人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section B 2a—2e-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:a38a2).zip

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Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. Section B (2a-2e) 接龙接龙 幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同 学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。 每人一词,按行每人一词,按行/列依次接龙,列依次接龙,3秒秒 内说不出,此行内说不出,此行/列同学即失去此列同学即失去此 答题机会,下一行答题机会,下一行/列同学接续。列同学接续。 basic exchange go out of ones way makefeel at home teenage granddaughter behave except elbow gradually get used to As Chinese, do you know what table manners in China? Look at these pictures, which is polite and which is impolite? Chinese Table Manners We are not supposed to eat with hands. We should eat with our_. chopsticks Its rude to _the chopsticks _ the food. Were not supposed to _ at the table. stickinto talk aloud Do you know what other table manners in China? We shouldnt _ others while eating the meals. (指指) point at We arent supposed to _while eating the meals. (发出响声发出响声) make noise We shouldnt _ each other aloud/loudly at the table. (谈话谈话) talk with How much do you know about table manners of western countries? 1. In India, youre supposed to eat with your hands. 2. In China, youre not supposed to stick your chopsticks into the food. 3. In Korea, the youngest person is expected to start eating first. 4. In France, youre supposed to put your bread on the table. 5. In China, its impolite to use your chopsticks to hit an empty bow. T F T F T F T F T F Task Circle T for true or F for false after each sentence. Look at these pictures about table manners in France. Do you know which is allowed and which is not allowed? Put bread on the table.Eat with your hands. Put your elbows on the table. What do you know about customs in foreign countries? What do you think is the biggest challenge when visiting a foreign country? My cousin went to America, and she said that learning basic table manners was her biggest challenge. She never knew what she was supposed to do at the dinner table. 2a An example Read the letter and answer the questions. 1. Why is Lin Yue in France? 2. Does she enjoy staying with her host family? How do you know? 3. How does she feel about making mistakes when she speaks French? 4. What is the biggest challenge she is facing? 2b 1. She is on a student exchange program. 2. Yes, she does. This can be seen in the way she talks about her host family. 3. It doesnt worry her as it used to. 4. Her biggest challenge is how to behave at the dinner table. TaskTask 1 1 TaskTask 2 2 Read the letter and answer the question. WhatWhat is is thethe topictopic sentencesentence forfor eacheach paragraph?paragraph? topic sentence topic sentence 解释说明中心句解释说明中心句 Lin Yues exchange program in France Host family They go out of their way to make her _. Learning French Her French has improved _. Shes very _ French now although she still _. Table manners 1. Youre not supposed to _. Youre supposed to _. 2. Youre not supposed to _. 3. Its impolite to _. 4. Youre not supposed to _. feel at home a lot comfortable speaking makes lots of mistakes put your bread on your plate put it on the table eat anything with your hands except bread say you are full put your elbows on the table Read the letter again and fill in the chart. TaskTask 3 3 Read the sentences and replace the underlined words with the phrases in the box. 2c TaskTask 4 4 Review the passage and make notes about French customs in the chart. DosDonts put your bread on your table cut up your fruit and eat it with a fork eat anything with your hands except bread say “That was delicious” if you dont want any more food say youre full 2d put your bread on your plate TaskTask 5 5 put your elbows on the table Youre supposed to finish the following in 5 minutes. CompetitionCompetition Writing: 1.Write 4 things that you are/ arent supposed to do at a French friends house. 2.Write at least 3 ways that people are supposed to greet each other when they meet for the first time. Youre not supposed to put your bread on your plate, youre supposed to put it on the table. Youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit. You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork. Its very rude to say youre full. If you dont want any more food, you should just say, “ That was delicious.” Youre not supposed to put your elbows on the table. 1.I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be. (Para.1) 你没有理由这么紧张。你没有理由这么紧张。 You have no reason to be nervous. Language points reason to do sth. 做某事的理由做某事的理由 no reason to do sth. 没有理由做没有理由做 2.They go out of their way to make me feel at home. (Para.1) go out of ones way to do sth. 竭尽全力做竭尽全力做 make sb. feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归使某人感到宾至如归 他们想方设法为全体乘客服务。他们想方设法为全体乘客服务。 They go out of their way to serve all the passengers. 这种温馨的气氛让顾客宾至如归。这种温馨的气氛让顾客宾至如归。 The warm atmosphere made the customers feel at home. 3.My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. (Para.2) 他喜欢在晚饭后散步。他喜欢在晚饭后散步。 What he likes is taking a walk after supper. learning 动名词在句中作表语动名词在句中作表语 4. Youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread. (Para. 2) except 除除之外之外(后面的成分后面的成分不包括不包括在内在内) besides 除除之外还之外还(后面的成分后面的成分包括包括在内在内) We all went on a picnic except Tom. We all went on a picnic besides Tom. Tom未去未去 Tom也去了也去了 5.I have to say, I find it difficult to remember everything (Para. 2) 她觉得在两天内完成工作是不可能的。她觉得在两天内完成工作是不可能的。 She feels it impossible to finish the work in two days. it是形式宾语,后面的不定式短语是形式宾语,后面的不定式短语to remember everything是真正的宾语是真正的宾语。 6. but Im gradually getting used to it. (Para. 2) get used to sth./doing sth. =be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事习惯于做某事 他不习惯住在乡下。他不习惯住在乡下。 He isnt used to living in the country. 活学活用活学活用 短语翻译。短语翻译。 1. 应该做应该做 _ 2. 顺便拜访顺便拜访 _ 3. 握手握手 _ 4. 第一次第一次 _ 5.对时间要求很宽松对时间要求很宽松 _ 6. 准时准时 _ 7. 毕竟毕竟 _ 8. 制定计划制定计划 _ 9. 计划做计划做 _ be supposed to drop by shake hands for the first time be pretty relaxed about time after all plan to do on time make plans 1. 没有理由感谢我。没有理由感谢我。 (reason) 2. 老师不厌其烦地给我们讲解这道题。老师不厌其烦地给我们讲解这道题。 (go out ones way) 3. 让我们为妈妈的健康干杯。让我们为妈妈的健康干杯。(make a toast) The teacher went out of her / his way to explain this problem to us. There is no reason to thank me. Lets make a toast to mothers health. 根据所给的词汇提示,翻译下列句子。根据所给的词汇提示,翻译下列句子。 4. 每当我不高兴时,姐姐总是逗我开心。每当我不高兴时,姐姐总是逗我开心。 (every time) 5. 她非常好客她非常好客(hospitable), 总能给我一种宾总能给我一种宾 至如归的感觉。至如归的感觉。(make sb. feel at home) She is very hospitable and always makes me feel at home. Every time I am unhappy, my sister always cheers me up. 1.在美国,人们应该握手。在美国,人们应该握手。 In America, people _ shake hands. 2.我发现记住一切很难。我发现记住一切很难。 I find _ _ to remember everything. 3.我现在已习惯于晚饭后散步。我现在已习惯于晚饭后散步。 I am now used to _ after dinner. 4.我喜欢吃水果,除了香蕉,它们太甜了。我喜欢吃水果,除了香蕉,它们太甜了。 I like to eat fruit, _ bananas. Theyre sweet. 根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。 are supposed to itdifficult except walking 本课时重点回顾 1. go out of ones way 2. makefeel at home 3. get used to sth./ doing sth. Homework Prepare to introduce American table manners. 教学设计 Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. Section B ( 2b-2e ) . Teaching Aims 1. Mater the key words: basic, exchange, go out of ones way, makefeel at home, teenage, granddaughter, behave, except, elbow, gradually, get used to, suggestion. 2. To talk about different customs in different countries. 3. Consolidate the target language through exercises. . Teaching Methods 1. Task-based methods. 2. Consolidate the target language by some practice. . Teaching Difficulties 1. Develop students reading and writing skills. 2. To improve students reading and writing skills. . Teaching Procedures Step 1 Leading-in (5 minutes) 1. Word Magic. 2. Review Chinese table manners. 3. Invite Ss to discuss some table manners of western countries. Step 2 Before-reading (3 minutes) Show a picture to invite Ss to choose the right one about table manners in France. Step 3 While-reading (20 minutes) 1. Task One. Show four questions on the screen. Give them enough time to read the letter in 2b, then find the answers. 2. Task Two Invite Ss to find the topic sentence in each paragraph. 3. Task Three Read the letter again and fill in the chart. Lin Yues exchange program in France Host familyThey go out of their way to make her _. Learning French Her French has improved _. Shes very _ French now although she still _. 1. Youre not supposed to _. Youre supposed to _. 2. Youre not supposed to _. 3. Its impolite to _. Table manners 4. Youre not supposed to _. 4. Task Four Activity 2c. 5. Task Five Activity 2d. DosDonts Step 4 Post-reading (15 minutes) 1. Competition. “Youre supposed to finish the following in 5 minutes.” Writing: . Write 4 things that you are/ arent supposed to do at a French friends house. . Write at least 3 ways that people are supposed to greet each other when they meet for the first time. 2. Exercises. 一、短语翻译。 1. 应该做 _ 2. 顺便拜访 _ 3. 握手 _ 4. 第一次 _ 5. 对时间要求很宽松 _ 6. 准时 _ 7. 毕竟 _ 8. 制定计划 _ 9. 计划做 _ 二、根据所给的词汇提示,翻译下列句子。 1. 没有理由感谢我。 (reason) 2. 老师不厌其烦地给我们讲解这道题。(go out ones way) 3. 让我们为妈妈的健康干杯。(make a toast) 4. 每当我不高兴时,姐姐总是逗我开心。 (every time) 5. 她非常好客(hospitable) ,总能给我一种宾至如归的感觉。 (make sb. feel at home) 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.在美国,人们应该握手。 In America, people _ shake hands. 2.我发现记住一切很难。 I find _ _ to remember everything. 3.我现在已习惯于晚饭后散步。 I am now used to _ after dinner. 4.我喜欢吃水果,除了香蕉,它们太甜了。 I like to eat fruit, _ bananas. Theyre sweet. Step 5 Summary (1 minute) Review some difficult points in this class. . Homework (1 minute) Prepare to introduce American table manners. Black Design Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. Section B ( 2a-2e ) go out of ones way makefeel at home get used to sth./ doing sth. 评测练习评测练习 一、短语翻译。一、短语翻译。 1. 应该做 _ 2. 顺便拜访 _ 3. 握手 _ 4. 第一次 _ 5. 对时间要求很宽松 _ 6. 准时 _ 7. 毕竟 _ 8. 制定计划 _ 9. 计划做 _ 二、根据所给的词汇提示,翻译下列句子。二、根据所给的词汇提示,翻译下列句子。 1. 没有理由感谢我。 (reason) 2. 老师不厌其烦地给我们讲解这道题。(go out ones way) 3. 让我们为妈妈的健康干杯。(make a toast) 4. 每当我不高兴时,姐姐总是逗我开心。 (every time) 5. 她非常好客(hospitable) ,总能给我一种宾至如归的感觉。(make sb. feel at home) 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.在美国,人们应该握手。 In America, people _ shake hands. 2.我发现记住一切很难。 I find _ _ to remember everything. 3.我现在已习惯于晚饭后散步。 I am now used to _ after dinner. 4.我喜欢吃水果,除了香蕉,它们太甜了。 I like to eat fruit, _ bananas. Theyre sweet.
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