人教版九年级Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!-Section B 1a—1d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:d53a1).zip

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I think that are delicious! Unit 2 Halloween Words and haunted ghost trick treat spider Halloween adj.闹鬼的;有鬼魂出没的 n.鬼;鬼魂 n.花招;把戏 n. 招待;款待 v. 招待;请客 n.蜘蛛 万圣节前夕 expressions 根据图片补全句子。 What _.beautiful flowers they are! Lead-in 1 How _handsome the boy is! How _hard the worker is working! What _a clever boy he is! Lead-in 2 Lets listen to a music. objectives To learn some key words and useful expressions. To know some information about Halloween. To learn to use objective clauses and exclamatory statements. treat n.款待;招待 v.招待;请客 Somethingspecialthatyougivesomeoneordo forthembecauseyouknowtheywillenjoyit. Steventookhissontothezooasabirthday treat. 史蒂文带儿子去动物园作为庆祝生日的方式。 Look and say What do you think this festival is about? haunted house scary black cat ghost jack-o-lantern witch bat Do you know what is “trick or treat”? trick or treat 万圣节的主要活动是“不给糖就捣乱”。小孩装 扮成各种恐怖样子,逐门逐户按响邻居的门铃, 大叫:Trick or Treat!(意即不请客就捣乱) ,主人家(可能同样穿着恐怖服装)便会拿出一 些糖果、巧克力或是小礼物。部分家庭甚至使用 声音特效和制烟机器营造恐怖气氛。在苏格兰, 小孩要糖果时会说:“The sky is blue, the grass is green, may we have our Halloween.”(天是蓝色,草是绿色,齐来庆 祝万圣节前夜),然后以唱歌跳舞等表演来博得 糖果。 万圣节在每年的10月31日,是西方传统节日。万 圣节源自古代凯尔特民族的新年节庆,此时也是 祭祀亡魂的时刻,在避免恶灵干扰的同时,也以 食物祭拜祖灵及善灵以祈平安渡过严冬。 万圣节前夜起源于与邪恶幽灵相关的庆祝活动 ,所以骑着扫帚的女巫、幽灵、小妖精和骷髅 都是万圣节的标志物。蝙蝠、猫头鹰和其他夜 间活动的动物也是万圣节的普遍标志。起初, 这些动物让人觉得非常可怕,因为人们认为这 些动物能和死者的幽灵进行交流。 Halloween 黑猫也是万圣节的标志物,并且也有一定的 宗教起源。人们认为黑猫可以转生,具有预 言未来的超能力。在中世纪,人们认为女巫 可以变成黑猫,所以人们一看到黑猫就会认 为它是女巫假扮的。这些标志物都是万圣节 服装的普遍选择,也是贺卡或橱窗上很常用 的装饰。 南瓜灯是庆祝万圣节的标志物。传说有一个名叫杰 克的人非常吝啬,因而死后不能进入天堂,而且因 为他取笑魔鬼也不能进入地狱,所以,他只能提着 灯笼四处游荡,直到审判日那天。人们为了在万圣 节前夜吓走这些游魂,便用芜菁、甜菜或马铃薯雕 刻成可怕的面孔来代表提着灯笼的杰克,这就是南 瓜灯的由来。 Section B Listenandanswerthe questions. 1b 1.WhereisHalloweenpopular? 2.Whendopeoplecelebrate Halloween? 3.WhatdoesWuYuthinkofthis festival? 1. It is a popular festival in North America. 2. October 31st. 3. He thinks that Halloween is a really fun festival. Listenagainandfillintheblanks. 1.Manypeoplemaketheir_look scary.Theymay_thelightsand lightcandles.Theysometimesalsoputthings likespidersandghostsaroundthedoorsand _. 2.Littlekidsandevenparents_as ghostsorblackcats.Theycanalsodressupas funthingslike_characters. houses turn windows dressup cartoon 1c Listenagainandfillintheblanks. 3.Parentstaketheirchildrenaroundthe neighborhoodtoaskfor_andtreats. 4.“trickortreat”meanskidswill_a trickonyouifyoudont_thema treat. candies play give 1c ThinkabouttheHalloweenactivitiesthat interestyoumost.Discusswhatyouhave learnedwithapartner. Whathaveyoulearnedabout Halloween? Oh,Iknowitisapopular festivalinNorthAmerica.Andit iscelebratedonOctober31st. Whatdoyoulikemostabout thisfestival? Ithinkthemostinterestingpart isdressingupasghostsorblack cats. Yes,thatisquiteinteresting. ButIdolike“Trickortreat”,I thinkitisreallyfunny. . Lets discuss the Halloween activities with your partner and make our own conversation. 1.WritedownfivewordsrelatedtoHalloween. scary,dressup,hauntedhouse,ghost,trick ortreat,blackcat,spider,candy 2.根据短文内容,完成下列句子,每空一 词。 Halloweenisastrangeholiday.Itstartedseveral centuriesagoinEurope.ItbeganasHallow Eveningwhichmeansholynight.Atthattime November1stwascalledAllSaintsDayand peoplehonoredallthesaintswhodidnothave theirownspecialday.Peoplebelievedthatall thespiritsofdeadpeoplewereactiveonthe nightofOctober31st.Sopeoplewouldplayall sortsoftricksoneachother. BlackisoneofthetraditionalHalloween colors,probablybecauseHalloweenfestivalsand traditionstookplaceatnight. Halloweenisgreatfunforchildren.Theydressup asghostsorwitches(女巫).SmallchildrengoTrick -or-Treating.Theywearcostumes,knockon doors,andshout,TrickorTreat!Peoplealmost alwayschoosetogivethemcandyasatreat, insteadofchoosingtoreceiveatrickfromthe children.Adultssometimestrickortreattheir friends,too.Usuallythetreatisaglassofwine orsomesmallgifts. PumpkinsareasymbolofHalloween,soorange hasbecometheothertraditionalHalloweencolor. MakinglanternsoutofpumpkinsisaHalloween custom. 1.Halloweenisaholidaywhichstarted_ ofyearsagoin_. 2.Itwasbelievedthatthespiritsof_ peoplewereactiveonthenightAllSaintsDay. 3._and_arebothtraditional Halloweencolors. 4.People,especially_,havegreatfun playingTrickorTreatto_ Halloween. 5.Accordingtothecustom,peoplealwaystreat childrenwith_insteadof_atrick fromthem. hundreds Europe dead Blackorange celebrate/enjoy children candy receiving 本课时重点回顾 1. Halloween words scary, haunted house, ghost, trick or treat, black cat, spider, candy 2. It sounds like a really fun festival! I wonder if itll ever become popular in China. Now 2 mins to test your spelling. English-Chinese ghosthaunteddeadspider 款待花招 When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best. Chinese-English 1. Try to make your own Halloween mask. 2.Preview the new words we will use in the next lesson. Homework 教学 重难 点 顺利完成听力练习 1b 1c教 法 情景教学法 任务型教学法 3P 教学法 教学过程及教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入(启发探究 ) 万圣节由来 关于万圣节由来的传说有许多版本,最普 遍的认为,那是源于基督诞生前的古西欧国家, 主要包括爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士,这几处的 古西欧人叫德鲁伊特人。德鲁伊特的新年在十 一月一日,新年前夜,德鲁伊特人让年轻人集 队,戴着各种怪异面具,拎着刻好的萝卜灯 (南瓜灯系后期习俗,古西欧最早没有南瓜) , 他们游走于村落间。这在当时实则为一种秋收 的庆典;也有说是“鬼节”,传说当年死去的人, 灵魂会在万圣节的前夜造访人世,据说人们应 该让造访的鬼魂看到圆满的收成并对鬼魂呈现 出丰盛的款待。所有篝火及灯火,一来为了吓 走鬼魂,同时也为鬼魂照亮路线,引导其回归。 这也就是为什么现在的万圣节里,还留有巫婆 的扫帚、黑猫、咒语等痕迹。 二、自学(自主探究 ) 拼读单词,记忆含义 haunted /h:ntid/ a. 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼 的 p.13 ghost /gust/ n. 鬼;鬼魂 p.13 trick /trik/ n. 花招;把戏 p.13 treat /tri:t/ n. 款待;v. 招待;请客 p.13 spider /spaidr)/ n. 蜘蛛 p.13 单词学习与运用 1. haunted adj. 有鬼魂出没的,闹鬼的 haunt v. (鬼) 出没 一个鬼屋 a haunted house 2. trick n. 花招,把戏 play a trick on sb = play tricks on sb.捉弄某人 3. treat n. 款待,招待 trick or treat 不请吃就捣蛋 This is my treat.这次由我请客。v. 招 待,请客 treat sb. treat sb well/ nicely/ badly treat sb. as 把当做 Listen and have discussion with teacher. Think and guess. Make notes if they need and ask what they dont understand. Read the third time and answer 培养学生独立思 考能力,从而提 高独立阅读能力。 treat sb to sth. 请某人吃 三、交流(合作探究)1d Words and expressions. Lead-in.Exclamatory statements. Listen to a music. Halloween Song. Look and say. 完成 1a 任务并交流 再听一遍,回答 1b 问题 再听一遍,完成 1c 填空 四、总结(引深探究) 宾语从句的转化 the questions given by the teacher: Do the exercise 敢于提出问题, 挖掘文章内涵 作 业 布 置 1. Ask some pairs to present their conversations. 2. Try to make your own Halloween mask. 3. Ask the students do the exercise . 教 学 反 思
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