Unit 6 At the snack bar-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:a156c).zip

相关 举报
  • 全部
    • 素材
      • 动画
        • Cartoon time.swf
        • Checkout.swf
        • fun.swf
        • Rhyme time.swf
        • U2song time.swf
        • U6story.swf
      • 图片
        • coffee.jpg--点击预览
        • fish.jpg--点击预览
        • hamburge.jpg--点击预览
        • juice.jpg--点击预览
        • noodles.jpg--点击预览
        • rice.jpg--点击预览
        • sandwich.jpg--点击预览
        • tea.jpg--点击预览
        • 猩猩.jpg--点击预览
      • 课文录音
        • 新建文件夹
          • Can I help you.wav
          • Cart001.wav
          • Cart002.wav
          • Cart003.wav
          • Cart004.wav
          • Cart005.wav
          • Cart006.wav
          • Cart007.wav
          • Cart008.wav
          • Cartoon.wav
          • fish.wav
          • hungry.wav
          • temp_超级棒街舞音乐.MP3120_123591.wav
        • Can I help you.mp3
        • Cart001.mp3
        • Cart002.mp3
        • Cart003.mp3
        • Cart004.mp3
        • Cart005.mp3
        • Cart006.mp3
        • Cart007.mp3
        • Cart008.mp3
        • Cartoon.mp3
        • fish.mp3
        • hungry.mp3
        • temp_超级棒街舞音乐.MP3120_123591.mp3
      • p041.swf
    • 四上U6 Fun time.doc--点击预览
    • 四上U6 Fun time.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案a156c.doc--点击预览


Unit6 At the snack bar 班级班级_姓名姓名_ 一一 单词过关单词过关 1. 在(某处)_ 2.鱼_ 3.大的_ 4. 咖啡_ 5.茶_ 6.果汁_ 7.牛奶_ 8.汉堡_ 9.三明治_ 10.面条_ 11.米饭_ 12.茶杯_ 13.玻璃杯_ 14.爸爸_ 二词组互译二词组互译 1.一杯茶_ 2.a snack bar_ 3.一杯牛奶_ 4.Id like_ 5.一些米饭_ 6.some drinks_ 7.许多汉堡包_ 8.have a try_ 9.一些面条_ 10.very beautiful_ 11.两杯茶_ 12.三杯牛奶_ 三句子翻译三句子翻译 1.你想要什么?_ 2.我要一杯茶。_ 3.你会游泳吗?是的,我会。_ 4.还要点别的吗?不,谢谢。_ 5.那你呢?_ 四判断下列单词中划线字母发音是否相同(相同打四判断下列单词中划线字母发音是否相同(相同打,不同打,不同打) 1.six box ( ) 2.kite hot ( ) 3.father football( ) 4.look ruler( ) 5. hello have( ) Unit 6 At a snack bar 一、一、翻译词组。 1.吃一些米饭 2.many funny dogs 3.喝一杯牛奶 4.heres a big cake 5.有一个苹果派 6.What a beautiful bird! 7.喜欢热狗 8.Anything else? 9.一些鱼肉 10.Can I help you? 11. 在我们的卫生间里 12.some drinks 13.看我的书房 14.behind Mrs Fox 二、判断下列单词中划线字母发音是否相同(相同打,不同打) 1.six box ( ) 2.kite hot ( ) 3.father football( ) 4.nice can( ) 5.look ruler( ) 5. hello have( ) 7.sofa sure ( ) 8.ox taxi( ) 三、选择填空 ( )1. -How many can you seee? -I can see twelve. A. football B. a football C.footballs ( )2. - birds can you see in the tree? -About six. A.How much B. How many C. How old ( )3. your skirt? Its in the living room. A.Wheres B. Whats C.What colour ( )4. _ my ?Theyre in the kitchen. A.Wherere; cake B.Wheres; cake C. Wherere;cakes ( )5. -Its nine oclock in the evening, Its time for_ A. bed B. lunch C. breakfast ( )6. -Id like a hamburger. How about you? - _ A. I like cakes. B. A cake, please. C. Id like a cat. 四、根据中文提示完成句子。 1. 你想要什么?一碗面,一杯咖啡。 _ ? bowl and . 2. 那个妇女是谁?她是我的妈妈。 ? . 3. 我能帮你吗?请给我一些香蕉。 _ _? ,please. 4. 你有一些糖果吗?不,我没有。 ? . 5. 你有多少块三明治?18。 ? . Sing a song Say a rhyme Unit 6 At the snack bar (Period 3) (CartoonCartoon timetime / / CheckoutCheckout timetime / / TickingTicking timetime) I can read the story. I can act the story. 要求: 1. 我能说出一些食物和饮料的名称。 2. 我能朗读故事。 3. 我能表演故事。 I can name the food and drinks. Name the food and drinks (说出食物及饮料名称说出食物及饮料名称) I can name the food and drinks. I can name 1-4 food and drinks. 我能说出1-4种食物和饮料的名称,得一星一星。 I can name 5-8 food and drinks. 我能说出5-8种食物和饮料的名称,得两星两星。 I can name more than 8 food and drinks. 我能说出8种以上食物和饮料的名称,得三星三星。 Play a game If you see a word or a picture, read it out. 如果你看到了一个单词或图片,请把 它读出来。 If you see Bobby or Sam, please clap your hands. 如果你看到了鲍比或山姆,请拍手 。 Play a game rice hamburger sandwich a cup of coffee a cup of tea a glass of juice noodles a glass of milk snack bar LetsLets guessguess ( (猜猜他们想点些什么呢猜猜他们想点些什么呢?)?) Snack Bar Maybe(可能) Sam would like . Bobby would like . ? ? hungry 饥饿的饥饿的 Watch and answer Food What would they like? (看卡通,选出它们想要的食物。)(看卡通,选出它们想要的食物。) Watch the cartoon Food What would they like? an egg some fish How do they order food? 他们是怎样点餐的?他们是怎样点餐的? Watch and answer (看卡通并回答。)(看卡通并回答。) (划出答案并回答。)(划出答案并回答。) Underline and answer FoodSentences(句子句子) Id like some fish, please. Id like an egg, please. scared(害怕的害怕的) Why are they so scared? ( (他们为什么如此害怕呢?他们为什么如此害怕呢?) ) Can I help you ? (你想要些什么你想要些什么? ) a waiter 服务员服务员 Yes. Id like some fish, please. Id like an egg, please. What a big egg! . . . . . . Read the story (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!) Im hungry. Me too. Read the story (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!) Heres a snack bar. Id like some fish. Id like an egg. Read the story (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!) Can I help you? Yes. Id like some fish, please. Id like an egg, please. Read the story (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!) What a big egg! Read the story (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!) . . . . . . I can read the story. I can read the story correctly. 我能正确朗读课文,得一星一星。 I can read the story correctly and fluently. 我能正确,流利地朗读课文,得两星两星。 I can read it correctly,fluently and emotionally. 我能正确,流利,有感情地朗读课文,得三三星。 Lets dub (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!) Act the story (表演表演) Tip:在小组中分角色准在小组中分角色准 备。备。 I can act the story according to the pictures. 我能根据图片提示表演故事,得我能根据图片提示表演故事,得一星一星。 I can act the story correctly and fluently. 我能正确,流利地表演故事,得我能正确,流利地表演故事,得两星。 I can act it correctly,fluently and emotionally. 我能正确,流利,有感情地表演故事,得我能正确,流利,有感情地表演故事,得三星。 I can act the story. I can act the story according to the pictures. 我能根据图片提示表演故事,得一星一星。 I can act it correctly,fluently and emotionally. 我能正确,流利,有感情地表演故事,得三星。 I can act the story correctly and fluently. 我能正确,流利地表演故事,得两星。 Listen and match (听录音,连线。听录音,连线。) Listen and match (听录音,连线。听录音,连线。) Yang Ling would like and. Wang Bing would likeand. Su Hai would likeand. Liu Tao would likeand. Homework (家作家作) 1.Act the story of Cartoon time in groups. 小组表演小组表演Cartoon time. 2.Choose one scene to make a dialogue and write it down. (At the toy shop / fruit shop / stationery shop ) 自选情景,模仿自选情景,模仿Story time编写一段对话。编写一段对话。 注重语言体验注重语言体验 完善评价机制完善评价机制 译林四上 Unit6 At the snack bar (Period 3) Warm up 1. Self-introduction 2. Free talk 3. Say a rhyme 设计意图:通过对话、歌曲,舒缓学生学习情绪,调整学习状态,同时通过对设计意图:通过对话、歌曲,舒缓学生学习情绪,调整学习状态,同时通过对 话复习旧知。话复习旧知。 Presentation 1.T: Today well learn Unit 6 Cartoon time 、Checkout time and Ticking time ,We should work hard ,because today well try to learn these 设计意图:引出话题设计意图:引出话题food and drinks, 出示教学目标,使学生明确本节课的学出示教学目标,使学生明确本节课的学 习目标以及学习策略。习目标以及学习策略。 Name the food and drinks T: First ,lets name the food and drinks (边复习边交流) S: A hamburger. T: Do you like hamburgers? S: Yes, I do. T: Me too. Most of students like hamburgers. Say more food and drinks T:Do you know any other food ? S: Cake/Pie/Sweets T: So many food and drinks, I start to feel hungry , Im hungry, how about you ? If youre hungry, too, you can say “Me too” But we cant eat anything now ,we just can look ,name and tick, so sad. Take out your ticking card, show me your fingers. You can count and tick now.(教师出示 Ticking time) T: How many stars did you get? (学生完成 Ticking time 第一版块) S: Two/Three. 设计意图:通过复习第一、二课时所学饮料及食物类单词为引入本课新知做铺设计意图:通过复习第一、二课时所学饮料及食物类单词为引入本课新知做铺 垫,并通过垫,并通过Ticking time检查学生所学,引导学生完成自我评价。检查学生所学,引导学生完成自我评价。 2. Play a game 设计意图:用游戏激发学生学习兴趣,调动其参与活动的积极性,巧妙地进行设计意图:用游戏激发学生学习兴趣,调动其参与活动的积极性,巧妙地进行 过渡,教学新单词过渡,教学新单词snack bar,同时将学生带入故事中。,同时将学生带入故事中。 3.Cartoon time Look and answer(PPT 出示图片) T: Bobby and Sam are at the snack bar now .Because they are hungry. Suppose youre Sam or Bobby ,what will you say? What would you like?Guess! You can say“Maybe” S: Maybe Sam would like a pie./ Maybe Bobby would like a hamburger 设计意图:培养学生仔细看图习惯,了解图片信息,并能根据提示用英语进行设计意图:培养学生仔细看图习惯,了解图片信息,并能根据提示用英语进行 思维。思维。 Watch and answer T:Now lets watch the cartoon, then tell me what they would like. 设计意图:观看动画整体感知故事,边读边导,使学生初步理解故事大意。了设计意图:观看动画整体感知故事,边读边导,使学生初步理解故事大意。了 解解Sam和和Bobby各自想要什么食物。各自想要什么食物。 Read and underline(通过阅读故事,揭示 Bobby 和 Sam 想要什么) T: Underline what Bobby and Sam would like. 设计意图:培养学生学会用圈关键词的方法进行阅读,养成良好的阅读习惯。设计意图:培养学生学会用圈关键词的方法进行阅读,养成良好的阅读习惯。 Look and learn T: So they think ,there will be something to eat ,they will not be hungry. They are happy. But look at them, they are scared. What happened? Why are they so scared?(师出示图片,引导学生比较两幅图中 Sam 和 Bobby 的表情,尝试用 不同语气说出课文中的句子。 ) T: I think theyre so scared because of the waiter. Look at the waiter ,a gorilla. As we know ,if we come to the snack bar, a waiter or a waitress will say something . What do they usually say? “Can I help you?” They say this sentence politely with a smile. But how about the gorilla? Listen! Try to imitate. S: Can I help you?(学生尝试用不同语气说出) T: They are so scared. So how do they say the sentence? S: Sam :Yes. Id like some fish, please. Bobby: Id like an egg, please. (学生尝试 用害怕的口气说出) T: The waiter gave them the food . What are they? An egg (出示板书图片对比) How will he say the sentence “ What a big egg!” S: What a big egg! (学生用夸张的语气说出) T: Look at the fish. So ugly. What will Sam say? S: Oh, my god./ Oh, dear 设计意图:逐图学习故事,感受人物表情、语气、语调等变化,体验故事人物设计意图:逐图学习故事,感受人物表情、语气、语调等变化,体验故事人物 语句,了解故事脉络,感受语句,了解故事脉络,感受Cartoon time的幽默所在,让学生学会在不同情境的幽默所在,让学生学会在不同情境 中如何使用语言。中如何使用语言。 Read the story and tick(学生朗读课文:跟读齐读,给自己评价) 设计意图:培养学生朗读课文的良好学习习惯,感受不同情境下的语音语调。设计意图:培养学生朗读课文的良好学习习惯,感受不同情境下的语音语调。 同时,学生通过自评的方式激发学生完成学习目标。同时,学生通过自评的方式激发学生完成学习目标。 Dub 设计意图:通过为课文配音,分角色朗读,为课文表演作铺垫,降低学习难度。设计意图:通过为课文配音,分角色朗读,为课文表演作铺垫,降低学习难度。 Act (学生组内表演相互评价再上台展示) 设计意图:通过表演课文,让学生体验故事的趣味性,并能运用目标语言,达设计意图:通过表演课文,让学生体验故事的趣味性,并能运用目标语言,达 成教学目标。成教学目标。 Consolidation 1. Listen and match 2.Order the food(教师出示小练习) 3.Count the stars(学生通过所得星星数,检查学习情况) T: So how many stars did you get today? Lets count. If you got 1-4 stars, you should come on. If you got 5-8 stars, you are good. If you got more than 8 stars, you are great! 设计意图:通过听力练习,检查巩固本课所学目标语言及单词,完成学生评价。设计意图:通过听力练习,检查巩固本课所学目标语言及单词,完成学生评价。 Homework 1.Act the story of Cartoon time in groups. 2.Choose one scene to make a dialogue and write it down. (At the toy shop / fruit shop / stationery shop )
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