人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section B 1a—1d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:9019e).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands._Section B 1a—1d_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:9019e)
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所用教科书 书名 新目标英语 所教年级九年级 所教册次、 单元 全一册 Unit 10 设计主题 初中英语 Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. Section B (1a-1d) (听说课) 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 整体设计思路:整体设计思路: 本节课通过课前指导,要求学生课前识记该课的相关词汇及短语,感知新语言项目。 课堂设计层层递进、由易到难,各环节过渡自然。课堂上采用多种形式操练句型,尽可能 多地创造真实的英语语言运用环境。要求学生在小组合作中学习英语、运用英语并掌握英 语。在教学活动过程中,注重激发学生对话题的兴趣,让学生体验到用英语进行交流的乐 趣。同时,与学生进行密切合作与交流,并适时的对话题进行评价和指导。根据语言材料 涉及的话题进行德育渗透。同步训练使学生在掌握基本知识的同时,提高灵活运用的基本 能力。力求使学生的听说在本节课得到充足的训练,并为本单元的后边的写作积累素材。 指导依据说明:指导依据说明:新课程标准理要求以学生的生理、心理特点、兴趣爱好伟基础,结合 学生的实际生活经验,围绕教学目标,对教学内容进行优化组合、有效拓展,为学生提供 课前准备课前准备 自由谈话自由谈话 通过中西用餐的两幅图片导入新课通过中西用餐的两幅图片导入新课 前任务阶段前任务阶段 在了解不同国家的用餐礼仪的同时在了解不同国家的用餐礼仪的同时 学习新词汇和新句式学习新词汇和新句式 任务实施任务实施 任务一:听力操练(目标语言输入)任务一:听力操练(目标语言输入) 任务二:谈论任务二:谈论“餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪”:结对练习(目标语言输出):结对练习(目标语言输出) 任务三:表演中国的餐桌礼仪(小组合作学习)任务三:表演中国的餐桌礼仪(小组合作学习) 后任务阶段后任务阶段 拓展升华拓展升华 总结重点总结重点反馈反馈 作业作业兴趣作业兴趣作业 丰富多彩的教学素材,使学生在经历知识获得的过程中,合作交流能力、独立思考能力、 搜集处理、运用信息等能力都能得到相应发展,从而形成积极主动的学习态度。因此,本 节课始终贯彻自主学习、合作探究的教学理念。 2.教学背景分析 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本单元是九年制义务课程标准实验教科书新目标英语九年级全一册第十单元,本单元 的核心话题是“礼仪”和“习俗” ,教材通过循序渐进的方式引导学生描述自己或他人在 不同场合应该做什么(be supposed to do sth) ,不应该做什么(be not supposed to do sth) 。谈论不同国家的习俗和餐桌礼仪等。本单元的教学内容是在 Section A 部分的 基础上对礼仪习俗的拓展,主要介绍不同国家的餐桌礼仪。本部分还通过听、说活动进一 步巩固 be supposed to 等结构的学习,让学生了解和熟知不同国家人们的不同风俗习惯。 学生情况分析:学生情况分析: (1)九年级的学生有较强的观察力,同时乐于发表自己的观点,有利于课堂任务的完成。 (2)九年级的学生在听说方面有一定的基础,对于任务型教学也已经有一定的了解,掌握 了一些如何开展结对活动和小组活动的方法,但对英语的感知、基本知识、基本学习技能 都相对比较欠缺。好在九年级学生对学习的兴趣以及感知新知识的心境仍然存在,对学习 英语的基本习惯已经养成。在学习活动中,学生能通过相互描述彼此的变化加强相互的了 解,同时促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。 3.教学目标分析 (1)知识与能力知识与能力:掌握新单词和短语: empty,stick into;point at.掌握并学会运用以 下句式: Youre not supposed to;Its impolite to ;You shouldnt (2)技能与方法技能与方法:运用任务型教学、小组合作等方式培养学生灵活运用本课内容进行情景 交际的能力,从而提高学生的语言综合运用能力。 (3)情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观:通过对一些国家的风俗习惯和饮食文化。餐桌礼仪的了解,进一 步提高学生对文明生活的认识,形成良好的礼仪风范。同时,使学生学会尊重不同文化和 风俗的差异。在课堂活动中增进学生之间的交流和合作,培养学生的团队意识和合作精神。 4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重点:教学重点: 1) 掌握本课时出现的生词和句式。 2) 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。 教学难点教学难点: 1. 运用所学内容谈论餐桌礼仪。 2. 在听的过程中获取有用的信息。 5.教学过程设计 (中文为主 + 目标语言) 步骤步骤 1 1:Warm-up and leading in.(课前热身并导入新课)课前热身并导入新课) Show students two pictures of a Chinese meal and a western meal. T: Can you tell the differences between a Chinese meal and a western meal? S1:People use chopsticks and spoons at a Chinese meal. S2: People use forks and knives at a western meal. T:Besides the tableware, there is another big difference between different meals. Do you know what it is? Thats the table manner. Let students read the “Goals” in this class. 设计意图:通过中西方用餐的两幅图片导入新课,让学生观察并思考中西用餐时的不同之 处。从用餐工具的不同过渡到用餐礼仪的不同,同时出示本课的学习目标。 步骤步骤 2 2:Pre-task Presentation :(呈现新知)(呈现新知) Learning the table manners around the world.( Working on 1a) T: There are many table manners around the world. But different countries have different manners. How much do you know about table manners around the world? Help students finish 1a. Write the new word, phrase and sentence patterns on the blackboard: empty; stick into; Youre supposed to ; Youre not supposed to ; Its polite to; Its not impolite to 设计意图:通过图片向学生展示不同国家的用餐礼仪,让学生判断这些用餐礼仪是否正确, 并了解学生对其他国家的用餐礼仪了解情况。在学习这些礼仪的同时回顾并学习一些新的 词汇和句式。 步骤步骤 3 3:While-task ( (小组合作,探索新知小组合作,探索新知) ) A: Task 1 : listening to 1b and 1c(听力操练)(听力操练) (1) T: This is Steve. He is going to China tomorrow. His friend Yang Ming is telling him the table manners in China. What table manners are they talking about? Now, lets listen to the beginning of their conversation and answer the two questions. Play the tape and check answers. (2) T: There are three pictures. Can you describe them? (For example, ) S: T: Listen and number the pictures in the order you hear them. Play the tape and let students listen to the tape and check answers together. (2) T: Lets listen again, this time match and complete these sentences. Before listening, read the sentences in the chart. After listening, check answers together. 设计意图:在听力练习前先让学生对三幅图片所展示的内容有所了解,从而对听力内容进 行预测。并在听前创设情境,帮助学生理解听力材料的背景。在播放听力材料前让学生快 速浏览表格中的句子,获取关键信息,渗透听力技巧。 B: Task 2 :pair work(结对练习)(结对练习) T:Let students do some pair work. Let them make conversations about table manners in different countries. 1. Ask students to make dialogues in pairs like this. A: In, what are you supposed to do when you are at dinner table? B: We are / arent supposed to Ask several pairs to show their dialogues. 设计意图:通过两人对话的方式对语言目标进行反复操练,让学生学会使用这一语言。 C: Task 3 : Act and Challenge ( (Table manners in China) ) T: China has a long history and rich table culture. What table manners do you know? Now, lets watch a flash and review some Chinese table manners that we have learnt in this class. Play the flash. T: What other table manners do you know? Talk about it with your group members. The more, the better. After discussion, lets act and challenge other groups! 设计意图: 通过表演的形式,让学生了解更多的中国餐桌礼仪,尽量使每一名学生都能参 与到活动中来,培养学生的创造力和合作学习的能力。 步骤步骤 4:Post-task:Extension ( (拓展提高拓展提高) ) T: At a Chinese meal, chopsticks play an important part. Theyre not just the tools for eating. They are also symbols of some spirits. What are they? Lets look at a public service ad of CCTV. Play an advertisement for the class. T: How do you like this ad? S: T: Chopstick culture is a unique part in Chinese traditional culture. All of us have the responsibility to inherit and carry forward our traditional culture. Can you do it? S: 设计意图:通过公益广告,让学生去思考筷子中所蕴含的中国传统文化。筷子不仅仅是一 种用餐工具,更代表的中国传统文化的一种传承,引发学生的深思。 步骤步骤 5 5: Summary ( (总结总结) ) T:What have we learnt in this class? Who wants to act teacher and tell us what we have learnt? S: 设计意图:先让学生总结本节课所学重点,检验学生对本节课所学内容理解程度,再由教 师加以补充强调重点内容。 步骤步骤 6 :Homework (作业)(作业) 1. Imagine that you are Steven from 1b. Write a letter to a friend about the table manners in China. 2. After class, get more table manners of other countries. 设计意图:将目标语言的学习落实到写作上。为 section B 的写作做铺垫。 6.教学评价设计 评价内容: (1) 通过多样性的评价活动对学生进行学业评价,评价的形式有学生自评、小组互评、教 师评价等 (2) 采用趣味性较强的评价方式对学生进行评价,起到激励性的作用,使学生保持学习英 语的兴趣。 评价方法: (1)课上小组竞赛评价。 (2)课后自评表和他评表。 (3)单元/课时后的终结性评价试题。 A. Listening practice 1. Listen to the beginning of the conversation and answer the questions. (1). How does Steve feel? He feels _ and _. (2). Why does he feel nervous? Because he doesnt know how to use_very well and how to_ at the dinner table. 2.Listen and number the pictures. _ _ _ 3.Listen again. Match and complete these sentence parts. _ 1. Youre not supposed to a. _your chopsticks _your food. _ 2. Its impolite to b. _anyone with your chopsticks. _3.You shouldnt c. start_if there are older people at the table. B. Act and challenge. What other Chinese table manners do you know? _ _ _ _ Youre supposed to shake hands. Section B 1a 1d People use _ and _ at a Chinese meal. People use _ and _at a western meal. Can you tell the differences between a Chinese meal and a western meal? chopsticks spoons knives forks 餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪 1.To learn the table manners around the world. 2.To read, listen and speak how you are supposed to behave at dinner tables in different countries. Goals How much do you know about table manners around the world? There are many table manners around the world. But different countries have different manners. Youre not supposed to stick your chopsticks into the food. In China Its impolite to use your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl . In China Youre supposed to eat with your hands. In India The youngest person is expected to start eating first. In Korea oldest You are supposed to make noise while eating noodles. In Japan It shows that you like the noodles. In France Youre supposed to put your bread on the table. Do Romans do when you are in Rome. 入乡随俗入乡随俗 Steve Yang Ming China Table Manners 1. How does Steve feel? 2. Why does he feel nervous? Because he doesnt know how to use _ very well and how to_ at the dinner table. He feels _ and _. chopsticks behave excitednervous Describe the three pictures in 1b. There is a bowl of rice on the table. Someone sticks a pair of chopsticks into the food. There are three people in the picture. The young man is eating. The old man seems unhappy. There are two children in the picture. The are talking. The girl is pointing at the boy with her chopsticks. 1b1b Listen and number the pictures. 123 _ 1. Youre not supposed to _ 2. Its impolite to _ 3. You shouldnt Listen again. Match these sentence parts. a. _your chopsticks _your food. b. _anyone with your chopsticks. c. start_if there are older people at the table. c a b 1c1c 3. According to Yang Ming, are children really not allowed to speak at the dinner table in China? Yes, they are. Yang Ming is just kidding. France China JapanIndia A: In, what are you supposed to do when you are at dinner table? B: We are / arent supposed to (Its impolite to ) China has a long history and rich table culture. What table manners do you know? Lets act and challenge other groups! 1. You are supposed to pick up your bowl. 2. Youre not supposed to eat with your hands. 7. After dinner, its impolite to wipe(擦擦) your mouth with your hands. 8. Its impolite to leave the table when other people havent finish the meal. 4. Youre not supposed to use your chopsticks upside down. 6. While eating, youre not supposed to talk with your mouth full. 3. Youre not supposed to chew on the end of the chopsticks. 5. Its impolite to dig the food with chopsticks. Table manners in China 筷子筷子 Chinese traditional culture Inherit(继承继承) and carry forward(发扬发扬) our traditional culture. Imagine that you are Steve from 1b. Write a letter to a friend about the table manners in China. After class, get more table manners of other countries.
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