北京版五年级上册UNIT SEVENWHAT WILL YOU DO IN CHENGDU -Lesson 23-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-(配套课件编号:91031).doc

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北京版五年级上册UNIT SEVENWHAT WILL YOU DO IN CHENGDU -Lesson 23-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-(配套课件编号:91031).doc_第1页
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北京版五年级上册UNIT SEVENWHAT WILL YOU DO IN CHENGDU -Lesson 23-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-(配套课件编号:91031).doc_第2页
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北京版五年级上册UNIT SEVENWHAT WILL YOU DO IN CHENGDU -Lesson 23-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-(配套课件编号:91031).doc_第3页
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北京版五年级上册UNIT SEVENWHAT WILL YOU DO IN CHENGDU -Lesson 23-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-(配套课件编号:91031).doc_第4页
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北京版五年级上册UNIT SEVENWHAT WILL YOU DO IN CHENGDU -Lesson 23-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-(配套课件编号:91031).doc_第5页
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1、1 Unit 7 What will you do in Chengdu? Lesson 23 指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实的语言,并在此基础上学 习和运用语言。 因此在理解和学习对话环节我利用教材创设的情境帮助学生在情境中理 解、学习“玲玲的旅行计划” ,并创设宝宝为迎接叔叔和阿姨制定的旅行计划,进行语 言的学习、操练;在拓展语言环节,我创设了“制作自己的寒假旅行计划”的情景,帮 助学生发现、 感受祖国更多著名旅游城市的美景并根据自己的喜好进行真实的表达。课 标还鼓励学生在老师的指导下,通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式,发现语 言规律,逐步掌握语

2、言知识和技能,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力。因此在 操练语言和语言拓展环节我设计了分角色扮演等活动,让学生和同伴一起参与扮演,有 效地操练语言。 教学背景分析 教学内容:教学内容: 本单元的话题是“旅行计划” ,第 23 课侧重谈论旅行时乘坐的交通工具,故事中宝宝和 玲玲在一起做飞机模型时谈论到了玲玲的旅行计划,她和父母准备去成都看望爷爷奶 奶,他们准备做飞机去因为飞机比火车更快,到了成都他们准备参观大熊猫和都江堰。 本课中谈论旅行计划使用了一般将来时的表达方式, 同时使用到了 “will” 和 “be going to”,其中谈论乘坐的交通工具时主要用“Are you going t

3、o (Chengdu) by (train) ? No, we are going by (plane).”的句型进行表达和交流。旅行是生活中一件让人很愉 快的事情,而且与学生的经历紧密联系,因此在本课的学习中除了要学习教材中相关的 知识,还要帮助学生拓宽自己的视野、了解祖国更多的壮丽河山,在感受旅行带来的快 乐同时了解旅行前应该做好准备、进行基本的计划。 学生情况:学生情况: 五年级的学生虽然第一次接触“旅行计划”这一话题,但他们在生活中都有过丰富的旅 行经历和感受,因此他们对这一话题会很感兴趣,愿意与同伴或老师交流这一话题下的 知识。 他们在三年级下册第一单元中学习过了询问活动计划的句型

4、“What are you going to do ? /We are going to plant trees.”第五单元中学习了将来时 will 的表达方式, 在四年级下册第四单元中学习了“What are you going to do on May Day ? /We are going to visit the Great Wall.”这些知识的储备都为本单元、本课的学习奠定了基础,本 2 课中出现了一些著名景点以及交通方式, 老师应充分利用学生的生活经验唤起他们的表 达欲望、将经验与知识很好地结合起来开展学习,帮助学生学有所用。 教学方式:教学方式:情景教学、合作学习 教学手段:教

5、学手段:利用板书为学生建立思维、表达的框架;利用教学课件为学生呈现语境 技术准备:技术准备:多媒体课件、PPT、单词卡片 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 7 What will you do in Chengdu? Lesson 23 Chengduwith parents I will go to I will go with We are going by visit grandparentsWe will by planesee pandas see Du-jiang-yan 教学目标(内容框架) 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能够在图片、课件的帮助下听懂、理解并朗读对话 2. 能够听懂、

6、 会说、 认读课文中出现的单词 fast, the Bird s Nest, the Summer Palace, by subway by train, by plane, by bus, by car, 并在谈论有关旅行计划话题时正确、恰当 运用 3. 能够用 will 和 be going to 的表达方式简单谈论他人或描述自己的旅行计划 4. 在学习旅行计划话题知识中,感受祖国大好河山的壮丽,体验旅行带给人的愉悦享 受。 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 在谈论旅行计划时合理的运用 Are you gonging to by? No, they are going by 谈论出行的交通方式

7、2. 从不同方面运用将来时 will 和 be going to 的表达方式介绍自己的旅行计划 教学难点:教学难点: Travel plan wherewho how what 3 1. 在谈论旅行计划时合理的运用 Are you gonging to by? No, they are going by 谈论出行的交通方式 2. 从不同方面运用将来时 will 和 be going to 的表达方式介绍自己的旅行计划 教学流程示意 制作计划,真实运用 教学过程(文字描述) 教师活动学生活动 Step 1. Three minutes show . 2 T: Lets enjoy the min

8、i show. T: He share us an excellent show. From his show, we know he will travel to Tianjin and he has a good travel plan. Do you like to travel? T: I like to travel too. I think before travel we should think about where will we go ? How about Step 1. Three minutes show . 3 S: This weekend I will go

9、to Tianjin with my parents. We are going there by car. We are going to take the Tianjin Eye and visit the river by ship. We will visit the city by bus. Its interesting. I will be very happy. Q: Do you remember where will I go? How will I go there? S: Yes. 引入情景,理解对话 模仿跟读,角色扮演 扩展学习,操练语言 课前分享,引出主题 4 ot

10、hers? 引导学生想一想旅行前都要考虑些什 么?引导学生说出 who/how/what (完成板书) That is the travel plan. Step 2. Listen and say.5 (1) Learn the new story T: Now, we will learn a new story, its about travel plan. What do you know from the picture? 出示主题 图,引导学生思考、表达 T: Yes, When they make model plane they are talking, and Linglin

11、g is very happy. Do you know What are they talking about ? Why is Lingling so happy ? Lets watch the story together. 播放动画 T: Do you know where will she go ? Who will go with her ? How will they go there ? What will they do ? lets watch the story again. 再次播放动画 T:They are going there by plane, why ? P

12、PT 出示图片和数据,介绍火车和飞机所花费 的时间,进行对比,帮助学生理解 fast T:What will they do ? lets listen. T:Do you know Du-jiang-yan ? T:I can tell you more about it. PPT 介绍都江堰 T:Lingling has a good travel plan, so she is very happy and excited, lets enjoy it together . 再次播放动画 ( 2 ) Read the story Step 2. Listen and say.10 S:I

13、 can see Baobao and Lingling./ They are making a model plane 学生观看动画 S:TheyaretalkingaboutLinglings travel plan. So lingling is very happy. 学生观看动画 S:Lingling will go to Chengdu. Her parents will go with her. They will go there by plane. S: Its fast. S: They will visit grandparents, see the pandas, se

14、e Du-jiang-yan. S: No. 学生整体回顾故事 5 Open your books, listen and repeat it . Please read the story by yourself. Read it with your partner, one is Baobao , one is Lingling. Group show. T: Today we learned a story about Linglings travel plan. What do you know from the story ? 引导学生就板书梳理故事情节 Lingling has a

15、 good travel plan, so she will have a good travel, and she will be very happy. Step 3.Listen, look, and learn.5 T: How about Baobao? Look, what is Baobao doing ?(出示北京地图) Because his uncle and aunt will come to Beijing, he wants to show them around city, but he doesnt know where can they go, can you

16、help him? 引出一些北京的著名景点,图片出示 Tiananmen Square/the Birds Nest/the Summer Palace/the Palace Museum/the Water Cube/ the Great Wall T: How can they go there ? T: If you are Baobao, how do you choose ? 学生看图自己选择地点和出行方式,进行表达 T: How does Baobao choose ? lets listen and choose. 播放听力内容 ,播放 2 次录音 核对答案 T:Are they

17、 doing to Beijing by train ? Are they doing to the Birds Nest by bus ? listen and repeat the story. read the story Read it with partner, one is Baobao , one is Lingling. Step 3.Listen, look, and learn.7 S: He will travel to Beijing. S: Maybe they can visit 学生说一说 S: By car / by bus / by taxi / by bik

18、e/ by subway S: We will go to by 学生进行选择 S:No, they are going by plane. 6 Are they doing to the Great Wall by car ? T: Baobao has a good travel plan for his uncle and aunt , he want to talk about it with his mum. I am Mum, who want to be Baobao ? 找一名学生何老师一起做示范,进行对话 T: Please talk about Baobaos travel

19、 plan with your partner. Group show Step 4. Make a travel plan .3 T: From Linglings travel plan, we know Chengdu is a great city. From Baobaos travel plan, we know Beijing is a great city too. In our country, there are many great cites, lets enjoy together. 播放一些其他城市的优美景色 T:Are they beautiful ? Do yo

20、u want to travel ? T: Winter vocation is coming, we have enough time to travel , where do you want to go ? Please look at the map, and choose a city. T: Please make a travel plan, write it in the form. 给学生示范,将关键信息填入表格 T: Can you tell me your travel plan? 引导学生根据黑板的提示句进行表达 T: Please talk about tour tr

21、avel plan with your partner. Group show Step5. Sum-up. 1 T: Today, we learned what a travel plan, how to make a travel plan, I think plan is very useful in No, they are going by subway. No, they are going by car. 2 人一组分角色进行对话练习。 Show the dialogue Step 4. Make a travel plan . 4 学生欣赏 S:Yes. S:I want t

22、o go to 依照范例,制作自己的旅行计划 S:I will to go to /I will go with / We are going there by/We will 2 人一组互相介绍自己的旅行计划 7 our life, please try to make more plans. Homework: try to write down your travel plan on the paper. 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 本节课在教学中,主要体现以下几点: 1.围绕主题开展教学。本单元的学习内容都是围绕“旅行计划”开展的,本节课的侧 重点

23、在谈论旅行时乘坐的交通工具,在学习中这一主题贯穿始终,通过玲玲、宝宝等不 同人物的旅行计划进行知识的学习。 2.创设情景帮助学习。老师利用教材提供的情景,进行了合理、恰当的创编,帮助学 生更好的学习。如在学习词汇句型部分,创设了宝宝的叔叔和阿姨要来北京,大家帮他 们做个旅行计划的情景,与听力检测巧妙地结合起来,并充分利用听力内容进行对话交 流,引导学生在情境中学习语言、操练语言。 3.真实交流引发思考。在学习词汇、句型部分中让学生说一说宝宝可以带叔叔和阿姨 参观哪些景点、他们都可以怎样出行、如果你是宝宝怎么选择等,让学生在设身处地的 思考后进行语言的真实交流,让表达更有实际意义。 4补充资源丰富学习。在学习成都、北京景点的基础上给学生提供一些其他著名城市 的旅游资源,让学生的思维更开阔、表达更丰富。


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