人教版九年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:a03c4).zip

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Unit8 ItmustbelongtoCarla. SectionA(3a-3c) Reviewing 蒙面歌王猜猜猜 Whocouldheshebe? HeShecould(mightmay)be. HeShemustbe. HeShecantbe. 1 Whocouldheshebe? HeShecould(mightmay)be. HeShemustbe. HeShecantbe. 1 Whocouldheshebe? HeShecould(mightmay)be. HeShemustbe. HeShecantbe. 2 Whocouldheshebe? HeShecould(mightmay)be. HeShemustbe. HeShecantbe. 2 Somethingstrangeishappeninginour neighborhood.Whatcoulditbe?Lets takeactiontofinditout! ourneighborhood makenoise ( )1.Stop making so much _.Your grandfather is sleeping. Avoice Bnoise Csound Dshout 2.上课时请不要吵闹!_! B Please dont get noisy in class getnoisy(adj.) noise(n.) Pre-reading wolf(n.) wolves(pl.) Keep away from wolves,because theyre dangerous animals. too.to. see.doing. . 3.She was so weak that she couldnt take care of her baby. (改 为同义句) She was _weak _take care of her baby. 4.远离狼因为它们是危险的动物。(句子汉译英) 5.I saw Mary _ (watch) TV in the room when I entered the house.)(用所给次恰当形式填空) too to watching happening(s)(n.) (不寻常的)事件 uneasy(adj.) policeman(n.) policemen(pl.) 6.The strange _ made everyone worried. 7.The terrible car accident made us feel _ 8.吉姆长大时,想当一名警察。 happening uneasy Jim wants to be a policeman when he grows up. havenoidea 一点不知道 Theremustbe.doingsth 一定有.正在做某事 9. I have no idea what time it is now.(句子英译汉) ( )10.Whats behind the door? It must be a dog _ behind it.(易错题) Ato lie B. lie C. lay D. lying 11.听!一定是有人在敲门。 _. 我不知道现在几点了。 D lying Listen!There must be somebody knocking on the door. 1.itmustbeteenagershavingfun. =.itmustbeteenagerswhoarehavingfun. 那一定是正在玩闹的青少年们。 havingfun是分词短语,作定语修饰teenagers,相当于定语从句:whoarehavingfun。 2.Theremustbesomethingvisitingthehomesinourneiborhood. 一定是有什么东西在我们这个社区逗留。 Theremustmightcantbe.doingsth+(地点),therebe句型与 现在进行时态结合,意为“一定有(在某处).正在做某事”,此句还添加了推测词must于be 1.itmustbeteenagershavingfun. =.itmustbeteenagerswhoarehavingfun. 那一定是正在玩闹的青少年们。 havingfun是分词短语,作定语修饰teenagers, 相当于定语从句:whoarehavingfun。 2.Theremustbesomethingvisitingthehomesinourneighborhood. =Theremustbesomethingthatisvisitingthehomesinourneighborhood. 一定是有什么东西在我们这个社区逗留。 visitingthehomes是分词短语,作定语修饰something 相当于定语从句:thatisvisitingthehomesinourneighborhood. 1.Whatisthewomandoinginthe picture? 2.Issheworriedornot? Lookatthepictureand answerthetwoquestions. Sheislookingoutofthe window. Sheisalittleworried. Skimming:Lookthroughthepassagequicklytofind themainideawithouthavingtoreadeveryword.( 迅速浏览全文找出中心内容,不要逐词阅读) 1、Whereisthearticle(文章)from?() A.AnewspaperB.AdictionaryC.Amagazine While-reading 2.Thinkanddecidewhichmightbethebesttitle. (读文章,判断哪个或许是最佳题目) Whichisthebesttitle?() A. ASmallandQuietTown B.StrangeHappeningsinMyTown C.AnimalsinOurNeighborhood 阅读策略:在阅读全文之前,仔细阅读每段的首句和 尾句可以帮助你对主题的了解,并帮助你猜测整篇文 章讲的是什么。 Scanning: Moveyoureyesquicklydownthepagetofind specificinformation.(扫读找出详细的信息) 1.WhoisVictor? Heisaschoolteacher. 2.Victorsnext-doorneighborHelenis unhappytoo. Whatdoes“next-doorneighbor”mean?() A.亲戚 B.隔壁邻居 C.朋友 阅读策略:如果你第一次阅读某物,不要担心你不会 的词汇和短语,利用上下文来帮你猜出新词汇和短语 含义是个好主意。 uneasy teenagers (next-door)neighbor neighborhood wolf noise-maker 1.Listentothearticleandfind wordstomatchthemeanings. (听录音并找出与其含义匹配的词 ) Post-reading 2.Readthearticlecarefullyandwritewhatpeople thinkaboutthestrangenoises.(起立大声阅读文章 ,读完立即坐下写出人们对奇怪噪音的看法) (A reporter is interviewing some pepole in the town.) A reporter: Im a reporter from the town newspaper.What happened in your neighborhood? Victor: Every night we hear strange noises outside our window. A reporter: What do you think it could be? Victor: My wife thinks _.but my friends and I think _. we called the policemen ,they think_. A reporter: what is your opinion about the happening? Helen: At first,I think that_ _ _. A woman: I saw something running away,but it was dark so Im not sure.I think_ _. A reporter: The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.What could it be?. itmustbeteenagershavingfun itcouldbeananimal itmightbeadog,butIcouldnt seeadogoranytingelse,either.SoIguessitcant beadog. itstoobigtobeadog,maybe itwasabearorawolf AnAn interviewinterview 填写完填写完对对对对 话话话话后,后,以小以小 组为单组为单组为单组为单 位位 合作合作练习练习练习练习 此此对话对话对话对话 并并 以表演以表演 itmightbethe wind Mysteryinourneighborhoodexplained. Wenowknowthecauseofthemysteryinthe neighborhood.Thedirectorofthelocalzoosaidthat threemonkeysescapedfromthezoo. Conan(柯南) found the reason! somethingthatis difficultto understandor explain 主管 从.逃跑 Theymight cant must Makeupastory:(续写故事,推测一下三只猴子从动 物园跑出来之后它们可能做的的事情,以小组为单 位共同完 成一份作文即可) NomoreMysteryintheneighborhood NoMoreMysteryinTheNeighborhood Lastweek,itwasaveryquietFridaynight.Something strangehappenedinourneighborhood.Butnowweknow whatwashappeningintheneighborhoodisthatthethree monkeyescapedfromthezoo. Theymight_ Theycant_,because_ Theymust_,because_ Nowthemysteryissolved.peopleintheneighborhood areallveryhappy. Keepthinking,Keepquestioning! 保持思考,保持质疑 Stayhungry,Stayfoolish! 求知若饥,虚心若愚 Homework:Homework: 1.1.填写填写3c3c表格,并表格,并尝试尝试尝试尝试 复述复述课课课课文。文。 2.2.收集一收集一则则则则“ “神秘事件神秘事件” ”的英文故事,并就文的英文故事,并就文 章章设设设设置两个置两个问题问题问题问题 。 Topic Go for it 9(全) ! Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section A(3a-3c) TypeReading Teaching aims 1. Cognitive Dimension: Word : noise, policeman, wolf, uneasy, happening 1 Grammatical items: have no idea , there must be.doing sth 2 Topic: a. My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my 3 friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. b. They think it might be the wind. c.There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 2. Skills and Competence: Learn to use the reading strategies to improve their reading 1 skills. learn to make up a story. 2 3. Affective Dimension: Love life. Keep thinking and keep questioning.Stay hungry,stay foolish. Important points Practice reading and writing with the target languages. Difficult points Use the target languages to express their own ideas Teaching methods Task based Teaching Approach Scene Communication Approach Teaching aims PPT Real objects Teaching course Teaching contents Teachers activities Students activities Designed intentions Step 1 Warming up Greeting Greet students Greet the teacher To get the students be interested Step 2 Pre-reading A game 1 Who could heshe be? Vocabularies 2 in the lessons Looking and 3 guessing Show videos ask the students questions. Create a scene And present new words Encourage the students to Express the ideas Listen to the teacher and try to stand up and answer Learn new words Look and guess The main idea To help the students review the languages they have learnt To input the knowledge To practice the reading skill- predicting Activity 3a Skimming 1 finding the main idea Scanning 2 Find the details and Fill in the form Guide Ss to read And get the main Idea Guide Ss to work in groups and practice the pattern Read quickly to choose The main idea Fill in the form To train Ss reading ability step by step To help Ss master the reading skills and remember the details Step3 While- Reading Post -reading Task 1: 3bFind words to match the meanings. Task 2: Activity 3c Discussion 1 How to make Up a story talking time 2 writing time 3 Play the tape Show strategies and check the answers Elicit Ss to find the Rules and show the rules Go around the class and give help Show more sentences and join Ss Listen to the tape and get the meaning Reading and finish complete The conversation. Discuss in groups and try to find the rules Practice in groups and try to act Draw and write in groups Or individually To help notice the structure To train the abilities of observing and Thinking To use the target languages To improve the creative ability. Step 4 Summary&homework Summary Activity 3a Encourage Ss Give assignment Sum up and share Try to get it Consolidate the lesson Get Ss to further study Black board design Unit8 I t must belong to Carla ? Section A(3a-3c) Have no idea There must bedoing sth. Three monkeys Noise couldmightmay escaped from Make noise cant the zoo Get noisy must Uneasy Wolf Policeman happening
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