北京版三年级上册UNIT FIVE IT’S A NICE AUTUMN DAY-Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-(编号:e016f).zip

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Lesson 15Lesson 15Lesson 15Lesson 15 Unit 5 Unit 5 Its a nice autumn day.Its a nice autumn day. hothothothot coolcoolcoolcoolcoldcoldcoldcold warm 课文图一动画 Its sunny. I can . go swimminggo swimming go to the parkgo to the park play footballplay footballgo to the zoogo to the zoo play ping-pongplay ping-pong Its sunny. 课文图一 Whats the weather like today, mum? Its sunny. Can we go to the park? OK. 课文图二无文字 Its a nice autumn day. Yes, its sunny and cool. I like autumn. Its a nice autumn day.Its a nice autumn day. Its sunny and cool.Its sunny and cool. I like autumn.I like autumn. Its a nice spring day.Its a nice spring day.Its a nice spring day.Its a nice spring day. Its sunny and warm.Its sunny and warm.Its sunny and warm.Its sunny and warm. I like spring.I like spring.I like spring.I like spring. Its Its Its Its . I like I like I like I like . Its Its Its Its . Its a nice summer day.Its a nice summer day.Its a nice summer day.Its a nice summer day. I like summer.I like summer.I like summer.I like summer. Its sunny and hot.Its sunny and hot.Its sunny and hot.Its sunny and hot. Its a nice winter day.Its a nice winter day.Its a nice winter day.Its a nice winter day. Its sunny and cold.Its sunny and cold.Its sunny and cold.Its sunny and cold. I like winter.I like winter.I like winter.I like winter. Its a nice .day. Its . I like . spring winter summer autumn sunny, warmsunny, warmsunny, warmsunny, warm sunny, coldsunny, coldsunny, coldsunny, cold sunny, hotsunny, hotsunny, hotsunny, hot sunny, coolsunny, coolsunny, coolsunny, cool Look and match sunnysunnycoolcoolcoldcold Homework 1.Listen and repeat the dialogue. 2.Say your own poem. Unit 5 Lesson 15 Its a nice autumn day. 一、 教学背景与思路: 本单元的主要话题是谈论天气。本节课是单元教学的第一课时,初步理 解 Whats the weather like today? 并回答 Its,在课文情境中理解和表 达这个功能句和相关的语句。由于天气与学生的生活关系密切,且学习 的描述天气的词汇具有鲜明的季节特点,因此老师尝试从谈论季节出发, 学习课文对话,并将谈论季节这一主线贯穿于课堂教学始终。学生已有 的语言储备是 Its Its a I like,因此老师在教学环节中,例如:课文对 话创编,用课文语言说英文诗,与学生进行个人喜好方面的交流等活动 时侧重考虑给程度较好的同学发挥表达丰富语言内容的空间,在学生表 达困难时,给予一定的语言支持,对于学习有困难的同学能朗读新语言 即可。 二、 教学内容 1词汇:nice ,weather, cold, hot, cool, warm 2功能句:Whats the weather like today? Its 3. 课文对话 三、 教学目标 1.能正确流利地朗读课文对话。 2.能听懂 Whats the weather like today?的问句并作出回答。 3.能用对话中的句子和本节课学习的词汇简单描述自己喜欢的季节。 四、 教学重难点 1. 教学重点:朗读课文对话 2. 教学难点:流利地朗读 Its a nice autumn day. warm 的正确发音 五、 教学媒体: 电脑课件,平板中的锐学堂平台 五、教学过程: 1. Warming up (1)say phrases as fast as you can go to the park, play football, play basketball, play ping-pong, fly a kite, go to the zoo, go swimming (2)Qs: Whats the date today? What day is today? How many days are there in a week? How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? 设计意图在热身环节设计快速朗读短语,和日常口语交流活动,为后续讨 论天气所能做的事情进行铺垫。 2. Leading in (1) Which season is it now? Which season do you like? (2) listen to a song (听两遍歌曲) (spring is warm summer is hot autumn is cool winter is cold) Whats the weather like in summer/winter/autumn/spring? (3) learn (weather) (4) Ask and Write: Whats the weather like today? (its cool) Write: Its Whats the weather like in summer/winter/autumn/spring? Spring is summer isautumn iswinter is (5) lets sing song together 设计意图教师将本课功能句部分出现的四个描写四个季节的天气词语,自编 自弹自唱成一首歌曲,制作成动画,使其以整体的方式呈现在学生面前,并引 入本课话题。在听歌词和交流中理解功能句 whats the weather like 的意思。而 这一歌曲的内容将在学习课文之后继续贯穿于拓展提高部分的环节中。 3. New lesson-text part 1 (1) Now were going to learn a new dialogue about weather. who are they? (Mike and his Mum) Whats the weather like in the story? Lets listen (看一遍图一动画) Feedback: Whats the weather like today? (Its sunny.) Learn new word:(sunny) PPT: Whats the weather like today? (Its sunny.) (2)I like sunny days, I can go to the zoo. Do you like sunny days? (Ss:I like sunny days, I can .) (3)What does Mike want to do? Lets listen! (再看一遍图一动画) Feedback: What does Mike want to do? (go to the park) (4)listen and repeat (录音跟读或者配套课件跟读) Practice in pairs Show 2 groups (5)Make your own dialogue 3. New lesson-text part 2 At the park: Look, are they happy? Why are they so happy? Lets listen (看一遍图二动画) T: Why are they happy? (sunny cool, nice autumn) watch again Listen and repeat (教师指导读) 本课文的两篇对话内容相对独立,因此将其分开两部分进行教学,第一部 分重点练习对话,并根据自己的语言积累替换词语创编对话。第二部分的对 话可以将其主要句子设计成一首优美的英文诗。 4. Extension- make a poem (1)These words are all beautiful, lets make an English poem for autumn. Teacher model: say autumn poem (Ss:listen and repeat)-single show with music (2)Can you say a poem for spring?-single show with music Who can say a poem about summer/winter?-single show with music (3)Choose one season and say the poem, choose the your favorite Speak in pairs Reading show 设计意图用英文诗的方式让学生表达可以提高学生表达英语的兴趣,挖 掘孩子的潜力。设计诗歌的活动层层递进,从老师示范朗读,到看关键词进 行朗读再到自己创编,逐步提高孩子的自主表达英语的能力。 5. Quiz (1)look and choose 看图选词 (2)look and match 看情境图片连线 设计意图通过平板中的锐学堂检测学生对五个描述天气词汇的掌握情况, 以及对主要功能句的理解情况。课下根据数据反馈,发现问题,再下节 课进行有针对性的补漏和指导。 6. homework listen and repeat the text 板书: unit 5 Its a nice autumn day Lesson 15 Whats the weather like today? Its sunny. Coolwarm Hotcold
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