北京版三年级上册UNIT FIVE IT’S A NICE AUTUMN DAY-Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:30118).zip

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三年级英语 (上册 ) Unit 5 Lesson 15 spring summer autum n winte r go swimming fly a kite make a snowman pick apples go ice- skating Which season do you like ? I like autumn . I can pick apples . Read and check (根据课文内容判断是 否 ) 1. Its sunny today . ( ) 2. Mike wants to go the zoo . ( ) 3. Mike likes summer . ( ) Whats the weather like in spring ? Its warm . warm hot cool cold Which season do you like ? I like autumn . I can pick apples . Whats the weather like in autumn ? Its cool . war m h ot col d co ol Homework Read and write warm hot cold cool cold hot warm cool There are four seasons in a year in Beijing. Its _ in . I can . Its very _in . I can . Its _ in . I can and its _ in . I like . Which season do you like ? I like autumn . I can pick apples . Whats the weather like in autumn ? Its cool . I like the classroom . Its nice . 1 教学设计教学设计 内容:内容:Unit 5 Lesson 15 授课年级:三年级授课年级:三年级 Unit 5 Its a nice autumn day Lesson 15 第一课时第一课时 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1、能够听懂、理解并朗读对话内容。 2、初步感知询问天气的句式:Whats the weather like today ? Its sunny . 能够用 “Whats the weather like in spring? ” “Its warm.”等句子询问并描述天气情况。 2 3、能正确指认、朗读 weather , sunny , warm , cool , cold , hot 等表示天气和冷暖的词汇; 并能在语境中正确运用。 4、能用 I like autumn. I can pick apples .句式来表达自己热爱大自然的情感。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 重点:重点: 1. 学习、理解对话。 2、学习询问和描述天气的交际用语Whats the weather like today ? Its sunny .并能够 在情境中初步运用。 难点:难点: 1、单词 weather , cool , warm 的发音。 2、通过上下文理解句子 Whats the weather like today ?;并知道它和I like autumn. 句式中like所表达的意义不同。 3、能用Whats the weather like in spring ? Its warm . 问答天气情况。 教具:教具: 教学卡片、教学课件、PPT。 三、教学过程:三、教学过程: (一)(一)Warming up ( 8 ) 1. Greetings T: Good morning , boys and girls Ss: Good morning , Anne . T: Nice to see you again . Ss: Nice to see you , too . 2. Duty report T: First , lets do the individual show , whos on duty today ? S1: Individual show . (先做自我介绍,再进行朗读展示) 3、Free talk: PPT 呈现四片季图片 T: How many seasons are there in a year ? Ss: Four T:(师指着 chant 图片) Summer is hot . So we can go swimming . PPT 呈现图片(不同的季节不同的活动) Ss: 看图说出对应的词组 4、Pair work T: I like autumn . I can pick apples in autumn . Which season do you like ? S1: I likeI can 3 Pair work : Ask and answer in pairs Pair work show (二)(二)Presentation (学习课文(学习课文 20 ) 学习第一段对话学习第一段对话 1. 看主题图看主题图 1,预测对话内容,预测对话内容 1)PPT 呈现 Picture 1 主题图 Q: Whats the Mike doing ? Ss: Sleeping Q: What time is it now ? Ss: Seven oclock . T: Yes , its early in the morning . 2) 观察猜测: T: Look , whos coming ? Ss: Mum Q: What will Mike and Mum say ? Can you guess ? 引导学生猜一猜, Mike 可能会问 Whats for breakfast ? What time is it ? Where is my uniform ? . 2. 看课件、听录音,感知对话内容看课件、听录音,感知对话内容 T: What are they talking ? Lets watch and listen 1 1)无文字播放)无文字播放 Picture 1 课件课件 Q: What are they talking about ? Ss: 天气/ 想去公园 T: Mike wants to go to the park . What does he want to know ? Ss: 天气 T: Whats the weather like today ? Lets listen 2) 再次播放课件再次播放课件 指生试着回答问题 Its sunny . 学习单词:sunny T: Mike wants to know todays weather , how does he ask ? 3)播放课件)播放课件 Mike 说的话说的话 (先听后呈现文字) 生指读句子 Whats the weather like today ? 学习单词:weather 3听、读对话,理解对话内容听、读对话,理解对话内容 1)播放课件跟读 2)打开书指读 3)学生自己练读 4 4) 分角色朗读 学习第二段对话学习第二段对话 1. 看主题图看主题图 2, 1)PPT 呈现 Picture 2 主题图, Q: Where is Mikes family now ? Ss: park What are they doing ? (引导学生看一家人准备的东西) Ss: 野餐 2. 听看课件,感知对话内容听看课件,感知对话内容 T: They look happy . What are they talking ? Can you guess ? Now Lets watch and listen 1 1)无文字完整播放)无文字完整播放 Picture 2 课件课件 Q: What are they talking about ? Ss: weather / season T:What do they say , Lets watch again 2 2)第二次听、看课件)第二次听、看课件 看课件跟读句子 T: Do Dad and Mum like autumn ? Ss: Yes Q: Whats the weather like in autumn ? Ss: Sunny and cool . 学习单词:cool 3听、读对话,理解对话内容听、读对话,理解对话内容 1)播放课件跟读 2)学生打开书指读 3)自己练读 4) 分角色朗读 4. 阅读理解阅读理解 (根据课文内容判断) 1) Its sunny today . ( ) 2) Mike wants to go to the zoo . ( ) 3) Mike likes summer . ( ) (核查答案时通过呈现课文中对应的图片和句子,引导学生找出对错的理由,进行学法指导) (三三): Listen , look and learn (12) 1) 学习天气单词学习天气单词 T: In picture 1 , Mike and Mum are talking about the weather . What do they say ? PPT 呈现 Mike and Mum 的对话图 板书句子: Whats the weather like today ? 5 Its sunny . T:Here are some other words to describe weather 播放 Listen , look and learn 课件 学习单词:warm , cool , cold and hot 2)机械操练)机械操练 PPT 呈现四季图片和天气冷暖的图片 引导学生把季节和相对应的天气词汇连线 Q:Which season is warm? Ss: spring 呈现句型:Whats the weather like in autumn ? Its sunny and cool . 问答练习:(引导学生用不同的的季节和天气词汇替换) 小组展示 3)拓展练习)拓展练习: 创设情境创设情境 活动一:活动一:pair work T:Mike is from Canada . He wants to know the weather in Beijing . Lets help him . (四)(四): Homework: 1. Review the text 2. Make a hand copied paper about seasons 6 板书:板书: Unit 5 Lesson 15 Whats the weather like in ? Its sunny and cool .
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