人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 2a—2e-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:427ca).doc

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人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 2a—2e-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:427ca).doc_第1页
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1、 教学设计 单 元 名 称 Unit 13Were trying to save the earth! Section A (the first period) 主 要 内 容 介 绍 背 景 分 析 一、背景分析 教材分析:教材分析: 新目标九年级 Unit 13were trying to save the earth! Section A (the first period) 本单元以 “环 境保护”为话题,通过讨论大气污染、水污染和废弃物污染等造成的原因以及我们如何做去改 善环境,着重复习时态和语态等语法知识。 本节课是本单元 Section A 的第一课时,根据学生实际情况,我对教材

2、进行了整合,删减 部分内容,同时也根据自己的理解进行了补充。 学生分析:学生分析: 1、学生基础:虽然我校学生的基础较差,好学生能用简单的英语做出描述,交流信息,表达 感觉和情感。但对环境保护兴趣很高,渴望了解外面的世界,承担保护环境的责任,有利于激 发学生的参与热情。 2学习方式:在英语学习中学生善于模仿语言,但由于语言表达能力有限,不太敢于创新, 开始上课时较为紧张需要教师引导,但有共同完成各种任务的意识。因此,我尽量给他们创设 一个愉悦而宽松的学习情境,只引导不包办,激发并鼓励学生大胆谈论,渴望谈论。 3学习能力: 英语是综合运用能力的体现,它要求学生对单词、句型、基本语法能熟练运用,还

3、要求学生要 有较强的逻辑表达能力。但是学生对时态掌握仍需加强。 教 学 目 标 1语言知识目标 基本词汇: litter,advantage,bottom,fisherman,coal,ugly,cost,wooden,plastic, takeaway,bin,shark,fin,method,cruel.Harmful,chain,ecosystem,i ndustry,law,scientific,afford,reusable,transportation,recycle,napki n,upside,gate,bottle,president,inspiration,iron,wor

4、k,metal,crea tivity, 基本词组: beharmfulto,atthetop(ofsth.),takepartin,turnoff,takeact ion,throwaway,putsth.togooduse,pulldown,bringback 基本句型: Weretryingtosavetheearth! Theriverusedtobesoclean. Theairisbadlypolluted. Noscientificstudieshaveshowedthatsharkfinsaregoodforhealth. Weshouldhelpsavethesharks.

5、2.技能目标:能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和 usedto句 型。 3.情感目标:有环境危机意识,学会关注环境保护环境。 教 学 重 点 1、 能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和 usedto句型。 2、 保护环境的措施方法。 教 学 难 点 能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和 usedto句型 How to train studentslistening ability How to train studentscommunicative competence 教学准备 教学教法 白板,师生互动,生生互动 教 学 过 程 详细内

6、容师生活动个性彰显 1a.To introduce Ss to the unit goal, talk about pollution and environmental protection. Picture: The four pictures show different forms of environmental pollution. The first picture on the left shows an airplane flying over some houses. The airplane seems to be flying a quite a low altitud

7、e, so the noise level must be quite high foe the people living in these houses. This is considered noise pollution. The second picture shows some vehicles give out exhaust fumes and causing air pollution. In the third picture, we see big chimneys giving off a lo of smoke and polluting the air. The l

8、ast picture shows a rubbish dump hat pollutes the environment around it. What other things cause pollution? Ask Ss to complete the activity as a class, then work in pairs to think of more words to add to the lists for each column. 1b. To help Ss recognize the target language in natural speech. Every

9、one needs to play a part: In the conversation, the boys are talking about the river in their town being polluted by litter and industrial waste. One of them wants to write to the government about the problem, but the other boy wisely says that cleaning up the river is everyones responsibility, not j

10、ust the governments. Predicting the answers Ss work in pairs to predict the answers to the activity, then play the recording for Ss to fill in the gaps and review answers as a class. 1c. To give Ss guided practice in using the target language to talk about pollution and environmental protection. Rev

11、iew of used to and should. 2a.To give Ss practice in learning for specific information. Culture Focus: Throwaway society In the conversation, Susan identifies “too much rubbish and waste” as a serious environmental problem. 2b. To giveSsfurtherpracticeinlisteningforspecific information. 设计理念:根据学生情况,

12、 选择直观图片使学生的思维 活跃,增强课堂气氛,并使 学生放松紧张情绪,激发学 生提高学习英语的兴趣。随 后在对学生提出问题,这时 学生正处于兴奋状态回答问 题积极踊跃 设计理念:这几个问题是为 了复习以前学过内容并操练 环境相关词汇。让多个 Ss 分 别 作 答 。 部 分 词 本 应 在 section B 中出现,但此处作 为口语出现。并在老师的评 价语中适时出现,加深学生 对词汇的印象。 设计理念: 通过师生, 生生 互动对本课的展示, 把教材 内容活化为生活实际,根据课 堂时间安排, 检查对话若干。 要求 S 在听时,记录描述中 出现的环境污染及挽救办 法。让同学朗读记录下来相 关时

13、态,以此强化学生对时 态意识。 把学习化为交际, 在 轻松愉快的环境中使学生了 解本课所学知识. 板 书 设 计 Unit 13were trying to save the earth!Section A1a 1c Were trying to save the earth.(Present progressive) People are throwing litter into the river. The river used to be so clean.(Used to ) Everyone should help to clean up the river.(Modal verb)

14、 People are throwing away things every day. People are littering in public places. To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. Our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future. 作 业 布 置 1.Make a list of things that need to be done to save the environme

15、nt. 2.Write a letter to the local government, raise the environmental problem and try to think out possible solutions . 教 学 反 思 我在对教材进行了分析后,制定了本课的教学目标,在此基础上对教材进行了处理和重 组。对有些内容进行了合并和删补。依照任务型教学的宗旨,在课堂教学过程中,根据学生实 际接受能力和已有知识水平,设计了能让学生下手的教学活动。在教学设计过程中力求采用层 层递进的方法,逐渐增加所教对话的长度,处理难点,降低教学难度,使学生掌握使用相关句 型的技巧。从课

16、堂结构的安排上看,各教学环节,时间的设置,较为紧凑,学生是否有充足的 时间完成,并有相应的时间进行评价,需要老师在课堂上进行灵活的调节。板书设计,重点突 出具有总结性,在教学中没有最好只有更好出现不足之处,需要在实践中不断改进。 Vocabulary Focus on some words used to talk about the things that are thrown away. rubbish (British English)- things that people throw away trash/ garbage (American English)- things tha

17、t people throw away waste- rubbish and unwanted materials left behind after we have used something, e.g. industrial waste litter- things that people have thrown away and left on the ground in public places 2c. To give Ss practice in using the target language in conversations. 设计理念: 写作训练是我们 教学中不可忽视的一点. 对 学生感兴趣的话题进行层层 铺垫并仿写的范文, 所以做 起来难度不大. 这一活动也 为本单元后面内容的教学起 铺垫作用.


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