Unit 5 Our new home-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:5023f).zip

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English name: School: Home: Hobbies: Hate insects: Alice Nan Yuan School A new home keeping pets 养宠物 Worm 毛毛虫 Q1. Wheres Su Yangs bag? Q2. Wherere Su Hais skirts? Q3. Wheres Su Yangs cap? in on under beside behind ? ? 1.2.3. 4.6.5. Wheres the mouse? Wheres the bird? Its in the bedroom. Wheres the bird? Its in the kitchen. Wheres the bird? Its in the living room. Wheres the bird? Its in the bathroom. Wheres the bird? Its behind the fridge. fruit big orange Where are my birds? Theyre under the table. FUN TIME Love your house! Love your family! 爱你的家,爱你的家人。爱你的家,爱你的家人。 How are you? 你怎么了?你怎么了? How is the bird? 小鸟怎么了?小鸟怎么了? A.Its ill. B.Its tired. C.Its thirsty. D.Its hungry. hurry Listen and choose How are you? 你怎么了?你怎么了? Im hungry. Who can help it? 谁帮了小鸟?谁帮了小鸟? How do they help it? 他们怎么帮小鸟的呢? What does Sam give? Sam 给了什么? What does Bobby give? Bobby 给了什么? Read the story, try to remember what they say. 认真读故事,试着记一记Bobby和Sam说的话。 How are you? Would you like an orange? What about a hot dog? No! What would you like? Id like that. Here you are. Can you dub for the whole story? 你们能为这个故事配音吗? (小组合作,比比谁模仿得最像。) 三人一组,分角色表演三人一组,分角色表演 模仿录音中的语音、语调。模仿录音中的语音、语调。 表演时要注意动作、表情哦!表演时要注意动作、表情哦! 用恰当的语气表达故事中人物的情感。用恰当的语气表达故事中人物的情感。 1.读读Cartoon time对话对话 5遍。遍。 2. 熟读熟读 Story time,并试着背诵。并试着背诵。 3. 和家人或朋友谈一谈身边物品的位置和家人或朋友谈一谈身边物品的位置 ,试试写下来。(不会拼的单词,可以查,试试写下来。(不会拼的单词,可以查 字典)字典) Unit 5 Our new home (Period 2) 执教:姜堰区南苑学校执教:姜堰区南苑学校 陆素华陆素华 Tips: 仔细听,模仿录音中的语音、语调。仔细听,模仿录音中的语音、语调。 用心体会录音中人物的情感。用心体会录音中人物的情感。 记住要大声哦!记住要大声哦! 1 Unit 5 Our new home (第二课时)(第二课时) Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容 Fun time Cartoon Time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标 1. 能熟练运用句型 Wheres ? Wherere ?进行对话。 2. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型谈论家里事物的位置。 3. 能理解 Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。 4. 能初步把自己表达的内容在老师的帮助下写下来。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 教学重点:1. 能熟练运用句型 Wheres ? Wherere ?进行对话。 2.能理解 Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。 3. bathroom, fridge, hungry, table 等单词的教学。 教学难点:1.能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型谈论家里事物的位置并能写下来。 2.bathroom, fridge, hungry, table 等单词的读音。 Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warm up T: Hello, boys and girls.Goog morning,everyone. S: Hello. Goog morning. T: Today Im your new teacher.Do you want to know anything about me?Ok, let me introduce myself. My English name is Alice.Im from NYS.I have a new house with some rooms .I have four bedrooms,two bathrooms,a living room,a study and so on.I likereading books and keeping pets. Look,the bird is one of my pets.I dont like the worms. 引出 bird ,教学 worm Step2 Revision time T: I have a new home . Su Hai and SuYang have a new home,too. But they cant find their things .Who can tell me where they are ? I have many nice pictures as presents.If youre right, you can choose one of them,then stick it on the blackbord. There are two groups, boys and girls.At last we count together .Which group is better ? 2 (PPT 显示复习 A 部分的三个问句) T: Good.You all have a good memory. Step 3 Fun time 1. Review the words T: Wheres my bird? S:Its in the bedroomkitchenliving roombathroom. T: Boys and girls, do you like games? S: Yes. 2. Play the game T: Great! Then lets play a game together now. This is a guessing game. Look, here are four pictures. Look (引导学生看图说一说四幅图) Ss: The ball is in the living room, on the sofa, under the table and behind the door. T: Yes. One of you comes to the front and guesses where the ball is. You can guess like this. (板书游戏可用的句型) Who wants to try? (一位学生到讲台前背对屏幕, 教师选定一幅图后,由全班问, 这位学生来猜) Ss: Where is the ball? S1: Is it in/on/under/behind the ? Ss: Yes./No. T: Good. And now lets change this game a little bit. Look, wheres my table? (教师拿出桌子 图片) S: Its in/on/under/behind the . T: Do you want to have a nice home?You can design your home include your bedroomkitchen and so on.Look at this room.I can put a sofa here.The living room looks very nice. Can you do like this?Open your books, draw or stick the picture you like.(学生创作) T: Are you ready? S: Yes.first look at my room.Wheres my T-shirt? S:Its on the bed. T: please ask and answer in pairs like this . (学生在小组内玩此游戏) 3. T: Who would like to share your opus? Remember to say(再次提示黑板板书) (学生在小组内玩此游戏) T:Well done! We should put our things reasonably,make our home look tidy and nice. Step 4 Cartoon time 1. Watch the cartoon T: Boys and girls, do you like this game? S: Yes. 3 T: Well, we have nice homes. The bird has a green home, too. (PPT 显示)A tree is the birds home.Look! How is the bird? Can you guess? S:Its tiredill T:I dont know.Lets ask together.How are you, bird? 视频音 Im hungry.(出现食物图片) 教学 hungry T:The bird is hungry.Who can help it ? Lets watch the cartoon. (播放动画) S: They are Bobby and Sam. 2. Read and say T: How do they help it?What do they give? What does Sam give? What does Bobby give? S:An orange and a hot dog. T: Now please open your books and read this story. Its on your book, Page When you are reading, try to remember what they say. (阅读 cartoon time 部分,记一记每一幅图中的对话) T: Would the bird like these? S: No. T:What would the bird like? S: worm T: Now close your books. (PPT 逐图显示) Who can be Sam/Bobby/bird? (指导学生有气无力、关切、感激的语气) T: Now read the story in pairs. (注意语气哦!) 3. Do the dubbing T: Now can you dub for the whole story together? 你们能为这个故事配音吗? S: Yes. (动画角色扮演 Sam 配音) 4. Act the dialogue T: In our home,when your parents feel uncomfortable.How do you do? Can you imagine your words and act it out? (PPT 显示连环画,学生为连环画配话并汇报) T: The worm is in the tree. Bobby and Sam must climb the tree and get back it. What about them? S:Theyre helpful. T:What would you like to say to them? 4 S: Youre helpful.We must learn from you. Step 5 Task 1. Write about the things in the classroom T: Now its time to write about the things in the classroom. Here I have three examples. Try to finish them now. T: Now its your turn to write. If you need any help, just put up your hands, and I will help you with the spelling. 在写句子时有拼写问题需要老师帮助的,请举手! (三个学生在黑板上写句子,并读出来展示) Homework 家庭作业家庭作业 1. 读 Cartoon time 对话 5 遍。 2. 和会说英语的家人或朋友谈一谈家里物品的位置,试试写下来。 (不会拼的单词查字典) Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备(含板书设计) 教学准备:图字卡,自制卡片等。 板书设计: Unit 5 Our new home
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