北京版四年级上册UNIT FIVE WHICH KIND WOULD YOU LIKE -Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级公开课-(编号:60663).zip

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Maomao goes shopping today. He wants to get a pen. There are different kinds, black ones, blue ones, big ones, small ones. There are also different colour of the pens. They all look nice. Maomao takes the brown one because he thinks it is nice. The new pen is thirty yuan. Guoguo goes to the cloth shop with her mom.She wants to buy a pair of new shoes. She wants to try the blue pair because they look comfortable. They are thirty dollars in all. Guoguo likes them So she will take them. It is getting cold. Sara wants to buy a new jacket. There is a shop sells different kinds of jackets. Her mom likes the green one. But it wont go with her trousers. The red one looks nice and it will go with her trousers. She will take that one. The jacket is 129yuan. A:Which kind would you like? B: This one looks nice. A: What colours do you have? B: We have red,pink and white. A:Which kind would you like? B: This one looks nice. A: What colours do you have? B: We have red,pink and white. A:Which kind would you like? B: This one looks nice. A: What colours do you have? B: We have red,pink and white. A:Which kind would you like? B: This one looks nice. A: What colours do you have? B: We have red,pink and white. A:Which shapewould you like? B: I like star. This shape looks nice. A:Which shapewould you like? B: I like heart. This one looks nice. A:Which shapewould you like? B: I like triangle. This shape looks nice. A:Which shapewould you like? B: I like square. This shape looks nice. A:Which shapewould you like? B: I like rectangle. This shape looks nice. A:Which colour would you like? B: I like red. This colour looks nice. A:Which colour would you like? B: I like blue. This colour looks nice. A:Which colour would you like? B: I like yellow. This colour looks nice. A:Which colour would you like? B: I like green. This colour looks nice. A:Which colour would you like? B: I like green. This colour looks nice. A shopping Day Maomao goes shopping today. He wants to get a pen. There are different kinds, black ones, blue ones, big ones, small ones. There are also different colour of the pens. They all look nice. Maomao takes the brown one because he thinks it is nice. The new pen is thirty yuan. 任务一:阅读短文,并完成表格,把相应的信息涂黑。 Name want to buy which kind How much _ Aa pen Athe brown one A30yuan Ba pair of shoes Bthe blue pair B30dollars Ca jacket Cthe green one C129yuan 任务二:读故事,判断下列描述是否正确。正确的写“T”错误的写“F” ( ) The brown pen is nice so Maomao will take that one. Which kind would you like? This one looks nice. Stationary Shop the saleswoman Shop 1.What does Maomao want to get ? 2.What colour will Maomao take? kind fast food Italian food Chinese food There are different kinds of food. flip flopssneakers boots There are different kinds of shoes. different kinds. Which kind does Maomao like ? 2 stickers 1 sticker 3 stickers I can read. 1 card I can act. 2 cards I can make a new one. 3 cards There are some_. Which_ would you like? This_ looks nice. A: Can I help you? B: Yes. I want to get a _ . A: We have different _s. Which _ would you like?B: This one looks nice. How much is it? A: Its _ yuan. B: OK. I will take it. Which kind would you like?教学设计 教学案例基本信息 对应信息技术主题 T12 技术支持的课堂讲授 软件环境:windows XP 操作系统,IPBOARD V7.0,aclass 4.5 硬件环境:电子白板,互动反馈器 开始时间结束时间 学科英语学段中段年级四年级 案例名称 U5 Which kind would you like? Lesson15 教材 书名:义务教育教科书(四年级英语) 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期:2015 年 1 月 教学案例设计参与人员 分工(可修改)姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 学科指导者 信息技术指导者 课件制作者 课程说明(信息技术与学科教学内容结合方面的指导思想与理论依据): 信息技术与英语学科的整合,就是要在教学中广泛应用信息技术手段,充分利 用现代信息技术和信息资源,转变师生的教法和学法,从而培养学生探究、实 践、思考和综合运用的能力,最终达到利用信息技术改善学习的目的。而交互 式电子白板集数字电子技术、计算机技术、网络技术、多媒体技术和视、音频 技术等先进信息技术于一身。在小学英语课堂教学中巧妙应用电子白板,可以把 师生互动、人机互动有机地融合到一起,从而提高英语课堂教学的实效性。 信息技术环境软硬件要求及搭建环境情况 本节课需要在网络环境下师生借助金太阳电子版教材开展课堂活动,课件的制 作需要使用 PowerPoint。 教学背景分析 (一)(一) 、学习内容分析、学习内容分析 本课是北京市义务教育课程改革实验教材北京版小学英语(四年级上) Unit 5 Lesson 15 的第 1 课时,是一节新授课。 课文对话内容如下: A: Can I help you? B: Yes. I want to get a pen. A: We have different kinds. Which kind would you like? B: This one looks nice. B: What colours do you have? A: We have black, blue, green and brown. B: I will take a brown one. A: Thats a nice colour. B: I think so. 四会单词:get pen kind brown think 认读词汇:different would 功能句型:Which kind would you like? This one looks nice. 本课为北京版小学英语四年级上第六册第五单元,本单元涉及话题是选购 商品的种类,颜色等。本课要求运用“Which kind would you like? This one looks nice.”这组对话练习。 (二)(二) 、学生情况分析、学生情况分析 四年级的学生已经能够听懂询问喜欢哪个的句子,如:Which one do you like? 也会初步表达喜欢的原因,如:Because I like the colour. 但多数学 生对 would you like 这半句不是很理解,因此在教授这个部分的时候要与这句 话 Which one do you like?进行对比学习,以帮助学生更好地理解新的语言知 识。 教学目标 教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标:(一)知识与技能目标: 1. 学生能够在去商店买笔的文本语境中理解 get, pen, kind, brown, think 的含义,及能够听、说、读、写这些单词,并能在购物的具体语境中交流。 2. 学生能够在购物的具体情境中听懂 Which kind would you like?并用 This kind looks nice. 作出款式上的选择,能用 What colours do you have?及 I will take a. one. 询问颜色并作出选择。 3. 学生能正确的理解、朗读课文,表演和创编对话。 (二)过程与方法目标:(二)过程与方法目标: 1. 通过集体听对话,预测对话内容,提出问题回答问题,小组合作等 活动正确朗读课文,表演课文 2. 通过小游戏,听写练习完成对话等 3. 通过真实的情景和教师的引导创编对话 (三)情感态度价值观目标(三)情感态度价值观目标: : 在购物对话的学习和表演过程中,学生能恰当得体地表达,做有礼貌的购 物者和服务员。以及树立正确的消费观念,避免浪费。 教学重点: 1.在购物的具体情境中听懂 Which kind would you like?并用 This kind looks nice. 作出款式上的选择,能用 What colours do you have?及 I will take a. one. 询问颜色并作出选择。 2.在去商店买笔的文本语境中理解 get, pen, kind, brown, think 的含义, 及能够听、说、读、写这些单词,并能在购物的具体语境中交流。 教学难点: 1.different,kinds, think 的发音。 2.正确理解 “Which kind would you like?”在对话中的功用,并能根据需要将 kind 替换为 colour,shape 等其他单词。 教学过程 教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图技术应用 时间安 排 (1)Warming up 活动 1:Sing a song 活动 2:Free Talk T:How are you today? 请学生说一说今 天的心情。 T:Good job! How about our friend Baobao? 请学生猜一猜 Maomao 的心情。 T:Why? 说一说 Maomao 为什么开心。 T: OK, I like your different ideas. I think Baobao is happy because he goes shopping. 活动 1:Sing a song S:Hes happy. S: I think because. 活动 1:以 唱歌的方 式鼓励学 生开口说 英语,为 接下来的 Free Talk 做准备。 活动 2: 用第一单 元的旧知 询问学生 How are you today? And Why? Because. ,进而引 出 Baobao 的心情, 并提问 Why is he happy?鼓励 学生自由 大胆的发 表自己的 意见,从 而引出接 下来 Baobao 去 商店购物 的情景。 活动 1: 视频播放 器以及 PowerPoin t 中插入视 频的功能。 活动 2: 利用白板 的拖拽和 隐藏的效 果,分三 步呈现了 对话中的 人物和场 景。 活动 1:1 分 活动 2:2 分 (2) Presentation 活动活动 1:学习课 文对话 通过调用视 频中的图片 电脑,电 子书,音 响,视频 17 分 and Practice1.预测 推测 理 解课文对话 T: Look at the picture. Who are in the picture? T:Where are they? T: What can you see in the shop? T: What are they talking about? Lets listen to the tape.(听第一遍) Q:What does Maomao want to get? 2.Listen and practice T: What colour will Maomao take? Lets listen to the tape. (听第 二遍) T: There is a word. Lets have a look. 出示不同种类 食物,鞋子帮助 学生理解不同种 类 “different kinds”这一短语, 再次回到课文中 的 different kinds of pens.让 S:Maomao and a saleswoman. S:They are in a shop. S: pens, bags, ruler, books. S: He will take the brown pen. 资源,呈现 对话的主题 图。引导学 生听录音预 测、推测、 理解对话; 为后面的语 言输出做准 备。 播放器, 电子书批 注功能等 学生看图片做出 正确选择。 3.师生交流 T: Look! I have some different kinds of pens in my hands. I like this kind, because I like black. Which kind do you like?(请学生来 回答) T:Very good! Would you please ask another one? T: Im so happy. Because you all did a great job! Now lets open your books!Please find out which kind of pen does Baobao like, and circle it on your book. (师生交流到生 生交流,鼓励学 生用英语表达自 S1:I like this kind. Because I like white. S2:. 用学生 Which kind do you like? 提问其他同学。 S:Let me try. 己的看法。 ) 4.听第三遍录音, 学生模仿录音, 教师帮助学生纠 正自己的发音。 活动活动 2:两人一 组练习课文对话 T:Who want to be Maomao? Who want to be the saleswoman? 活动活动 3:两人一 组练习课文对话, 表演及创编新对 话 T: Can you read it now? If you can read it with your partner you can get 1sticker. If you can remember, you can get 2stickers. If you can make a new one, you can get 3stickers. 活动活动 4:Swap Card Game T: Please make a role play in your own group first. If you finished, please go to another group and play it. (3) Production 活动活动 1 1: 学生 根据情景创编对 话 活动活动 2 2:观看 Peppa pig 动画 shopping 一集 通过 PPT 呈 现图片 练习功能句 型“Which kind would you like? This one looks nice.” 帮助学生在 实际生活中 运用本课语 言知识。 学生在利用 真实的情境, 小组的互相 交流,实现 对话的应用。 利用绘本资 源对课文文 本进行补充, 拓展学生的 课外知识, 学习正确的 消费的行为。 白板播放 功能,视 频播放软 件 15 分 学习效果评价 1.教师评价:教师通过眼神、语言和肢体语言去鼓励、表扬学生,并根据学生 的表现随时进行监控,对表现好的学生奖励各种形状的小贴画。 2.小组评价:角色扮演以及创编对话部分,激发学生参与活动的积极性,带领 大家根据课上学习、练习过程中的表现共同完成互评,奖励获胜小组贴画。 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6 Watch Listen Speak Work group No Chinese 本教学设计与以往未使用信息技术教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 本节课注重情景的创设,通过小组互助,合作探究的方式使学生愉快的融入学 习气氛中。在教学活动设计中教师能从学生的兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发, 在小组合作这个活动中,学生由个体参与到小组合作,从机械训练到完成有意 义有目的的交际活动,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。教师始终鼓励学生主动 参与学习活动,努力转变学生以往的学习观念及学习方式,并在教授知识的同 时能够结合教学内容适时适度的向学生渗透要做有礼貌的购物者和服务员他人 的情感教育。 教学反思 这学期,在校领导的带领下,我们深入学习并解读了课改的英语学科意见。我 们发现课改的落实刻不容缓。围绕这一指导思想,我以 shopping 为主题开展了 一节四年级英语研究课。第一次磨课,我的问题很多,例如教学环节不够清晰, 教学活动单一,显得课堂像一潭死水一样没有生气,事实上还是没有改变原有 的教学方式。之后第二次磨课,我将讲解课文的时间缩短,梳理了帮助学生理 解课文的听力问题丰富了课堂活动,如 Card Swap Game,让学生动起来,操练 句型”Which kind would you like?” ”This one looks nice.”以及一些分层次,有梯度 的小组活动,让不同层次的学生有兴趣参与。经过这次备课后试讲,还是有不 同方面的问题存在,例如:学生回答问题不够完整,评价不够全面,要针对学 生课堂上的 listening,watching 和 speaking 有针对性的评价,个人和小组评价 也要注意。教师的课堂组织用语要精简,言简意赅。同时,教师要随时关注全 体学生,及时调动学生的注意力和参与度,这是一项长期坚持的工作内容。
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