北京版四年级上册UNIT SIX MAY I TAKE YOUR ORDER -Lesson 19-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e01bd).zip

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Unit 6 May I take your order? Lesson one Chinese Chinese resturantresturant What are they doing? What would they like to eat?What would they like to eat?What would they like to eat?What would they like to eat? How do they talk about ? watch again: What would you like to eat? Can I have some sweet and sour fish, please? Of course, Ill have some meatballs. Id like some vegetables. They are healthy. Are the food healthy ? Are the food healthy ? Lets act. What would you like to eat? Can I have some sweet and sour fish, please? Of course, Ill have some meatballs. Id like some vegetables. They are healthy. How do they call the waiter? What will the waiter say? May I take your order now? Yes. Chinese cabbage and potatoes for me. Please don t make them too salty . Ok. Ill tell the cook. saltsalt salty Yes. Chinese cabbage and potatoes for me . Please dont make them too salty . Ok. Ill tell the cook. May I take your order now? Lets act. Yes. Chinese cabbage and potatoes for me . Please dont make them too salty . Ok. Ill tell the cook. May I take your order now? What do they want else? It you were the waiter, what would you say? Now Show Time act a part of it out(选择其中一个 对话进行表演) act the whole story out( 表演整 个故事) Retell with help( 在老师的帮助下尝 试背诵) Retell with own words(用自己的 话复述故事) 12 43 and his like Chinese food. They often eat out in the Mike would like some . Its _and_. Mom would like and , they are _. Dont be . Dad will have some . The food is _. They are so happy. May I take your order now? Yes. Chinese cabbage and potatoes for me. Please dont make them too salty . Ok. Ill tell the cook. Lets act. Menu dishes drinks Homework : 1.Read the text. (读对话) 2.Role play with your friends.( 和小伙伴一起表演对话) 教学设计内容要求教学设计内容要求 教学案例基本信息 对应信息技 术主题 利用信息技术巧妙的处理对话中的重难点,降低学生理解难度。 开始时间 结束时间 学科英语学段 小学年级四年级 案例名称Unit6 May I take your order? 教材书名:英语 出版社: 北京出版社 出版日期:2014 年 7 月 教学案例设计参与人员 分工(可修改)姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 学科指导者 信息技术指导者 课件制作者 课程说明(信息技术与学科教学内容结合方面的指导思想与理论依据): 英语课程由于其语言的特殊性,存在着许多知识理解上的难点,如何很好的帮助学生 理解这些难点呢?信息技术在英语学科教学中的应用很好的解决了这一难点。 信息技术以 其直观性、形象性的特点,帮助学生理解语言中的生僻点和难点。其次,小学生的学习兴 趣持续性不高,而信息技术在学科教学中的应用就很好的解决了这一问题。儿歌,图片整 合以及一些游戏的设计,一环紧接一环,激发了学生的学习热情。 信息技术环境软硬件要求及搭建环境情况 PPT 运行环境 教学背景分析 课标中的要求: 英语课程标准中指出小学英语教学应“采取活动途径,倡导体验参与”的基本理 念。学生在教师的指导下,在各种游戏和活动中反复、大量接触语言,通过感知、体验、 实践、参与、合作等方式,在语言学习过程中提高、发展学生的综合语言运用能力。 课程主要内容: 本课为北京出版社小学英语四年级上册 Unit 6 May I take your order? 的第 1 课时,教 学内容为就餐日常用语,主要句型有:What would you like to eat? Id like some vegetables. 和 Can I have some sweet and sour fish, please?本课学习内容比较贴近学生生活。 学生学习背景: 我所教学的学生是四年级学生,他们已经有了四年的英语学习经历。有一定的语言基础。 本课中所出现的词汇: sweet sour fish, vegetable, 都是学生熟悉的词汇。句型:Id like 对学 生来说难度也不大。但是: what would you like? May I take your order? 等是新知识。 教学目标 教学目标: 1知识与技能目标: 能听懂、会说点餐用语 What would you like to eat?及答语 Id like .并依据所提供的情景, 进行对话交流。 能听、说、认读单词 meatball, order, salty 等,并能在实际情景中运用。 能够分角色朗读对话。 2.过程与方法目标: 通过学生所熟悉的饭店图片来引入本课生词、句型,为学生创设语言环境,以 pair work,group work 的方式操练就餐句型,在此基础上进行角色朗读,帮助他们学会灵活运 用知识。 3情感态度与价值观目标: 树立健康饮食的意识。 教学重点: 1 理解并运用在餐厅点餐的用语进行对话练习。 2 理解并运用不同的有关食物的短语进行对话交流。 教学难点: 1. 有关询问某人吃什么的问句及答语,What would you like to eat? Id like .的使用。 2. 理解并正确表达 They are healthy for me. 以及 Please dont make them too salty. 教学过程 教学 阶段 教师活动学生活动设置意图技术应用时间安排 第一 阶段: 热身 导入 第二 阶段: 学习 对话 Step 1: Sing a song T: Do you like singing songs. Ok, lets sing a song. Step 2:free talk T: There are so many delicious food. What food do you like? Do you know what food do I like? Here are many pictures . they are about the delicious food. Our friend Mike is going to eat out with his parents. Step 3:学习对 话一 T:What food will they eat? 1、引导学生观 察图片 T:Mike and his parents want to eat in the resturant. What will they do first? T: What are they doing? Sing the song: (学生展开说) (学生观看舌尖上的 中国图片) 生猜测,老师出示 Chinese resturant” S: They will talk about what will they eat. S: They are reading menus. 通过唱有关 食物的歌曲 激发学生的 学习兴趣, 为下面的学 习进行铺垫。 通过自由对 话,引发学 生展开有关 出去吃饭的 话题的讨论。 通过激发学 生已有的旧 知,引起学 生的学习兴 趣。 通过观察图 片帮助学生 了解到到饭 店吃饭时要 先看菜单, 讨论吃什么 播放视频 播放课件 PPT 呈现对 话图片 观看动画 2 5 4 2、观看无字幕 动画 T: What would they like to eat? T:What would Mum like to eat? T: How about Mike? T: What does the fish taste? 教读 Sweet and sour fish T: What about Dad? 学习 meatballs 一词。 T: The meatballs are made by_? They look like balls. So they are meatballs. 3、逐句学习对 话 T: How do they talk about? T: What does Dad say? 教读句子。 T: What does mum say? 教学 Id like Id like=I would like T:How about Mike? 老师教读句子。 T:Who can be Mike? T:Does Dad 看动画(无字幕) S: Mum would like to eat vegetables. (生回答,师贴板书) S:Mike would like to eat fish. S: sweet and sour. S: Dad would like to eat meatballs. 学生跟老师学习对 话内容。 S: What would you like to eat? S:Id like some vegetables. S:Can I have some sweet and sour fish, please? 请学生模仿 Mike 的语气读句子。 S:Of course, Ill have some meatballs. 通过带着问 题观看无字 幕的动画, 帮助学生初 步理解第一 个对话片段 的内容。 通过问题的 引领帮助学 生学习相关 的句子,并 在过程中对 学生进行朗 读和背诵的 指导。 通过问题的 提出引起学 生句型学习 的兴趣,同 观看动画 PPT 课件 观看有文字 的第一个片 段对话。 PPT 课件 PPT 学习 healthy 一词 7 4 agree? T:Why does mum want vegetables? 学习 healthy 一 词。 T:What food are they? 学习 jiaozi, Peking duck 两 个生词。 T:Are they healthy food?老 4、表演第一部 分。 T:Who can be Mike, who can be mum and who can be dad? Step 4. 学习对 话二 1、观看动画二 T:After they talking about, they want to call the waiter? But how do they call the waiter? How do you call the waiter? T:Lets call the waiter in this way: Excuse me, waiter. T: What will the waiter say to the family? 2、学习语言 T:What will the waiter say? S:They are healthy. 师生扮演示范 生生 3 人一组练习 请学生展开说一说。 看第二个动画回答 问题。 S: May I take your order now? S: Yes. Chinese 时又借助 mike 吃完 两种食物后 的不同变化 理解 healthy 的 含义。 通过 free talk 的形式 引导学生思 考并激起学 生学习的欲 望。 由于书中的 对话是不完 整的,是开 放的。老师 借助这个机 会启发学生 师演示 Mike 吃下食物后 变结实的图 片。 PPT 图片呈 现 PPT 课件 2 5 3 第三 阶段: 复述 故事 第四 阶段: 拓展 练习 第五 阶段: 跟读 和展 示 第六 阶段: 作业 T: How does mum say? T: Mum wants Chinese cabbage and potatoes. And mum tells the waiter what? 老师借助图片中 的食盐告诉学生, 放多了盐就会变 得 salty。 T: How does the waiter say? 学习 Cook 一词。 T: How does dad and Mike say? 请学生猜一猜。 Step5:小结 学生看着板书和 老师一起叙述故 事。 Step6.激发学生 想象空间。 In the resturant , Mikes family ordered many delicious dishes. What do they want else? If you were the waiter, what would you say? Step7.跟读和展 示 1、 学生跟课件 朗读 2、 学生多种形 式练习并展 示 Step8.作业布置 cabbage and potatoes for me. S: Please dont make them too salty. 学生看着板书和老 师一起叙述故事。 学生根据 PPT 课件 展开说 学生跟读并展示 1)Read the text.(读对话) 2)Role play with your friends.(和小 展开想象进 行猜测。 师生一起借 助板书再次 回忆故事 启发学生思 考,如果学 生实在想不 出来,老师 借助菜单提 示学生要点 饮料。 进一步巩固 所学知识 板书 PPT 课件 书和多媒体 课件 2 2 3 1 伙伴表演对话)
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