人教PEP版四年级上册Unit 2 My schoolbag-A-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:804f4).doc

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人教PEP版四年级上册Unit 2 My schoolbag-A-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:804f4).doc_第1页
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1、1 教案设计教案设计 教学内容教学内容Unit2ALets spell 主备主备执教执教 学生情况学生情况 学生略有感知元音字母会有不同的发音, 但如果真正正确区分还是很有 难度。 教学目标教学目标 1 1、 知识目标知识目标 1)感知并归纳 i-e 在单词中的发音规则。 2)能够读出符合 i-e 发音规则的单词;能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合 i-e 发音规则的单词。 2 2、能力目标、能力目标 进能够根据单词的读音拼写出 i-e 发音规则的单词。 3 3、情感目标情感目标 通过发现式学习方法,培养学生学习英语的兴趣及自信心。 教学重点教学重点 归纳 i 字母在单词中的发音规律;单词 five

2、 six big kite 的正确书写。 教学难点教学难点 1.容易与 i 的短音混淆。 2. 能够读出符合 i-e 发音规则的单词 课前准备课前准备 图片,单词,多媒体课件等。 预习提纲预习提纲 1. 找一找我们学过的含有字母 i 的单词; 2. 了解元音字母在不同的单词里发音的不同。 2 教教 学学 过过 程程 导入导入 一、Warm up : 1. Greeting. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Deng. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you ,too. T

3、: How are you today ? Ss: Im fine. Thank you. And you ? T: Im fine, too. Thanks. 2. Free talk. T:Today I have a funny chant for you . Now lets chant it together. The whole class stand up. Ss: (The whole class say the chant) T: Thats good. The chant is so funny. Look, whats that ? T: Its a pig. T:Yes

4、. Its a funny pig. What colour is it ? Ss: Its pink. T: Is it big ? Ss: Yes, it is. 新授新授 (合作交流合作交流, 展示归纳展示归纳) 二、Presentation 1. Review the pronounciation of letter i in Grade three. T:Yes. Its a big pink pig. Now lets chant:Abig pink pig. (Teacher and students say the chant together.) T: Look at the

5、 words in the chant. (出示 chant 里面含有字母 i 的几个单词) Can you read them ? Now lets read them together. TSs: pig,pig,p-i-g,pig.(同法拼读其余三个单词:is,big,pink) T: OK. From these words, we can know letter i pronounce ?I,I,I, _.(让学 生补充) Ss: /i/i/i/. 2. 引入本课主要单词 five, like, rive, kite, nine 1)T: Look. How many pigs ca

6、n you see in the tree? (出示一幅 6 只猪坐在树上的图 片) Ss: Six. T:Yes. These are six big pigs.Look.(出示绕口令)Can you read this tongue twister ? Ss: Six big pigs sit in a tree. T: Oh ! The biggest pig is missing. How many pigs in the tree now ? (利用动画效 果把最大的 pig 移走) Ss: Five. T:Yes. There are five pigs in the tree n

7、ow.(出示单词 five)f-i_? Ss: /fai/ T: v? Ss: /v/five T: Good ! Read it again. Ss: (学生重复拼读一遍,然后教师抽查个别学生拼读单词) T:Youre great. Show me your fingers. Lets spell the word. 3 Ss: F-i-v-e, five. T: Now follow me, five,five,show me five.(actions) Ss: Five,five,show me five. (actions) 2)T: Boys and girls, do you l

8、ike the five pigs? Ss: Yes. T: Yes, I do. They are so cute. I like them very much. (出示单词 like, 教师指着 like 示意学生拼读) Ss: (同上方法操练单词) T: Now follow me, like,like,do you like ? (actions) Ss: Like,like,do you like ? (actions) 3.)T: Boys and girls, I like these pigs very much. But where is the biggest pig ?L

9、ook. (出示大猪猪吃饭的图片)The biggest pig is hungry. He wants to have some _.(学生补充说 rice,然后出示单词 rice) Ss: rice 然后同上方法操练单词 rice. T: Good. Follow me. Rice, rice, have some rice.(actions) Ss: Rice, rice, have some rice.(actions) 4)T: Look. The pig is full. Then he wants to fly the _. 学生补充说: kite. (出示 图片 kite,让学

10、生说出 kite) Ss: Kite 教师示意学生拼读单词 kite Ss: /k/ /ai/kai/, /t/,/kait/ T: Great. How about Group 1? Can you read ? (教师示意 Group1 拼读, 然后再同 法抽查其他的组) T: Wonderful. Follow me, kite, kite, fly the kite. Ss: Kite, kite, fly the kite. T: Good. Lookat the kite. Is it _ ?(出示 nice 的单词,让学生自己读出来) Ss: nice (同上方法操练拼读 nic

11、e) T: Children, follow me, kite, kite, nice, nice, See the nice new kite.(actions) Ss: kite, kite, nice, nice, See the nice new kite. (actions) 5)T:Children, pay attention to the kite.What can you see on the kite ? Ss: I see nine. T:Yes. We can see a big number nine. (同上方法操练单词 nine) T: Follow me , n

12、ine,nine,with the big number nine.(actions) Ss: Nine,nine,with the big number nine.(actions) 3. 找出 i-e 组合的发音规律 T: Children, look at these words. Whats the same ? S1: 都有字母 i-e T: Good.All the words have letter I and letter e.Any more ? S2: 字母 i 的发音都是发/ai/. T: Yes. From these words , we can know lette

13、r i pronounce /ai/.i-e,_.(学生补 充说/ai/) 4.Read these words together. 4 T: OK,children. Now lets read these words together. T/Ss:(师生齐读板书的 5 个单词) T: Now please open your book. Turn to page sixteen. Lets listen and reapeat. Ss:(听音跟读单词) 5. Chant. T: Children, we know the pigs are flying the kite. Theyre s

14、o happy. And they are singing the chant.Now lets sing the chant with them.(师生一起跟着录音唱歌 谣) Chant 结束后, T: Look at the chant, can you find out the words with letter i ? 学生个别回答,教师把含有字母 i 的单词标记出来。 T: Lets read them together. e.g. i-e,/ai/,nice,nice. Ss: i-e,/ai/,nice,nice. 6.总结字母 i 的两种不同发音。 T: (出示一堆含有字母 i

15、 的单词)From these words, we can know letter I prounce /i/.i,i,i,_. (学生补充) Ss: /i/,/i/,/i/. 再出示一些含有 i-e 的单词同法总结 i-e 组合中 i 的发音。 三、Consolidation and extension 1. Judge the pronounciations. T: We are so happy singing with the pigs. Lets play a game with them. /i/ or /ai/ ? PPT 出示单词,学生判断字母 i 的发音,先整体,后个别抽测。

16、 2. Read the words. T: Now lets play another game. Read the words as quickly as you can. 教师快速出示含有字母 i 的单词,学生快速地读出单词 的发音。 3. 小组合作利用词卡拼读单词。 T: You are so clever. Now I want to check you. 教师利用单词卡拼出一些含有字 母 i 但没有意义的单词,让学生快速地读出来,然后让学生利用子母卡小组拼 单词读单词。 T: OK. Lets play the game with your partners. 7 people a

17、 group. I will give you three minutes. Now you can begin. 学生分小组进行拼词读词的练习,教师走到学生旁边检查操练情况。 After three minutes T: OK. Time is up. One , two ,three. Ss:,然后坐好。 T: Now let me check your group. 教师用单词卡拼单词,学生以小组的形式快速 读出单词,读得好的加分奖励。 4. Read some words together. T: Children, some of did a good job. How about

18、all of you? Now lets try to read. (PPT出示一些含有字母i的单词, 检查学生对字母i的两种不同发音是否过关) 5 达标测评达标测评 四、Exercises. 1. Listen and number. T: Boys and girls, all of you did a good job. I like your voice. But I like your writing, too. Now lets do some exercises on your exercises paper. Please show me your paper.(教师示意学生拿

19、出练习题,然后教师播放录音,学生进行练习,听完后 进行个别抽查讲评) 2. Listen, circle and write. T: Look at No. 2. Listen, circle and write. Please listen carefully.(学生听音选择后 还要在四线格拼写出单词,最后讲评。 ) 3. Game: 帮单词宝宝找家。 T: Boys and girls, it time for dinner now. The pigs want to have some rice again. But they should finish their homework.

20、Can you help them ? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Please help the words find their house. /i/house or /ai/house ? 学生完成后抽查个别学生的答题情况,然后全班讲评。 小结小结 五、Homework. T: Boys and girls, what do you learn today ? 师生一起回顾本节课所学: Today we learn 最后总结小组得分,进行相应的奖励! 作业作业 1、Copy the words:five、like、rice、kite、nine 2、Read more words with your partner.(示意学生利用单词卡和自己的朋友们一起 拼读单词) 板书设计板书设计 Unit 2 My schoolbag ALets spell fivelikerice kitenine i/ai/ 教学反思教学反思 (或教学随笔或教学随笔) 大部分学生能按要求读出本课时含有字母 i 的单词,细心的学生 能留意到两种不同发音的单词的区别,但拼读的方法还是不能掌握, 还要再加强朗读训练。


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