Unit 2 Let's make a fruit salad-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:e0f59).zip

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课后作业 1.Recite Cartoon time after class. 2.Search the Internet to find more words about fruit. 3.Do some exercise. 一、中英文互译 1. 一个苹果 2. 两根香蕉 3. 这个葡萄 4. 那个熊猫 5. 我的胖马 6. 那些老虎 7. 一些可爱的猫 8. 我们的芒果 9. 喜欢熊猫 10. 三个玩具猴子 11. I dont like dogs. 12. I have an orange here. 二、选择正确的序号填入括号中 ( )1. Look at this cat. _ cute. A. Its B. Theyre C. They ( )2.I like dogs. _ cute. A. Its B. Theyre C. They ( )3.Do you like cows? _ A. No, I do. B. Yes, I dont. C. Yes, I do. ( )4. Would you like a book? A. Thank you B. I like books. C. No, thanks. ( )5. that? _ ball. A. What; Its B. Whats; is C. What is; Its ( )6. What these ? _ pineapples. A. is ; Theyre B. are; Theyre C. are; Its ( )7. I have _ orange rubber. A. a B. an C. is ( )8. I _ like lions. A. am B. do C. dont ( )9. -Here you are. - _ A. Thank you. B. Yes, please. C. No, thanks. ( )10. Do you have _ _ mangoes? A. a B. any C. some 三、根据短文内容,选出正确答案。 Hello, my name is Henry. Im ten. I have a cat. Her name is Mimi. She is five years old. Shes a nice black cat. She likes milk. But I dont. I like orange juice. I like to play with her. She is lovely. And she likes to play with my ball. My mum likes her very much. Now I cant see her. Where is Mimi? Oh, she is in the tall tree. ( ) 1. Henry is years old. A. four B. five C. ten ( ) 2. Mimi is a nice cat. A. white B. black C. yellow ( ) 3. Henry likes . A. milk B. orange juice C. ball ( ) 4. Henrys mother the cat. A. likes B. doesnt like C. can see ( ) 5. Wheres Mimi now? A. Its on the ball. B. Its in the tree. C. Its behind the tree. 4a unit2 period2 教案 教学目标 1. 能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写单词 banana、grape、mango、pineapple;复习水果类单词 orange, pear, apple。 2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型 Do you have? 并且会用 Yes, I do. 和 No,I dont 来回答。 3. 能初步会用 How many?询问可数名词的数 量。 4. 能明白 Cartoon time 的幽默之处。 5. 复习数字 1-12。 学情分析 我所教学的对象是小学四年级的学生,根据儿童 的心理和生理的特征,他们正处于活泼好动的最佳学 习英语时期。因此,在教学中,我以学生为主体,为了 给孩子创设一个真实的语言情景,贴近学生的日常生 活和实际,在教学中设计了孩子喜欢的活动等等,从而 培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力,让学生体会到学 习英语的乐趣。 重点难点 1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写单词 a banana、 grape、mango、 pineapple;复习水果类单 词 orange、pear、 apple。 2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型 Do you have?并且会用 Yes, I do.和 No,I dont 来 回答。 3.能初步会用 How many?询问可数名词的数量。 4 教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1 教学活动 活动 1【导入】Greetingsandwarmingup 1. Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? S: Im fine/well/good/Not so good 2. Warming up Question box 教师出示一个盒子-Question box,盒子里装了过 去所学的问题,让学生在盒子一抽出一张纸回答问题。 例如:Whats this? What colour is it? I have a pencil. Do you have a pencil? Do you like tigers? I like apples. What do you like? 活动 2ReviewStorytimeandwords 1. Review story time (1)Try to recite T: Can you recite the story? Lets have a try. (2)Act it out 2. Review the words (1)Brainstorming T:What fruit do you know? (2)Read and say 活动 3Cartoontime T:Now,lets have a rest.Lets watch a cartoon. 1.Try to guess What are they doing now? 2. Watch and choose (1)Today, Sam is a_ . A. doctor B. cook C.magician D. teacher (2)Sams stage properties are_ . A.mangoes B. pineapples C.apples D. Bananas 3. Read and find Why does Bobby laugh at Sam? 4. Read after the tape 逐图跟读,注意语音语调。让学生可以加上自己的表 情和动作。 5.Make an ending What does Sam say? 6.Act it out 活动 4Funtime (1)Drawing time 教师出示 Fun time 的光盘内容-Draw pictures 出示教师所画的图片,做示范,让学生快速简笔画 (2)Speaking time 对话练习 A:Do you have a book? B: Yes, I do. Do you have any pineapples? A: No, I dont.Do you have any bananas? B: Yes, I do. (3)Showing time A: I have(I dont have) B: I have(I dont have) 【作业】Homework 1.Recite Cartoon time after class. 2.Do a survey about fruit in class. 3.Search the Internet to find more words about fruit. Unit2Lets make a fruit salad (Period 2) Revision time Words time Fun time Cartoon time Lets review Lets review What fruit do they have? I have_. I have _. I have_. I have_. a pineapple a mango and an orange some grapes two apples Revision time Words time Fun time Cartoon time Lets share What fruit do you know? 小组内说一说你课后学到水果类单词小组内说一说你课后学到水果类单词 。 Fruit Read and say banana grape mango pineapple orangeapple pear Rules(游戏规则游戏规则): Say the words when you see the words. 看到单词,大声喊出单词。看到单词,大声喊出单词。 Clap your hands when you see corpse . 看到看到 ,拍手。,拍手。 Quick respond mango grape banana apple orange pineapple pear Ask and answer A: Do you have.? B: Yes, I do./No, I dont. Revision time Words time Fun time Cartoon time Fun time 1.Draw 6 boxes in the paper (画六个格子)(画六个格子) 2.Draw some pictures in the boxes. Fun time (在格子内画些画)(在格子内画些画) 3. Exchange in pairs. Fun time A: Do you have . ? B: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Do you have .? (同桌交流)(同桌交流) Step 1. 调查同桌的信息并记录调查同桌的信息并记录 A: Do you have . ? B: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Do you have? Step 2. 调查有关其他组员的信息并记录调查有关其他组员的信息并记录 A: Do you have . ? B: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Do you have.? Step 3. 组长汇报调查结果组长汇报调查结果 Hello, Im . I have This is He/She has. Revision time Words time Fun time Cartoon time Cartoon time They are good friends. 1.Lets guess They are a mouse and a cat. Who are they? Cartoon time 1.Lets guess What are they doing now? Guess! magician 魔术师魔术师 do magic 变魔术变魔术 Cartoon time 2. Watch and choose Sams stage properties(道具)(道具) are _ . A. mangoes B. pineapples C. apples D. bananas Cartoon time Cartoon time 2. Watch and choose Sams stage properties(道具) are _ . A. mangoes B. pineapples C. apples D. bananas A Cartoon time 3. Read and find Read the story, find out Bobbys comment. 自读故事自读故事,找出找出Bobby对于对于Sam魔术的评价。魔术的评价。 酷酷精彩的,绝妙的精彩的,绝妙的 Cartoon time 3. Read and find 再读故事,说说再读故事,说说Bobby为什么嘲笑为什么嘲笑Sam。 Why does Bobby laugh at Sam? failed 失败了失败了 多少多少 Cartoon time Guess what will Sam say.猜猜Sam会怎么回答。 ? 4. Lets read Cartoon time Cartoon time Cartoon time Cartoon time Act the story, try to give different endings. 演故事,试试给出不同的回答和结尾。演故事,试试给出不同的回答和结尾。 Cartoon time 5. Show time Revision time Words time Fun time Cartoon time Ticking time 1.I can name some fruit. 我能说出一些水果我能说出一些水果 2.I can understand the cartoon and act it out.我能理解动画并会表演。我能理解动画并会表演。 3.I can use “Do you have.?to ask questions.我能使用我能使用“Do you have.?来问问来问问 题。题。 Homework I.Read Cartoon time in the fun way after class. 趣味读课文。 2.Search the Internet to find more words about fruit. 上网寻找更多关于水果的英文单词。
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