Unit 3 How many -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:e1026).doc

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Unit 3 How many -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:e1026).doc_第1页
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Unit 3 How many -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:e1026).doc_第2页
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Unit 3 How many -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:e1026).doc_第3页
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Unit 3 How many -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:e1026).doc_第4页
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1、四 年级年级 英语学科教案学科教案 第3单元课题:How many?第2 课时总第个教案 【教学教学内容】内容】 Story time 【教学目标教学目标】 (一一)知识目标知识目标 1 通过查阅单词表、 查字典、 猜测词义等方式听懂、 会说、 会读单词: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sticker, can, sure。 2. 感知句型: How many . do you have? Can I . ?及其回答 Sure. /Yes. /OK. Do you have.? What do you have? 并能简单运用这些句型。 3. 能够理解对话,并且可以

2、流利地朗读对话,并能将对话内容大方的表 演出来。 (二二)能力目标能力目标 1. 能够用正确地语音语调去朗读对话,复述对话。 2. 能够结合对话中所学的语言,改编对话。 (三三)情感目标情感目标 1. 能够在阅读过程中慢慢培养乐于分享的良好品德。 【教学重点教学重点】 1. 在阅读的过程中,掌握六个新单词:thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sticker, can, sure。 2. 感知 How many . do you have? Can I . ? What do you have?句型, 并能 简单运用句型。 【教学教学难难点点】 1. 能够用正确地语音语调去

3、朗读对话,复述对话。 2. 通过有步骤地阅读掌握对话,并能运用所学语言改编对话。 【教学准备教学准备】 录音机,单词卡片等。录音机,单词卡片等。 【课前先学课前先学】 1. Learn the new words by yourselves. 查阅单词表和字典,写出以下单词的中文意思,并跟着磁带读一读: thirteen_fourteen _fifteen _sticker _ can _sure _very_ 2. Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions. 听录音,试着回答以下问题? Q1: What does Mike have

4、? How many? 麦克有什么呢?有多少呢? Q2: What does his sister Helen have? How many? 他的妹妹海伦有什么呢? 有多少呢? 二次备课 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1. Preparation 1. Sing a song: Do you like purple grapes? 2. Free talk 通过与学生对话复习前一课所学知识并引出新的课题。 (1) 师问生答 T: Do you like grapes? Do you have a book? Do you have a toy car? Do you like apples

5、? (2) 生问师答 T: OK, but Im sorry. I dont have apples. I have something else(有其他东西). Do you want to know? You can use “What do you have ?” to ask. 教授新句子 What do you have ? T: I have some sweets. (拿出糖) T: Boys and girls, guess how many sweets do I have? 讲 how many,引出课题 Unit3 How many? Step2. Presentatio

6、n & Practice Pre-reading 1. T: Look at my sweets. How many sweets do I have? One, two,three.twelve. (边拿边数,和学生一起数) 复习单词 1-12,尤其是 twelve。 T: I have 12 sweets here in my left hand, and one more in my right hand, so how many sweets do I have now? 学生可以用中文回答,此时新授单词 thirteen,以同样方法教 fifteen。 (告知 他们若表现好,糖果就是

7、奖励) 2. T: I have some sweets, but I dont have toy cars. Do you have any toy cars? While-reading 1. Watch the cartoon T: Mike also has many toy cars. He and his friends are talking about them. Listen, what are they talking about? 看动画,回答问题: Q: How many toy cars does Mike have? A.Thirteen B.FourteenC.

8、Fifteen Learning tips:three-thirteenfour fourteenfive -fifteen 让学生看这三组单词的共同点是什么,初步发现“十几”的规律。文化渗透文化渗透: 中西方数字的差异。中西方数字的差异。 之后跟读,纠正发音问题及语音语调。 2. T: Listen, what are the girls talking about? 听录音,以简单的提问检测学生理解情况: Q1: Does Helen have any toy cars?No, she doesnt. Q2: What does she have? 教授新词 sticker Q3: How

9、 many stickers does she have? 教授新词 fifteen A.Thirteen B.FourteenC. Fifteen Learning tips:three-thirteenfour fourteenfive fifteen 再次再次观察“十几”的规律,出示另几个单词,让学生试着读,猜意思。 sixteen seventeeneighteennineteen 除 13、 15、 18, 剩下的四个单词都有相同的规律, 让学生初步记忆这些单词。 3. Read and try to match 学生分成小组一起阅读对话,完成连线。成绩好的学生帮助后进生,培养学 生

10、的团结合作能力。并预防后进生在这个环节中懒得思考答案。 ImIhave fifteennicestickers thirteenbeautifultoy cars 完整的句子: Im Mike. I have thirteen nice toy cars. Im Helen. I have fifteen beautiful stickers. 4. T: Helen has fifteen stickers, Yang Ling likes them and wants to have a look, what does she say? 自读对话,学习句型 Can I have a loo

11、k? T: I have some stickers, too. Do you want to have a look? Ss: Yes. T: So what can you say? (教师提示 Can I have a look?) 5. T: Yang Ling wants to have a sticker, so what does she say to Helen? What does Helen say? 教学生 Can I have one? 还可以用 Sure 回答,并进行操练。 Step 3. Production 1. Read the story. 1) Read a

12、fter the tape. 2) Read in roles. 2. Try to retell the story. 根据图片及提示复述课文。 Step 4. Progress After-reading 1. Make a dialogue 如: A: Do you have.? B: Yes, I do. A: How many do you have? B: I have . A: Can I have one? B: Sure. A: Thanks./Thank you. 2. Summary 1)复习单词 数字类的单词(十几的数字表达规律) 2)复习句型 3)复习课文 【板书设计板书设计】 Unit 3 How many? What do you have?three-thirteenfour -fourteen How many do you have?five -fifteen I have Can I have a look? Can I have one?Yes./Sure. 【作业布置作业布置】 1. Read the story. 2. Try to tell this story to your friend. 3. Copy the new words three times and recite them. 【教后反思】【教后反思】


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