北京版三年级上册UNIT FIVE IT’S A NICE AUTUMN DAY-Lesson 17-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:d010d).zip

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Unit five Its a nice autumn day Lesson 17 a lot of snow Yes, we do. Speak loudly Speak fluently Speak emotionally No books Make a new one Evaluations Have a good teamwork spring summer autumn winter M My y hometohometow wn n YuYunnannnan Stone forest (石林) Xishuangbanna 西双版纳西双版纳 D Da al li i ananc cientient c cityity (大理古城)(大理古城) 大理三塔 (The three pagodas) Li Lij jianiang g ananc cientient c cityity (丽江古城)(丽江古城) Jade dragon snow mountain( 玉龙雪山) 1.Take out one paper and your markers. Teamwork: 2.Draw a picture of one season in Beijing. 3.Introduce the city of Beijing. (weather、food、view spots、other special things) 4.Share your pictures with us. Speak loudly Speak fluently Speak emotionally No books Make more sentences Evaluations Have a good teamwork Draw a beautiful picture See you ! Unite Five Its a nice autumn day Lesson 17 教学目标 一、 知识与技能目标 1、 words and phrases (1) 能正确指认、朗读 snow、rain 等表述雪、雨等自然现象的词汇; (2) 复习巩固sunny、warm等描述天气的词汇。 2、 sentences (1)学生能够在描述天气时使用句型“Its white.” “Its snowing.” (2) 能够在谈论季节的对话中,灵活使用“Do you have a lot ofin”, “Yes, we do.” 二、 过程方法与目标 1、 情景介绍,引导学生说出来读懂Sara和爸爸的对话,两人一组进行练习并展示。 2、 师简要介绍云南的四季。 3、 学生团队合作制作一幅介绍北京季节的图画,并进行展示。 三、 情感态度与价值观目标 说出自己喜爱的季节、抒发热爱大自然的情感。 学习重点 1、 能用“Do you have a lot of in ?” “Yes, we do.”等询问某个季节的特点。 2、 借助思维导图介绍自己喜爱的季节。 学习难点 正确指认并记忆表示自然现象和四季天气的词汇,并正确运用到句型中。 教学设计 一、情景图学习 1、 出示第一幅主题图 (1)T:Who are they? 引导学生认识图中人物。 (2)T:Where are they now? 引导学生观察地点。 (3)请学生观察天气。T:“Whats the weather like today ?” S:“Its snowy.” “Look! Its white all over the place, Sara.” “Oh, its snowing.” T:What do you want to do if it is snowing?鼓励学生说出爸爸的建议。 “Lets go out and make a snowman.” 2、出示第二幅主题图 T:“Do you have a lot of snow in winter of Beijing?” 3、 Practice the dialogue in groups.(three minutes) Show time 二、Revision 回顾介绍季节的语句 T:How many seasons are there in a year ? S:There are four. T:And which season do you like? S:I like T:How can we introduce the season that you like? Whats the weather like in ? Itsin We have a lot ofin 三、Teacher introduces Yunnan to class from weather/food/special days/view spots 四、小组完成介绍北京季节的图画绘制,并介绍。 1、 Its time for you to talk about seasons of Beijing. (1) Evaluation: a. Rules Speak correctly. +1 point Speak loudly. +1 point Speak fluently. +1 point Draw a beautiful picture. +1 point Say more. +1 point b. Listening Listen carefully. +1 point c. Teamwork Good teamwork +1 point (2)T:Its time for you to talk about the seasons. Firstly, complete your mind map in groups. Everyone should have something to do. Secondly, talk about the seasons that you like in your group. At last, share it with us. 五、播放歌曲The Four Seasons
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