模仿地道的语音语调,培养学生的朗读能力, 增强语感,积累语言素材,以便更好地输出。 3.Reading practice.(见图 4) T:You read it very well.I feel very happy. But my friend isnt happy. Why?What happened? Look! Some words are missing, James cant read it.Can you help him? 将课文中的 is、has 挖空,让学生进行整体朗读。 4.Read and fill with has/is.(见图 5) 学生熟读课文后,用 has/is 进行对重构的文本填空。之后让学生通过所填 写的单词进行观察,并小结 is、has 的用法:is+整体外貌描述 has+所拥有的 东西。 7 (见图 4) (见图 5) 【设计意图】通过把文本中的难点进行挖空,抓住难点,解决难点,让学生更好 地理解 is、has 的运用,启发学生的思维,帮助学生有效地理解文本的结构与语 言知识点。 5.感悟:We are friends,so we should help each other. StepStep 4 4 Post-readingPost-reading 1.Look,choose and write. 观察图片,选择合适的单词填空。 He is _and _. He has a red_ She has_ _ 2.Read and choose.(见图 6) T:I have some more friends too.Please read and choose: Who is my friend. 学生阅读小短文,选择正确的图片。 (图 6) 【设计意图】通过图文匹配的简单阅读,培养学生阅读能力,开阔视野,协助学 生产出写作的概念,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 3.Describe friends. 8 T: Look , they are my friends,but who is my best friend? (1)Lets guess. 通过 guessing 猜出老师的 best friend。(见图 7) T: Miss Lu is my best friend, how about you?Who is your best friend? Please describe your best friend in group of four,and the other guess who is he/she? (2)描述自己的 best friend。(见图 8) (图 7) (图 8) 【设计意图】建构语言支架,深化学生对人物描写的方法,为学生的写作做铺垫。 4.Writing. 教师引导学生描写自己好朋友的特征,接着由教师选出几位学生的作品让大 家猜出这些学生的好朋友分别是谁。 【设计意图】以读促写,以写促读,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,迈进高 效课堂。 StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework 1.Describe your best friend to your parents. 2.选做题:Write 2-3 sentences about your parents or teachers. 【设计意图】从课堂中的描述同学朋友,过渡到描述家庭成员及老师,让语 言学习回归生活,拓宽运用面。 九、板书设计九、板书设计(见图 9) 9 (图 9) 【设计意图】板书直观简明,核心语言突出,利于学生梳理内化记忆,为写作教 学提供良好的范本。 十、教学反思十、教学反思 反思整个教学过程,笔者基本实施了原来的教学设计,并收到了预期的教学 效果。学生在本课学习前,已学习了有关描写人的句型 He is He has和相关 的词汇,但对于将自己的语言通过写作的形式写下来,学生还是摸不着头脑。因 此,学习好本课句子表达,学生终身受用。 本课为读写课,遵循听说领先、读写跟上教学理念,首先让学生通过熟练运 用本课主句型.is/has.对身边同学、朋友、老师进行描述;通过听录音,听 音猜人等教学环节,给予学生大量听说的训练;接着以语篇形式为载体,让学生 通过阅读找出老师的朋友,培养学生阅读能力,建构语言支架;以读促说,利用 支架,深化学生对人物描写的方法,为学生的写作做铺垫。以阅读推进写作,以 写作促进阅读,做到以读促写,以写促读,读写双赢。 本课亮点: 1.紧扣课标,步骤清晰紧扣课标,步骤清晰 本课立足课标,每一个教学环节紧扣教学目标开展,从 warm-up, pre- reading, while-reading , post-reading 到 homework 等各个环节中都充分考虑 到学生的综合能力培养,环环相扣,让阅读课达到最终目标写作。本课通过 以 friend 描写为载体,利用练习层层推进,引导学生通过听、说、读形式,为 写作充分准备。 2.2.歌谣热身,导入新知歌谣热身,导入新知 本节课一开始,首先通过朗朗上口的歌谣,将本节的主要句型呈现,同时也 很好地复习了 AB 部分 Lets learn 中的给予人物描写的单词和词组;接着以班 上同学做为 chant 载体,既活化了语言,同时也激起了学生的学习热情,为下来 的新课学习做足准备。 He is tall,tall, tall ,tall. She is short, short,short,short. 10 He is strong,strong,strong,strong. She is thin,thin,thin,thin. He has small eyes,small,small eyes. She has long hair,long,long hair. 3.3.信息信息“挖空挖空”,突破难点,突破难点 在知识的检测运用环节,教师将本课内容以语篇挖空的形式出现, 让学生选 择 is、has 进行填空。该“挖空式”语篇检测了学生对 is、has 掌握和运用情况, 通过填错的两个句子,让学生总结 is、has 用法的区别,突破了难点。 I have 4 friends. James _ short hair. He _ a big green bag . Ann _long hair. She _orange shoes. Kate _ tall. She _ friendly. She _a blue hat. Ben_ short and thin. He _ glasses. He _ near the window. We are good friends. 4.4.建构支架,读写双赢建构支架,读写双赢 在本课的拓展运用环节,我引导学生首先通过听音猜人,猜出老师的好朋友; 建构语言运用支架,描述自己的好朋友,让其他同学来猜;大量操练后,下一步 的写便水到渠成;最后由教师选出几位学生的作品让大家猜出这些同学的好朋友 分别是谁。此环节将听、说、读、写融为一体,以听促说,以说促写,以写促读, 读写双赢。 Name_ I have a friend. He/She is_. He/She has_ 本课需要探讨之处:本课需要探讨之处: 教师在引导学生进行写作时,应该将书写规范及格式要求说明,力求达到更 良好的教学效果。
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