北京版三年级上册UNIT ONE SEPTEMBER 10TH IS TEACHERS’ DAY-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:602fc).zip

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number song How many days are there in a week? 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th6th7th calendar September the firstday Hello, boys and girls! Welcome back to school. Why are they happy? Why are they happy? Its our first day of school. What does Miss Wang say? Today is the first day of September. Its the second day of the week. Review I like this day. Its the day of . . Its . September Teachers Day my birthday I like this day. Its .Its the day of . . birthdays or holidays节日节日 September Childrens Day Fathers Day Teachers Day Homework 2.Tell your birthday to friends. 1.Sing a song (Months of year) 3.Speak out the dates of other holidays. 2月月 February I like . . Its . Its the day of . New Year Its the day of September. Unit 1 Lesson 1 the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the thirteenth the seventh the first the second the third the fourth the fifth the sixth the seventh the first the second the third the fourth Its the day of . .September Unit 1 Lesson 1 . June 6月月 父亲节父亲节 June 6月月 Childrens Day I like this day . Its . Its the day of . June 6月月 Childrens Day I like this day . Its . Its the day of . 父亲节父亲节 I like this day. Its .Its the day of . . September Childrens Day Fathers Day Teachers Day 课题:Unit 1 September 10th is Teachers Day Lesson 1 北京版小学英语第五册 三年级上 1教学背景分析 教材分析:教材分析: 本课是三年级上册第一单元第一课时,本单元要求学生能初步建立起日历的概念, 并了解日历中的相关信息,如月份,星期,节日,具体日期等。本单元的核心内容是 用序数词,月份词汇和相关句式表达具体日期,节日和某人生日。 本课的 Listen and say 部分是在 9 月 1 日新学期开学情境下展开的师生对话,该部 分内容涉及师生间的问候语,以及 9 月 1 日的不同表达方式 Its our first day of school. Its the first day of September.等。 Listen, look, and learn 部分则是在日历中用 序数词 the first, the second, the third, the fourth 和重点句式 Its the day of September. 来表达 9 月中具体某一天的日期。 本课中的序数词在一二年级的教材中不曾出现过,这是学生第一次接触这个概念, 理解起来有一定难度。但在语境(日历)中,结合图片信息,可以减轻学生的理解难 度。 学生分析:学生分析: 学生在一二年级学习了从 1 到 99 的基数词,并在二年级上册第 1 单元学习了星期 的相关知识,能说出一周有哪七天,也知道一周七天的顺序是从周日开始到周六结束; 同时在二年级上册第 3 单元学习了用基数词表达序号的知识(My number is nine.) 。这 些学生已掌握的旧知对学习本课的序数词和表达日期有很大帮助。 学生经过两年的英语学习后,虽然有一定的英语知识基础,但还是第一次接触序 数词、月份、日期和日历这些概念,学生要想在一节课中同时消化这些新的概念有一 定难度,但二年级学生乐于模仿和表演,乐于接受新知,能够积极举手发言回答问题, 并对充满乐趣的游戏有浓厚的兴趣,从而优化教学效果,顺利完成本课教学目标。 2教学目标(含重点、难点) 教学目标教学目标 1.能听懂并有感情的正确朗读对话。 2.能在语境中理解 first, second, third, fourth, September 等词汇,并能结合语 句 Its the . day of .初步表达日期。 3. 能在新学期开始之际,体会开学的喜悦之情和师生之情。 教学重点教学重点 1. 能听懂并有感情的正确朗读对话。 2. 能在语句和对话中理解 first, second, third, fourth, September 等新词汇。 3. 能利用语句 Its the . day of .初步表达日历中的某一天。 教学难点教学难点 参照日历图片,能用 September, first, second, third, fourth 等词汇和语句 Its the . day of .初步表达日期。 (教学目标 2) 3教学过程 StepStep 1:1: WarmingWarming upup andand leading-in.leading-in. 一、热身:演唱 1-30 的数字歌曲。 二、导入:Free talk. 以星期的话题作为导入,利用一周中 7 天的固定顺序(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)过渡到学习序数词 the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh. T: How many days are there in a week? Ss: 7 days. T: Can you order these 7 days? Ss: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. StepStep 2:2: LearningLearning words.words. 一、学习序数词 the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh。 T: So Sunday is NO.1. Or we can say Sunday is the first. 学生以全班,男女生,小组,个人等不同形式朗读 the first。 学生以同样方式理解 Monday is the second. Tuesday is the third. .并学习序数 词 the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh。 二、利用游戏操练序数词。 帮圣诞老人搬运礼物 T: Look, dear Santa wants to carry these bags into the train. But he doesnt know how to make it. Lets help him. Which bag is for this carriage? 学生按照车厢的顺序读出这些序数词 the second, the third,the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh。 【设置目的】利用任务驱动来激发学生学习序数词的动力。 三、在日历中学习序数词。 在 9 月的日历图片中学习 September,the first,the second, the third, the fourth 这些词汇,教师进行板书,并尝试问学生是否知道 9 月 1 日做什么,来引入到 本课对话。 T: Look! This is a calendar. Its September. How many days are there? Ss: 30days. T: Look! This is a day. Its the first day. Its the second day. Its the third day. Its the fourth day. What do you do on the first day of September? Ss: Go to school. StepStep 3:3: LearningLearning dialogue.dialogue. 一、学习对话一: 1. 整体视听无字幕对话一,学生说出人物和场所。 Ss: They are Miss Wang, Guoguo, Lingling, Baobao and Maomao. They are at school. 2. 预判 Miss Wang 见到学生后会说什么。 3. 学生听该句录音,并朗读 Hello,boys and girls. Welcome back to school. 并体会老师在新学期初见到学生们的喜悦感。 4. 继续读图提出问题:Why are they happy? 并视听有字幕对话一的视频。 学生视听对话一并回答出 Its our first day of school。然后学习该重点 句型,并在板书的日历中找到 9 月 1 日后,再进行不同形式的朗读操练。 【设置目的】学生在理解句意的基础上再进行朗读操练,才是更有效的输入。 5. 听上课铃声的录音过渡到对话 2 的上课情境中。 【设置目的】让对话中的两幅图连接的更加自然真实。 二、学习对话二: 1. 先在图片中出示 9 月 1 日的日历图片,并让学生预测 Miss Wang 会说什么。 2. 学生视听对话二,并听该句录音回答 Today is the first day of September. 然后在 9 月的日历图片中让学生找出这一天,然后再进行不同形式的朗读训练。 【设置目的】一定要让学生在理解的基础上再进行语句朗读的操练,这样学生 才能真正掌握语句并用该句结构表达具体日期。 T: Look at the calendar, can you find the first day of September. Ss: Yes. 3. 教师在日历图片中问学生这天是星期几,并引导学生自己说出 Its the second day of the week.然后再听图片中的人物是怎么说的进行检测。 【设置目的】让学生主动去思考,并用第 1 图中刚学的重点句型结构 Its the . day of .进行表达,让学生在使用句型的过程中,去突破难点。 T: Its the first day of September. But what day is it? Ss: Its Monday. T: Good. Is Monday the third day of the week? Ss: No, its the second day of the week. T: Lets listen and check what the students say. 4. 听录音检测该句并进行跟读 Its the second day of the week。 StepStep 4:4: Practice.Practice. 一、结合板书日历复习所学词汇 September,the first,the second, the third, the fourth,并用句型 Its the .day of .来表达 9 月 1 日,2 日,3 日和 4 日。 二、以生日和节日作为任务驱动,引导学生主动应用 Its the .day of September 句式表达相关日期。 1.教师进行示范。 (1)以生日作为抓手。 T: We have 30 days in September. Look! I like this day. Its my birthday. Its the thirteenth day of September. (2)以节日作为抓手。 T: Look! I like this day too. Its Teachers Day. Its the tenth day of September. 2.学生表达日期 (1)出示 9 月和 6 月的日历图片,并告诉学生 6 月 June 的读音。 (2)学生在 9 月和 6 月的日历图片中圈出自己的生日或者节日。同时参照教师 给出的句式结构,表达相关日期。 (3)两个人一组用一份日历, 圈出父母或自己的生日,并将句型补充完整,互 相介绍生日或节日,完成任务。 T :Now please work in pairs and try to introduce the birthdays or the holiday. (4)小组展示: Who wants to show? (5)小组展示完,教师问学生今天的日期,鼓励全班同学一起说:I like this day. Its a big day. Its the sixth day of September. StepStep 5 5: HomeworkHomework 1. 哼唱 12 个月份的歌曲。 2. 告诉朋友自己的生日在哪一天,尝试用英语表达。 3. 用英语说出其他节日的具体日期。 4.板书设计
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