北京版三年级上册UNIT FIVE IT’S A NICE AUTUMN DAY-Lesson 16-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:80546).zip

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Lesson 16Lesson 16Lesson 16Lesson 16 1 北京出版社 三年级英语 上册 Unit 5 Its a Nice Autumn DayUnit 5 Its a Nice Autumn DayUnit 5 Its a Nice Autumn DayUnit 5 Its a Nice Autumn Day 2 Listen to a song.Listen to a song. 3 课文视频 无字幕 4 Guess: What are they talking about? 课文视频 无字幕 5 They are talking about the weather. 课文视频 无字幕 Its rainy. 6 Whats the weather like today, Mum? Great! my Great! I can put on my new raincoat. 7 Here you are. 8 Its _ today. is very _ because she can put on her new _. rainy happy , raincoat Retell the story. 9 Its today. windy Yes, is coming. winter I love winter. So do I. I love winter, too./Me too. 10 11 Please fill in the blanks. 12 Read after the audio. 13 Pair work (One is Guoguo and the other is Guoguos mum and Sara.) 14 Show Time 15 I can put on Lets make sentences. 16 I can put on Lets make sentences. eg: Its rainy today. I can put on my raincoat. 17 I can put on Its _ today. I can put on my _. 18 I can put on Its windy today. I can put on my sweater. 19 I can put on Its _ today. I can put on my _. 20 I can put on Its cloudy today. I can put on my jacket. 21 snow snowy 22 I can put on Its _ today. I can put on my _. 23 I can put on Its snowy today. I can put on my gloves. 24 A: Whats the weather like today? B: Its . A: Great! I can put on my . B: Here you are. A:Thank you. dress shirt 25 springsummer autumnwinter Which season do you like best? And why? 26 I like spring best. Its windy and warm. I can put on my new sweater. I can fly a kite. So I like spring best. 27 Warm ReminderWarm Reminder remember remember remember remember Its getting colder and colder. When you go out, remember to put on remember to put on remember to put on remember to put on your your your your warm clothes !warm clothes !warm clothes !warm clothes ! 28 Homework 1.Read the dialogue 5 times. 2.Write down the key words and key sentences on your exercise book. 29 课题:课题:Unit 5 Its a Nice Autumn Day. ( Lesson 16) 授课授课 时间:时间: 2018.11.28 授课授课 班班 级级 3 年年 级级 8 班班 授课授课 类型类型 New lesson 课时课时 安排:安排: 1 课 时 教学目标:教学目标: 知识目标:知识目标: 1. 能用“Its rainy.”等描述天气情况。 2. 能根据天气情况用“I can put on my”表达自己想要穿的服装。 3. 能够听、说、认读 rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy 表示天气的词汇以及 raincoat, jacket, sweater, gloves 服装类的词汇。 4. 能用“I love”表达自己喜爱的季节,并能用“So do I.”对他人的观点表 示认同。 5. 能正确朗读和表演课文。 能力目标:能力目标: 1.培养学生用所学句型进行交际问答的能力。 2.培养学生的语言运用能力。 情感目标:情感目标: 通过学习本课,学生能根据天气、温度变化,合理增减衣服,培养自理能 力;表达自己喜爱的季节,培养热爱大自然的情感 教学重难点:教学重难点: 重点:重点: 1. 能用“Its rainy.” “I can put on my”描述天气,并根据天气情况选择合 适的着装。 2.能够听、说、认读 rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy 表示天气的词汇以及 raincoat, jacket, sweater, gloves 服装类的词汇,并在实际情景中运用。 难点:难点: 1.对于“So do I.”的理解。 2.单词 snow 与 snowy 的不同发音。 教学准备:教学准备: 单词图卡,自制多媒体课件等 教学过程教学过程 . Warm up 1. Listen to a song. 2. Free Talk T: Do you like this song? So do I. I like this song too. What is this song about? Yes. Its about weather. Look out of the window. Whats the weather like today? 设计意图:通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,引出关于天气的话题,并通过复习上 一课的内容引出本节课的学习内容,其中渗透“So do I.”在实际情景中的运用。 . Presentation 学习对话学习对话 1 1.Show Picture 1 and talk about the picture. Where are they? Can you guess what they are talking about? 2. Watch Video 1. Check the answer. 3. Listen and find the answer. (How does Guoguo ask?) 4. Listen and find the answer.(Whats the weather like in the story?) 5. 板书句型“Its rainy.”,领读单词 rainy,操练“Its rainy.”(one by one) 6. Listen and find the answer. (Why was Guoguo happy?/What does Guoguo say?) 7. 板书句型“I can put on my raincoat”,领读单词 raincoat,出示雨衣实物, 通过实物演示操练“I can put on my new raincoat”和“Here you are.”其中“I can put on my new raincoat”通过 one by one 操练。 设计意图:通过问题引导学生学习对话,培养学生的英语思维能力和 理解能力。 8. Retell 设计意图:帮助学生复习巩固对话 学习对话学习对话 2 1.Show Picture 2 and talk about the picture. Whats the weather like in the picture? 2.Watch Video 2. 3.Listen and find the answer.( Whats the weather like in the picture?/What does Guoguo say?),领读单词 windy 4.Its windy. Can I wear my sweater?领读单词 sweater Whats the weather like?领读单词 cloudy 和 jacket Whats the weather like?领读单词 snowy,注意区分 snow 和 snowy 发 音,领读单词 gloves 5.Listen and find the answer. (What does Sara say?) 6.Listen and find the answer. (What does Guoguo/Sara say?) 7.T: Does Sara love winter? 讲解“So do I.” 8.T: Which season do you love? So do I. 设计意图:通过问题引导学生学习对话,培养学生的英语思维能力和 理解能力。 7. Fill in the blanks. 设计意图:帮助学生复习巩固对话 . Practise 1. Read the dialogue: Read after the audio. Role-play(1. Lets be Guoguo. 2. Lets be Guoguos mum and Sara.) 2. Practise in pairs. 3. Show time. 设计意图:以不同形式的操练来提高学生对课文的熟悉程度,让学生正确 朗读和表演课文 4.Lets make sentences. 给出示例:Its rainy. I can put on my sweater. 领读单词 sweater,cloudy,jacket 出示 picture,讲解 snowy,注意区分 snow 和 snowy 发音,领读单词 gloves 设计意图:帮助学生进一步巩固句型“Its .” “I can put on my .”的应用 5.Lets practise. 设计意图:把所学句型运用到实际生活中,能用英文描述天气,并根据天 气情况选择合适的着装 IV. Production:Which season do you like best? 设计意图:把所学句型运用到实际生活中,能用英文介绍自己最喜欢的季 节 V. Warm reminder 设计意图:引导学生能根据天气、温度变化,合理增加衣服 .Homework: 1. Read the dialogue 5 times. 2. Write down the key words and key sentences on your exercise book. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 5 Its a Nice Autumn Day. Lesson 16 windy+图片图片 sweater+图片图片 Its rainy.+图片图片 I can put on my raincoat.+图片图片 cloudy+图片图片 jacket+图片图片 snowy+图片图片 gloves+图片图片
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