人教版九年级Unit 3 Could you tell me where the restrooms are -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:11dd5).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 3 Could you tell me where the restrooms are _Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:11dd5)
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中考复习 宾语从句 宾语从句 在复合句中,用一个句子来做动 词、介词宾语,也就是说宾语是一 个句子,就叫宾语从句。 如:Iknowthatheisateacher. 宾语heisateacher是一个句子,就叫 宾语从句。 宾语从句的考点 在中考英语中,宾语从句有 三个考点: 1、语序 2、连接词 3、时态 考点一、宾语从句的语序 宾语从句的语序一定要用陈述句 语序,即主语在前,动词在后。 也就是“连接词+主语+谓语+其它” 如:Theteacheraskedthestudents whattheyweredoing. ()1Doyouknow_? Imgoingtoseehim Sorry,Idontknow AwheredoesMr.Chenlive BwheredidMr.Chenlive CwhereMr.Chenlives DwhereMr.Chenlived C ()2.Judydidntknow_. A.whereisTimsfather B.whenwasthefirstwatchmade C.whatistheoldman D.whatwaswrongwithherwatch D 注意:Whatswrong? Whatthematter? Whatshappening? 连接词what,who,which在宾语从句中如果 充当主语的话,语序是“连接词+谓语+其它” 如:Couldyoupleasetellmewhocandoit? Couldyoupleasetellmewhichisthewayto thebank? 考点二、宾语从句的连接词 (1)连接词that (2)连接词if、whether (3)连接代词who,whom,whose, what,which, 连接副词when,where,why,how. 宾语从句的连接词 (1)连接词that,只起连接作用, 在从句中不作句子成分,也无词汇意 义,在口语中常被省略。也就是说宾 语从句是一个陈述句,连接词用that ,that常被省略。 如:Heknows(that)heshouldworkhard. 1.()Ithink_youwilllikehim. A.thatB.ifC.whyD.how 2()Iknow_heloveshischildren. AifBwhatC/Dwhether A C (2)连接词if、whether,起到连接作用,在从句 中不作句子成分,理解为“是否”,也就是说宾语 从句是一个一般疑问句,连接词用if、whether, if、whether不能省略。 如:Tomdoesntknowif/whetherhisgrandpalikes thepresent. HeaskedmewhetherIwascomingornot. 注意:从句中如果出现ornot,只能用 whether,不能用if。 ()1.Idontknow_theyhavepassed theexam. A.whatB.ifC.whenD.where ()2.Idontknow_hewillcome ornot. A.thatB.whetherC.weatherD.if B B (3)连接代词who,whom,whose,what, which,连接副词when,where,why,how, 它们起连接作用,作句子成分,各有自己 的意义。也就是说宾语从句是一个特殊疑 问句,就用它的疑问词来作连接词,连接 词不能省略。 如:Couldyoutellmehowshegetsonwithher newclassmates? Weneverknowwhattheoldwomanis ()1.Couldyoupleasetellme_ lastyear? A.wheredoesyoursisterwork B.wheredidyoursisterwork C.whereyoursisterworks D.whereyoursisterworked D ()2.Couldyoupleasetellme_? -Abouttenminuteswalk. A.howfarisitfromthelibrarytothehotel B.howfaritisfromthelibrarytothehotel C.howlongittakestogotothehotel D.howdoesittaketogotothehotel B ()3.Didyouhear_? A.whatdidIsay B.whatIsaid C.Isaidwhat D.whatIsay B 考点三、宾语从句的时态呼应 1、如果主句谓语是一般现在时,从句 谓语的时态不受限制。 如:IdontrememberwhereIputthe dictionaryyesterday. 2、如果主句谓语的时态是一般过去时, 从句一般要随着改为相应的过去时态 如:Motherdidntknowwhathewas doingthere. 3、当宾语从句陈述的是客观真理时, 不管主句谓语的时态如何,从句永 远用一般现在时。 如:Theteachertoldus(that)theearth goesaroundthesun. ()1.Thenew-designedcaronshow hereisquiteamazing.Iwonder_. -Itjustcoststenthousandyuan. A.howmuchitcosts B.howmuchitcost C.howmuchdoesitcost D.howmuchdiditcost A ()2.Theoldmanaskedme_. A.wherewasthebank B.whereisthebank C.wherethebankwas D.wherewasthewaytothebank C ()3.Theteachertoldusthatlight_ fasterthansoundyesterday. A.traveledB.travel C.travelsD.traveling C 近5年广东省中考-宾语从句 (2016年广东省中考题) 45.-Iwonder_.-ItwillfallonaSaturday. A.howwillNationalDayfallonthisyear B.howNationalDaywillfallonthisyear C.whatdaywillNationalDayfallonthisyear D.whatdayNationalDaywillfallonthisyear 考点:语序,连接词。 D (2015年广东省中考题) 43.-Davidasked_inChina. -Ofcoursenot.Chineseusuallyshakehandswith aladyasagreeting. A.whyhecangreetaladybykissingher B.Whyhecouldgreetaladybykissingher C.Whetherhecangreetaladybykissingher D.Whetherhecouldgreetaladybykissingher 考点:语序,连接词,时态。 D (2014年广东省中考题) 44.-Doyouknow_? -8,844.43meters.Itsapopularplacewith mountainclimbers. A.howhighisQomolangma B.howlongisQomolangma C.howhighQomolangmais D.howlongQomolangmais 考点:连接词,语序。 C (2013年广东省中考题) 39.Haveyouaskedthepoliceman_? Yes.HetoldustoturnleftontoMainStreet. Itsontheright. A.ifthereisabanknearhere B.howcanwegettothenearestbank C.wherecanwefindabank D.whenwecangotothenearestbank 考点:语序,连接词。 A (2012年广东省中考题) ()45.-Couldyoutellme_? -Certanily.Inhalfanhour. A.whenwillthehighspeedtrainarrive B.whenthehighspeedtrainwillarrive C.whenwouldthehighspeedtrainarrive D.whenthehighspeedtrainwouldarrive 考点:语序,时态。 B 宾语从句解题技巧 1、排除不是陈述句语序的句子 2、看答语确定连接词 3、看主句的时态和从句是否陈述 客观真理来确定从句的时态。 作业 写一篇关于暑假旅游计划的作文, 至少使用4个宾语从句。 THANK YOU! 宾语从句教案 教学目标: 1.掌握宾语从句的语序陈述句语序:主语在前,谓语在后。 2.掌握引导宾语从句的各种连接词。 3.掌握宾语从句的时态:主句与从句在时态上的呼应。 教学重点难点 重点:语序, 连接词, 时态。 难点:时态呼应 教学过程 一、什么叫宾语从句 在复合句中,用一个句子来做动词、介词宾语,也就是说宾语是一个句子,就 叫宾语从句。 如:I know that he is a teacher. 宾语 he is a teacher 是一个句子,就叫宾语从 句。 二、在中考英语中,宾语从句有三个考点:语序、连接词、时态。 1、宾语从句的语序 宾语从句的语序一定要用陈述句语序,即主语在前,动词在后。 也就是“连接词+主语+谓语+其它” 如:The teacher asked the students what they were doing. ( ) Do you know _ ?Im going to see him Sorry,I dont know Awhere does MrChen live Bwhere did Mr Chen live Cwhere Mr Chen lives Dwhere Mr Chen lived ( )2.July didnt know_. A. where is Tims father B. when was the first watch made C. what is the old man D. what was wrong with her watch 注意:连接词 what,who,which 在宾语从句中如果充当主语的话,陈述句语序是 “连接词+谓语+其它” 如:Could you please tell me who can do it? Could you please tell me which is the way to the bank? 2、宾语从句的连接词 (1)连接词 that,只起连接作用,在从句中不作句子成分,也无词汇意义, 在口语中常被省略。也就是说宾语从句是一个陈述句,连接词用 that,that 常被省 略。 如: He knows (that) he should work hard. 1.( )I think _ you will like him. A. that B. if C. why D. how 2.( ) I know_he loves his children. A if B what C / Dwhether (2)连接词 if 、whether,起到连接作用,在从句中不作句子成分,理解为“是 否” ,也就是说宾语从句是一个一般疑问句,连接词用 if 、whether,if 、whether 不能省略。 如: Tom doesnt know if/whether his grandpa likes the present. He asked me whether I was coming or not. 注意:一般情况下,if 和 whether 可以互换,但与 or not 连用时,只用 whether。 ( )1. I dont know _ they have passed the exam. A. what B. if C. when D. where ( )2.I dont know _ he will come or not. A. that B. whether C. weather D. if (3)连接代词 who, whom, whose, what, which,连接副词 when, where, why, how, 它们起连接作用,作句子成分,各有自己的意义。也就是说宾语从句是一个 特殊疑问句,就用它的疑问词来作连接词,连接词不能省略。 如:Could you tell me how she gets on with her new classmates? We never know what the old woman is ( )1.Could you please tell me _ last year? A. where does your sister work B where did your sister work C where your sister works D where your sister worked ( )2.Could you please tell me_? -About ten minuteswalk. A.how far is it from the library to the hotel B. how far it is from the library to the hotel C.how long it takes to go to the hotel D.how does it take to go to the hotel ( )3. Did you hear _? A. what did I say B. what I said C. I said what D. what I say 3、宾语从句的时态呼应 宾语从句中谓语动词的时态,常常受到主句谓语时态的制约,此为时态呼应。 (1)如果主句谓语是一般现在时,从句谓语的时态不受限制。 如:I dont remember where I put the dictionary yesterday (2)如果主句谓语的时态是一般过去时,从句一般要随着改为相应的过去时态 如:Mother didnt know what he was doing there. (3)当宾语从句叙述的是客观真理时,不管主句谓语的时态如何,从句都用一般现 在时。 如: The teacher told us (that) the earth goes around the sun. ( ) 1.The new-designed car on show here is quite amazing.I wonder_. -It just costs ten thousand yuan. A.how much it costs B.how much it cost C.how much does it cost D.how much did it cost ( ) 2.The old man asked me _ . A. where was the bank B. where is the bank C. where the bank was D. where was the way to the bank ( ) 3.The teacher told us that light _ faster than sound yesterday. A. traveled B.travel C.travels D.traveling 二、近 5 年广东省中考-宾语从句 (2016 年广东省中考题) 45.-I wonder_.-It will fall on a Saturday. A. how will National Day fall on this year B. how National Day will fall on this year C. what day will National Day fall on this year D. what day National Day will fall on this year 考点:语序,连接词。 (2015 年广东省中考题) 43.- David asked_ in China. -Of course not. Chinese usually shake hands with a lady as a greeting. A.why he can greet a lady by kissing her B.Why he could greet a lady by kissing her C.Whether he can greet a lady by kissing her D.Whether he could greet a lady by kissing her 考点:语序,连接词,时态。 (2014 年广东省中考题) 44. - Do you know_ ? - 8,844. 43 meters. Its a popular place with mountain climbers. A. how high is Qomolangma B. how long is Qomolangma C. how high Qomolangma is D. how long Qomolangma is 考点:连接词,语序。 (2013 年广东省中考题) 39. Have you asked the policeman _? Yes. He told us to turn left onto Main Street. Its on the right. A. if there is a bank near here B. how can we get to the nearest bank C. where can we find a bank D. when we can go to the nearest bank 考点:语序,连接词。 (2012 年广东省中考题) ( )45. - Could you tell me_ ? - Certanily. In half an hour. A. when will the high speed train arrive B. when the high speed train will arrive C. when would the high speed train arrive D. when the high speed train would arrive 考点:语序,时态。 三、宾语从句解题技巧 1、排除不是陈述句语序的句子 2、看答语确定连接词 3、看主句的时态和从句是否陈述客观真理来确定从句的时态。 四、作业 写一篇关于暑假旅游计划的作文,至少使用 4 个宾语从句。
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