人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:30f5f).zip

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人民教育出版社英语九年级全册 Unit 5: What are the shirts made of ? Section A (Grammar Focus) cap cotton Shanghai A: What is the. made of? B: It is made of A: Where was it made? B: It was made in pen metal Xian Unit 5:What are the shirts made of ? (Grammar Focus) 图解助记: 有关be made.的短语: 解读 be made of 意为“由制作”,是被动语态结构。 易混辨析 1.这个风筝是用纸做的。 The kite _ paper. 2.这种酒是用小麦酿成的。 The wine _ wheat. 3.这辆车在上海制造。 This car _Shanghai. 4.其中一些树将被做成纸。 Some of the trees will _ paper. 5.那把椅子是一位老木匠制作的。 The chair _ an old carpenter. is made of is made from was made in be made into was made by Are your shirts made of cotton? Yes, they are. And they were made in the US. Whats the model plane made of? Its made of used wood and glass. Where is tea produced in China? Its produced in many different areas. Grammar Focus How is tea produced? Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. Active voice : People grow tea in Hangzhou. Passive voice: Tea is grown (by people) in Hangzhou. 思考: 1. 被动语态的结构是怎样的? 2. 被动语态句中主语是动作的执行者还是承受者? Many people speak English. 主动句与被动句之间的转换 : English is spoken by many people. 主语 谓语动词主动语态 宾语 主语 谓语动词被动语态的过去分词 介词+ 宾语 1.People play football all over the world. 2. The old man on TV tells a story on Sunday. 3. Students listen to the kind teacher carefully. Football is played by people all over the world . A story is told by the old man on TV on Sunday. The kind teacher is listened to by students carefully. 把下列主动句变为被动句: 4b. Rewrite the sentences using the passive voice. 1.Farmers plant the tea on the sides of mountains. The tea is planted on the sides of mountains by farmers. 2. This shop uses the best materials to make dresses. _ _ 3. Careless driving causes many traffic accidents. _ _ The best materials are used to make dresses by this shop. Many traffic accidents are caused by Careless driving. 4. The postman brings letters and postcards to peoples homes. _ _ 5. Our family does not use this silver plate very often. _ _ Letters and postcards are brought to peoples home by the postman. This silver plate is not used very often by our family. 主动语态,强调动作的执行者/发出者 被动语态,强调动作的承受者 4a. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. Children under 18 _ (not allow) to watch this show without their parents. 2.We _ (pay) by the boss on the last Friday of each month. 3.A: What language _ (speak) in Germany? B: Most people speak German, but many can speak English, too. 4.Most of the earths surface _ (cover) by water. 5.The classroom _ (clean) by the students every day. are not allowed are paid is spoken is covered is cleaned 德语;Germans德国人 一般现在(过去)时态被动语态的几种句型: 1.肯定句: 主语 + be + V-ed + (by) The shoes are made by workers. 2.否定句: 主语 + be + not + V-ed + (by) 3.一般疑问句: Be + 主语 + V-ed + (by)? The shoes arent made by workers . Are the shoes made by workers ? 4.特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + be + 主语 + V-ed + (by)? When /Where are the shoes made by workers? SUM-UP 4c Ask five classmates about something they are wearing or have in their schoolbags. The list of words below may help you. pencil, jacket, sweater, T-shirt, shoes, cap, gloves, ring. A: Whats your pencil made of? B: Its made of wood. A: Where was it made? B: It was made in Shanghai. Materials 材料 Origin产产地 Comment评评价 It is made in It is nice/cool/ pretty/ popular It is made of bamboo/ silver/ steel/ gold/ wood/ paper/ cotton/ silk It is used for. usage Homework : 1.Write a short passage in 4c. 2. Preview SectionB(1a-1e) . 课标 要求 本单元学生要达到的读、写技能: 1.能连贯、流畅地朗读句子。 2.学生对本单元所学的语法知识能够熟练运用、归纳小结。 教材 分析 本部分语法内容整理了本单元被动语态的一般现在时用法,包括陈述句、一般疑 问句、特殊疑问句及回答。4a 活动突破重点,即被动语态的结构 be+done,这一练习既 关注语言形式,也关注被动语态的表意功能。4b 活动是将主动语态改为被动语态,旨 在突破难点,让学生比较两种语态不同结构和表意功能。4c 以对话形式重现本单元所 学的语言知识,让学生通过阅读和口头操练巩固所学语言,并将其转变成语言运用能 力。语法难点是被动语态的结构及其表意功能。其结构涉及的不规则动词的过去分词 也是难点之一。 学情 分析 本单元 Grammar Focus 整理了本单元被动语态的一般现在时用法,包括陈述句、一 般疑问句、特殊疑问句及回答。被动语态的结构对于中国学生来说是个难点,他们不 是忘了 be 动词,就是遗漏动词后面的 ed,特别是不规则动词的过去分词,学生更是容 易忘记。即使他们听懂、理解了,但运用意识很薄弱。因此,在教学中必须创设各种 不同的语境进行训练。 课时 目标 课时教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1)Key words and phrases: boss,Germany,surface,material,traffic,postman,cap,glove 2)Key sentences: (1)Are your shirts made of cotton?Yes,they are. And they were made in the US. (2)Whats the model plane made of?Its made of used wood and glass. (3)Where is tea produced in China?Its produced in many different areas. (4)How is tea produced?Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. 2.能力目标: 1)进一步学会谈论产品是由什么制的以及它们在哪儿制造的。 2)学习掌握被动语态的用法。 3)通过练习,学会总结与归纳相应的知识点。 3 情感态度价值观目标: 通过本课时的学习,鼓励学生在生活中应多注意观察;通过练习,比较英汉 语言的不同,引导他们以积极的姿态学习不同的文化。 教学 重点 教学重点: 1.学会本课时重点词汇: boss,Germany,surface,material,traffic,postman,cap,glove 2.重点句型: (1)Are your shirts made of cotton?Yes,they are. And they were made in the US. (2)Whats the model plane made of?Its made of used wood and glass. (3)Where is tea produced in China?Its produced in many different areas. (4)How is tea produced?Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. 教学 难点 教学难点: 学习掌握被动语态的结构和表意功能。 提炼 的 课题 According to designing some tasks, train students How to use Passive Voice. 教学过程 教学 环节 教学内容及师生活动设计意图 媒体选 择分析 Lead in Show pictures to Ss and practice Look at the pictures and work in pairs 为引入新课做铺垫 类型:t,w 作用:b 使用:a 来源:z,x 时间 3 New words Read new words Check one by one 训练学生快速的读 与记 类型:t,w 作用:b 使用:a 来源:z,x 时间 3 Practice1.Show the picture ,ask and answer 2.Do some exercises. 3.Take down notes 归纳所学,联系新 授 类型:t,w 作用:f.g 使用:e 来源:z,x 时间 6 Grammar Focus 1.Read and think first. 2. Find the Passive Voice. 3.Do the exercises. 培养阅读中找关键 信息的能力 类型:t,w 作用:f.g 使用:e 来源:z,x 时间 8 Explanation Explain language points Listen and take down notes 总结、归纳所学的 重要知识点 类型:w,b 作用:c,e,h 使用:d,i 来源:z,x 时间:8 Exercises4b, 4a,4c 1.Read and finish. 2.Discuss in pairs. 3.Check the answers . 引导学生如何学以 致用 类型:w 作用:j,k 使用:g,i 来源:z,x 时间:10 Summary Lead Ss to summarize what learned in the class 让学生学会归纳、 总结课堂所学 类型:w 作用:j,k 使用:g,i 来源:z,x 时间:2: 附:教学媒体选择分析说明附:教学媒体选择分析说明 媒体媒体 类型类型 教学教学 作用作用 使用使用 方式方式 媒体媒体 来源来源 占用占用 时间时间 t.图片 w.文本 s.视频 y.音频 d.动画 b.表格 q.其它 a.提供事实,建立经验; b.创设情境,引发动机; c.举例验证,建立概念; d.提供示范,正确操作; e.呈现过程,形成表象; f.演绎原理,启发思维; g.设难置疑,引起思辨; h.展示事例,开阔视野; i.欣赏审美,陶冶情操; j.归纳总结,复习巩固; k.其它。 a.设疑播放讲解; b.设疑播放讨论; c.讲解播放概括; d.讲解播放举例; e.播放提问讲解; f.播放讨论总结; g.边播放、边讲解; h.设疑_播放_概括. i 讨论_交流_总结 j 其他 z 自制 x 下载 j 链接 q 其它 单位 分钟 作业 布置 1.Write a short passage in 4c. 2. Preview Section B(1a-1e) . 板书 设计 Unit 5:What are the shirts made of? Section A (Grammar Focus) 1.New words : boss,Germany,surface,material,traffic,postman,cap,glove 2.New Sentences : (1)Are your shirts made of cotton? (2)Whats the model plane made of? (3)Where is tea produced in China? (4)How is tea produced?
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