北京版五年级上册UNIT THREE CAN YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT THE MID-AUTUM FESTIVAL -Lesson 12-Now I can understand Now I can say Now I know the sound-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-(编号:d243d).zip

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英语综合实践活动 八里庄中心小学 苏波 2017.5 Dragon Boat Festival poetdragon boat sachetzongzi the Dragon Boat Festival When is the Dragon Boat Festival? We have 5 groups. The History The Introduction Eating zongzi Dragon Boat Racing Wearing Sachet Good Great Wonderful Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 1.Speaking loud and clear. 语言流畅,声音清晰 2.Good behavior. 举止得体 3.Team work. 协作 意识强 Assessment Lets meet a new friend. He wants to celebrate this festival with Chinese people. The History of the Dragon Boat Festival Group 1 A long time ago in china, there was a famous poet named QuYuan. Someone were jealous of him. They said bad things to the Emperor. The emperor believed them. Quyuan went back home. QuYuan was upset about losing the emperors trust. He decided end his life. So on the 5th day of the 5th month ,he jumped into Milo River and died. People thought QuYuan was a good man. They threw zongzi into the river and beat drums to let fish not eat QuYuans body. To remember QuYuan, people made zongzi and held boat races on this day every year. Now we call this day “Dragon Boat Festival”. Why did people throw zongzi into the river? The fish can not eat QuYuans body. There are many stories about the Dragon Boat Festival. From Guyue national totem offering 源于古越民族图腾祭 Due to commemorate Cao E mule 源于纪念孝女曹娥图腾祭 In memory of Wu Zixu 源于纪念伍子胥 In memory of QuYuan 源于纪念屈原 A Brief Introduction Group 2 初五 Dragon Boat Festival is on the 5th day of the 5th month in the Chinese calendar. It is also called Double 5th Day. It is an important holiday in china.We have 3 days off on the Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival has a history of 2000 years. Its for remembering a great poet “QuYuan”. There are some traditional customs at that day. Such as: Eating zongzi Dragon boat racing Wearing sachet There are some traditional customs at that day. Such as: drinking realgar wine When is the Dragon Boat Festival? It is on the 5th day of the 5th month in the Chinese calendar. Which countries have the Dragon Boat Festival? Korea(韩国) Japan(日本)Malaysia(马来西亚) Singapore(新加坡) Thailand(泰国)Vietnam(越南) North Korea( 朝鲜) Eating zongzi Group 3 We eat zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. They are sweet and delicious. In the north of china, zongzi is made of rice and dates. In the east of china, zongzi is made of pork. In the south of china, zongzi is made of pork, ham and nuts. How can we make zongzi? Lets see! Use 2 or 3 leaves to make a sheet. Fold it round. Put rice and dates into funnel. Cover it. Tied it! What kind of zongzi do people like in the south of china? In the south of china, zongzi is made of pork, ham and nuts. Lets see different zongzi ! Dragon boat racing Group 4 People held dragon boat races on the Dragon Boat Festival. The boats are in the shape of chinese dragons. They are 18.5 meters long. They are 1.1 meters wide. 18.5m 1.1m A drummer sit in the front of the boat. A team of people works together to row the boat. 22 people sit in a boat work together. How many people row the boat? 22 people sit in the boat work together. Your P.E. teacher join the dragon boat racing. You can ask your teacher how to row the dragon boat. http:/ jM2NjYw.html?tpa=dW5pb25faWQ9MT AyMjEzXzEwMDAwMl8wMV8wMQ#pac tion http:/ 2Mjg2Njcy.html?spm=a2h0j.8191423. module_basic_relation.55!255!3 55A Paddles Wearing a sachet Group 5 People wear sachets on Dragon Boat Festival. In the past, sachets can drive away bad things. But now people use them as decorations. They use colorful silk cloth to make little bags. silk cloth They put herbal medicines in them. herbal medicines What did people put in the sachet? They put herbal medicines in them. first appeared 出现 Warring StatesTang dynasty Ming dynastyQing dynastynow (战国) (唐) (明) (清)(现在) Festival 香包文化节 (甘肃庆阳 ) Women wear 唐代仕女佩戴 Wear on DBF 端午佩戴 alley 香包巷 The history of sachet! The Dragon Boat Festival is on the _of the 5th month in the Chinese calendar. Its to remember the great poet _. People eat zongzi, have_ races, drink realgar wine and wear _. Introduction of this Festival 5th day Qu Yuan dragon boat sachet The 9th Beijing Dragon Boat Festival Did you go there? What did you do there? I saw/I made/I bought Homework: 1. Do a mind-map/English handcopied paper about dragon festival? 制作一份思维导图或者手抄报。 2.After class, you can read the book 课下借阅这本书。 1 教学基本信息 课题 TheThe DragonDragon BoatBoat FestivalFestival 是否属于地方课程或校本课程否 学科英语学段: 高段年级五年级 相关领域 学科拓展类英语综合实践活动 教材书名:小学英语 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期:2015 年 1 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 指导者 课件制作者 其他参与者 指导思想与理论依据 新版英语课程标准在“教学建议”部分提出 “教师要通过创设接近实际生活的各种语境, 采用循序渐进的语言实践活动,以及各种强调过程与结果并重的教学途径和方法,培养学生用英语 做事情的能力” 。这无疑是鼓励教师根据教学内容和学生实际、采用既强调语言学习过程又有利于提 高学生学习成效的各种语言教学途径和方法,创造性地设计贴近学生的教学活动,尽可能多地为他 们提供在真实语境中运用语言的机会。对广大一线教师积极探索教学改革新路的肯定。在新课程背 景下,提出了英语综合实践活动课程的实施途径。 中国传统节日文化是民族的根,也是璀璨文化的核心。端午节是传统节日之一,为了进一步弘 扬中华民族的传统文化,将传统节日文化教育与学科实践活动有机结合,让学生全面了解并用英语 介绍端午节的来历、庆祝方式和节日习俗,我们利用端午节这个时机,开展英语综合实践活动,增 强学生对端午文化历史渊源的热爱之情,增进学生对传统文化知识的探究心理,鼓励学生不断学习, 不断创新。 2 教学背景分析 教学内容:北京版五年级英语教材上册第三单元就是关于节日的内容,因此把端午节这一主题 作为实践活动开展,探究的内容源自教材又在教材的基础上进行拓展,为学生语言实践活动提供机 会。促进学生的协作探究精神、学习交流能力、相互欣赏的意识的生成以及学生人际交往能力、口 头表达能力、自我评价能力的提高。 学生情况:在五年级上册的第三单元,学生们学习了中秋节、重阳节、春节、元宵节、万圣节 等一些关于节日的相关知识,如节日的时间、饮食和主要习俗。这其中中国传统节日学生也比较熟 悉,但还不具备用英语进行表达的能力。本班多数学生对英语学习有一定的兴趣,喜欢参与到英语 课堂活动中,能够简单的表达自己的观点和看法,具备查找资料、分析整理资料和合作学习的能力。 教学方式:以端午节为主题,以小课题研究为基本形式,结合自己感兴趣的问题组成研究小组, 自主制定研究方案,通过合作调查、采访、参与实践、信息搜集与处理、表达与交流、展示与评价 等探索活动,力求培养学生英语学习兴趣,加强自主学习和与他人合作的能力,了解中华传统文化。 教学目标(内容框架) 1. 通过搜集、分析、整理端午节相关资料,培养学生处理信息的能力,对研究性学习的方法、 步骤有进一步的了解。增强学生端午文化的热爱之情,增进学生对文化传统知识的探究心理。 2. 通过小组合作调查、采访、汇报交流,促进学生的协作探究精神、学习交流能力和人际交往 能力,培养学生口语表达能力、自我评价能力。 3. 通过实践体验,动手包粽子、制作手抄报,加深对端午节的了解,获得丰富的经验和积极的 情感体验,培养学生的探究合作的能力。 4. 通过小组汇报展示,用英语介绍端午节,学习运用端午节相关词汇,如:dragon boat, sachet, poet, emperor,beat drums, custom, realgar wine, dates, pork, drummer, herbal medicine,培养学生语言表达能力,全面了解端午文化,感受与他人协作交流的乐趣。 教学过程(文字描述) (一)活动准备。(一)活动准备。 1.以班级为单位,统一组织学生参加北京第九届端午文化节。教师提出参观目的、活动安排、 注意事项,学生感受端午节的节日氛围。 2.确定主题。端午节就要到了,咱们过端午节时都有哪些习俗?生:包粽子、赛龙舟、挂香囊等。 我们要开展一次端午节的英语综合实践活动,教师宣布活动主题:端午节。 8 3.讨论小组研究主题。学生提出感兴趣的话题,根据学生讨论确定活动内容。 (如日期、饮食、 习俗、来源等)要想解决这些问题应采取哪些措施?(学生说出一些解决问题的方法,如上网查询、 上阅览室查阅、询问父母、现场参观等。 ) 4. 分成小组。学生自愿选择感兴趣的主题,自由组成小组,教师整体协调,尽量使每一组英语 水平力量均衡,选出小组长,组长制定计划。各小组在组长的带领下,结合本小组研究的主题,准 备活动素材,完成表格任务,整理研究成果。 (二)活动实施。(二)活动实施。 1. 布置任务、指导实践。 (1)端午节来源。 任务一:搜集关于端午节来源的资料。师:你搜集的关于端午节来历的故事有哪些?请你简要 记录故事梗概(故事背景、人物、起因、经过、结果) 。 任务二:引导筛选资料方法。师:和小组成员交流一下搜集到的内容,选择最有说服力的一个 进行班级分享,说明理由。 任务三:选择一个合适的方式展示给大家。 (PPT 汇报、短剧表演、视频) (2)端午简介 任务一:关于端午节,你都知道什么?例如:时间、饮食、习俗等,查阅资料丰富你的知识, 告诉大家。 任务二:你还想分享什么? (3)包粽子。 任务一:师:孩子们,我们端午节吃的粽子是怎么制作出来的你们知道吗?把包粽子需要的食 材记录下来,准备好。 任务二:请你们利用假期和爸爸妈妈一起学习制作一下,记录制作过程。 (4)赛龙舟。 任务一:将你调查到关于龙舟的形态、大小、长短,多少人划龙舟,怎样划等信息进行记录。 任务二:上网查阅相关英文表达或询问英语老师。 任务三:如果可以,向体育老师学习体验如何划龙舟。 (5)佩香囊。 任务一:端午节有佩香囊的习俗,可以自制香囊展示。 任务二:小组合作制作香囊。 任务三:确定分享方式。 2. 整理资料,制作课件。学生在搜集资料、筛选整理的基础上把要分享的内容做成课件,教师 1 适时指导。 (三)交流展示。(三)交流展示。 1.呈现日历,揭示主题。T: Whats the date today? When is the Dragon Boat Festival? 2聚焦话题。我们围绕着“欢度端午节”这一主题进行了实践活动,同学们针对自己感兴趣的 问题查阅资料、实践体验、调查研究。这节课,就让我们一起来分享研究成果吧!T: We have 5 groups to talk about this Festival. Whats your topic? 汇报五组研究话题。 3提出评价建议。每个小组汇报结束,其他小组进行评价,用粽子图片体现。 You should listen to others carefully. Here are 3 levels. 1 picture=Good, 2 pictures=great, and 3 pictures=wonderful. 交流展示要求:正确的语音语调、适宜的表情态度、认真倾听和评价 4.视频导入,创设情境。观看外国人介绍视频,Lets meet a new friend David. He is from Canada. T: What does he want to do? Lets see. S1: He wants to know how Chinese people celebrate “Dragon Boat Festival”. 【设计意图】激趣谈话,引出上课内容,了解学生对传统节日的认识。通过观看外国人介绍视 频,激发学生兴趣,创设情境,揭示主题。展示要求体现英语学科特点,力求让孩子们在展示中提 升英语语言运用能力。 5.交流展示,分享成果。 (1)端午节历史。一组同学进行汇报,课件辅助展示主要内容。Okay, boys and girls! Do you know the history about it? Lets welcome group 1. 一组同学提问:Why do people throw zongzi into the river? 一组准备礼物,其他同学可以回答问题,答对兑奖。 Group1: The History of Dragon Boat Festival Our group will introduce “the History of the Dragon Boat Festival”. A long time ago in china, there was a famous poet named Quyuan. Someone was jealous of him. They say bad things to the emperor. The emperor believed them. Quyuan went back home. Quyuan was upset about losing the emperors trust. He decided to end his life. So on the 5th day of the 5th month, he jumped into Milo River and died. People thought Quyuan was a good man. They threw zongzi into the river and beat drums to let fish not eat Quyuans body. To remember Quyuan, people made zongzi and held boat races on this same day every year. Now we call this day “Dragon Boat Festival”. Why do people throw zongzi into the river? 1 教师小结。师:通过这组的汇报,我们知道端午节是为了纪屈原。What do you think of their presentation? 针对这一小组进行评价。扩展其他关于端午节来源的传说并板书。 【设计意图】这一小组经历了搜集资料筛选资料确定内容排练展示的实践历程。 整个过程,学生获得的不仅仅是处理信息的方法,更重要的是他们经历了用英语介绍的过程,思维 能力、信息处理能力、语言表达能力均得到了一定的发展。 (2)端午简介。二组同学进行汇报,课件辅助展示主要内容。Okay, its turn to group 2. 一组同学提问:When is the Dragon Boat Festival? 教师小结。师:通过这组的汇报,我们知道端午节的时间、名称、习俗。What do you think of their presentation? 针对这一小组进行评价。扩展其他过端午节的国家并板书。 【设计意图】引导学生小组开展研究,学生通过搜集整理资料,根据自己的活动侧重点进行汇 报。启迪思维,开阔眼界。 (3)吃粽子。三组同学进行汇报,课件辅助展示主要内容。Lets welcome group 3. 三组同学 提问:What kind of zongzi do people like in the south of China? Group2: The Brief Introduction of Dragon Boat Festival Our group will introduce “the Introduction of the Dragon Boat Festival”. Dragon Boat Festival is on 5th day of the 5th month in the Chinese calendar. It is also called Double 5th Day. It is an important holiday in china. Dragon Boat Festival has a long history of 2000 years. Its for remembering a great poet “Quyuan”.There are some traditional customs at that day. Such as: dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, drinking realgar wine, wearing sachet. When is the Dragon Boat Festival? 1 教师小结。用简洁的语言概括制作粽子的过程,针对学生展示不到位的地方教师要适时介入。 师:通过这组的汇报,我们知道不同地域吃不同口味的粽子,也知道粽子放入制作方法。What do you think of their presentation? 针对这一小组进行评价。扩展世界各地的不同形状粽子并板书。 【设计意图】学生制作粽子,感受端午节的饮食文化。在学生交流的基础上,引导学生用简洁 的语言概括制作粽子的过程。充分发挥教师帮助者、促进者的作用。 (4) 四组同学进行汇报,课件辅助展示主要内容。Lets welcome group 4. 四组同学提问: How many people row the boat? 教师小结。师:通过这组的汇报,我们龙舟的长度和宽度,22 人共同划龙舟。What do you think of their presentation? 针对这一小组进行评价。扩展本校教师参加龙舟比赛的图片,学习 划龙舟并板书。 【设计意图】了解龙舟的结构及比赛形式,是学生向其他同学学习的过程,充分体验端午节的 庆祝活动,在课堂上感受节日气氛。 (5) 五组同学进行汇报,课件辅助展示主要内容。Lets welcome group 5. 五组同学提问: Do you know the word “sachet”? Group3: Eating zongzi Our group will introduce “eating zongzi”.We eat zongzi on the dragon boat festival. They are sweet and delicious. Different people eat different zongzi. In the north of china, zongzi is made of rice and dates. In the east of china, zongzi is made of pork. In the south of china, zongzi is made of pork, ham, nuts. How do we make zongzi? Lets see! Use 2 or 3 leaves to make a sheet. Fold it round. Put rice and dates into the funnel. Tied it. What kind of zongzi do people like in the south of China? Group4: Dragon Boat Racing Our group will introduce “Dragon Boat Racing”. People held dragon boat races on the Dragon Boat Festival. The boats are in the shape of Chinese dragons. They are from 40 to 100 meters long. A drummer stands in the front of the boat. A team of people works together row the boat.22 people sit in a boat worker together. How many people row the boat? Group5: Wearing sachet Our group will introduce “wearing sachet”. People wear sachet on the dragon boat festival. In the past, sachet can drive away evil and disease. But now, people use them as decorations. They use colorful silk cloth to make little bags. They put herbal medicines in them. Do you know the word “sachet”? 1 教师小结。师:通过这组的汇报,我们知道香囊的作用。What do you think of their presentation? 针对这一小组进行评价。扩展香囊的历史变迁并板书。 【设计意图】适当扩展知识,了解香囊的发展历史。感受端午节活动带来的乐趣,升华对传统 文化的新认识。 6.呈现介绍端午节的短文,学生根据本节课学习内容,填写信息。Lets read the introduction. Theres some information missing. Can you fill them? 核对答案,介绍节日。 7.联系实际,播放第八届端午文化节的视频,学生欣赏。 8.梳理总结,激发情感。今天我们了解了端午节的时间、历史和习俗。We talked about history and customs about the Dragon Boat Festival. From this class, I hope that we can love our Chinese Culture. 【设计意图】通过板书梳理本节课的主要内容,作必要的小结,进一步体会端午节节的传统习 俗,培养学生归纳总结能力,激发学生的热爱中国的传统文化的情感。 9.布置作业,拓展提升。 (1)制作一份思维导图或者手抄报,要求主题鲜明,图文并茂。 Do a mind-map/English hand copied paper about dragon festival. (2)课下借阅这本书。 【设计意图】进一步体会端午节的传统习俗,用英语书写输出本课内容,培养学生综合运用语 言能力。推荐一本英语读物,逐步培养学生英语阅读习惯。 板书设计: 1 学习效果评价设计 评价量规 英语实践活动评价表 时间_ 班级_ 学生姓名_ 第_组本组任务的主题: 评价内容 分值 分工明确 (20 分) 参与程度 (20 分) 认真倾听 (20 分) 合作交流 (20 分) 自主探究(20 分) 总分 (100) 自评 小组评 师评 总评价说明:用于实践活动评价,活动后,由小组长负责组织大家进行自评和互评, 并记录在评价表。A 级 90100 分;B 级 7589 分;C 级 6074 分;D 级 59 分 以下。 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 1本节课是研究性学习,以端午节为主题,以小课题研究为基本形式,结合自己感兴趣的问题 组成研究小组,自主制定研究方案,通过合作调查、采访、参与实践、信息搜集与处理、表达与交 流、展示与评价等探索活动,培养学生英语学习兴趣,加强自主学习和与他人合作的能力,了解中 华民族的传统文化。 2. 重视学生的实践体验。在探究的过程中,孩子们遇到了许多的困难,但他们都能自己想办法 克服困难。如:他们为了学会包粽子,可以说是历尽了酸甜苦辣,特别是一些同学,为了学包粽子, 她特请奶奶亲自指导,并多次独自训练,因此在展示粽子环节他非常有成就感。 3. 体现实践活动的特点。即:本节课具有整体性(体现了科学、艺术、道德的内在整合) 、实 践性、开放性、自主性(学生自主选择学习的内容、方式,老师只是导的作用,只是平等中的首席) 、 生成性(随着活动的发展,新的目标不断生成,新的主题不断生成,把收集的资料制成手抄报。 )
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