人教版九年级Unit 6 When was it invented -Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-(编号:02f2d).zip

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Unit 6 When was it invented? Section A Period 2 ( 3a 3c )An Accidental Invention Lets play a guessing game! It has a long history about 5000 years. Its a little bitter. It was invented by Shen Nong by accident. It was invented in china. It can help us keep awake, improve the eyesight, lose weight and it can also keep us away from cancer. Its brown and tastes delicious. Its a kind of drink What have you learned from unit 5 section A 2d? Where: Where is tea produced? Tea is produced in How: How tea plants are grown? Tea plants are grown When leaves they are pickedand are sent for processing. The tea is packed and Why: People all over the world drink Chinese tea? accidental /ksdentl / adj 意外的;偶然的 by accident 偶然;意外地 ruler /ru:l/ n. 统治者;支配者 boil /bil/ v. 煮沸;烧开 remain /rmen/ v. 保持不变;剩余 smell /smel/ n. 气味 v. 发出气味;闻到 saint /seint/ n. 圣人;圣徒 national /nnl / adj. 国家的;民族的 trade /tred/ n.贸易;交易 v.做买卖;从事贸易 take place 发生;出现 popularity /ppjulrti / n. 受欢迎;普及 doubt /daut/ n. 疑惑;疑问 v. 怀疑 without doubt 毫无疑问;的确 New words Fast reading (Read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea.) Paragraph 1 Lu Yu and his book Cha Jing Paragraph 2 How tea spread to other countries Paragraph 3 How tea was invented by accident Did you know that tea ,the most popular drink in the world (after water) ,was invented by accident ? It is said that a Chinese ruler A few thousand years later , Lu Yu ,” the saint of tea,” mentioned Shen Nong It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during 6th and 7th centuries Reading skills(阅读策略阅读策略) Pay attention to the beginning or the ending sentences of each paragraph. Dont read word by word. Careful reading Task 1 What Who When Where How Tea A Chinese ruler called Shen Nong About 5,000 years ago In China Read paragraph one and fill in the chart . The tea was invented by accident. A Chinese ruler Shen Nong was boiling (煮) the drinking water Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained(留在)there for some time. over an open fire在篝火上 It produced(产生) a nice smell so he tasted the brown water. It was quite delicious, and so, one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented. How was the tea invented by accident? Task 2 Read paragraph 2 and answer questions. 1.Who is called “the saint of tea”? 2. What is Cha Jing about? It describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used. Lu Yu. pay attention to the key words Task 3 Read paragraph 3 and answer. 1.when was tea brought to other countries? 2.When did the tea trade take place ? It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during 6th and 7th centuries. In England , tea didnt appear until around 1660. In the 19th century . A history Tea_first_(drink)about 5,000 years ago. It_(bring) to Koera and Japan during 6th-7th century. It_(bring) to England in 1660. The tea_ (trade) from China to weatern countries in the 19th century. Two persons Tea_(invent) by accident. It_(discover) by Shen Nong. Lu Yu_(call) the “saint of tea”. One book Cha Jing_(write) by Lu Yu. It describes how tea plants_(grow) and used to make tea. It also discusses where the first tea leaves_(produce) and what kinds of water_(use). wasdrunk was brought was broughtwas traded was inventedwas discovered was called was written were grown were produced were used How tea was invented Shen Nong invented the most popular drink in the world( after water) in a planned way.(1)_(T/F) He was boiling water and some tea leaves fell into the water. It produced a nice smell so he tasted it. (2)用英语表达it指代的内容。_ Lu Yu and his Cha Jing Cha Jing describes how tea plants are grown and used to make tea. (3) What has Cha Jing discussed about? _ How tea spread to other countries It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during 6th and 7th centuries. (4)英译汉_ (5) What do Chinese people understand best? _ 聚焦中考聚焦中考 F Tea It discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used. 据认为茶是在公元六到七世纪被带到朝鲜和日本据认为茶是在公元六到七世纪被带到朝鲜和日本。 The nature of tea. Why can Shen Nong invent tea? He must be creative, brave ,wise, careful , knowledgeable The core spirit of tea culture: harmonious(和) Homework Finish 3b and 3c. Write a composition about culture. (about 100 words) 教材 分析 本单元的中心话题是通过谈论常见物品的发明史,来学习被动语态的基本构 成和用法。语言技能和语言知识基本上都是围绕这个中心话题展开的: Section A 的 3a-3c 是阅读板块的活动。阅读语篇讲述了我国有记载的饮茶 起源的故事:它是如何被神农无意中发明的;茶叶的发展和传播历史。3a 训 练学生的快速阅读技巧,需要学生在快速阅读之后为各段匹配段落大意。3b 需要学生细读文章回答与茶叶有关的细节问题。3c 则是一个读后综合了词汇 和语言结构的巩固性活动。 学情 分析 初三的学生有一定的英语基础,大部分学生有较为明确的学习目标和认真的 学习态度。我所带的二班有一部分学生能听懂老师的话题,并参与讨论,与 他人进行相关的信息交换,并表达自己的意见。本单元是要了解有关发明的 知识,而这些发明大部分都是生活中常见的,因此这会降低课堂学习的难度。 教学 目标 1, 知识与技能: Key words and phrases. 2 过程与方法: Talk about the history of tea and give their own ideas Train students reading skills. 3.情感,态度与价值观: The core spirit of tea culture and our traditional culture. 教学 重难 点 1To help the students understand the reading passage 2. Key words and phrases. 教 法 任务型教学法 分组教学法 asking-answering 教学过程及问题情境学生活动设计意图 StepStep 1.1. RevisionRevision 1 a guessing game 2 review the knowledge of unit5 StepStep 2.Exploration2.Exploration ReadRead 3a3a Ask the students to read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea. Play a guessing game Match each paragraph with its main idea 通过猜词游戏,感 受中国茶文化的源 远流长,激发学生 对文章的学习兴趣。 快速阅读,了解课 文中心思想。 . thethe firstfirst paragraphparagraph Ask the students to read the first paragraph again and fill in the chart, make sure every student can read the passage fluently. . thethe secondsecond paragraphparagraph 1. ask the students to read paragraph 2 together and answer the questions. 2. ask the answers and allow the students to discuss in groups (1) Who is called “the saint of tea”? (2) What is Cha Jing about? 3. check the answers. thethe thirdthird paragraph.paragraph. 1. ask the students to read paragraph 2 together and answer the questions. 2. ask the students to talk in pairs and check the answers. (1)When was tea brought to other countries? (2)When did the tea trade take place? StepStep 3.3. SummarySummary UseUse thethe passivepassive voicevoice toto practicepractice somesome sentences.sentences. (1)Ask the students to do the exercises. Fill in the chart Answer the questions Discuss in groups Read the text Answer the question Fill in the blanks with the words Finish five questions by 设置问题,完成阅 读教学任务。 小组活动,提升学 生的团队合作能力。 通过更多练习,增 强学生对本单元语 法被动语态的理解。 精心挑选相关中考 考题,提升学生利 (2) check the answers. StepStep 4.4. ImprovementImprovement FinishFinish a a task-basedtask-based reading.reading. CheckCheck thethe answers.answers. StepStep 5.5. InteractionInteraction AskAsk thethe studentsstudents toto havehave a a freefree a a talktalk about“whyabout“why cancan ShenShen NongNong inventinvent tea?”tea?” themselves. Have a free talk. 用知识解决问题的 能力,使九年级学 生直面中考,实现 高效课堂。 自由讨论,提高语 言表达能力。 作 业 布 置 1 Finish 3c. 2 Write a composition about culture(about 100 words). 教 学 反 思 本堂课的优点: 1能充分利用多媒体容量大,直观性强的特点。通过呈现学 生感兴趣的图片来调动学生学习的积极性,引发学生的求知欲,创 造了传授新知识的契机, 激发了学生学习英语的兴趣和获取新知 的急切愿望。 2学生在本堂课中得到了较为充分的阅读训练。 3重点知识讲解详细,并挑选中考真题来训练学生解题能力, 让学生直面中考。 4.时间调控好。 本节课的不足之处: 1.在制作课件时,应在出示答案时加点声音特效。 2.有同学回答问题声音小,应课后课上多鼓励,,帮助学生克 服恐惧害羞的心理,能够勇敢的回答问题。
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