北京版三年级上册UNIT FIVE IT’S A NICE AUTUMN DAY-Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:40086).zip

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Group Name:_ Our weekend The weather is _. We are going to _. We are going to _there. We want to take _. Well be happy together. Food & Drinks bread, egg, pizza, cakes, hot-dogs, hamburgers fruits, water, juice, Places go to the park, at home, go to the zoo, go to school, go to Disneyland, go to the cinema go to the museum Activities fly a kite, see animals, have a party, have a picnic, sing and dance, read stories, draw pictures, watch TV, make a snowman play games, Draw pictures here. Unit 5 Its a nice autumn day. Lesson 15 I like because seasons weather What are they talking about? They are talking about . weather Whats the weather like today? sunny What will they do? They will . go to school stay at home go to the park What will they do? They will . Which season is it? Whats the weather like today? Its sunny and cool. ABC Its a nice autumn day. BA Sounding like a native speaker readreadreadread reciterecitereciterecite make a newmake a newmake a newmake a new dialogue dialogue dialogue dialogue Whats the weather like in four seasons?Whats the weather like in four seasons? spring summer autumn winter snowy sunny windy cloudy rainy Bomb Game rainyrainyrainyrainy windywindywindywindy sunnysunnysunnysunny snowysnowysnowysnowy cloudycloudycloudycloudy warmwarmwarmwarm coolcoolcoolcool hothothothot Our weekend Homework : 1. Please try to find good ways to make the weather better. (请请你找一找能让让我们们的天气有所改变变的 好方法) 2. Make a poster to tell more people your good ways. (制作一张张海报报,把你的好方法告诉诉更多 的人) Unit Five Its a nice autumn day. Lesson 15 第一课时第一课时 一、教学内容:一、教学内容: 1. 主体课文:主体课文: -Whats the weather like today, mum? -Its sunny. -Can we go to the park? -Ok. -Its a nice autumn day. -Yes, its sunny and cool. - I like autumn. 2. 功能句型:功能句型: - Whats the weather like today? -Its . 3. 语音与词汇:语音与词汇: weather, sunny, cool, nice, like warm, cold, hot 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标:(一)知识与技能目标: 1. 在文本情境中正确理解、朗读课文对话。 2. 听懂、会说并初步运用词汇 weather, sunny, cool, nice, like, warm, cold, hot 3. 能够用 Whats the weather like today?询问天气并回答。 (二)过程与方法目标:(二)过程与方法目标: 1. 通过听录音回答问题整体感知课文,跟读录音,模仿语音、语调,培养语 感,从而正确的理解课文内容,朗读课文。 2. 通过换 PPT 图片学习有关天气的单词,能够正确理解并朗读功能句型 Whats the weather like today? 3. 通过对不同的天气能计划出不同的活动,在 weather 的基础之上对自己的 生活做合理安排。 (三)情感态度价值观目标(三)情感态度价值观目标: 1. 对有关 weather 的知识有系统性的了解,能把天气按照身体的感觉和眼睛 能看到的天气分类。 2. 根据对不同的天气,计划不同的活动,让孩子们会根据天气合理安排自己 的生活。 3. 通过观看天气变恶略的图片,使孩子们体会到天气对我们生活的重要性, 并呼吁孩子们爱护地球,保护环境。 三、教学重难点:三、教学重难点: (一)重点: 1. 有关天气词汇 weather, sunny, cool, nice, like, warm, cold, hot 2. 学习新句型 Whats the weather like today?并能够通过这一话题对天气状况进 行询问并回答。 (二)难点: 1. 天气 weather 的发音。 2. 新句型 Whats the weather like today?的理解及运用。 四、教具准备:四、教具准备: 单词卡片,PPT,worksheet 五、教学过程:五、教学过程: (一)(一)Warming up & Leading-in 活动一:说说你最爱的季节活动一:说说你最爱的季节 活动目标:活动目标:复习四季词汇,能够说出喜欢的季节及在相应的季节喜欢做的事。 实施方法与师生语言:实施方法与师生语言: 1. 复习四季词汇 T: Hello, Boys and girls! Today we are going to learn Lesson 15 Its a nice autumn day. Autumn is a . S: season T:How many seasons are there in a year? S: There are four. T:What are they? S: Spring, summer, fall and winter. T: Lets watch a video about seasons, you can move with the teacher in the video . 2. 听 season 的儿歌并一起做动作。 3. 说说你最喜欢的季节。 T: Whats your favorite season? S: I like because 4. 通过思维导图学习理解新单词 weather. T: I like spring because the weather is very nice. T: What is weather? Rainy is a kind of weather. Windy is a kind of weather. There are many kinds of weather. 设计意图:设计意图:激活四季旧知。为新知的学习做铺垫。通过思维导图理解天气的含 义。 (二)(二)Presentation and practice 活动一:活动一:听录音,理解课文 活动目标:活动目标:通过观察主题图,听录音回答问题理解文本情境,理解课文。 实施方法与师生语言:实施方法与师生语言: 1. 观察主题图,了解文本情境 T: Where are they? S: They are at home./ in the bedroom. T: Mike get up. 2. 听录音,回答问题,理解第一段课文,学习理解新单词 sunny.。 Q1 What are they talking about? S: They are talking about weather. Q 2 Whats the weather like today? S: Its sunny. 通过看图片,知道什么是 sunny,学习理解新单词 sunny. Q3 What will they do? S: They will go to the park. 3. 听录音,回答问题,理解第二段课文,学习理解新单词 cool, nice T: Do they go to the park? T: Oh, yes, Mike and his parents go to the park. Q1 Whats the weather like today? S: Its sunny and cool. 通过看图片,判断什么是 cool 学习理解新单词 cool Q2 Which season is it? S: Its autumn. T: Its a nice autumn day. 通过看图片,选择什么是 nice 学习理解新单词 nice 设计意图:设计意图:通过直观的图片,帮助学生理解新单词。给学生思维的空间。 活动二:活动二:听录音,朗读课文 活动目标:活动目标:通过听录音跟读课文,模仿语音、语调,能正确朗读课文。 实施方法与师生语言:实施方法与师生语言: 1. 第一遍跟读课文。 2. 学习重点句型 Whats the weather like today? T: When you want to know the weather, how can you ask? S: Whats the weather like today? 教师板书。 通过发音规律朗读新单词 weather. 通过旧单词操练新单词。 T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its sunny and cool. 3. 第二遍跟读课文 sounding like a native speaker. 4. 第三遍跟读课文 try to say it more clear. 5. 小组读课文。 6. 小组展示。 设计意图:设计意图:通过两人一组读课文,检验朗读是否正确。通过尝试做动作表演课 文,内化课文内容。通过读对话活动,深层次理解对话内容,体现语言的建构 过程。 活动三:活动三:Learning words &Bomb Game 活动目标:活动目标:通过对 weather 相关词汇的学习,给这些词分类(一类描述人身体 的感觉,如:warm, hot 等;一类描述天气类型,如:sunny, windy 等) ,让学生一目了然,培养学生从两个不同方面描述天气情况的意 识。然后,通过 Bomb Game 游戏机械操练有关天气的单词。 实施方法与师生语言:实施方法与师生语言: 1. 看图片,为季节找天气,通过温度变化操练天气词汇。 T: Whats the weather like in spring/summer/fall/winter? S: Its warm, hot, cool, cold. 教师引导学生关注温度,区分天气。 T: When the temperature is about 25 degrees, the weather is S: warm T: When the temperature is 35 degrees, the weather is S: hot 2. 教师通过温度变化,帮助学生操练新天气单词。 T: Why is so cold in winter? S: Because its snowing. 通过 PPT 的图片呈现,学习天气类型的词:windy, snowy, rainy 和 cloudy. 3. Bomb Game T: Lets play a bomb game. Please ask me“Whats the weather like?”, and I will show you a picture. Lets answer together. But if I show you a bomb, please close your eyes. 设计意图:设计意图:在游戏的乐趣中,帮助学生操练有关 weather 的单词和 Whats the weather like? Its 的句型,对所学知识再次巩固练习。 (三)(三)Reinforcement 活动:活动:根据不同的天气,计划不同的周末活动。 学生四人一组,由组长抽取一张有关 weather 的卡片,根据卡片上的天气,小 组成员计划要做的事情,以及做这件事需要准备的食物、要去的地点等。 实施方法与师生语言:实施方法与师生语言: 1. T: What do you like to do on sunny days? S: Go to the park/ Climb hills T:If the weather is rainy and cold. What do you like to do? S: Stay at home/ Go shopping T: So we do different things because of different weather. Now, lets play a game. The group leaders please choose a piece of paper, and four people together to make a plan according to the weather. (Teacher makes a demo) 设计意图:设计意图: 根据孩子对 weather 的学习,能够利用所学知识应用在平时的生活 中。让孩子根据不同的天气计划不同的活动,使孩子会合理安排课余生活。 (四)(四)Summary 活动:活动:通过图片展示,让孩子们看一看我们现在的天气变得越来越糟糕,污染 越来越严重,呼吁孩子们尽自己所能,保护我们的环境和天气。 T: The weather is important in our life, but it becomes worse and worse now. We dont have fresh air, we cant play outside, and we cant do a lot of things because of the weather. So, lets protect our earth, lets protect ourselves. (五)(五)Homework How to protect our earth, how to make our weather better and better? Please try to find good ways and make a poster to tell more people. 六、板书设计:六、板书设计: Lesson 15 warm Whats the weather like today? sunny hot Its sunny and cool.cloudy coolrainy cold snowy windy Grade 3 Lesson 15 Its a nice autumn day. 呼家楼中心小学呼家楼中心小学 李明笛李明笛
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