人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:212f9).zip

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学习准备 导学案 课件 学习目标 1. 掌握单词,短语 custom, bow, kiss,shake hands, for the first time。 2. be supposed to 句型的用法。 3. 中西方人们见面礼仪的差别,培养学生跨文化交际意识。 重点难点 1. 用动词不定式谈论习俗和应该怎么做。 2. 正确选择和使用动词不定式。 知识链接情态动词 should+do 导 学 过 程讨论意见 【预习导学预习导学】 一、主要短语和单词。 1、握手_ 2、习俗_ 3、鞠躬_ 4、亲吻_ 5、第一次_ 二、复习一些国家的名称。 1、巴西_ 2、美国_3、日本_ 4、韩国_5、墨西哥_ 【展示交流展示交流】 1、(1a)Match the countries with the customs. 2、Listening(1b) then check it. Countries Customs 1._Brazil 2._b_the United States 3._Japan 4._Mexio 5._Korea a.bow b. shake hands c.kiss 3、Work in pairs.(小组合作,一问一答小组合作,一问一答) (1c) A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B:Theyre supposed to bow. How about in the United States? A: In the United States, theyre expected to shake hands. Make conversations(造句)(造句). Sample(例句例句): +地点地点 A: In , what are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B:Theyre supposed to 或或 Theyre expected to 【合作探究合作探究 】 “be supposed to”的用法的用法 1. be supposed to do sth.意思是: “ ”, 某人被期望做某事, 主语通常是人, 相当于 be expected to do sth.或或 情态动词情态动词 should do sth,时 态、人称和句式的变化在 be 上体现,to 为不定式符号,后接为不定式符号,后接 。 2. be supposed to do 的否定式,要在在 be 后加后加 , 此时相当于 be not allowed to do, 意为“不被许可。 【达标检测达标检测】 一单项选择。 1. What are you supposed to _ when you meet someone for the first time? A. do B. doing C. did 2. He is _ arrive at 7:00. A. expected B. expected to C. expecting to 3. You_ take the books out of the reading room. A. should to B. are supposed C. arent supposed to 二 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. As a student, I know I am_(suppose) to study hard. 2. He is _ (not suppose) to smoke here. 3. They are _ (expect)to bow. 【学后反思学后反思】 我的不足是: 我努力的方向是: 教师寄语:教师寄语: 我参与,我快乐。我参与,我快乐。 我自信,我成功。我自信,我成功。 Iwilldobetter! Different countries have different customs 习惯习惯, 风俗风俗. SectionA Period1(1a1c) 学习目标 1.熟记单词,短语熟记单词,短语custom,bow,kiss ,shakehands,forthefirsttime。 2.学习学习besupposedto句型的用法。句型的用法。 3.了解中西方人们见面礼仪的差别,培了解中西方人们见面礼仪的差别,培 养学生跨文化交际意识。养学生跨文化交际意识。 Can you guess these countries? BrazilMexico Korea Japa n America China shakehands Newwords bowv.n.鞠躬鞠躬 kissv.n.亲吻;接吻亲吻;接吻 一、主要短语和单词一、主要短语和单词 1、握手、握手_2、习俗、习俗_3、鞠躬、鞠躬 _ 4、亲吻、亲吻_5、第一次、第一次_ 二、复习一些国家的名称二、复习一些国家的名称 1.美国美国_2、日本、日本_ Answers: 1.shakehands2.custom3.bow4.kiss5.thefirsttime 1.AmericatheUSA.2.Japan 小试牛刀小试牛刀 Finish1a:Whatdopeopledowhenthey meetforthefirsttime? 2 Beforelistening:Discussion(讨论(讨论 ) (小组合作)Group -work CountriesCountries CustomsCustoms 1._Brazil a.bow b.shakehands c.kiss 2._theUnitedStates 3._Japan 4._Mexico 5._Korea c b a b a 1b1bListenandcheckyouranswersin1a. Whilelistening Listen again and fill in the blanks. A1:Whatarepeople_todowhentheymeet_thefirst time? B1:Well,doyoumeanwhenfriendsmeetforthefirsttime? A1:Yeah. B1:Well,inBrazil ,friends_. A1:Whataboutin_,Rodrigo? A2:InMexicowe_. A1:Howaboutin_,Yoshi? A3:We_. B2:Andin_wealso_. A1:Well,Iguessinmost_weshakehands. supposedfor kiss Mexico shakehands Japan bow Korea bow westerncountries A:Hello,ImfromMexico. Nicetomeetyou! Actout!自我展示自我展示我勇我勇敢敢! B:Hello,Imfrom theUnitedStates. Nicetomeetyoutoo! Iftheycomefromdifferentcountries,whatdo theydowhentheymeetforthefirsttime? 中考链接:谚语再现中考链接:谚语再现 Pair -work : 3 Samples: A: In , what are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B:Theyre supposed to 或:或:They should +地点地点 kiss + bow shake hands 1c1c Afterlistening : T:InJapan,whatarepeoplesupposed todo whentheymeetforthefirsttime? Ss:Theyaresupposedto bowv.n. 鞠躬鞠躬 For example: Pair -work : 3 Samples: A: In , what are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B:Theyre supposed to 或:或:They should +地点地点 kiss + bow shake hands 1c1c Afterlistening : Youresupposedtoshakehands. (1)besupposedtodosth.意思是意思是:“ ”,某人被期望做某事,某人被期望做某事, 主语通常是人主语通常是人,相当于相当于beexpectedtodosth.或或情态动词情态动词shoulddosth, 时态、人称和句式的变化在时态、人称和句式的变化在be上体现,上体现, to为不定式符号,后接为不定式符号,后接 。 (2)(2)否定形式在否定形式在bebe动词后加动词后加 ,表示禁止做某事。,表示禁止做某事。 汉译英:如果你在巴西,你应该亲吻汉译英:如果你在巴西,你应该亲吻. 在工作日,我们不准玩电脑游戏。在工作日,我们不准玩电脑游戏。 Languagepoints 合作探究合作探究 -拓展拓展 应该做某事应该做某事 动词原形动词原形 not IfyoureinBrazil,youresupposedtokiss Wearenotsupposedtoplaycomputergamesonweekdays. 1.(2012平凉)平凉)Whatareyousupposedto_when youmeetsomeoneforthefirsttime? A.do B.doing C.did 2.(2012四川来宾)四川来宾)Heis_arriveat7:00. A.expectedB.expectedtoC.expectingto 1.3.(2014平凉)平凉)You_takethebooksoutofthe readingroom. 2.A.shouldto B.aresupposed 3.C.arentsupposedto A B C 二 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.(2014平凉)平凉) Asastudent,IknowIam_(suppose) tostudyhard. 2.(2013甘肃)甘肃)Heis_(notsuppose) tosmokehere. 3.(2012平凉)平凉) Theyare_(expect)tobow. supposed notsupposed expected 我我 的的 收收 获获 sentences language points words 硕果树硕果树 summary 新目标九年级英语教学设计 Unit10 You are supposed to shake hands. Section A 1a-1c 教学目标 知识目标 1.Students can grasp the target language and vocabularies. 2.A:What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time? B:You are supposed to shake hands. 能力目标 (1) Train students listening ability.(听力技能的训练) (2)Train students communicative competence.(语言交流技能的培养) (3)Improve the four skills of learning English.(学习英语的四项基本技能的培养) 情感态度和价值观 培养学生文明的交际行为,学会比较不同的国家的文化差别, 能理解和尊重不同国家风俗礼仪习惯。 教学难点 Vocabularies and different country customs. 教学重点 Can use “be supposed to” correctly. 教学过程 Step 1、导入明标: 1).Warming up :Show the map .ask the students to guess what each of the countries is. For example: Brazil, Japan, Korea, the United States and so on. Let students know about the countries so that students understand that different countries have different culture. 2)Show the studying aims:(出示学习目标) To grasp the target language and vocabularies. A:What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time? B: You are supposed to shake hands. Step 2、 自学质疑:. Task 1.Students have learned the new words in the first part. So it is a good way for teachers to describe the words and students guess what they are. (设计意图:让学生复习巩固所学的单词,利用多媒体,介绍 一些国家的礼节礼仪,有利于1a活动的开展,通过对旧知识的复习 有利于新课的句型教学。) Task 2.: Listening practice . 1) .Ask students to think : what are they supposed to do when they meet someone for the first time ? ( in China) S: Answer the question.( one or two students) 2) Let students practice. What do people do when they meet the first time ? 利用多媒体,出示图片 Let them practice the important sentences again and again according to the picture. 3) .Read the instructions again and ask students to match the customs lettered. a , b ,and c .with the countries. Point out the sample answer 。 Match the countries with the customs. Countries Customs 1._Brazil 2._b_the United States 3._Japan 4._Mexio 5._Korea a. bow b. shake hands c. kiss 4). listen to 1b: students try to get the general idea . play the recording a second time. Say, now listen to the recording and check your answers to activity 1a. Step 3、小组合作: Task 1.Pair work: Talk about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time. -What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? -Theyre supposed to bow. (设计意图:英语新课规范要求运用“任务型”教学方法,因此在 听问题之前,先出现要回答的问题,让学生带着问题去听录音,这 样学生就会有意识地抓住要听的内容,提高学生听的效果。) Teacher asks students: what are you supposed to do if you are invited to a friends house? Task 2 Students answers. 适当拓展 展示本节课的知识要点,学生做好笔记并识记重点。 Step 4、合作探究 “be supposed to”的用法的用法 1. be supposed to do sth.意思是: “ ”, 某人被期望做某事, 主语通常是人, 相当于 be expected to do sth.或或 情态动词情态动词should do sth,时态、人称和句式的变化在be上体现,to为不定式符号,后接为不定式符号,后接 。 2. be supposed to do的否定式,要在在be后加后加 , 此时相当于be not allowed to do, 意为“不被许可。 Step 5、拓展训练。、拓展训练。 一单项选择。 1. What are you supposed to _ when you meet someone for the first time? A. do B. doing C. did 2. He is _ arrive at 7:00. A. expected B. expected to C. expecting to 3. You_ take the books out of the reading room. A. should to B. are supposed C. arent supposed to 二 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. As a student, I know I am_(suppose) to study hard. 2. He is _ (not suppose) to smoke here. 3. They are _ (expect)to bow. 三Make 5 sentences with “be supposed to do” Step 6 、小结反思 sentences words 我我 的的 收收 获获 language points 板书设计: Unit10 You are supposed to shake hands. Section A 1a-1c 1. Words and language points ; 2.Sentence forms : A-What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B-Theyre supposed to bow.
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