人教PEP版四年级上册Unit 4 My home-C-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:9053a).doc

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人教PEP版四年级上册Unit 4 My home-C-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:9053a).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 4 My home Part C Story time 教学设计 一、指导思想 小学英语新课程标准倡导学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式, 实现任务目标,感受成功。因此,我们应该让更多的学生在学习的过程中收获知 识、体验快乐,真正做到在“以生为本”的教育理念的指引下,让学生英语的语言 能力、思维品质、文化品格、学习能力得到更好的培养。 本课时我在设计时充分考虑词不离句,句不离景的教学理念及依据,复习与巩 固有关人物一周活动安排的词汇和句型,而不是单纯机械地操练单词和句型。让 学生在学完之后能够知道它们的含义以及在什么情景中去运用它们, 达到与人交 流的目的。 二、教学内容分析

2、 本课选自于新版 PEP 小学英语四年级上册 Unit 4 My home Part C Story time, 这 是一节阅读会话课,本单元的主题描述家居摆设,询问物品位置的相关知识,该 课时通过 Zooms grandpa 和 Uncle Bear 的对话呈现 Zooms grandpa 寻找眼镜这一 情景,巩固和复习本单元的核心句型“Where are ?Are they?” 三、学生情况分析 本课的教学对象是四年级的学生,他们在前五课时里已经学习了描述家居,询 问物品位置相关句型,之前的英语学习也有一定的词汇积累,而且学生们也有较 强的求知欲和好奇心,在课堂上善于表现自我,这些个性和心

3、理特点都有利于师 生和生生在课堂上进行交流。 四、教学目标 知识目标 1.复习本单元询问物品位置并作出判断的主要句型:Where are?Are the?以 及家居设施词汇 fridge,table,bed 2.能听、说、认读新单词 those, glasses, change,并能理解。 3.能听懂、说、认读句型 Do you see my glasses? Those are not my glasses. Lets change our glasses. 4.能够在图片帮助下理解 Story time 小故事,能在教师帮助下进行分角色表演。 能够跟唱歌曲My home 。 能力目标 能按

4、正确的语音、语调、意群朗读故事,并能表演故事。 情感目标 在生活中能够主动询问或对别人的询问能够热情应答。 能主动管理好自己的物 品,养成良好的生活习惯。 五、教学重、难点 1.单词:glasses,those,change。句型:Those are Do you ? 2.能够理解并掌握故事大意。 3.能够分角色表演故事。 六、教学准备 1、教师准备教学课件和动画视频等。 2、学生准备眼镜和头饰。 教学过程 Step 1 :Warming-up 1.Warm up and Lead in(热身互动,自然导入) T:Good morning,boys and girls.Welcome to E

5、nglish again! Im so happy to study English with you.What about you?Are you happy?Are you happy to study English with me? S:Yes. T: Thank you very much .Lets start our class!This class well learn Unit 4 My home Part C Story time. 2.Lets sing A.T: First,lets listen to a nice songMy home 。 B.Lets sing

6、the song together. C.Sing and shake your body. (T 播放音频动画,听歌曲,让学生跟唱。) (设计意图:轻松愉快的歌曲,可以让学生复习之前学过的家居词汇和句型,也 可以很快的把学生带进学习英语的课堂氛围里。)通过听歌曲,提高学生学习英 语的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。) Step 2: Revision 1.Teacher show the pictures and help the students review the main sentences: Where is the cat? Its in the living room/bedroom/ki

7、tchen. Where is the ? Is it on/in/under? Yes,it is./No,it isnt. where are the ? Are they on /in/under? Yes,they are./No,they arent. 2.Teacher show a picture of glasses and the students practise the sentences. A: Where are the glasses? Are they on the fridge/table/bed? B: Yes, they are. / No, they ar

8、ent. (设计意图:通过多媒体课件等方式可调动学生的学习积极性,复习巩固所学的 单词与句型,并为引入故事做准备。) Step 3: Presentation 1、 T: Good job.Now heres a story for you.Lets enjoy our story time.First, Lets look at the picture, who are they? They are Grandpa Bear and Uncle Bear, This story happens between them.(多媒体出示人物图片。) Now they are looking fo

9、r glasses.Lets watch and answer the questions: Where are Grandpa Bears glasses? Where are Uncle Bears glasses? (设计意图:巧设问题,培养学生的思维品质。阅读会话课让学生先从视听入手, 整体感知整个故事,并让学生带着问题去听故事,孩子们的注意力会更集中,学 习会更专心。 ) 2、Have students watch the video: Story time. 3、T: So they are looking for the glasses.At the beginning,what

10、 does Grandpa say? S: Do you see my glasses?(师通过设置情境让学生理解意思。) T:So whats the Chinese meaning of the sentence? S:你见到我的眼镜了吗? T:Next,what does Uncle Bear say? Ss: No,are they on the fridge? T:Yes or No? Ss:No. T:Oh,Grandpa says:Those are not my gasses.Whats the Chinese meaning of the wordthose?(多媒体演示单词

11、 those, “那些” , 用于指离我们远的复数名词, these 的对应词。These /these are + 名词复数。师反复示范指导读词。) T:In Picture 3/4, Where are Uncle Bears glasses? Where are Grandpa Bears glasses? S:Grandpas are on the bed. Uncles are on the table. T:Really?But they fell dizzy.Because they wear the wrong glasses.So whats Uncles Bear sayi

12、ng? S:Lets change our glasses.(师用课件演示引导学生理解 change 意为“交换” ,并 指导读单词。 ) T:Listen to me and do actions. Change your book.Change your pencil boxes. Change your seats. (指导学生在理解句子的基础上反复读句子。) (设计意图:让学生在具体语境中输入语言,达到水到渠成的效果。) T:So where are Grandpa Bears glasses? S:Grandpas glasses are on the table. T:Where

13、are Uncle Bears glasses? S:Uncles glasses are on the table. (设计意图:通过图 1、图 2、图 3 和图 4 的学习,以新知为契机同时帮助学 生复习旧知,又引出本单元的核心句型。) 4.Now, lets look at the video again, and follow it, OK?(提醒学生注意语音语调。) (设计意图:让学生整体观看 story time 的动画视频并跟读,学生们在理解故 事大意的情况下,可以更快、更好的朗读并掌握 story time 的内容。) 5.Roleplay A. Students read i

14、t in roles. B. Studentsput on their headressesand act out the story. c.Have some students come to the front and role play for us。 Step 4: Summary T:Why are they wearing the wrong glasses? Because they cant take care of their objects.So we should put away your things and take care of them.Can you do it? Ss:Yes. T: You are great!I believe you can do that! (设计意图:教育学生要养成妥善照管自己物品的的良好生活习惯。 ) Step 5: Homework 1.Listen and read the story. 2.Act out the story. Blackboard Design: Do you see my glasses? Those are not my glasses . Lets change our glasses.


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