北京版四年级上册UNIT FIVE WHICH KIND WOULD YOU LIKE -Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:610a2).zip

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Lesson 15 Which kind would you like? 1.What does Maomao want to get? 2.Saleswoman: Which kind does Maomao like ? Maomao:_. 3. Which color will Maomao take? He will take a_. 4.Saleswoman: thats a nice colour. Baobao: _. 二Go shopping(选一个商店选一个商店) 1.clock store 2.drink store 3.book store 4.stationery store 三Shopping online store Lesson 15 Which kind would you like? Lets review Clock store Bookstore Food store Stationery store Different stores 不同的 What school things can you see in the shop? saleswoman 1.What does Maomao want to get? A. B. C. I want to get a pen. get=buy(买) Which kind does Maomao like ? This one looks nice . a kind of pens 种类 three kinds of pens different kinds of pens Lets read louder clearly emotional Which color will Maomao take? He will take a brown one. why? Thats a nice colour . I think so . And Maomao thinks that brown is a nice colour,too. The saleswoman thinks brown is a nice colour. Can I help you? Yes.I want to get/take/buy a pen. get =buy=take 买 Lets read louder clearly emotional I am a salesman/saleswoman We have different kinds of markers. Which(哪一个) kind would you like? This one looks nice. I am a salesman/saleswoman We have different_of_. Which_would you like? This one looks nice. kinds kind rulers Clock store Bookstore Drink store Stationery store Go shopping A:We have different kinds of watches. Which_would you like? B:This one looks_. What colours do you have? A:We have_. B:I will take a_one. clock Drinks A:We have different kinds of drinks. Which_would you like? B:This one looks_. What flavours(口味) do you have? A:We have_. B:I will take a_one. A:We have different kinds of books. Which_would you like? B:This one looks_. What subjects(科目) do you have? A:We have_. B:I will take a_one. bookstore Stationery :Can I _ you? :Yes . I want to get a_. :We have different kinds. Which_would you _? :This one looks nice. What colours do you have? :We have_,_. :I will take_ :thats a_(nice/cool)_. :I think so.Thank_. :You are_. Shopping online We have different_.Which_would you like? This one_nice/cool. What colours do you have? We have_. I will_one. Can I help you? Yes.I want to get a_. Homework Make the new dialogue about Make the new dialogue about shopping with your partner.shopping with your partner. Recite the whole text.Recite the whole text. See you next time! 四年级上册四年级上册 UnitUnit 5 5 LessonLesson 1515 教案教案 Unit5 Which kind would you like? Lesson 15 第一课时 1、教学内容教学内容 1 1、 课文内容: -Can I help you? -Yes.I want to get a pen. -We have different kinds.Which kind would you like? -This one looks nice. -What colours do you have? -We have black,blue,grenn,and brown. -I will take a brown one. -Thats a nice colour. -I think so. 2、功能句型: - Which kind would you like? - This one looks nice. 3、词汇: pen, get, kind, brown, think 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: (1)知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: 1、学生能正确理解课文,有语气的朗读课文。 2、学生能初步听懂、会说询问“你想要哪个种类的日常交际用语 Which kind would you like? 及答语 This one looks nice. 3、学生能听、说、读 pen, kind, get, kind, think 等单词。 (二)过程与方法目标:(二)过程与方法目标: 学生通过对文具及颜色的复习,为文本内容做铺垫;并通过完成课堂中的 听力练习,进一步巩固对文本内容的理解,并为运用做好准备。通过观察图片 使学生能够初步掌握关于你想要哪个种类的问答句型“Which kind would you like?- This kind looks nice.”并可以在实际的购物情景中表达自己的喜好。 (三)情感态度价值观目标:(三)情感态度价值观目标: 情境中体会购物乐趣,学会选择商品。 三、学情分析:三、学情分析: 1、学生在实际学习中已经掌握了关于文具和颜色的词汇, 如:pen,ruler,pencil,green,blue,black,pink。 2 2、学生已经学习过关于颜色的问答语,如:“What colors do you have? I have” 。 3、四年级的学生经过三年的学习,有了一定的英语基础,口头表达能力明显 提高。 四、教学重难点:四、教学重难点: 教学重点教学重点: 1、句型“which kind would you like?及其答语this kind looks nice.的初步应 用。 2、能听、说、读 kind, pen,get,brown,think 四会单词。 教学难点教学难点: 1、功能句“which kind would you like?的功用。 2、恰当运用所学语言创编符合情景需要的小对话。 五、教具准备:五、教具准备: PPT、课本、单词卡、worksheet 六、教学过程六、教学过程 (1)Warming up 活动活动 1:lets review 活动目标:活动目标:通过观察不同颜色的文具,初步询问学生的爱好。 活动时间:活动时间:2 分钟 实施方法及师生预设语言实施方法及师生预设语言: T: (Show PPT) Hello,boys and girls.Look at the pictures.What can you see in the picture? Ss: I can see some erasers.There are some pencils and markers. T: which one do you like? Ss: I like the pencils.I like the erasers. T: which colour do you like best? Ss: I like the pink one.I like the yellow one. 设计意图:设计意图:通过文具的复习让学生在自由发言的氛围中快速地进入贴近本节 课的情景,为后面的新课文学习和产出环节做铺垫。 3 活动活动 2:different stores 活动目标:活动目标:通过观察各种各样的商店,理解 different 的含义,并猜测 Maomao 的去处,来为主题去文具店买文具做铺垫。 活动时间:活动时间:1 分钟 实施方法及师生预设语言实施方法及师生预设语言: T: lets see the picture.There are many stores.Its a clock store.Its a food store.Its a book store.And its a stationery store. Ss: clock store,food store,book store,stationery store. T: They are all different.They are all different stores. Ss: different stores. T: so can you guess where Maomao will go? Ss: he will go to the stationery store. T: yes.Wonderful. 设计意图:学生观察各种各样的商店,理解设计意图:学生观察各种各样的商店,理解 different 的含义,并猜测的含义,并猜测 Maomao 的去处,引出主题图。的去处,引出主题图。 (二)(二)Presentation and Practice 活动活动 3:Predict & Listen 活动目标:活动目标:初步了解课文的话题 活动时间:活动时间:3 分钟 实施方法及师生预设语言实施方法及师生预设语言: 教师出示主题图(无文本内容) , 引导学生观察图 T: Now Maomao is in the store.Who is she? Ss:she is a saleswoman. T:What school things can you see in the picture? Ss: I can see books,pens,schoolbags. 1. what does Maomao want to get? He wants to get a pen. T:yes.Good job.practice the pronunciation of this word 4 Get means buy(买).show the new word get practice its pronunciation. Ss:buy,get. 2. which kind does Maomao like? T:there are many kinds of pens.So which kind does Maomao like?指示不同颜色钢 笔,最后显示棕色的。 Ss:this one looks nice. T:Now I have some pens.They are all the same.So we say them a kind of pens. Ss:a kind of pens. T:lets look at my pens.How many kinds of pens are there? Ss:there are three kinds of pens.Also we can say there are different kinds of pens. T: Which kind would you like? ( 板书功能句,并教授) Ss:教师板书功能句时,学生跟读功能句。 T:What does Maomao say? Ss: This one looks nice. 设计意图:设计意图:通过观察主题图并读问题,培养学生观察能力和对答案的预测能力。 回答课文的细节问题让学生进一步理解课文,并学习四会词及功能句型。 活动活动 4:Read & Repeat 活动目标:活动目标:跟读课文,流利的朗读。 活动时间:活动时间:3 分钟 实施方法及师生预设语言实施方法及师生预设语言: 1. T: Now, please open your book and follow the tape. Ss: ok. 设计意图:跟读课文,掌握其大致发音声调,为后面的表演做准备。设计意图:跟读课文,掌握其大致发音声调,为后面的表演做准备。 活动活动 5:Listen & Answer 活动目标:活动目标:听录音,解决对话中的细节问题。 活动时间:活动时间:3 分钟 实施方法及师生预设语言实施方法及师生预设语言: T:Look at here.The salewoman has different colours of pens. So the question isLets read. 5 Ss:Which color will Maomao take? Listen to the tape and find out the answers. Ss:he will take a brown one. Show the new word of brown.What colour is it? T:is it brown?pointing the brown pen. Ss:Yes it is. T:Wonderful.Do you know why Maomao will take a brown pen? Lets listen to it again. Ss:the saleswoman say its a nice colour. She thinks brown is a nice colour. Baobao says I think so.He thinks brown is a nice colour,too. Teacher shows the new word of think.Ss read after teacher. T:Baobao will take a brown one.Take means buy too.So we can I want to get/buy/take something. Ss:I want to get/buy/take something. 活动活动 6:Repeat & Show 活动目标:活动目标:跟读课文,流利的朗读。 活动时间:活动时间:7 分钟 实施方法及师生预设语言实施方法及师生预设语言: T:Now, please open your book and follow the tape. Ss: Follow the tape one time. T: Do you find these words? ( get=buy=take ) These three words are the same meaning. Ss: Attention! T: Who is your partner? Ss: Point him or her. T: Now, please read the text with your partner and show it. (及时小组进行评价)(及时小组进行评价) 设计意图:设计意图:通过跟读课文、同伴之间互读并表演,帮助学生流利的朗读课文, 同时纠正学生的语音问题。 6 (三)(三)Production 活动活动 7:I am a salesman/saleswoman 活动目标:活动目标:让学生在真实的语言场景下进行语用。 活动时间:活动时间:8 分钟 实施方法及师生预设语言实施方法及师生预设语言: 1. 教师创编学生在文具店里购物的场景,并给予示范。 2. 学生根据文具店里的场景进行小组内的创编对话,并可利用身边的文具。 设计意图:设计意图:通过学生创编对话,提高学生的综合语用能力,同时能够熟练掌握 本科所学的举行。 (及时评价)(及时评价) 活动活动 8:Go shopping with my mum 活动目标:活动目标:让学生在真实的语言场景下进行语用。 活动时间:活动时间:10 分钟 实施方法及师生预设语言实施方法及师生预设语言: 1. 教师创编学生在水果店里购物的场景,并给予示范。 2.学生自由选择几种商店,两人一组练习对话。 设计意图:设计意图:通过学生创编对话,提高学生的综合语用能力,同时能够熟练掌握 本科所学的举行。 (及时评价)(及时评价) 活动活动 8: shopping online 活动时间:活动时间:3 分钟 活动目标:活动目标:让学生体验网络购物,在新模式下感受购物的新方式。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: 1教师示范 T:can I help you? Ss:I want to get a coat. T:which kind would you like? Ss:this one looks nice. What colours do you have? T:I have blue,black,and red. Ss:I will take the red one. Thank you. 7 T:you are welcome. 2.学生练习表演。 3.家庭作业 (六)板书设计:(六)板书设计: Lesson15 Which kind would you like? This kind looks nice. get pen kind brown think
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