人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry.-Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-(配套课件编号:e3b06).doc

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人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry.-Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-(配套课件编号:e3b06).doc_第1页
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1、1 一、课标分析一、课标分析: 外语已从一种工具变为一种思想,一种知识库。在信息时代,英语课堂教学也不得不 与时俱进, 这需要教师在教学中不断开发学生学习潜能, 培养学生自主学习能力和创新能力。 那么教师如何培养学生的综合应用能力呢?这需要教师尽可能地创设真实情景, 其语境需要 贴近时代、贴近生活、贴近学生,并且尽量采用多种教学方法,来激发学生课堂学习兴趣和 提高课堂学习效率。 二、教材分析:二、教材分析: 新目标 Go for it!StudentsBook 9 年级, 内容新颖,语言地道,题材广泛并和前四册书 内容衔接紧密,书中语言材料,不仅帮助学生巩固过去的知识,又能扩大词汇量,了解更多

2、 英美文化,丰富了学生的文化底蕴,同时能提高学生综合语言运用能力。学会用英语做事。 学会自我调控,学会运用学习策略,最终实现自主学习。本单元以 feelings 为话题,共设计 了三个部分的内容:Section A,Section B,self check, 。本节课的内容是 Section A(1a-2c) , 该部分以 Amy and Tina 选择餐馆进餐,围绕这个话题设置一些列任务,掌握 make 的使动 词用法。此选材与学生实际生活息息相关,容易激发学生的兴趣,并且要引导学生懂得餐馆 里的科学。本人结合本班学生实际情况,并根据课标要求,在教学中尝试对教材内容进行适 当的调整,也就是尝

3、试学会“改造”教学教材。 三、学生分析:三、学生分析: 初三学生两级分化已经形成, 这个班学生估计 70%学生可以通过自主与合作 学习来解决实际问题,在信息的获取、加工、管理、表达与交流的过程中自主学 习英语。30%左右学生学习英语有一定的困难,有一些厌学情绪。因此,为了唤 起学生的学习的兴趣, 本人采用 themulti-level teaching method (多层次教学法) and the heuristic teaching method(启发式教学),来提高课堂教学的有效性。 四、设计理念:四、设计理念: 本人认为良好的教师个人素养在课堂教学中充其量起到“加法效应” ,唯有 学生

4、有效参与才能产生课堂教学的“乘法效应” 。因此本人在本节课英语教学中 要做到引导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手,培养学生学会处理信息,获取 新知的能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力。摘抄候渝生新课程理念下创新教学 设计 五、学习策略:五、学习策略: 1、引导学生运用知识和技能,实现知识迁移。 2、在教学上设计一些开放性问题,引导学生的联想和想象,有意识培养他们的发散性思维。 六、教学目标:六、教学目标: 1.知识与能力目标:知识与能力目标:利用多媒体创设情境,学习 make +sb+ infinitive without to; make +sb +adj ,本人围绕课文内容创设有效的动态“信息

5、沟” ,引导学生从语篇中理解词汇,这 样有利于学生对目标词汇有更加感性的认识。同时动态“信息沟”的设置又为学生的语 言输出做好了铺垫。这样 50% 的学生对非重点词汇基本理解,中等以上的学生能准确 运用本节课中的生词,掌握情况良好。 2、过程与方法目标:过程与方法目标:通过有效的动态“信息沟”设置活动,75%的学生能够听懂一些列听 2 力材料,并能够顺利完成文中设置的任务。 3、情感、态度与价值观目标:如何经营好一家饭店,必须要充分掌握好餐馆里的科学。情感、态度与价值观目标:如何经营好一家饭店,必须要充分掌握好餐馆里的科学。 七、教学重和难点七、教学重和难点 教学重点:教学重点:教师引导学生通

6、过创设的情境,能够顺利完成(1b/2a-2b)中的听力任务 同时学生在听、说、读和写这些过程中掌握 make +sb+ infinitive without to; make +sb +adj。 教学难点:教学难点:学生能否真正认识到经营好一家饭店,必须要充分掌握好餐馆里的科学。 、T Teaching methods 1、Students centered (1)、Students will be allowed to talk to their partners in order to find the useful information. (2) 、Students will be a

7、llowed to express their opinions and accept others ones freely. 2、The guiding role of teachers We carry out the task based teaching method、the heuristic teaching method and the multi-level teaching method 、TeachingAids Use Electronic whiteboard and PowerPoint to have this class etc. 、Teaching proced

8、ures: Step 1: Lead in Show them one picture of Rose and Jack in order to make students think of that piece of classical song: My heart will go on. Then listen to the song. At the same time, they have to fill in 10 blanks. Then ask them some questions: Have you ever watched this movie? What s the nam

9、e?/ How did you feel after listening to this song? /How did you feel after listening to this song? /What makes you sad/cry/upset? Watching sad movies makes upset. 【设计说明:先用 Rose and Jack 一张在 Titanic 号上快要沉船的图片,来帮助学生迅速集中 注意力,再让他们听歌填词,带着任务听,这样有助于使学生快速进入学习状态,还可以通 过歌曲内容来复习或激活学生已学知识或已有知识,为接下来学习做好铺垫。 】 Step

10、 2:listening to the conversation of 1b Task 1: Before listening I can guide students to describe the two restaurants below. (1a) Then show them some expressions and sentences: Rockin Restaurant a modern restaurant/ unusual pictures/ play loud music/ covering her earswith hands Blue Ocean The walls a

11、re painted pale blue and plants are part of dcor. Apianist is properly playing classical music. /a calm and peaceful atmosphere Task 2: Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the restaurants with the statements. Rockin Restaurant The _ pictures make Amy _.The _ music makesAmy _. Blue Ocean The _

12、music makes Amy _, but it makes Tina _. Task 3: Listen again and complete the conversation. 3 Tina: Im hungry,Amy. Amy: _. Why dont we _? Tina: Yeah. Lets go to RockinRestaurant. I love their _. Amy: Oh, Tina I _ RockinRestaurant. Tina: Why? The food is great, isnt it? Amy: The foods fine. I just do

13、nt like the _. Those awful pictures on the walls _, and the loud music _. Tina: OK. So where do you want to go, Amy? Amy: Lets go to Blue Ocean. The _ music _. Tina: Not me. It makes me _. Task 4: Post listening I can guide students to discuss 3 questions:1、Compare Rockin Restaurant with Blue Ocean

14、, which would Amy like to choose? Why?What about you? 2、Why doesnttAmy like to go to Rockin Restaurant? 3、What is the advantage of Rockin Restaurant? Step 3:listening to the conversation of 2a/2b Task 1: Before listening I can guide students to talk about 4 pictures of 2a: 1、Look at the 4 pictures,

15、we can guess whoAmy is. 2、Describe 4 pictures .We had better express who they are where they are what they are doing. Task 2: Listen and number the pictures 1-4 in the order you hear them. (2a) Listen again. Complete the statements. (2b) 1. Waiting for Amy drove Tina _.2.Amy didnt want to _ at Rocki

16、nRestaurant. 3. Loud music makes John want to _.4.The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy_.5. Sad movies dont make John cry. They just make him want to _. Task 3: Post listening First, ask 2 students to read the conversation then read it together. Next retell this conversation, according to f

17、our pictures. Finally ask 2 students to report it, All of us judge who is the winner. 【设计说明: 要完成好一个听力任务, 绝不能仅仅提供给学生一段听力材料, 如播放录音等, 而是要做一些铺垫的工作。 这就要求教师在听前: 根据已知信息对听力的内容进行合理的猜 测,并概括出听的目的和方向; 听中:根据听的目的和方向,准确的获取信息;听后:从语 境和语法的两个层面对听得结果进行检测。 】 Step 4: Extensive listening Task 1: Before listening I can gui

18、de students to discuss the following topic: Different customers choose different restaurants .As a restaurant boss, how do they make more money? If you were a restaurant boss, what should you do? Task 2: Listen and fill in the blanks. Restaurant science Restaurant owners have to know how to make foo

19、d. They also have to know how to make money. Here are some things theyve learned from scientific studies. The color red makes people _1_. Red also makes customers eat faster. Many fast food 2, therefore, have red furniture or walls. Soft color like pink and light blue make people3 ,so they spend mor

20、e time4their meals .Soft lighting makes people5 4 good,but6makes food look bad .Loud music may be nice at first, but it soon makes people want to7.Hard seats also make customers want to eat8and leave.Many restaurants, especially, fast food restaurants, use this knowledge to make customers eat 9.Cust

21、omers only sit for about 20minutes before they leave. Because customers do not stay very long, small restaurants can10many people every day. Task 3: Check the blanks and ask them to it together. 【设计说明:这一部分范听内容是来自新目标9 年级旧版 Unit 133a of Section A ,本 人把它改成范听材料。因为这节课内容是围绕 Amy and Tina 外出就餐不仅仅看食物怎么样, 就餐的

22、环境也是至关重要。本人要求学生在听前与同位讨论:.As a restaurant boss, how do they make more money? If you were a restaurant boss, what should you do? 这样既活跃了课堂 气氛,又能发挥学生的主观能动性。做到 Learn to use, use to learn . 】 Step 5: Translate 10 sentences into English in order to summarize the teaching key points. 1. Sad movies make me c

23、ry 2. The loud music makesAmy nervous. 3. The soft music makes Amy relax, but it makes Tina sleepy. 4. Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy. 5. The noise will drive us crazy 6. Soft lighting makes people look good, but it makes food look bad. 7. Hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and lea

24、ve. 8. The color red makes people hungry. 9. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but also more active. 10、The old man would rather donate money to charity than buy himself expensive things. 【设计说明: 一节课运用多种教学方法进行听说,在听中只写单词和短语。本人采用翻译 句子来总结这节课所学的教学重点,学生的语言输入总是为了要完成语言输出的需要。 】 Step 8: Finish off some homework 1. Change the conversations of 1b/2a into a short passage. 2. Preview 2d/3a/3b/4a of Section A 【设计说明:一方面,本人在课堂教学中采用听前,听中,听后的大量活动,课后要求他们 对把这两段对话改写成短文,这样不同层次的学生都能改出不同水平的文章;另一方面,要 引导学生养成课前预习的好习惯。只有认真预习,才能提高课堂听课效率。也有利于培养学 生自主学习能力和创新能力。 】 教学反思:教学反思:


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