Unit 6 At the snack bar-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:602ff).zip

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Unit 6 At the snack bar About Miss Yang 1. How old am I? About Miss Yang 2. What do I like to eat? sandwich hamburger About Miss Yang 3.What do I like to drink? coffee milk About Miss Yang 4. What do I have for you ? A bag. A box. About Miss Yang Whats in my bag? Good memory (记忆大考验) snack bar snack bar Menu Menu Work in four. One is the waier and the others are the customers. 四人小组,一个人当服务员,其他 三人当顾客。 Please remember When we are ordering food , dont order too much, if we cant eat them all, its a waste. 适量点餐,不要浪费。 What would you like? What would you like? Id like a pie. Id like some rice. Theyre all very nice. What would you like? What would you like? What would you like? Id like a pie. Id like some rice. Theyre all very nice. A: B: A: B: AB: 同桌之间练习说 What would you like? What would you like? What would you like? Id like a/an_. Id like some _. Theyre all very nice. 你能编自己的小诗吗? 同桌之间试一试吧。 Rhyme time Bobby and Sam are going to the snack bar too, why?(为什么?) What would they like? Try to answer What would they like? some fish an egg Try to answer Try to find 1.How does serve food? 2.How do order food? 他们是怎样点餐的? 他是怎样服务的? 读课文,划出关键句 Read and underline the answer. Try to read 1.How does serve food? 他是怎样服务的? Can I help you ? 我能帮你吗? What would you like? 你能用大猩猩的语气读出来吗? Try to read 2.How do order food? 他们是怎样点餐的? Yes,Id like some fish, please. Id like an egg, please. afraid(害怕的) Why are they so afraid? (他们为什么如此害怕呢?) happy(开心的) Try to think Why are they so afraid? (他们为什么如此害怕呢?) What a big egg! . . . Sam 会说什么呢 ?同桌互相讨论 一下。 Try to imagine How big ! Oh, my God! Im hungry. Me too. Heres a snack bar. Id like some fish. Id like an egg. Can I help you? Yes. Id like some fish, please. Id like an egg, please. What a big egg! 注意模仿他们的语音与 语调,把Sam和Bobby的 情感变化体现出来哦。 Try to imitate Im hungry. Me too. Heres a snack bar. Id like some fish. Id like an egg. Can I help you? Yes. Id like some fish, please. Id like an egg, please. What a big egg! * (三人一组,表演,注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!) Try to read * (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!) Try to act Nice Food Wonderful World Everyone likes food. Different countries have different food. ChinaChina rice Japan sushi Korea kimchi The USA hamburgers The UK sandwiches Italy Pizza dumplings rice dumplings moon cakes noodles chocolate eggs turkeys pumpkin pie Festival, Enjoy Food! Make a menu about a snack bar. Write them in English. 用英文制作一份快餐店的菜单。 1 Unit6 At the snack bar 教学内容: Fun time& Cartoon time& Rhyme time 教学目标: 1.能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇和交际用语:fish, big, Can I help you? 2.能够整体理解卡通部分,并在老师指导下能够流利地朗读并简单表演卡通对 话,体会卡通故事的乐趣。 3.进一步掌握句型 What would you like? Anything else?及其应答 Id like.,please. 4.运用所学句型及单词,征询意见,学会点餐,表达自己的需要。 教学重点: 1.能够整体理解卡通部分,并在老师指导下流利地朗读并简单表演卡通对话,体会 卡通故事的乐趣。 2.进一步掌握句型 What would you like? Anything else?及其应答 Id like.,please. 3. 运用所学句型及单词,征询意见,学会点餐,表达自己的需要。 教学难点: 1.进一步掌握句型 What would you like? Anything else?及其应答 Id like.,please. 2.运用所学句型及单词,征询意见,学会点餐,表达自己的需要。 教学准备: 课件,食物,饮料,卡片 教学过程: Step one:Warm up and revision 1. Play a guessing game T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Yang. T: Are you happy today? 2 S: Yes. T: Im happy too. Lets play a guessing game. About me. OK? No.1: How old am I? 30 No.2: What do I like to eat? Hamburger No.3: What do I like to drink? Coffee No.4: What do I have for you? Bag (猜对了和学生击掌) T: Whats in my bag? Lets have a look. S: coffee, milk, juice, hot dog, sandwich, some sweets and an egg. Drill: an egg T: What would you like?What about you? Anything else? S: Id like. T: Here you are. S: Thank you. 2. Review the story T: What would Mike, Helen and their father like? Do you remember? What does the waiter say? (fill in the blanks) T: Lets dub the story. Boys act Dad, girls act Helen. OK? Step two: Presentation and practice 1. Fun time T: Mike, Helen and their dad are at the snack bar. Do you want to go to the snack bar too? S: Yes. T: Ok, Lets go. T: Look, this is the Menu, lets open it. Wow, there are so many nice food and drinks. (一起读菜单并贴于黑板) T: Look, the waitress is coming. Listen. Waitress: What would you like? S1: Id like Waitress: anything else? 3 S1: Yes. Id like/ No, thank you. Waitress: Ok, here you are. S1: Thank you. T:(带上帽子)Now, Im the waitress. Who want to be the customers? I need three students.(喊三个同学上来操练句型,并拿黑板上的物品给他们, 然后再贴于黑板。 ) T: Very good, now, work in four. One is the waiter .The others are the customers. T: You can use the sentences. (齐读板书上的句型) T: OK, now, which group can come here? T: Please remember, when we are ordering food, dont order too much, if we cant eat them all, its a waste. Clear your plate, start from me! OK. T: Do you like these food and drinks? S: Yes. T: I like them too. Theyre all very nice. 2. Rhyme time T: Lets read after TV. T: Lets read together. T: Now, I read A, you read B, Ok? Good, Boys read A and girls read B. T: Read in pairs. T: Do you like the rhyme? Lets change the rhyme. You can use these food and drinks. (读课件上的图片) T: Who want to make a new rhyme with me? (和同学示范) T: Now, change the rhyme in pairs. 3. Cartoon time T: Look, who are they? S: They are Sam and Bobby. T: They are going to the snack bar too. Why? S: Because they are hungry. (引导学生说) 4 (1)Try to answer T: Lets watch and answer “What would Sam and Bobby like?” S: Sam would like some fish. Bobby would like an egg. (2) Try to find T: How do they order? How does the waiter serve? Now, open your books,read and underline. The waiter: Can I help you? (跟读录音) T: Look at his face, Can I Who can read? Have a try T: He can also say: What would you like? (模仿大猩猩说) Sam: Yes. Id like some fish, please. (跟读录音) T: Who can read? Have a try Bobby: Id like an egg, please. (跟读录音) T: Who can read? Have a try (3) Try to think T: At the beginning, they are very happy. But now, they are so afraid? Why? Why are they so afraid? S: T: May be the waiter is too horrible. May be the egg is too big or May be the fish is too scary. (4)Try to image T: When Bobby sees the egg, what does he say? S: What a big egg.(跟读模仿) T: What does Sam say? Discuss in pairs. T: Sam may say: What a big fish! How big! Oh, no. Oh, my God! (5)Try to imitate T: Now, open your books, lets read and imitate. Please pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation (6)Try to dub T: Lets dub the story. Boys act Sam and girls act Bobby. 5 (7)Try to act T: Now, read the story in three. And then act it out. If you can read the story correctly. You can get one star. If you can read the story beautifully, you can get two stars. If you act the story vividly, you can get three stars. Understand? Now, go. T: Ok, good, I think you can get one star. Here you are. T: Great, you have a good pronunciation. I think you can get two stars. Here you are. T: Wonderful. Your performance is very vivid. I think you can get three stars. Here you are. Step three: Consolidation T: You all did a good job. Nice food, wonderful world. Everyone likes food. Different countries have different food. For example, china is famous for rice, Japan is famous for sushi, Korea is famous for kimchi, the USA is famous for hamburgers, the UK for sandwiches, and Italy for pizza, people eat different food at different festivals too, in china, we eat dumplings at Chinese new year, we eat rice dumplings at dragon boat festival, we eat moon cakes at mid-autumn festival, we also eat noodles on our birthday, in the USA, people eat chocolate eggs at Easter, they eat turkeys at Christmas and Thanks giving day, they eat pumpkin pies at Halloween, and children can enjoy lots of sweets on that day too. Food makes us happy and makes our life better. So, enjoy festival, enjoy food. OK? Step three: Homework Make a menu about a snack bar. Write them in English. Unit 6 At the snack bar About Miss Yang 1. How old am I? About Miss Yang 2. What do I like to eat? sandwich hamburger About Miss Yang 3.What do I like to drink? coffee milk About Miss Yang 4. What do I have for you ? A bag. A box. About Miss Yang Whats in my bag? Good memory (记忆大考验) snack bar snack bar Menu Menu Work in four. One is the waier and the others are the customers. 四人小组,一个人当服务员,其他 三人当顾客。 Please remember When we are ordering food , dont order too much, if we cant eat them all, its a waste. 适量点餐,不要浪费。 What would you like? What would you like? Id like a pie. Id like some rice. Theyre all very nice. What would you like? What would you like? What would you like? Id like a pie. Id like some rice. Theyre all very nice. A: B: A: B: AB : 同桌之间练习说 What would you like? What would you like? What would you like? Id like a/an_. Id like some _. Theyre all very nice. 你能编自己的小诗吗? 同桌之间试一试吧。 Rhyme time Bobby and Sam are going to the snack bar too, why?(为什么?) What would they like? Try to answer What would they like? some fish an egg Try to answer Try to find 1.How does serve food? 2.How do order food? 他们是怎样点餐的? 他是怎样服务的? 读课文,划出关键句 Read and underline the answer. Try to read 1.How does serve food? 他是怎样服务的? Can I help you ? 我能帮你吗? What would you like? 你能用大猩猩的语气读出来吗? Try to read 2.How do order food? 他们是怎样点餐的? Yes,Id like some fish, please. Id like an egg, please. afraid(害怕的) Why are they so afraid? (他们为什么如此害怕呢?) happy(开心的) Try to think Why are they so afraid? (他们为什么如此害怕呢?) What a big egg! . . . Sam 会说什么呢 ?同桌互相讨论 一下。 Try to imagine How big ! Oh, my God! Im hungry. Me too. Heres a snack bar. Id like some fish. Id like an egg. Can I help you? Yes. Id like some fish, please. Id like an egg, please. What a big egg! 注意模仿他们的语音与 语调,把Sam和Bobby的 情感变化体现出来哦。 Try to imitate Im hungry. Me too. Heres a snack bar. Id like some fish. Id like an egg. Can I help you? Yes. Id like some fish, please. Id like an egg, please. What a big egg! * (三人一组,表演,注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!) Try to read * (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!) Try to act Nice Food Wonderful World Everyone likes food. Different countries have different food. ChinaChina rice Japan sushi Korea kimchi The USA hamburgers The UK sandwiches Italy Pizza dumplings rice dumplings moon cakes noodles chocolate eggs turkeys pumpkin pie Festival, Enjoy Food! Make a menu about a snack bar. Write them in English. 用英文制作一份快餐店的菜单。
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