人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:00275).docx

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人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:00275).docx_第1页
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1、人人教教 2011 课标课标版版九年九年级级英英语语 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of ? Section B (1a-1e) 一一 . 教学教学目目标标: 知知识与识与技能:技能: 1.Master the key words : international , competitor 2.Be able to talk about what kites are made of? 3.Improve studentslistening and speaking skills. 过过程程与与方法:方法: 1.Employ task-based approach

2、 and autonomous approach. 2.To train studentslistening and speaking skills by talk about what kites are made of. 情感、情感、态态度度与与价价值观值观: Encourage students to make things by themselves. 二二 . 教学教学重点:重点: 1.Master the new words and target language. 2.Learn to talk about what products are made of. 3. Develo

3、p studentslistening and speaking skills. 教学难教学难点:点: Train studentslistening and speaking skills by talking about what products are made of. 三三教学教学方法方法: Multimedia method、group work、cooperation discussion 四四. 教学过教学过程:程: Step 1 Check studentshomework. T :Do you know about any folk or traditional arts

4、in our country? Ss: paper cutting ,shadow figure,Chinese painting. Step 2 Leading in 1.Show some pictures ofkites and ask the students what they are. 2.Watch a video and answer the questions . T :What are Peppas family doing ? Ss : They are flying kites . Step 3 Work on 1a 1. Do you know how to fly

5、a kite? What are kites made of? Write down some materials used in making kites. 2. Let Ss discuss about it. Then write down their answers. 3. Check the answers together. (bamboo, wood, paper, cloth, plastic, string, silk and so on.) 4 .Can you describe the shapes of kites? Show some different pictur

6、es of kites ( a bird kite, a dragon kite, a butterfly kite, a character kite ) Step 4 Listening to a material (Areport about the International Kite Festival) T:Do you know which city it is ? Ss : Wei Fang T :Lets watch a video about the International Kite Festival . (此此环节让学环节让学生了解生了解潍潍坊坊国际风筝节国际风筝节,为

7、为接下接下来来的听力的听力训练训练做做铺垫铺垫) Step 5 Work on 1b-1d 1.Play the recording and ask the students to listen to the conversation between Laura and Zheng Yun and circle the correct answers in 1b. 2.Let the students read the sentences in 1c first.Play the recording again and ask the students to listen and write

8、L for Laura or Z for Zheng Yun in 1c. 3.Play the recording for a third time and ask the students to fill in the blanks with what they hear in 1d. 4.Check the answers with the class. Step 6 Work on 1e 1.Ask the students to read the sample in 1e and give a model with more information. A:Where did you

9、go on vacation? B:I went to an international kite festival. A:That sounds interesting.What did you see there? B:I saw many different kinds of kites. A:Were the kites nice? B:Yes,they were beautiful.They were made of different things like silk or paper.Some were painted with colorful drawings. A:Soun

10、ds like you really enjoyed it.I never thought that something as simple as kite flying could be so exciting. B:Yes,it was really fun to see which kite could fly the highest. A:I think I want to learn to fly a kite,too. 2.Ask several pairs to act out their conversations in front of the class. Step 7 S

11、how time Ask the students to make a short introduction of the kite festival in Weifang. (学学生能生能够够根据前面几根据前面几个环节个环节的操的操练练,完整的 ,完整的讲讲述述风筝节风筝节的的过过程,潜移默化程,潜移默化 的引的引导学导学生在生在叙叙述事件述事件时时,利用,利用关键词进关键词进行梗行梗概概的整理的整理。) Step7 Homework Search other special forms of Chinese traditional art . And make a conversation

12、 with your partner. 教学教学反思:反思:本本课时课时主要主要谈论谈论“风筝风筝”这这一一话题话题。通。通过过听前准听前准备备,进进一步一步巩巩固本固本单单元元 所所学学的被的被动语态动语态和有和有关关制造原材料的制造原材料的词汇词汇。对对于于“风筝风筝”这这一一话题话题,学学 生非常熟悉。生非常熟悉。学学生生对对于于潍潍坊坊国际风筝节国际风筝节也有所了解也有所了解,老老师师可以很自然可以很自然 地引地引导学导学生利用所生利用所学学句型句型谈论风筝谈论风筝的制作材料以及其他相的制作材料以及其他相关关信息信息,为为 听力做准听力做准备备。听前做好充分的。听前做好充分的铺垫铺垫,有助于有助于学学生听力活生听力活动动的的顺顺利利进进行行, 也有利于听后的也有利于听后的语语言言输输出。出。 不足之不足之处处:分分组讨论时组讨论时,由于由于时间时间有限有限,没没能能给给每一位同每一位同学学表表达达自己自己 观观点的机点的机会会,影,影响响了了个别个别同同学参与课学参与课堂活堂活动动的的积极积极性。性。


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