人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section A 2a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:10530).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth!_Section A 2a—2d_ppt课件_(含教案)_部级优课_(编号:10530)
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Period 1 (1a-2c) SectionA Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth. water pollution noise pollution land pollution air pollution What kinds of pollution do you know? pollution 污染 Look at the following picture and guess what kind of pollution it is. air pollution water pollution noise pollution water pollution land pollution water pollution noise pollution land pollution air pollution Do you know what caused(引起) the pollution? pollution 污染 1a Here are some words related to different kinds of pollution . Write them in the box below . noise pollution _ _ _ _ _ air pollution _ _ _ _ water pollution _ _ _ _ loud music planes mobile phones factories cars smokingships factories littering rubbish building houses building houses loud music cars rubbish planes littering ships factories smoking building houses mobile phones cars 1a Tony and Marks hometown The river used to be clean and beautiful. Now, the river is very dirty. The bottom of the river is full of rubbish. There are no more fish in it. Children used to go swimming in it. There used to be fish in the river. used to benow 1b. Listen and complete the sentences. What was the problem? The river was _.Even the bottom(底部) of the river was full of _. There were no more _ for fishermen (渔民) to catch. What caused the problem? People are throwing _into the river. Factories are putting _ into the river. How should the problem be solved? We should write to the _ and ask them to _ the factories. Everyone should help to _ the river. really dirty rubbish fish litter waste government close down clean up 2a Listen to the interview. Circle the kinds of pollution that Jason and Susan talk about. A. land pollution B. air pollution C. noise pollution D. water pollution 2b Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. The air is badly polluted because there are _ on the road these days. 2. Factories that burn coal also _ the air with a lot of black smoke. more cars pollute 3. There is also too much rubbish and waste. People _ things every day. 4. People are also littering in _ like parks. This is turning beautiful places into ugly (丑陋的) ones. are throwing away public places Choose one picture and then make your own conversations about it. noise pollution land pollutionair pollution water pollution noise pollution water pollution Pair work For example: A:The water is badly polluted! B: What caused the water pollution? A: People throw rubbish into the river. B: How should it be solved? A: We should throw rubbish in the bins. 垃圾箱 Choose one picture and then make your own conversations about it. noise pollution land pollutionair pollution water pollution noise pollution water pollution Pair work For example: A:The water is badly polluted! B: What caused the water pollution? A: People throw rubbish into the river. B: How should it be solved? A: We should throw rubbish in the bins. The earth is badly polluted. The environment is getting worse. Its time for us to do something to cut down(减少) the pollution ! What should we do to save the earth? 1.New words: 乱扔_ 底部_ 煤块_ 渔民_ 丑陋的_ 2. Kinds of pollution: 水污染_ 大气污染_ 噪音污染_ 陆地污染_ litterbottom fisherman coal ugly water pollution air pollution noise pollution land pollution 3. Ways to save the earth We only have one earth! Protecting the earth is to protect ourselves. Our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future! take action! 1.Review the new words and expressions. 2. Write 5 sentences about the pollution and how to solve them in your hometown. 初中英语人教 2011 课标版九年级英语 Unit13 We are trying to save the earth. Section A (1a2c) 教学目标 一、 听、说、读、写 以下词汇及词组:litter, bottom, fisherman, coal, ugly 二、 了解污染的类型及解决办法。 三、1. 能听懂关于环境污染和环境保护的听力材料。 2. 能正确运用所学知识谈论环境污染和环境保护。 四、通过谈论环境污染,学生能培养自己的环保意识。做 到:保护环境,从我做起,从小事做起。 五、重点难点 能正确运用所学知识谈论环境污染和环境保护。 六、教学过程 第一学时 Section A 1a2c 教学活动 Step1.Step1. Lead-inLead-in 【导入导入】 1.观看有关环境污染的视频短片。然后询问学生看到了什 么,从而引入本节课所学知识。 2.询问学生了解的污染类型有哪些。 3.进行“猜测游戏”给学生展示图片,让学生猜测图片所 展示的污染类型,让学生进行抢答。 4.汇总污染的类型,然后询问学生是否知道是什么原因导 致的这些污染。引入课文 1a 的练习。 StepStep 2【2【讲授讲授】Presentation】Presentation(呈现新知识)(呈现新知识) 1.引导学生完成 1a 的练习,给污染源归类。 2.校对答案。 3.齐读一遍 1a 的单词短语。 StepStep 3.3. Listening【Listening【听力听力】 1.听前给学生观看一幅 Tony 和 Mike 的家乡的图片。然后 展示家乡环境前后变化,让学生用句子来描述所看到的, 顺便复习 used to 的用法。 2.听录音,详细了解他们家乡存在的问题,引起的原因以 及如何治理。 3.校对答案。 4.再听一段采访内容,了解 Jason 和 Susan 看到的环境污 染问题。完成 2a 的练习。 5.校对答案。 6.再听一遍,完成 2b 的练习并校对答案。 StepStep 4.4. 【小组合作小组合作】 1.给学生展示多幅环境污染的图片及类型,并给出一个对 话例子,让学生读一遍。 2.让学生从中选择一幅图画组编新对话。 3.找几组学生进行展示。 StepStep 5.5. 【讨论讨论】 1.针对目前存在的多重环境污染问题,询问学生:我们应 该如何拯救地球? 2.学生小组讨论 3.找学生展示讨论结果,学生说的同时,老师板书在黑板 上。 StepStep 6.6. 【小结小结】 1.总结本节课所学的知识点。 StepStep 7 7 【情感升华情感升华】 呼吁学生:地球只有一个,我们必须要保护地球。保护地 球就是在保护我们自己。所以让我们一起行动起来吧! StepStep 8 8 【作业作业】 1.复习所学的单词短语。 2.用几句话描述一下自己家乡的环境问题以及拯救措施。 板书设计板书设计 Unit 13 we are trying to save the earth New words:Ways to save the earth: 教学反思:教学反思: 本节课围绕环境污染问题这一话题展开学习,与学生 生活息息相关,学生比较感兴趣。但是课堂氛围有点低沉, 部份学生因基础较差没有能很好的参与到课堂学习中来。 其实到了初三这个阶段,英语课堂已经不像初一、初二的 英语课堂那么精彩,这是我们初中英语教学的一个不争的 事实,初三年级老师面临着学生的升学考试,备考工作, 时光紧,任务重,压力大。一切围绕着中考转,老师讲得 多甚至满堂灌,老师一味地讲,学生盲目地听,导致课堂 气氛沉闷,呆板,学生逐渐感到枯燥无味,开始走神,开 差,有的学生甚至对英语失去兴趣,产生厌恶感、我一向 在思考:如何给初三的英语课堂教学注入活力,使学生在 英语这门学科上取得更大的进步,在中考中取得优异的成 绩呢经过自我认真的学习,思考和同行们的指导,我将从 以下这几个方面去努力: 1、仔细研读新课标 2、认真分析学生学情 3、认真仔细备好每一节课,上好每一节课 4、培养学生课前预习、课后及时复习的好习惯 5、进行阶段性检测 6、培养学生的兴趣
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