人教版九年级Unit 1 How can we become good learners -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:71460).zip

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Unit1 How can we become good learners? Section A 1a-2dSection A 1a-2d 1 textbook 教科书; 课本 read the textbook.阅读教科书 2 conversation交谈;谈话 make conversations with sb.与某人交谈 3 aloud大声地;出生的 read aloud 朗读;大声地读 4 pronunciation发音;读音 read aloud to practice pronunciation大声地阅读来练习发音。 5 sentence句子 make a sentence with sth用什么造句 6 patient有耐心的;病人 be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 1.textbook教科书; 课本 read the textbook. 阅读教科书 A:How do you study English? (你怎样学习英语) B:I study English by reading the textbook. (我通过阅读教科书学习英语) 2.conversation交谈;谈话 make conversations with sb.与某人交谈 I often study English by making conversations with others in English. (我常常通过别人交流来学习英语) . 3.aloud 大声地; 出生的 read aloud朗读; 大声地读 If you want to learn English well,you must read aloud at any time. (如果你想把英语学好,任何时候你必须大 声地读) 4.pronunciation发音;读音 A:How do you study English? B: I study English by reading aloud to practice pronunciation. read aloud to practice pronunciation 大声地阅读来练习发音 J 5.sentence句子 Jmake a sentence with sth用.造句 JPlease make a sentence with these words J(请用这些单词造一个句子) 6.patient有耐心的;病人 be patient with对某人有耐心 The doctors in the hospital must be patient with their patients. (医院里的医生应该对其病人有耐心) His English is very good. Do you know how does he study English? He studies English by doing 1 by working with friends 2 by making flashcards.通过制作抽认通过制作抽认 卡卡 通过与朋友一起学习 3 3 by reading the textbook 4 by making vocabulary list 制作词汇表 通过阅读教科书 5 by listening to the tapes 6 by asking the teacher for help.通过向老师求助 通过听磁带 7 by watching TV. 8 by practicing with foreigner.通过与外国人 练习 通过看电视 9 by watching the English movie. 通过看英语 电影 10 by practicing pronunciation 通过练习发音 Check ( ) the ways you study for an English test. Then add other ways you sometimes study. _a. by working with friends _b. by making word cards _c. by reading the textbook _d. by listening to tapes _e. by asking the teacher for help _ _ 1a 1b Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above. _ 1. Meiping _ 2. Peter _ 3. Tony b e d I study by making word cards. 1c A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by working with a group. Make conversations about how you study for a Make conversations about how you study for a testtest. . . . pair work How do you study for a test? He/She learns English by doing working with friends by practicing pronunciation by watching TV by reading the textbook by making flashcardst by asking the teacher for help. Listen and check ( ) the questions you hear.2a Questions 1. _ Does anyone learn English by watching videos? 2. _ Do you have conversations with friends in English? 3. _ What about listening to tapes? 4. _ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5. _Have you ever studied with a group? Listen again. Match each answer below with a question above a. Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. b. Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills. c. I do that sometimes. I think it helps. d. No. Its too hard to understand spoken English. 1. _ Do you learn English by watching videos? 2. _ Do you have conversations with friend in English? 3. _ What about listening to tapes? 4. _ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5. _ Have you ever studied with a group? d b c a 2b Jack: Annie, Im a little nervous. I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday. Annie: That doesnt sound too bad. Jack: But Im a very slow reader. Annie: For the first time, just read quickly to get the main ideas. Dont read word by word, read word groups. Role-play conversation.2d Jack: But I dont understand many of the words. I have to use a dictionary. Annie: Try to guess a words meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You probably understand more than you think. Jack: That sounds difficult! Annie: Well, be patient. It takes time. You can become better by reading something you enjoy every day. The more you read, the faster youll be.the +the +the +the +比较级,比较级,比较级,比较级,t t t the +he +he +he +比较级,翻译为:越比较级,翻译为:越比较级,翻译为:越比较级,翻译为:越. . . . 越越越越. . . . . The older he is ,the happier he feels. (他越活越年轻) Exercise 1 Mr wang is a good teacher, he is p with his poor students. 2 I cant get my p right. 3 what about (take) a rest? 4 The (careful) we are ,the fewer mistakes we will make. 5 How do you study English ? I study English by (ask)my teacher for help atient ronounciation taking more careful asking How do you study English? A :How do you study English? B:I always study it by working with a group,reading aloud to practice pronunciation. What about you? A:I usually studyit by working with a group,reading the textbook,but sometimes.I study it by asking the teacher for help ,listening to tapes and watching TV. SMMARY Homework Please write out at least five ways you learned English in this class. Then write to your pen pal to help himher with English study. 请至少写出你在这节课中学习英语的五种方法然后写信给你的笔友帮助他学习英语请至少写出你在这节课中学习英语的五种方法然后写信给你的笔友帮助他学习英语 Thanks ! 0 授课内容 标题 How can we become good learners? Section A( 1a-2d) 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明:本次课是一篇既有单词理解、听力训练,又有对话练习的 文章,要把本次课弄懂,必须把这一课涉及到的单词,词组,重点句子弄清楚。我的方法是 单词作为重点,在教单词时老师的声音必须抑扬顿挫。可以借助李阳疯狂英语教学法,使学 生及早进入兴奋状态,然后单词构成词组,词组构成句子,在进行单词的举例时,尽可能举 书上现有的例子,这样在授课时,学生压力减小得多。其次,在讲解单词石时,重点句子标 上不同的颜色,以便于学生更加注意。在讲听力训练师,根据学生的情况,如果学生基础差, 可以让其先花 2-3 分钟时间狂读一下听力材料的内容,然后再播放录音。在讲对话表演时, 可以用一些书上现成的例子提示学生,让他们以此方法进行。第三,练习以本次课的重点内 容为主,找一些与本次课有关的题目让学生训练。总结是还是以单词,句子,为主。这样, 学生不用下去花大量时间背单词,第五,作业的布置最好用本次课的单词和词组造句,并写 一篇“How do you study English?”。这样学生会很容易把本次课所学到的单词,词组,还 有句子清楚地理解。 2.教学背景分析 (1)教学内容分析:(含本课时在本单元的教学定位分析)本次课属于单词理解、听力训练 和口语练习的文章,文章中有一些重要句子和语法,在中考中占很大比重,因此,它在本单 元中起重要作用。 (2)学生情况分析:本班有 52 名学生,都来自乡下,多数为留守儿童,英语基础知识不好, 尤其是听力和口语。 教学目标分析:本次课主要把这一课有关的单词即 1 textbook 教科书; 2 conversation 交谈;谈话 3 aloud 大声地;出生的 4 pronunciation 发音;读音 5 sentence 6 patient 有耐心的;病人 讲解清楚 ,其次,能听懂这篇文章的对话并能完成听力后的作业,能用本次课所学的单词进 行对话表演。 1 3.教学重难点分析: (1)教学重点:首先,能快速式把本次课的生词和词组记住,其次,把一些学习英语的方法 贯穿在文章中来讲,如:How do you study English? I study English by watching English movies ,listening to English songs, etc 能记住课文中重要句子,能完成文章后 的问题。 (2)教学难点:除了能快速记住本次课所学到的单词之外,必须会用 How do you study English? 写一篇作文,最好是能用语言表达出来,另外,the +比较级+ the+比较级的用法。 5.教学过程设计(中文+所教学科目标语言) 步骤 1:(屏幕上展现本次课的单词)1 textbook 教科书; 课本 read the textbook.阅读教科 书 2 conversation 交谈;谈话 make conversations with sb 与某人交谈 3 aloud 大声地;出生的 read aloud 朗读;大声地读 4 pronunciation 发音;读音 read aloud to practice pronunciation 大声地阅读来练习发音。 5 sentence 句子 make a sentence with sth 用什么造句 6 patient 有耐心的;病人 be patient with sb 对某人有耐心 开门见山,进入新课。直接用李阳疯狂英语教学法狂教本次课的单词。 设计意图:教学生疯狂地读若干遍,让学生动起来,兴奋起来。让学生及早进入状态。 步骤 2:举例并讲解,举例时,尽可能用书上的例子。 1 textbook 教科书; 课本 read the textbook. 阅读教科书 How do you study English? (你怎样学习英语) I study English by reading the textbook.(我通过阅读教科书学习英语) Pay attention : do sth by doing sth( 通过做什么来做什么) 2 conversation 交谈;谈话 make conversations with sb 与某人交谈 I ofen study English by making conversations with others in English(我常常通过玉别人交流来学 习英语) 3 aloud 大声地;出生的 read aloud 朗读;大声地读 If you want to learn English well,you must read aloud at any time(如果你想把英语学好,任何时 候你必须大声地读). 4 pronunciation 发音;读音 read aloud to practice pronunciation 大声地阅读来练习发音。 2 How do you study English? Istudy English by reading aloud to practice pronunciation What about you? I usually study English by listening to tapes, making word cards(制作单词卡片) .but sometimes Istudy it by asking the teacher for help and so on(ask sb for help 向某人求助) 5 sentence 句子 make a sentence with sth 与某人交谈 Please make a sentence with these words(请用这些单词造一个句子) 6 patient 有耐心的;病人 be patient with 对某人有耐心 The doctors in the hospital must be patient with their patients(医院里的医生应该对其病人有耐 心) 设计意图:这样学生能快速式记住单词,也能扫清单词障碍,为听力训练和口语表达作好铺 垫。 步骤 3:课文讲解,1a 用 How do you study English? I study English by doing sth 然后老师补充 书上没有的 by watching English movies ,listen ing to English songs, etc。 设计意图:通过一问一答的方式,让学生会用 How do you study English?提问,会用 by doing sth 回答。 步骤 4:首先完成 1a 在之前先在大屏幕上展现李阳和他学习英语的图片,然后问学生如何学 习英语从而导出 1a,其次,认真听录音,完成 1b,如果学生基础较差,可以让学生花 1-2 分钟 时间先浏览一下有关 1b 的听力材料,然后再进行听力训练。 设计意图:1,让学生对学习英语方法初步了解.2 训练学生的听力。 步骤 5:完成 1c,叫学生自找搭档完成该内容。可以事先给学生设置一定的对话内容,让学生 尽情表演。比如:how do you study for a test? I study by working with a group. What about you? I usually study by working with a group,reading the textbook,but sometimes.i study it by asking the teacher for help . 设计意图:进行学生的口语训练。 步骤 6:播放录音完成 2a(如果学生基础差,可以先让学生看看听力材料部分)再听一遍, 完成 2b 设计意图:进行学生的听力训练。 步骤 7:完成 2c 可以提示学生像这样开始。 A :Have you studied with a group? B:Yes, I have, Ive learned that way. A:what about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 3 B:I do that sometimes,I think it helps. . 设计意图:进行学生的口语训练。 步骤:8 完成 2d ,女生当作 Annie,男生当作 Jack 进行表演。然后讲解 the +比较级+ the+ 比较级的用法。 设计意图:让学生进行口语训练,并学会用越. .越. .造句。 步骤:9 练习 1 Mr Wang is a good teacher, he is p with his poor students.(patient) 2 I cant get my p right.(pronunciation) 3 what about (take) a rest?(taking) 4 The (careful) we are ,the fewer mistakes we will make.(more careful) 5 How do you study English ? I study English by (ask)my teacher for help.(asking) 设计意图:检验同学们对该课的重点内容是否掌握。 步骤 10.巩固并总结 HowHow dodo youyou studystudy English?English? A A :How:How dodo youyou studystudy English?English? B:IB:I alwaysalways studystudy itit byby workingworking withwith a a group,readinggroup,reading aloudaloud toto practicepractice pronunciation.pronunciation. WhatWhat aboutabout you?you? A:IA:I usuallyusually studyitstudyit byby workingworking withwith a a group,readinggroup,reading thethe textbook,buttextbook,but sometimes.Isometimes.I studystudy itit byby askingasking thethe teacherteacher forfor helphelp ,listening,listening toto tapestapes andand watchingwatching TV.TV. 设计意图:让学生更进一步掌握本次课所学的重点内容 步骤 10:回顾 带学生狂读一遍所学的单词 设计意图:这样学生不用再担心下去背单词,记单词。 步骤:11 作业布置 Please write out at least five ways you learned English in this class, then write to your pen pal to help / her with English study 设计意图:这样学生能轻松把当天所学的单词和重点记住记住,其次对以后的阅读和写作奠 定坚实的基础。 4
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