人教版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.-Section B 3a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:80146).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to._Section B 3a—3b Self check_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:80146)
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【补全句子补全句子】 1.Its the kind of music 2.Its a CD 3.She likes musicians 4.She doesnt like the songs 5.She likes singers 【连词成句连词成句】 I/You/ He/She/ We/They like(s)/ love(s)/ prefer(s) music/movies/ actors/singers /clothes/food that/ which/ who is/ are funny/comfortable/ inexpensive/slow/ sweet/salty/loud/ interesting/intelligent (要求:用不同人称,至少三句话要求:用不同人称,至少三句话) 1. 2. 3. 【组织对话组织对话】 (要求:抬头挺胸、声音洪亮) A: What kind of do you ? B: I . What about you? A: . 【Guessing game】 请小组想出一句带有定语从句的句子,来描述班级的一位老师或同学, 另外一个小组猜,然后再调换。用最少次数猜到答案的小组获胜。 Group A: I have a classmate/teacher Group B: Is it XXX? Group A: Yes/No. Group B: I have a classmate/teacher . Group A: Is it.? Group B: Yes/No. 【作文用语作文用语】 学过定语从句后,句子可以下是这样的 1.Good learners (有他们自己 学习方法) can always get good grades. 2.The festival (美好祝愿的象征) is my favorite. 3.The ring looks nice. 4.I like the invention . 练习课评价量化表练习课评价量化表 (试行)(试行) 学校学校教师教师班级班级 课题课题评课人评课人 评价类项评价类项具体评价标准(细则)具体评价标准(细则)分值分值得分得分小计小计 学生明确练习内容学生明确练习内容, ,根据自己的理解,初步练习和根据自己的理解,初步练习和 整理已学的知识。整理已学的知识。 5 5 分分 练习前馈练习前馈 教师明确并收集教材易混点及学生练习时易错点。教师明确并收集教材易混点及学生练习时易错点。5 5 分分 展示练习目标。练习内容符合课程标准和考试说明展示练习目标。练习内容符合课程标准和考试说明 要求,科学性强。要求,科学性强。 5 5 分分 练习目标练习目标 目标明确、具体,针对性强,切合学生的实际水平。目标明确、具体,针对性强,切合学生的实际水平。 5 5 分分 练习内容练习内容 练习内容容量适当,梯度合理,符合学生实际,温练习内容容量适当,梯度合理,符合学生实际,温 故知新,具有发展性。故知新,具有发展性。 1010 分分 围绕练习目标,整体把握知识体系,使之系统化、围绕练习目标,整体把握知识体系,使之系统化、 结构化。结构化。 5 5 分分 注重教师素养及教学表现。点拨精辟、到位。因材注重教师素养及教学表现。点拨精辟、到位。因材 施教施教, ,落实好基本知识、基本技能。教学理念先进,落实好基本知识、基本技能。教学理念先进, 教学方法恰当。教学方法恰当。 5 5 分分 关注中考,把握最新的考试动态。能预设出错点,关注中考,把握最新的考试动态。能预设出错点, 针对学生存在的问题或薄弱环节进行补救提高。针对学生存在的问题或薄弱环节进行补救提高。 5 5 分分 能开发建构运用课程资源,用好学科教材,对教材能开发建构运用课程资源,用好学科教材,对教材 中例题、习题进行挖掘、演变。设计问题情景,培中例题、习题进行挖掘、演变。设计问题情景,培 养学生应用知识的意识和审题理解能力,培养学生养学生应用知识的意识和审题理解能力,培养学生 思维能力和创新能力。思维能力和创新能力。 5 5 分分 加强题组训练。关注知识交汇点。重视解题方法与加强题组训练。关注知识交汇点。重视解题方法与 规律的小结,促进学生整体把握,举一反三,触类规律的小结,促进学生整体把握,举一反三,触类 旁通,提高知识的灵活应用能力。旁通,提高知识的灵活应用能力。 5 5 分分 促进认知策略发展,重视学生反思能力的培养。促进认知策略发展,重视学生反思能力的培养。5 5 分分 指导学生分析比较、归纳总结,自悟规律,掌握练指导学生分析比较、归纳总结,自悟规律,掌握练 习方法。由习方法。由“练习好练习好”向向“会练习会练习”转化。转化。 5 5 分分 练习过程练习过程 注重信息技术与学科教学紧密融合,能应用交互式注重信息技术与学科教学紧密融合,能应用交互式 电子白板或触控一体机进行互动交流。电子白板或触控一体机进行互动交流。课堂气氛宽课堂气氛宽 松、融洽、协调。松、融洽、协调。 5 5 分分 关注学生学力及学习表现。关注学生学力及学习表现。关注课堂学习质量。学关注课堂学习质量。学 生全员参与、主动参与,有自主练习探索,有合作生全员参与、主动参与,有自主练习探索,有合作 交流交流。帮助学生整体把握知识体系,解决学生各种帮助学生整体把握知识体系,解决学生各种 能力的不足和知识缺陷。能力的不足和知识缺陷。 1010 分分 帮助学生形成解题技能,提高解题能力。知识过关帮助学生形成解题技能,提高解题能力。知识过关 率高。率高。 1010 分分 练习效果练习效果 激发学生主动练习的兴趣。真正做到课后有反思。激发学生主动练习的兴趣。真正做到课后有反思。1010 分分 总总 分分等级分值等级分值优秀优秀良好良好合格合格不合格不合格 1001008686858570706969606059590 0 定语从句练习课定语从句练习课 九年级 Unit9 1.进一步巩固定语从句相关知识 2.通过不同题型、不同难度的习题,练习灵活使用定语从句 3.在小组中学会合作,学会学习 4. 能够在写作中恰当使用定语从句表达自己的想法 1.Jim dislikes people _talk much but never do anything . A.who B.whom C.whose 2.Have you found the answer to the question _I asked you this morning? A.who B.whose C.which 3. I like the teacher _ classes are very interesting and creative. A. which B. who C. whose 4.This is the biggest ship Ive ever seen. A. who B. that C. whose 5. This is the hotel at_last month. A. which B. that C. where 先行词是先行词是_ ;表示;表示_人/物_ ;从句中缺少_语 6. I prefer the singer who (write) his own songs. 7. I like the movies that (be) educational. 连词成句 I/You/ /She/We/ They like(s)/ love(s)/ music/movies/ actors/singers /food/ / which/ who is/ funny/ /inexpensive/slow/ sweet/salty/loud/ interesting/intelligent 1. 2. 3. . comfortableHe prefers areclothes that Make conversations with the information of the chart. A: What kind of.do you.? B: I . . What about you? A: . I/You/He /She/We/ They like(s)/ love(s)/ prefer music/movies/ actors/singers/ clothes/food that/ which/ who is/ are funny/comfortable/ inexpensive/slow/ sweet/salty/loud/ interesting/intelligent Whats the name of your favorite CD? Its Dance, Dance, Dance. Why do you like this CD? The music is great because you can dance to it. You can take this CD to a party. Also, these musicians write their own lyrics. What do you dislike about this CD? Some songs are too long. Some of the singers dont sing the words clearly.补全句子补全句子 1.Its the kind of music 2.Its a CD 3.She likes musicians 4.She doesnt like the songs 5.She likes singers that/which you can dance to. that/which you can take to a party. that/who write their own lyrics. that/which are too long. that/who sing the words clearly. Guessing game T Th he e g gr ro ou up p t th ha at t u us se e t th he e f fe ew we es st t t ti im me es s t to o g ge et t t th he e answeranswer willwill win.win. GroupGroup A:A: I I havehave a a classmate/teacherclassmate/teacher GroupGroup B:B: IsIs itit XXX?XXX? GroupGroup A:A: Yes/No.Yes/No. GroupGroup B:B: I I havehave a a classmate/teacherclassmate/teacher GroupGroup A:A: IsIs itit XXX?XXX? GroupGroup B:B: Yes/No.Yes/No. GoodGood learnerslearners cancan alwaysalways getget goodgood grades.grades. TheThe festivalfestival isis mymy favorite.favorite. TheThe ringring lookslooks nice.nice. I I likelike thethe inventioninvention . . G G o o o o d d l l e e a a r r n n e e r r s s cancan alwaysalways getget goodgood grades.grades. T T h h e e f f e e s s t t i i v v a a l l isis mymy favorite.favorite. TheThe ringring lookslooks nice.nice. I I likelike thethe inventioninvention . . who have their own learning habits that is a symbol of good wishes that is made of silver that makes our life easier 曾经,你写的句子是这样的曾经,你写的句子是这样的 现在,学过定语从句后,你的句子可以是这样的现在,学过定语从句后,你的句子可以是这样的 【A组】组】 【B组】组】 用用who,that,which及及play的适当形式完成对话。的适当形式完成对话。 A: Hi, Cindy! Would you like to see Sky High in 2050 this weekend? B: Hmm no, I dont think movies 7._ try to describe the future are very interesting. Could we see City Danger instead? A: You mean, the new police story 8._ was filmed in five countries? B: Yes, thats the one. The actor who9. _ (play) the hero used to be a schoolteacher! A: OK, sure. It sounds like something 10._ we both will enjoy! 【C组】组】音乐对人们的情绪有着重要的影响,人们可以用不同的音乐来调节心情,请你描述不 同类型音乐的特点。 Its believed that music has an effect on ones moods. Different people enjoy different kinds of music. Music plays an important role in our life. If there is no music, our life wont be so colorful. B C B A C A The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”. 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的 ”. - Napoleon 拿破仑 1 教学教学 目标目标 1. 进一步巩固学生对定语从句相关知识的学习 2. 运用不同题型、不同难度的习题进行训练,让学生在兴趣中学习 3. 在小组合作中培养学生学会合作,学会学习 4. 使学生能够在写作中恰当使用定语从句 教学教学 重点重点 能够正确使用定语从句的关系词。 教学教学 难点难点 能够运用定语从句写出自己想表达的句子。 小组小组 合作合作 学习学习 任务任务 A: What kind of.do you like/enjoy/prefer? B: I like/enjoy/prefer. . What about you? A: I like/enjoy/prefer. . 板书板书 板画板画 设计设计 定语从句 概念 修饰某一 n.或 pron.的从句 先行词(n./pron) 关系词 定语从句(谓语 V 与先行词单复数一致 人 who that whom whose 关系代词 物 which that whose 关系词 who whom which that whose 关系副词 where when why 教学过程设计(含时间分配)教学过程设计(含时间分配) 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动 2 Greeting Step2 Show the learning aims (2) This class well review something about Attributive Clauses. We should try our best to finish the learning aims. Now lets read them together. Step2 Revision (7) First, lets review Attributive Clauses. 1.What is Attributive Clauses?(修饰 某一 n.或 pron.的句子) 2.讲解关系词、所作成分,做题。 3.讲解主谓一致,做题。 Step3 Practice (30) 1. 补全句子 (小组) (7 ) Look at the introduction of a CD. Whats the name of your favorite CD?Why do you like it? What do you dislike about it? Now you need to complete the sentence with the information. 2. 连词成句 (个人) (5) Look at the example and make your own sentences like this(at least 3). Read one of your sentences for us. 3. 组织对话 (小组) (4) 准备 展示(2-3 组) A:What kind of.do you like/enjoy/prefer? B:I like/enjoy/prefer. . What about you? A: I like/enjoy/prefer. . 4. Guessing game (小组) (5) Two groups, the one that use the fewest times will win. Eg: I have a teacher who always spends the whole day with me. Group A: I have a classmate/teacher . Group B: Is it.? Group A: Yes/No. Group B: I have a classmate/teacher . 紧跟老师,积极回答问题,巩固所学 知识。 经过练习,小组共同流利地完成对话。 3 Group A: Is it.? Group B: Yes/No. 5. 作文用语 (个人) (7) 曾经. 现在.Make your own sentences. 展示 Step4 Test (10) Next lets take a test. 1. 完成 ABC 三个等级的试题 2. 批改 教师批改组长-组长(副组长) 批改组员 3. 展示 C 组(作文)试题 (预计展示 2 组 根据剩余时间弹性处 理) Step5 Summary (1) Step6 Homework (1) 整理纠错 如果完不成任务,可将练习中的作文 用语部分留作作业 运用定语从句表达相关句子,积极参 与,积极思考。 认真完成试卷;组内批改 教学后记教学后记
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