人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:1253b).docx

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人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:1253b).docx_第1页
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1、Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section A Reading The Difficult Search for American Products in the US 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析: 本篇短文讲述的是一个中学生在美国的商店找不到美国制造的产品而几乎都是中国制 造的事实, 同时在文章结尾处指出了我国在世界经济竞争中的不足之处。 文中不仅呈现更多 的日常生活词汇,还再现课本单元要求学习和掌握的被动语态。 二、教学目标 (一) 知识与技能 1.知识目标 1)学习掌握下列词汇:France, no matter, local, brand

2、, avoid, product, handbag, mobile, everyday 2)重点词组: no matter ,avoid doing sth. , everyday things , high-technology product,in the future 3)重点句式:NO matter what you may buy,you might probably think those products were made in those countries. He found it interesting that so many products in the local

3、 shops were made in China. He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China. 2.能力目标 1)To learn more about passive voice. 2) To understand the passage on Page35. (二) 过程和方法 1) To get a general knowledge of the passage by talking and reading. 2) To know how to make sentences an

4、d express correctly using passive voice. (三) 情感态度和价值观 通过阅读短文, 让学生们认识到我们伟大的祖国正在快速崛起, 从以前依赖进口国 外工业产品,到中国制造,中国已加入工业大国之列。了解“中国制造”已在世界各国广泛 存在,并被世界人民所认可,但我们应当努力学习将“中国制造”变为“中国创造” 。 三、教学重难点 (一)教学重点: 1.掌握本节课出现的生词、词组和句型,达到熟练运用的目标。 2.阅读短文,获得相关的信息,通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。 (二)教学难点: 1. 对被动语态的灵活运用。 2. 提高学生阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。

5、四、教学策略 根据本课教学目标和重点内容,教师可采用创设情景、free talk、小组讨论、扫读理解 文章大意,细读寻找指示代词指代的训练,增加对被动语态的理解和运用。 五、教学过程 Step 1 Greeting and Lead in 1. Greet students and encourage them to be active and mindful in this class. Tell students well have 3 challenges in this class. 2. Ask students to enjoy different sceneries of dif

6、ferent countries, then ask them : “If you take a trip abroad, what will you do and what will you buy? Are these products made in these places?” 3. Talk about things students like to do and teach new words : local, product, France 设计意图:该步通过创设情境,让学生欣赏世界各地美丽风景的同时,设想自己出国旅行时 会做些什么,买些什么,复习上一节中所学的重点知识。教师在此

7、基础上,进行发问,导入 到本课的学习内容并教授新单词。 Step 2 Presentation 1. Show students my own experience to show the popularity of “Made in China” . 2. Teach new words: brand, handbag 设计意图:通过讲述自己的经历引出本课新的单词,激活学生对本篇短文的背景信息,引起 学生兴趣。 Step 3 Fast reading 1. Ask students to read the passage quickly and choose the main idea of

8、 the passage. Review the reading strategy: Sometimes we can get the main idea from the title. 2. Ask students to describe Kang Jian. 设计意图:指导学生利用速读的方式理解文章大意并复习以前学过的阅读策略。 Step 4 Careful reading 1. Ask students to read Paragraph 1 carefully and tell True of False. Then correct wrong sentences. 2. Chall

9、enge 1 Read Paragraph 1 again, and find what the words in bold refer to. Ask students to choose an egg they like and answer the question. 3. Ask students to read Paragraph 2 and finish the following chart. Kang Jian wants to buy _. He had to _ before finding a pair made in America. He realized that

10、Americans can _ made in China. 4. Ask students to read Paragraph 2 again and answer the following questions. Teach new words (product, mobile, high-technology)as well. 1)What other things Kang Jian found were made in China? 2)What does Kang Jian wish? 设计意图:由问题引入短文,先阅读理解,再语言积累,为下一步运用奠定基础。 Step 5 Rete

11、lling time (Challenge 2) 1.Ask students to retell the passage according to the mind-map. 2.Share our opinions about “Made in China”. 设计意图:让学生学会用思维导图的方式对文章内容进行概括、总结。 Step 6 Writing time (Challenge 3) 1.Ask students to write a letter to Uncle Xi to introduce Kang Jians experience and express your opin

12、ions about it . 2.Ask 1 or 2 students to read their letters. 设计意图:将听,说,读,写的任务结合起来不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,而且巩 固了学生对目标语言的学习,识记和运用。 Step 7 Homework 1.Retell the passage to your friend. 2.Writ the letter carefully after class. If you can, send your letter to Uncle Xi. 设计意图: 让学生强化对短文的理解, 鼓励学生利用自己所学知识勇敢发表自己对某一事物 的不同看法。 六、板书设计 The Difficult Search for American Products in the US 1.local 2.brand 3.Are these products made in local places? 4.avoid doing sth.


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