人教版九年级Unit 3 Could you tell me where the restrooms are -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:50047).zip

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中考话题总复习 Topic:Getting around Pardon me, could you please tell me where I can park my car? Direct:Where is the post office? wh-引引难 的的难难 从句(含从句(含be难难 ) ) 当当难难难难难从句从句难 , ,难 将将be难难 放在主放在主难后后 Polite: Excuse me, could you please tell me where the post office is? Direct: Excuseme,whendoesthebandstartplaying? wh-引引难 的的难难 从句(含从句(含助助难难 do/does/did) ) 当当难难难难难从句从句难 , ,难 取消取消助助难难 do/does/did, ,难 难 且需用且需用适当形式适当形式。 。 Polite: Excuseme, couldyoupleasetellmewhenthebandstarts playing? Direct: Where can I buy some medicine? wh-引引难 的的难难 从句(含从句(含情情难难难) ) 当当难难难难难从句从句难 , ,难 将将情情难难难放在主放在主难后后。 。 Tips: Excuseme,Iwonderwhereto buy somemedicine. Polite: Excuse me, I wonder where I can buy some medicine? 一看陈陈 : 二看陈 序: 三定句意: 难 点突破点突破 know/wonder/guess/suppose/imagin e/tell sb/ask sb+陈陈 从句 从句使用陈 述陈 序:主主难 +难难 +难难 主从句主从句难难 一致一致 难 找找wh-, ,难 系上下句系上下句 1. -We will have a new foreign teacher this term. Do you know _ when he was in his hometown? -A policeman. (2013山西 中考) A: what he did B: what was he C: what his job is 2. -At present, many people like talking about “Kuaidi” and “Didi”. I really wonder _.(2014山西) -You can order a taxi through them on your mobile phone easily. A: how can I use them B: who uses them most C: what they are used for 中考中考难 接接 A C 3. -2015isanElNino(厄尔尼陈 )year.Manyplaces maybeshortofwater.Beijingastudent,Iwant todosomething,butIwonder_?(2015山西) -Oh,youcandosomesmallthingssuchasturning offthetapwhilebrushingteeth. A:whatIamsupposedtodo B:howshouldIprotectourhome C:whyitcancausesuchbadweather 中考中考难 接接 A 4. -IjustcamebackfromShanghaiDisneyland.Can youguess_?(2016山西中考) -Ivenoidea.Butitcantbecheap.Iveheard everythingisveryexpensive. A:howIcamebackhome. B:howmanydaysIstayedthere C:howmuchIpaidfortheMickeyMousetoy. 中考中考难 接接 C Ineverrealizedthat howtruethiswasuntilIworked withthesechildren. Ibelieve everyoneshouldgetoutanddosomething thatmakesadifference. Wecangetsomeinformationfromthefollowingdata andknowhowtheteacherswhowereabuseddealtwith theproblem. 思考探究:从句思考探究:从句难 从句,如何来区分?从句,如何来区分? 中考第一轮复习中考第一轮复习-话题复习:话题复习:Getting around 学案导学学案导学 【教学目标教学目标】 目标词汇:public places(公共场所) 、follow directions(遵照说明) 、 preposition of places(方位介词) 。 目标句型:Excuse me, do you know where.? Excuse me, I wonder where Excuse me, could you please tell me how to? 能力目标: Ask the information politely 有礼貌地询问信息,遵守指令, II.【教学重难点教学重难点】: 1. 教学重点:教学重点: 复习目标词汇、方位介词、 2. 教学难点:教学难点: 含 wh-的定语从句,中考压轴单选题的解题 III.【德育渗透德育渗透】:在对外交际中,注意并理解他人的情感,具有初步国际理解 意识 IV.【教学过程教学过程】: Step I【预习检测预习检测】 A:Write the name of the public places(根据提示,写出所学过场所的英文名称) get some money_ get some magazines _ have a meal outside_ get a dictionary _ buy a newspaper _ buy some stamps _ get a pair of shoes _ have the same meaning as TOLIET _ B:Write the preposition of places(写出所学过方位介词) 在对面_ 在.之间_ 在.附近_ 在前面 _ 在后面_ 在.之上_ C: 熟记以下目标句型 1. I think I get lost 2. Where are you trying to go? 3. Go along/down this street. 4. Turn left/right. 5. You have to walk down that street about one kilometer 6. Make the second left. 7. Go past/by the bookstore. 8. The supermarket is beside the bank. 9. You cant miss it. Step II【重点展示重点展示】 wh- 引导的宾语从句的陈述语序陈述语序 A: wh-引导的宾语从句(含 be 动词) ,应将应将 be 动词放在主语动词放在主语_ Direct: Excuse me, where is the post office? Polite: Excuse me, could you please tell me where the post office is? B: wh-引导的宾语从句(含助动词 do/does/did) ,应将助动词(do/does/did)去 掉,且动词需用适当形式适当形式 Direct: Excuse me, when does the band starts playing? Polite: Excuse me, could you please tell me when the band _playing? C: wh-引导的宾语从句(含情态动词)应将情态动词放在主语_ Direct: Where can I buy some medicine? Polite: Excuse me, I wonder where _. 提示:提示: Excuse me, I wonder where _(buy) some medicine. 【学以致用学以致用】 例题:Excuse me, when was the restaurant closed? Excuse me, I want to know when _. 例题:How does this CD player work? Excuse me, could you please tell me how _? 例题:Where should we go next? Excuse me, do you know where _? Step III【难点突破难点突破】 一找动词一找动词_ 二看语序二看语序_ 三定句意三定句意_ Step IV.【中考链接中考链接】 1.-We will have a new foreign teacher this term. Do you know _ when he was in his hometown? -A policeman. (2013 山西中考) A: what he did B: what was he C: what his job is 2.-At present, many people like talking about “Kuaidi” and “Didi”. I really wonder _.(2014 山 西) -You can order a taxi through them on your mobile phone easily. A: how can I use them B: who uses them most C: what they are used for 3.-2015 is an El Nino(厄尔尼诺) year. Many places may be short of water. Beijing a student, I want to do something , but I wonder _?(2015 山西中考) -Oh, you can do some small things such as turning off the tap while brushing teeth. A: what I am supposed to do B: how should I protect our home C: why it can cause such bad weather 1.-I just came back from Shanghai Disneyland. Can you guess_?(2016 山西中考) -Ive no idea. But it cant be cheap. Ive heard everything is very expensive. A: how I came back home. B: how many days I stayed there C: how much I paid for the Mickey Mouse toy. Step IV.【课后作业探究课后作业探究】火眼金睛,能找出宾语从句吗?火眼金睛,能找出宾语从句吗? 1.I never realized that how true this was until I worked with these children. 2.I believe everyone should get out and do something that makes a difference. 3.We can get some information from the following data and know how the teachers who were abused dealt with the problem. Getting around 一、案例背景: 英语课程标准 (2011版)对五级英语提出要求: 考虑到初三年级学生的心理特点:学生的幼稚性和依赖性迅速下降,自觉性、思 维能力有较大提高,面对中考,学生开始思考自己的人生,理想压力增大。但差异性 也随之增大,随着知识深度、难度的加大,部分学习困难的学生表现出自暴自弃,厌 学情绪继续激化,尤其进入初三下学期,学生前期还处于一个比较稳定时期,但在初 三发展后期特别进入中考百日倒计时,面对繁重学业,频繁考试,家长要求,升学压 力,还有对前途的焦虑,不同学习水平和层次的学生对学习生活会情绪焦躁不安,心 理波动大。只有合理、合适的目标才会激发人去努力, “跳一跳摘果子”的道理大家都 明白。是因循守旧、按部就班地带着学生从词汇、语法等方面复习?如果按照传统的 复习方法,复习课势必会沦为只为成绩优秀的学生服务,成绩较差学生只能做“离心 运动”。可望而不可及的期望,只会使人产生自卑和抑郁,最终选择放弃。还是另辟 蹊径、传统创新相结合地带着学生从综合运用语言能力进行复习呢?为了在中考总复 习过程中使学生都能学有所得、学有所获,经过查阅资料并结合自己的个人思考,首 先我对中考的话题复习之旅游话题进行梳理,如下: TitleTopicFunctionsGrammarVocabulary Target language Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? The neighborhoo d Ask for and give directions on the street There be structure Where questions Preposition s of place Public places: post office, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, road, next to, across from, near, between.andbehin Wheres ? d Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restroom s are? Getting around Ask for informatio n politely; follow the directions Objective clauses with wh- questions Public places: restroom, stamp, postcard, bathroom, rush, staff, east, mall, clerk, corner, speaker, direction, polite, impolite, direct, correct Excuse me, do you know where I can.? Could you pleas tell me how to? I wonder where we should 二、案例主题: 通过以上的分析和总结,我确定初三下学期的第一节复习课就从旅游话题复习开 始,整合七年级 Unit 8 Where is the post office?、九年级 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the post office is?两个单元的共同话题:闲逛。在整合、夯实目标词汇、目 标句型的基础上,培养学生对旅游经历、旅游计划的对话、写作的综合能力。 如何使本堂课既有效同时又不显沉闷?必须找到贯穿旅行复习课的主线。从英语 新课标的最新版本,我想到了情景对话:Asking for the direction。 3、案例过程: 首先以情景问路导入使学生迅速进入情境环境,接下来通过介绍师徒四人的英文 名和目前新的职业与三个单元的目标词汇、目标句型和话题表达进行有效衔接。同时, 在进行课前有效复习(见附件)的基础上进行难度更高的话题表达和谈论,使不同学 习水平的学生各有所获。最后,考虑到如今出国热的同时,个别游客在国外不文明行 为举止损害了我国的形象,因此通过两个人物:师父唐僧和悟空进行情感态度价值观 的潜移默化的渗透,使学生形成良好的旅游价值观。最后,进行中考相关专题练习。 (PPT 1) 中中考考话话题题总总复复习习 Topic:Getting around Step I: Warming up T: Good morning, boys and girls. Have you ever been lost? S: T: Well, there is a man who got lost and lets see what happened (播放视频,情景对话) (PPT 2) Pardon me, could you please tell me where I can park my car? Step II: Teaching procedure T: When you travel around in another city, how can you ask for information? (介绍问路的 两种不同方式,引导学生体会语言的得体性) (PPT 3) Direct:Where is the post office? wh-引引导导的的宾宾语语从从句句(含含be动动词词) 当当转转换换为为宾宾语语从从句句时时,应应将将be动动词词放放在在主主语语后后 Polite: Excuse me, could you please tell me where the post office is? Mr King: Wh-objective clauses(根据特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句(含 be 动词)体会陈 述语序) (PPT 4) Direct: Excuse me, when does the band start playing? wh-引引导导的的宾宾语语从从句句(含含助助动动词词do/does/did) 当当转转换换为为宾宾语语从从句句时时,应应取取消消助助动动词词do/does/did,动动 词词且且需需用用适适当当形形式式。 Polite: Excuse me, could you please tell me when the band starts playing? Wh-objective clauses(根据特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句(含助动词)体会陈述语序) Direct: Where can I buy some medicine? wh-引引导导的的宾宾语语从从句句(含含情情态态动动词词) 当当转转换换为为宾宾语语从从句句时时,应应将将情情态态动动词词放放在在主主语语后后。 Tips: Excuse me, I wonder where to buy some medicine. Polite: Excuse me, I wonder where I can buy some medicine? Wh-objective clauses(根据特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句(含情态动词)体会陈述语序) (PPT 5) (PPT 6) 一看动词: 二看语序: 三定句意: 难难点点突突破破 know/wonder/guess/suppose/imagine /tell sb/ask sb+宾语从句 从句使用陈述语序:主主语语+谓谓语语+宾宾语语 主主从从句句时时态态一一致致 寻寻找找wh-,联联系系上上下下句句 Step III: Make a summary.难点突破:特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句的考点(通过语序的 复习,引导学生关注宾语从句的难点的突破为:一看动词,确定宾语从句,二看语序 和时态,确定主谓时态;三看句意, 确定上下句) Step III: 中考链接(PPT 7) 4. -I just came back from Shanghai Disneyland. Can you guess_?(2016山西中考) -Ive no idea. But it cant be cheap. Ive heard everything is very expensive. A: how I came back home. B: how many days I stayed there C: how much I paid for the Mickey Mouse toy. 中中考考链链接接 C 1. -We will have a new foreign teacher this term. Do you know _ when he was in his hometown? -A policeman. (2013山西 中考) A: what he did B: what was he C: what his job is 2. -At present, many people like talking about “Kuaidi” and “Didi”. I really wonder _.(2014山西) -You can order a taxi through them on your mobile phone easily. A: how can I use them B: who uses them most C: what they are used for 中中考考链链接接 A C (PPT 8) Step IV: Rethinking (思考探究) 宾语从句和定语从句 I never realized that how true this was until I worked with these children. I believe everyone should get out and do something that makes a difference. We can get some information from the following data and know how the teachers who were abused dealt with the problem. 思思考考探探究究 4、案例结果: 通过本节课,绝大多数学生能完成七年级 Unit 8 Where is the post office?、九年 级 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the post office is?两个单元不同侧重点和由易 到难的学习目标。同时,学生能较熟练地掌握基本的目标词汇:旅游景点、描述性词 语、旅游活动短语的发音及拼写。另外,对于教学设计的谈论旅游经历和旅游计划的 教学目标而言,我制订了水平中等的同学能使用目标词汇及简单句、并列句等不同句 式来完成自己的表达;部分学习水平较高的同学能熟练使用不同句式结构及从句来描 述自己的旅游话题。 5、案例反思: 本节课虽然较好地完成了预定教学任务,但通过反思,我发现还有以下几点需要 在以后的教学过程中逐步完善:1。继续坚持纯英文教学,同时充分发挥学生的主体 作用,课前的辅导学案由学生完成。2。本节课虽然进行了大量的口语交际训练,较 好地提高了学生的口语运用能力。美中不足的是,学生的书面表达能力和听力练习没 有在本节课中得到充分的体现。3。作为初三年级的学生,本节课的中考习题的练习 量略显不足。同时,由于农村社区的学生见识较少,希望在以后的课堂上能播放纯英 文的旅游短片的介绍。
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