人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry.-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:f0b6a).zip

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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A (3a-3c) 学习目标 1.掌握词汇:king ;power; banker; pale; queen; examine; nor; palace; wealth 2.掌握短语: sleep badly; feel like doing; for no reason; call in; neither nor; explain sth to sb ;take ones position; be followed by 3.掌握句型.He found nothing wrong with his body. Its all in his mind, neither medicine nor rest can help him. .Although I have a lot of power, it doesnt make me happy. IV.I have a lot of wealth, but Im always worried about losing my money. 重难点:Understand the text, figure out the definition of happiness and retell the story. The usage of reading skills. 语法:Make +sb +infinitive without to make +sb +adjective 自主学习 一、 【新词自查】 1.wealth n. _(形容词)2.fame n._(形容词)3.king n._(对应词) 4.examine v._(名词) 5.权利;力量_6.首相;大臣_ 7.银行家_8.苍白的_ 二、认真预习 3a3b 找出下列短语和句型 1.睡眠很差_ 2 想要做某事._3.无缘无故,没有理由 _ 4. 召来,叫来_5.既不.也不. _ 6.向某人解释某事 _ 7.担心_ 8.尽力做某事,设法做某事_9.替代我的职位 _ 10. 被跟随_ 11 在三天内_ 三、 合作研讨: Activity 1:Make a prediction Activity 2:Fast reading. Whats the main idea of the passage? (默读) Activity 3:Careful reading 读读 3a 第一、二自然段,回答下面的问题:第一、二自然段,回答下面的问题:(大声朗读)大声朗读) (1)What happened to the king? (2)Can medicine help the king? Why or why not? 1. He slept badly and didnt feel like eating anything. 他睡眠不好,而且不想吃东西。( 3a ) 【解析 1】feel like doing sth.=_.=_ “想要做”, 此处 like 为介词,意为“相似;类似;像”,feel like 后可接名词,代词,动名词,句子。 I feel like _ for a walk . = I want to go out for a walk.我想出去散散步。 I feel like_ a drink. = I would like _a drink. 我想喝一杯。 2. (as) pale as chalk e.g. You look as pale as chalk today. 3. call in 召来,叫来 e.g. Call in the doctor at once. 4. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. 无论是药物还是休息都帮不了他。( 3a ) 【解析】 neither.nor.“既不也 不; 和都不”, 其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份,谓语动词的单复数采取“_原则”。 I have neither money nor time. Neither Tom nor his sisters _ at home. 【辨析 1】both, either both . and ./neither.nor. (1) either or.意为“_;_”, 表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分,谓语动词的单复数采取“_原则” 。 Either you or I _ going there tomorrow. 明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里。 (2) both and“_”, 连接任意两个并列成份,做主语是谓语动词用_。 Both you and I _ going there tomorrow. 明天我们俩都要去那里。 (3) neithernor _,谓语动词跟_的主语一致。 Neither he nor I _from Beijing.他和我都不在北京。 读读 3a 第三、四、五自然段,完成下面表格(四人一组第三、四、五自然段,完成下面表格(四人一组 讨论)讨论) Who What makes him unhappy why The prime minister He has _ He_ losing his power. Many people are trying to_. The _He has _ He _ losing his money. Someone tries to_. The_ He _and Everyone _ . He is always worried about _ . 5. 1) be worried about =worry about 担心 e.g. Our parents are always worried about our grades. 2) take ones position= take ones place 取代某人的位置 e.g. He takes my position/place. 6. be followed by 被跟随 e.g. Stars are often followed by others. 7. in three days time=in three days 3 天的时间, in+时间段, 在一段时间内,用于将来时 Activity 4:Read the text again to fill in the blanks. Long long ago, there was an unhappy king who didnt feel like _. And he often cried for _ _. The doctor _ the king and found _ _. And _ medicine _ rest can help him. As for the prime minister, having a lot of _ didnt make him _ for many people were trying to _ _ _. The kings banker was not happy ,_. Although he had a lot of _, he was always worried about _ his money. The palace singer said that having a lot of fame made him be worried about _ _ _ others. 教材 3b Activity 5:Retell the whole passage . Activity 6:Group work-Role play 四总结 What is happiness? Happiness is a bowl of noodles when you are hungry ; happiness is a cup of green tea when you are thirsty; happiness is a warm hug when you are sad; happiness is to get great progress when you work hard. Happiness is a feeling, she is always in your heart 五当堂检测 . 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词 1.The doctor e_ the girl carefully and said there was nothing wrong with her. 2.The man was very rich, but w_ didnt bring him happiness. 3.You look p_. Whats the matter? Im not feeling well. 4.I wish I could be free a _the bird. 5.Although the emperor had a lot of p_ ,it didnt make him happy. 6.I told him I was w_ about Kate not being back. . 单项选择 ( )1. The more we exercise,_ we will be. A. health B. the healthy C. healthy D. the healthier ( )2.Could you please tell us something about Australia?. Sorry _Tina _ I have ever been there .A. Ether; or B. Not only; but also C. Both; and D. Neither ;nor ( )3.Look!_ my best friends, Linda and John. A Here come B. Here comes C .Come here D. Comes here ( )4.Two men were _to repair my car. A. called up B. called in C. called for D. called out ( )5.The soft music makes me _ A. felt sleeping B .feel sleepy C. f eel sleep D. sleeping ( )6.I didnt hear you come in just now. Thats good .We tried _ any noise ,for you were sleeping. A .not make B. not to make C. to make D. making ( )7How _is it form Xian to Dunhuang? Its less than 3 _ flight. A. long ; hours B. far ; hours C. long ; hours D. f ar ; hours ( )8The old man was so _the good news that he couldnt say a word. A. interested in B. excited about C .afraid of D. worried about ( )9.Our teacher often tells us _in the river. Its dangerous. A. dont swim B. Not swim C. not to swim D. not swimming ( )10.We can make a fire _the room warm so that we can chat for a while. A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. kept Section A (3a-3c) What can make you happy? Will you be happy if you have a lot of wealth? wealthy adj. power n. powerful adj. How do you feel if you have a lot of power? fame n. famous adj. Do you think people who have a lot of fame are happy? kingqueen 3a. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. The prime minister and the king B. The meaning of happiness C. A happy king Strategy:Strategy: 1. Pay attention to the title and the picture before you read the whole text. 2. Look through the passage quickly to find the main idea without having to read every word. 读读3a第一、二自然段,回答下面的问题:第一、二自然段,回答下面的问题: (1)What happened to the king? (2)Can medicine help the king? Why or why not? He was unhappy. No. The doctor says there is nothing was wrong with his body. A long time ago, in a rich and beautiful country, there lived an unhappy king. He slept badly and didnt feel like eating anything. His face was always pale as chalk. He often cried for no reason. This made the queen and his people worried. One day, a doctor was called in to examine the king. But he found nothing wrong with his body. “Its all in his mind. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear. Thatll make him happy.” (as) adj./adv as 像 一样 feel like doing 想做某事 call in 召来叫来 neithernor 既不也 不,谓语动词就近一致。 I feel like eating delicious food. You look as pale as chalk today. Call in the doctor at once. Neither he nor I am from Beijing. 我喜欢美食。 今天你面色苍白。 立刻叫医生 我和他都不来自北京. 读读3a第三、四、五自然段,完成下面表格第三、四、五自然段,完成下面表格 Who What makes him unhappy why The prime minister He has _ He_ losing his power. Many people are trying to_. The _He has _ He _ losing his money. Someone tries to _. The_ He _ and everyone _ . He is always worried about _ . a lot of power was worried about take his position bankera lot of wealth was worried about steal his money every day palace singer is famous loves his songs being followed by others The prime minister was called to the palace. But when they explained the kings situation to him, he said, “Although I have a lot of power, it doesnt make me happy. Im always worried about losing my power. Many people are trying to take my position.” Then, the kings banker came to the palace. “Oh, Im afraid Im not happy either,” he said. “I have a lot of wealth, but Im always worried about losing my money. Someone tries to steal my money every day.” be worried about =worry about 担心 take ones position= take ones place 取代某人的位置 他取代了我的位置。 He took my position/place. Our parents are always worried about our grades. 我们的父母总是担心我们的成绩。 Next, the palace singer came to the kings room. But this is what he said: “Its true that Im famous and everyone loves my songs. But Im not happy because Im always worried about being followed by others. I cannot be free!” (To be continued) Finally, the kings top general was told to go out and find a happy man in three days time. be followed by 被跟随 明星们经常被其他人跟随。 Stars are often followed by others. in three days time=in three days in+时间段, 在一段时间内用于将来时 Read the text again to fill in the blanks. Long long ago, there was an unhappy king who didnt feel like _. And he often cried for _ _. The doctor _ the king and found _ _. And _ medicine _ rest can help him. As for the prime minister, having a lot of _ didnt make him _ for many people were trying to _ _ _. The kings banker was not happy ,_. Although he had a lot of _, he was always worried about _ his money. The palace singer said that having a lot of fame made him be worried about _ _ _ others. eatingno reasonexamined nothing wrongneithernor power happytake his position either wealthlosing being followed by Find words or phrases from the story with meanings similar to these phrases. 3b 1. did not want to eat _ 2. was asked to come and help _ 3. look carefully at _ 4. becoming less important _ 5. get my job _ didnt feel like eating was called in examine take my position losing power Role-play the story with your group and imagine an ending king prime minister queen banker singer doctor Retell the story. Show time Could the top general find a happy man? What was the happy man like? To be continued Homework Talk about happiness with your parents and friends. Continue the story. Happiness is a bowl of noodles when you are hungry; happiness is a cup of green tea when you are thirsty; happiness is a warm hug when you are sad; happiness is to get great progress when you work hard. Happiness is a feeling. She is always in your heart. Thank you ! LoveLove ourour momentmoment LoveLove ourour worldworld LoveLove ourour colorfulcolorful lifelife 设计主题设计主题Unit11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A(3a-3c) 1.1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明整体设计思路、指导依据说明 整整体设计思路:体设计思路: 围绕快乐这个话题,针对教材以及学生情况,我所设计的教学活动建立在学生非常熟悉的信息基 础上,选用悦耳的英文歌曲入手,在交流和合作学习中,延伸学生学习的范围,从而贯彻新目标以学 生为主体,学以致用的原则。 指导依据说明:指导依据说明:体现新课程标准的工具性和人文性的双重属性,在为学生学习英语打好基础的同时, 提高语言运用能力,加强对学生综合运用能力的培养。用语言去揭示生活,让语言为我所用。努力给学 生搭设一个看、听、说的平台,让英语课堂为全体学生所共享.小组合作学习,分组抢答,优秀评说,个性 设计展示等多彩的活动, “强迫”学生抢着说英语。 2.教学背景分析 课前准备课前准备欣赏歌曲欣赏歌曲-Be what U wanna B 前任务阶段前任务阶段 谈论能够让学生们开心的事情谈论能够让学生们开心的事情 引出本节课主人公引出本节课主人公-King 任务实施任务实施 Activity 1:Make a prediction Activity 4:Read the text again to fill in the blanks. Activity 3:Careful reading 后任务阶段后任务阶段 巩固,测试巩固,测试 学生总结学生总结反馈反馈 小组互评小组互评教师总评教师总评 作业作业 兴趣作业兴趣作业 Activity 2:Fast reading. Activity 6:Group work-Role play. Activity 5:Retell the whole passage. 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本课的教学内容选自人民教育出版社 Go for it (新目标) 九年级 Unit11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A(3a-3c) 。这是一节阅读课,活动 3a-3b 分别围绕语篇内容和语言进行设计,3c 要求学生在掌 握课文内容之后,运用目标语言结构分角色表演该故事。阅读语篇是一个关于寻找幸福的寓言故事,该 故事还延续至 Section B 的听力部分。语言学习依然聚焦在感知和运用事物对人所产生的影响以及相应 的情感的表达方式上。本节课为后面的写作环节做铺垫,从而实现阅读服务于写作,写作促进阅读,两 者有机结合。 学生情况分析:学生情况分析: 九年级的学生少了一分张扬,多了一份稳重,不爱举手发言的他们不会自然的融入到和老师的对话 中,他们更需要任务的驱使来表达自己。因此口语展示、师生对话和小组讨论的设置十分必要。另外, 学生们对听英文歌曲、看英文视频等学习方式感兴趣,本节课由学生喜欢的歌曲导入新课,极易激发学 生学习英语的兴趣。 3.教学目标分析 Knowledge and ability objectives: Students will be able to learn and retell a story. Students will be able to improve their reading skills, such as skimming and scanning Emotional objectives: Students should understand what is true happiness. Learning strategies: Students should know the story well and they will be able to improve their communicative and cooperative strategies. 4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重点教学重点: Students can understand the text, figure out the definition of happiness and retell the story. 教学难点:教学难点: The usage of reading skills. 5.教学过程设计 Step 1:Warm-up and Pre-task. 1.Class begins and greetings. Enjoy music and free talk . (幻灯片 1,2,3) 【设计意图】快乐问好。通过学生喜爱的歌曲和话题,拉近与学生的距离,走入本节课英语学习氛围。 2.Learn the new words (幻灯片 4,5,6,7,8) 【设计意图】学习新单词,为接下来的阅读做准备。学习单词的过程中,多给学生说话机会,让说英 语成为一种自然的习惯,给他们一个口语展示的平台,帮他们建立自信心。 Step 2:While-task Task1: Make a prediction Do you think a king is happy or unhappy? (幻灯片 9) 【设计意图】让学生猜测故事情节,激发学生阅读兴趣。 Task 2: Fast reading When we do some reading, not only words, but also pictures can help us to find out the main idea of the passage. Skim for general information and find the answer.(幻灯片 10) 【设计意图】让学生从整体感知入手,通过观察图片和快速阅读对语篇的语言和结构有个总体的把握. Task 3: Careful reading Para 1,2(幻灯片 11) 细读 3a 第一、二自然段,回答下面的问题: (1) What happened to the king? _ (2) Can medicine help the king? Why or why not? _ Language points. (幻灯片 12) Para 3,4,5 读读 3a 第三、四、五自然段,完成下面表格第三、四、五自然段,完成下面表格 (幻灯片 13) WhoWhat makes him unhappyWhy The prime ministerHe has _ He_ losing his power. Many people are trying _. The _ He has _ He _ losing my money. Someone tries to _ _. The _He _and everyone _. He is always worried about _. Someone _ _. Language points. (幻灯片 14) Para 6 Answer the two questions. (幻灯片 15) 【设计意图】这是阅读的核心环节,学生已经通过略读对阅读材料的大意和思想有了整体的了解的基 础上,教师对学生进行细致的指导,分段析读,围绕整篇课文进行分段教学, 再深入整合 3a 问题,完 成各个段落的活动。 Task 4: Read the text again to fill in the blanks. (幻灯片 16) Long long ago, there was an unhappy king who didnt feel like _. And he often cried for _ _. The doctor _ the king and found _ _. And _ medicine _ rest can help him. As for the prime minister, having a lot of _ didnt make him _ for many people were trying to _ _ _. The kings banker was not happy ,_. Although he had a lot of _, he was always worried about _ his money. The palace singer said that having a lot of fame made him be worried about _ _ _ others. 【设计意图】检验学生是否充分理解这则寓言故事。 。 Find words or phrases from the story with meanings similar to these phrases. (幻灯片 17) 【设计意图】独立完成 3b 活动,判断学生对短语的理解程度。 Task 5: Retell the whole passage. According to the mind map on the blackboard, try to retell the whole passage. When you read a passage, pay attention to its structure(结构). (幻灯片 18) 【设计意图】根据思维导图,试着复述课文,注意观察文章结构,看看哪组最棒,培养学生的小组合 作意识。同时,以各段为单位进行整体阅读教学,让学生理解段落及段落之间的联系,促进对篇章结构 及更深层次意义的理解。 Task 6: Group work-Role play(幻灯片 19) Role-play the story with your group and imagine an ending 【设计意图】复述课文,已对语篇有了整体上的把握,展开讨论,不仅可以活跃课堂气氛,同时还能 锻炼学生的思维。以小组为单位,明确任务,这样既能提高全班的参与度,同时还能给学生创造发现和 学习他人长处的机会。 Step 3 Post-task 1.Summary Sum up(幻灯片 20) 【设计意图】学生总结本节课学习内容,培养学生归纳总结能力。 2. Homework (幻灯片 21,22) Continue the story. Talk about happiness with your parents and friends. 【设计意图】要求学生们落实到写上,进一步巩固知识。 3.Emotional education(幻灯片 23) 【设计意图】情感教育快乐的真谛。 Step 5 Blackboard Design Unit11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A(3a-3c) Mind map 6.教学评价设计 评价内容:评价内容: (1) 通过多样性的评价活动对学生进行学业评价,评价的形式有学生自评、小组互评、教师评价和家长 评价等等,使用等级制进行评价。 (2) 采用多种趣味性较强的评价方式对学生进行评价,突出对学生英语学习特长的评价,起到激励性的 作用。 (3) 在课堂和课外教学中,提供给学生不同形式的主题活动作业,通过这些英语实践作业完成情况,对 学生进行评价。如:英语课堂梦想汇报、英语情景剧表演、英语学科社会调查等等。 评价方法: (1)统计每人得分数,各组得分数。 (2)课后的自评表和他评表。 (3)单元/课时后的形成性评价表格。 (4)单元/课时后的终结性评价试题。 评价方法:评价方法: 学生自评、小组互评、教师评价
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