Unit 7 How much -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:d20ed).zip

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      • Storytime课文动画.swf
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      • twenty.mp3
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      • 小囧熊-You Are My Sunshine.mp3
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Unit7 How much? (Story time)Unit7 How much? (Story time) The clothes shopThe clothes shop Unit7 How much? (Story time)Unit7 How much? (Story time) 小朋友们,老师为你们准备了许多小朋友们,老师为你们准备了许多 代金券,这节课上如果你能积极代金券,这节课上如果你能积极回答问回答问 题题,你就可以获得,你就可以获得代金券代金券,有了代金券,有了代金券 你就能你就能购物购物了了! ! 代金券越多,购得的物代金券越多,购得的物 品就越多哦!加油!品就越多哦!加油! Come on !Come on ! A:How much is it ? B: Its . Look and guess 它是多少钱钱? 10 yuan A:How much ? B: _ Look and say _ They are 它们们多少钱钱? thirty yuanthirty yuan. . are they Game:Game:不同面值的代金券代表不同难度的任务不同面值的代金券代表不同难度的任务 ,如果完成任务,你就可以获得代金券喽!,如果完成任务,你就可以获得代金券喽! 10元20元30元 40元50元100元 你能说出下面图片的名字么?你能说出下面图片的名字么? 现价: 1.How much is it? They are twentytwenty five five yuan. 25 How much are they 原价:40 Ask and answer Its twenty yuan.Its twenty yuan. 2. _ _ ? Can you say? Lucky guy! 幸运奖幸运奖 a.What will you say when you buy things? 当你买东西的时候通常会说些什么 呢? b.What will you say when you sell things? 当你卖东西的时候通常会说些什么 呢? You can do it! 试着扮演售货员和顾客买东西。 W: What would you like? C: Id like a/an /some , please. W: Anything else? C: ., please./ No, thanks. How much is it/ are they? W: Its/ Theyre. yuan. . Useful sentences: KFC Look and find(看图片,找一找 ?) 哪些人来买东西 Tip:义卖是指义务将 自己的东西卖出去, 用得来的钱做慈善或 公益事业,无偿捐献 给需要帮助的人或地 区。 B 2. What would like?_ 3. What would like?_ 1. What would like?_ A D Watch and chooseWatch and choose C BA D Watch and chooseWatch and choose 2. What would like?_ 3. What would like?_ 1. What would like?_ shoeshoes s C fanfan ¥ 4 ¥ 5 ¥ 19 Listen and match How much How much are theyare they? ? How much How much is itis it? ? 他们他们多少钱多少钱? TheyreTheyreyuan.yuan. 它它多少钱多少钱? ItsItsyuan.yuan. 听听课文录音,找一找每样物品的价格课文录音,找一找每样物品的价格, ,并将他们并将他们连线连线。 ¥28 They are twentyThey are twenty- -eight yuan.eight yuan. 1 2 3 Good morning! Can I help you ? Yes, Id like these shoes. How much are they? Five yuan, please Listen and repeat. 听录音,模仿跟读课文 Listen and repeat. 听录音,模仿跟读课文 Listen and repeat. 听录音,模仿跟读课文 Theyre four yuan. Ok. Here you are. Listen and repeat. 听录音,模仿跟读课文 Hi. This umbrella is cool. How much is it ? Hi,Mike. Its only nineteen yuan. 仅仅;只要 Listen and repeat. 听录音,模仿跟读课文 Well done. We have twenty-eight yuan, Miss Li. Role play. Role play. 1、角色表演 2、一人多角扮演 3、请教师协助参演 表演时注意语音语调。 Act in group 让我们演一演对话吧! Helping others is happyHelping others is happy! 帮助别人就是快乐的! How to prepare a charity sale? (开展义卖要做哪些准备呢?) Prepare sPrepare some nice things.ome nice things. 一些好看的物一些好看的物 品。品。 How to buyHow to buy or sell things?or sell things?怎样买卖怎样买卖? ? How to sell:How to sell: 怎样卖怎样卖 How to buy :How to buy : (怎样买)(怎样买) shoeshoes s socksocks s anan umbrellaumbrella What would you What would you like?like? Good morning.Good morning. Can I help you?Can I help you? OK.OK. Here you are.Here you are. Id like Id like . . These These are very nice. are very nice. This This is cool. is cool. How much How much are theyare they? ? How much How much is itis it? ? Goodbye!Goodbye! Thank you!Thank you! 四上四上 Unit 7 How much? 教学设计教学设计 教学内容:教学内容:Unit 7 How much (Story time) 教学目标:教学目标: (1)知识目标: 1. 学生能听懂,会说,会读词汇:an umbrella, shoe, sock,nineteen, twenty-eight yuan. 2. 学生能听懂、会说、会读句子 How much are they 及其答句 Theyre yuan. How much is it?及其答句 Itsyuan. 3. 学生能够使用 This is 或 These are 来赞美物品。 4. 学生能听懂、会说、会读购物类交际用语 Can I help you? Yes, I d like 以及 Well done. (二)能力目标: 1. 学生能阅读并理解故事。 2. 学生能有感情地朗读故事,初步了解购物话题的交谈形式。 4. 通过学习,学生进一步掌握名词的单、复数差别,并能正确使用。 (三)情感目标: 通过学习义卖筹款活动的故事激发和培养学生的社会责任感, 倡导互助互爱的精神及无私奉献的爱心。 教学重点教学重点: 1. 学生能掌握以下词汇的拼读:shoe, sock, umbrella 2. 学生能够阅读并理解故事,并能在老师的指导下有感情地朗读故 事。 3. 学生能够掌握购物话题的简单交流方式,会使用句型 How much is it / are they? Its / Theyre yuan.来询问物品的价格。 教学难点:教学难点: 1.句型:How much is it / are they? 及其答句 Its / Theyre yuan. 的理解。 2.在模拟场景中,相关购物用语的初步运用。 教学准备教学准备: PPT,袜子、鞋子、伞等图片。 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 Warming up Sing a song 师唱歌导入 T:Look at this clothes shop.It sells a lot of things.They are caps,jackets,skirts and T-shirts. Do you want to buy them?Do you have any money?Oh,what a pity! Ss:. T:In this class,I prepare a lot of vouchers for you.You can get the vouchers by finishing the tasks.Come on! Step 2 Lead in 1.Look and guess T:Whats this? Ss: Its . T:Look at this delicious hamburger.How much is it? (引出课题“How much?”,引导孩子们猜测汉堡的价格,并进行回答) Ss: Its . 2.Look and say T:What are they? Ss: Theyre . T:Look at these hamburgers.We want to buy them. We can ask :”How much are they?” Ss: They are. (引出 thirty,在板书部分出示这个单词,并进行教学) 3.Game:Win the vouchers by finishing the tasks. (1)Name them. (2)Ask and answer. (3)Can you say? (4)Lucy guy! (5)Do you know how to buy or sell things? (6)You can do it! Step 3 Presentation 1.Look and find T:Who comes to buy things? 2.Watch and choose. (1)What would Liu Tao like? (2)What would Yang Ling like? (3)What would Mike like? 3.Read and match. 4.Game:Shoot the planes. 5.Think and say. Step 4 Consolidation Act in groups. Step 5 Promotion How to prepare a charity sale and show our love? Step 6 Homework 1.Think about that what else can we do to help others? 2.Draw something which you want to sell and write their price on it. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 7 How much? shoes five yuan socks four yuan umbrella nineteen yuan Can I help you? Id like twenty-eight yuan After school Period 1 Story time Period 1 Story time after school afternoon 放学后 Enjoy a songEnjoy a song There are There are sevenseven days in the song . days in the song . Sunday Sunday 星期日 星期日 Monday Monday 星期一 星期一 TuesdayTuesday星期二 星期二 WednesdayWednesday星期三 星期三 ThursdayThursday星期四 星期四 Friday Friday 星期五 星期五 SaturdaySaturday星期六 星期六 What day is it today? 今天 Its Learning tips: 英文单词一周的每一天都有一个 名字, Sunday代表太阳神,西方 将太阳神放在最遵从的地位,所以 Sunday是每周的第一天。 Magic eyes Magic eyes What day is it today? Its Tuesday Tuesday Friday Friday SundaySunday Thursday Thursday Saturday Saturday MondayMonday WednesdayWednesday Wednesday EnglishMaths Art At school After schoolswimming lesson He hasat school / after school. Learning tips: 当主语是第三人称单数形式(he .she. it 或某个具体名字)时, have 要变成has. swim-swimming have a swimming lesson have a swimming lesson 上一堂游泳课上一堂游泳课 Wednesday PEChinese At school After schoolSwimming lesson Music She hasat school / after school. Whos this boy ?Whos this boy ? Story time Story time What does LiuTao want to do after school? What does LiuTao want to do after school? A. Have a swimming lesson. B. Have a football match. C. Play table tennis Watch and choose C. Play table tennis Story time Q1:What day is it tQ1:What day is it to oday ?day ? Q3. They can play table tennis on Q3. They can play table tennis on . . Listen and answer Its Wednesday .Its Wednesday . SaturdaySaturday Q2:Can Liu Tao play table tennisQ2:Can Liu Tao play table tennis with his friends t with his friends to oday ? day ? No, he cant.No, he cant. Story time Su Yang Su Yang Su Su HaiHai Mike Mike h ha as a swimming lesson.s a swimming lesson. h ha as a swimming lesson.s a swimming lesson. h ha as a football match. s a football match. Read and MatchRead and Match Story time have a football match have a football match 有一场足球比赛有一场足球比赛/ /举行一场足球比赛举行一场足球比赛 a basketball match a basketball match have a basketball match have a basketball match mma atch tch 比赛比赛 a football match a football match 一场足球比赛一场足球比赛 Story time Task 2 :Read and Match Task 2 :Read and Match 自读课文,完成匹配自读课文,完成匹配 Su Yang Su Yang Su Su HaiHai Mike Mike h ha as a swimming lesson.s a swimming lesson. h ha as a swimming lesson.s a swimming lesson. h ha as a football match.s a football match. Story time What day is it today ?What day is it today ? Its Wednesday .Its Wednesday . Sorry, I have a football Sorry, I have a football match today.match today. Story time Sorry, I have a Sorry, I have a swimming lesson.swimming lesson. Story time What a pity !What a pity ! She has a swimming lesson She has a swimming lesson too.too. What a pity !What a pity !真遗憾!真遗憾! Story time All right .All right . Story time Read in roles. (分角色读) Read by yourselves. (自读) Read together. (齐读) Story time Fill in the blanksFill in the blanks Its Its today. Liu Tao would like today. Liu Tao would like to (to (想要想要) ) . . But Mike But Mike a football a football . . Su Su HaiHai and Su Yang have a and Su Yang have a . . They dont have They dont have lessons on lessons on . . So(So(所以所以)they will)they will(将)(将) go and play table tennis on go and play table tennis on . . Wednesday playtabletennis hasmatch swimming lesson anySaturday Saturday Summary Summary 1.1.当你想问今天星期几,可以说:当你想问今天星期几,可以说: 2.2.当你拒绝他人的邀请,说自己有游泳课怎么说:当你拒绝他人的邀请,说自己有游泳课怎么说: 3.3.当你想说麦克今天有音乐课,怎么说:当你想说麦克今天有音乐课,怎么说: What day is it today ?What day is it today ? Sorry. I Sorry. I havehave a swimming lesson . a swimming lesson . Mike Mike hashas a Music lesson today . a Music lesson today . Homework 1.1. Listen and read the story time five Listen and read the story time five times.times. 2. Copy the new 2. Copy the new newnew words three times . words three times . 3. Try to recite the story time. 3. Try to recite the story time. A.A.A. ReadReadRead andandand MatchMatchMatch Mike has a swimming lesson Su Hai has a football match Su Yang has a swimming lesson B. Fill in the blanks Its today. Liu Tao would like to (想要) . But Mike a football . Su Hai and Su Yang have a . They dont have lessons on . So(所以)they will(将) go and play table tennis on .
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