人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section B 1a—1e-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:81e1a).zip

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人教版新目标九年级人教版新目标九年级 Unit5Unit5 写作课写作课 学习目标:学习目标:学习目标:学习目标: 1.能以中心句为引领,运用总分结构构建段落。 2.学会运用简单的英语介绍中国传统文化。 3.学会运用适当的方式对所写段落进行评价与反思。 教学过程:教学过程:教学过程:教学过程: 一、一、Pre-writing . 选词填空 be famous for be made of/ from in different areas be known for be produced be used for doing/ to do Chinese traditional art form Weifang in Shandong Province _ kites all over the world. The kite _ bamboo and paper or silk. The kite _ send messages by Mo Di at first. Now it can be found _in China and is one of the _ now. .美文赏析美文赏析 A Silk is one of the greatest Chinese inventions. Silk has been around for about 1,500 years. But before this, people put on leaves which fell onto grass. Silk and cotton were first used for making clothes. Later, rich family even used silk to paint. Many people enjoy wearing the clothes made of silk, so do I. B Couplets began from Song Dynasty. And people use red paper to celebrate the Spring Festival. They are treated as symbols of good wishes. Chinese people like putting on couplets before the Spring Festival.They have been popular for about 600 years. 请画出关于 couplets 的思维导图 Silk Information 1500 years be used for making clothes,be used to paint . Topic Sentence Feelings: couplets 二、二、While-writing 小试牛刀:小试牛刀:请你用英语介绍其中一种中国传统文化(50 词左右)。 1.剪纸在中国历史悠久。 2.剪纸的用途是装饰。 3.春节,贴在门窗上,希望得到好运。 .审题:1)审体裁;2)审人称;3)审时态;4)审写作要求(字数和参考词汇) 。 .构建结构 .构建文章:将作文写到下面的横线上,注意书写整洁。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 三、三、Post-writing 1.相互检查并打分: 查结构 查要点:文章是否符合题目要求,内容是否完整。 查表达:是否有不合乎英语惯用的表达,是否有中国式英语表达。 查语法:是否有时态错误,冠词是否用错,名词单复数是否有误,是否 有 主谓不一致,是否有语态问题,是否有词形错误,是否有不合乎搭配的词 组。 查拼写 四、自我评价与反思四、自我评价与反思(收获与困惑收获与困惑) 附:中考作文评分标准(分五档评分) 档次分值语言要求 一档13-15 分包含了所有要点,能围绕内容要点适当发挥,内容 具体、丰富;应用了较丰富的语言结构和词汇,用 词准确,句子通顺,行文连贯,表达清楚;没有或 几乎没有语言错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,达 到了预期的写作目的。 二挡10-12 分基本包含了所有要点,并有一定发挥,内容比较丰 富;应用的语言结构和词汇能满足任务要求,句子 较通顺,表达较清楚;有少量语言错误,基本达到 了预期的写作目的。 三挡7-9 分包含了多数要点,并有所发挥,内容不够丰富、具 体,字数较少;句子不够通顺,语言表达过于简单, 行文不够连贯;有部分语言错误。 四挡4-6 分只包含了少数要点,内容较少;句子无条理,语言 不规范,行为不连贯;语言错误较多。 五档0-3 分只包含一个要点或所写内容与要求几乎无关,内容 杂乱,不知所云;语言很不通顺,用词很不准确; 错误过多,几乎难以读懂。 学习目标学习目标 1.能以中心句为引领,运用总分结构构建段落。能以中心句为引领,运用总分结构构建段落。 2.学会运用简单的英语介绍中国传统文化。学会运用简单的英语介绍中国传统文化。 3.学会运用适当的方式对所写段落进行评价与反思。学会运用适当的方式对所写段落进行评价与反思。 因因.出名出名 在过去在过去 被生产被生产 被广为人知的被广为人知的 中中国国传传统统艺艺术术形形式式 .的象征的象征 be famous for symbols of with scissors be made of/ from in different areas in the past be known for be produced be used for Chinese traditional art form 我积累,我收获我积累,我收获 be famous for be folded be made of/ from in different areas be known for be produced be used for doing/ to do Chinese traditional art form Weifang in Shandong Province _ kites all over the world. The kite _ bamboo and paper or silk. The kite _ send messages by Mo Di at first. Now it can be found _in China and is one of the _ now. is famous for was used to is made of in different areas Chinese traditonal art forms 我积累,我收获我积累,我收获 Silk is one of the greatest Chinese inventions. Silk has been around for about 1,500 years. But before this, people put on leaves which fell onto grass. Silk and cotton were first used for making clothes. Later, rich family even used silk to paint.Many peole enjoy wearing the clothes made of silk,so do I. 1. Topic sentence 2. the greatest invention is used for enjoy wearing 重细节,我提升重细节,我提升 The spring festival is the traditional festival in China. People use the couplets to celebrate it. Chinese people like putting on couplets before the Spring Festival. They have been popular for about 600 years from the Song Dynasty. They are loved as symbols of good wishes. 1. Topic sentence 2. 重细节,我提升重细节,我提升 Song Dynasty like putting on symbols of good wishes is used for As a Chinese , we should be proud of Chinese traditional art forms. I enjoy our traditional art! I Love our country! 我咏物,我抒情我咏物,我抒情 审题审题 topic sentence paper cutting information feeling 列结构提纲列结构提纲 思维导图思维导图 历史悠久历史悠久 装装 饰饰 好运好运 贴在门窗贴在门窗 paper cutting 历史历史-历史悠久历史悠久 用途用途-装装 饰饰 象征象征-好好 运运 如何用如何用-贴在门窗贴在门窗 paper cutting 构建文章构建文章 1.1.查结构查结构 2.2.查要点查要点 3.3.查表达查表达 4.4.查语法查语法 5.5.查拼写查拼写 相互检查相互检查 SelfSelf- -assessmentassessment 自我反思与评价自我反思与评价 1.能以中心句为引领,运用总分结构构建段落。能以中心句为引领,运用总分结构构建段落。 2.学会运用简单的英语介绍中国传统文化。学会运用简单的英语介绍中国传统文化。 3.学会运用适当的方式对所写段落进行评价与反思。学会运用适当的方式对所写段落进行评价与反思。 Traditional art forms are the fortune (财富财富) of our country. 情感提升情感提升 谢 大 谢 家 ThankThank YouYou
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